1 /* 2 * Copyright (C) 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. 3 * 4 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 5 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 6 * are met: 7 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 8 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 9 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 10 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 11 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 12 * 13 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY 14 * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 15 * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 16 * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR 17 * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, 18 * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, 19 * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR 20 * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY 21 * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT 22 * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE 23 * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 24 */ 25 26 #ifndef WebGLRenderingContext_h 27 #define WebGLRenderingContext_h 28 29 #include "CanvasRenderingContext.h" 30 #include "ExceptionCode.h" 31 #include "Float32Array.h" 32 #include "GraphicsContext3D.h" 33 #include "Int32Array.h" 34 #include "PlatformString.h" 35 #include "Timer.h" 36 #include "Uint8Array.h" 37 #include "WebGLGetInfo.h" 38 39 #include <wtf/OwnArrayPtr.h> 40 41 namespace WebCore { 42 43 class WebGLActiveInfo; 44 class WebGLBuffer; 45 class WebGLContextAttributes; 46 class WebGLExtension; 47 class WebGLFramebuffer; 48 class WebGLObject; 49 class WebGLProgram; 50 class WebGLRenderbuffer; 51 class WebGLShader; 52 class WebGLTexture; 53 class WebGLUniformLocation; 54 class WebKitLoseContext; 55 class HTMLImageElement; 56 class HTMLVideoElement; 57 class ImageBuffer; 58 class ImageData; 59 class IntSize; 60 class OESStandardDerivatives; 61 class OESTextureFloat; 62 class OESVertexArrayObject; 63 class WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES; 64 65 class WebGLRenderingContext : public CanvasRenderingContext { 66 public: 67 static PassOwnPtr<WebGLRenderingContext> create(HTMLCanvasElement*, WebGLContextAttributes*); 68 virtual ~WebGLRenderingContext(); 69 is3d()70 virtual bool is3d() const { return true; } isAccelerated()71 virtual bool isAccelerated() const { return true; } 72 virtual bool paintsIntoCanvasBuffer() const; 73 74 void activeTexture(GC3Denum texture, ExceptionCode&); 75 void attachShader(WebGLProgram*, WebGLShader*, ExceptionCode&); 76 void bindAttribLocation(WebGLProgram*, GC3Duint index, const String& name, ExceptionCode&); 77 void bindBuffer(GC3Denum target, WebGLBuffer*, ExceptionCode&); 78 void bindFramebuffer(GC3Denum target, WebGLFramebuffer*, ExceptionCode&); 79 void bindRenderbuffer(GC3Denum target, WebGLRenderbuffer*, ExceptionCode&); 80 void bindTexture(GC3Denum target, WebGLTexture*, ExceptionCode&); 81 void blendColor(GC3Dfloat red, GC3Dfloat green, GC3Dfloat blue, GC3Dfloat alpha); 82 void blendEquation(GC3Denum mode); 83 void blendEquationSeparate(GC3Denum modeRGB, GC3Denum modeAlpha); 84 void blendFunc(GC3Denum sfactor, GC3Denum dfactor); 85 void blendFuncSeparate(GC3Denum srcRGB, GC3Denum dstRGB, GC3Denum srcAlpha, GC3Denum dstAlpha); 86 87 void bufferData(GC3Denum target, GC3Dsizeiptr size, GC3Denum usage, ExceptionCode&); 88 void bufferData(GC3Denum target, ArrayBuffer* data, GC3Denum usage, ExceptionCode&); 89 void bufferData(GC3Denum target, ArrayBufferView* data, GC3Denum usage, ExceptionCode&); 90 void bufferSubData(GC3Denum target, GC3Dintptr offset, ArrayBuffer* data, ExceptionCode&); 91 void bufferSubData(GC3Denum target, GC3Dintptr offset, ArrayBufferView* data, ExceptionCode&); 92 93 GC3Denum checkFramebufferStatus(GC3Denum target); 94 void clear(GC3Dbitfield mask); 95 void clearColor(GC3Dfloat red, GC3Dfloat green, GC3Dfloat blue, GC3Dfloat alpha); 96 void clearDepth(GC3Dfloat); 97 void clearStencil(GC3Dint); 98 void colorMask(GC3Dboolean red, GC3Dboolean green, GC3Dboolean blue, GC3Dboolean alpha); 99 void compileShader(WebGLShader*, ExceptionCode&); 100 101 // void compressedTexImage2D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Denum internalformat, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, GC3Dint border, GC3Dsizei imageSize, const void* data); 102 // void compressedTexSubImage2D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei GC3Dsizei height, GC3Denum format, GC3Dsizei imageSize, const void* data); 103 104 void copyTexImage2D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Denum internalformat, GC3Dint x, GC3Dint y, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, GC3Dint border); 105 void copyTexSubImage2D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, GC3Dint x, GC3Dint y, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height); 106 107 PassRefPtr<WebGLBuffer> createBuffer(); 108 PassRefPtr<WebGLFramebuffer> createFramebuffer(); 109 PassRefPtr<WebGLProgram> createProgram(); 110 PassRefPtr<WebGLRenderbuffer> createRenderbuffer(); 111 PassRefPtr<WebGLShader> createShader(GC3Denum type, ExceptionCode&); 112 PassRefPtr<WebGLTexture> createTexture(); 113 114 void cullFace(GC3Denum mode); 115 116 void deleteBuffer(WebGLBuffer*); 117 void deleteFramebuffer(WebGLFramebuffer*); 118 void deleteProgram(WebGLProgram*); 119 void deleteRenderbuffer(WebGLRenderbuffer*); 120 void deleteShader(WebGLShader*); 121 void deleteTexture(WebGLTexture*); 122 123 void depthFunc(GC3Denum); 124 void depthMask(GC3Dboolean); 125 void depthRange(GC3Dfloat zNear, GC3Dfloat zFar); 126 void detachShader(WebGLProgram*, WebGLShader*, ExceptionCode&); 127 void disable(GC3Denum cap); 128 void disableVertexAttribArray(GC3Duint index, ExceptionCode&); 129 void drawArrays(GC3Denum mode, GC3Dint first, GC3Dsizei count, ExceptionCode&); 130 void drawElements(GC3Denum mode, GC3Dsizei count, GC3Denum type, GC3Dintptr offset, ExceptionCode&); 131 132 void enable(GC3Denum cap); 133 void enableVertexAttribArray(GC3Duint index, ExceptionCode&); 134 void finish(); 135 void flush(); 136 void framebufferRenderbuffer(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum attachment, GC3Denum renderbuffertarget, WebGLRenderbuffer*, ExceptionCode&); 137 void framebufferTexture2D(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum attachment, GC3Denum textarget, WebGLTexture*, GC3Dint level, ExceptionCode&); 138 void frontFace(GC3Denum mode); 139 void generateMipmap(GC3Denum target); 140 141 PassRefPtr<WebGLActiveInfo> getActiveAttrib(WebGLProgram*, GC3Duint index, ExceptionCode&); 142 PassRefPtr<WebGLActiveInfo> getActiveUniform(WebGLProgram*, GC3Duint index, ExceptionCode&); 143 bool getAttachedShaders(WebGLProgram*, Vector<WebGLShader*>&, ExceptionCode&); 144 GC3Dint getAttribLocation(WebGLProgram*, const String& name); 145 WebGLGetInfo getBufferParameter(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum pname, ExceptionCode&); 146 PassRefPtr<WebGLContextAttributes> getContextAttributes(); 147 GC3Denum getError(); 148 WebGLExtension* getExtension(const String& name); 149 WebGLGetInfo getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum attachment, GC3Denum pname, ExceptionCode&); 150 WebGLGetInfo getParameter(GC3Denum pname, ExceptionCode&); 151 WebGLGetInfo getProgramParameter(WebGLProgram*, GC3Denum pname, ExceptionCode&); 152 String getProgramInfoLog(WebGLProgram*, ExceptionCode&); 153 WebGLGetInfo getRenderbufferParameter(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum pname, ExceptionCode&); 154 WebGLGetInfo getShaderParameter(WebGLShader*, GC3Denum pname, ExceptionCode&); 155 String getShaderInfoLog(WebGLShader*, ExceptionCode&); 156 157 // TBD 158 // void glGetShaderPrecisionFormat (GC3Denum shadertype, GC3Denum precisiontype, GC3Dint* range, GC3Dint* precision); 159 160 String getShaderSource(WebGLShader*, ExceptionCode&); 161 Vector<String> getSupportedExtensions(); 162 WebGLGetInfo getTexParameter(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum pname, ExceptionCode&); 163 WebGLGetInfo getUniform(WebGLProgram*, const WebGLUniformLocation*, ExceptionCode&); 164 PassRefPtr<WebGLUniformLocation> getUniformLocation(WebGLProgram*, const String&, ExceptionCode&); 165 WebGLGetInfo getVertexAttrib(GC3Duint index, GC3Denum pname, ExceptionCode&); 166 GC3Dsizeiptr getVertexAttribOffset(GC3Duint index, GC3Denum pname); 167 168 void hint(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum mode); 169 GC3Dboolean isBuffer(WebGLBuffer*); 170 bool isContextLost(); 171 GC3Dboolean isEnabled(GC3Denum cap); 172 GC3Dboolean isFramebuffer(WebGLFramebuffer*); 173 GC3Dboolean isProgram(WebGLProgram*); 174 GC3Dboolean isRenderbuffer(WebGLRenderbuffer*); 175 GC3Dboolean isShader(WebGLShader*); 176 GC3Dboolean isTexture(WebGLTexture*); 177 178 void lineWidth(GC3Dfloat); 179 void linkProgram(WebGLProgram*, ExceptionCode&); 180 void pixelStorei(GC3Denum pname, GC3Dint param); 181 void polygonOffset(GC3Dfloat factor, GC3Dfloat units); 182 void readPixels(GC3Dint x, GC3Dint y, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, ArrayBufferView* pixels, ExceptionCode&); 183 void releaseShaderCompiler(); 184 void renderbufferStorage(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum internalformat, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height); 185 void sampleCoverage(GC3Dfloat value, GC3Dboolean invert); 186 void scissor(GC3Dint x, GC3Dint y, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height); 187 void shaderSource(WebGLShader*, const String&, ExceptionCode&); 188 void stencilFunc(GC3Denum func, GC3Dint ref, GC3Duint mask); 189 void stencilFuncSeparate(GC3Denum face, GC3Denum func, GC3Dint ref, GC3Duint mask); 190 void stencilMask(GC3Duint); 191 void stencilMaskSeparate(GC3Denum face, GC3Duint mask); 192 void stencilOp(GC3Denum fail, GC3Denum zfail, GC3Denum zpass); 193 void stencilOpSeparate(GC3Denum face, GC3Denum fail, GC3Denum zfail, GC3Denum zpass); 194 195 void texImage2D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Denum internalformat, 196 GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, GC3Dint border, 197 GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, ArrayBufferView*, ExceptionCode&); 198 void texImage2D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Denum internalformat, 199 GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, ImageData*, ExceptionCode&); 200 void texImage2D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Denum internalformat, 201 GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, HTMLImageElement*, ExceptionCode&); 202 void texImage2D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Denum internalformat, 203 GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, HTMLCanvasElement*, ExceptionCode&); 204 #if ENABLE(VIDEO) 205 void texImage2D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Denum internalformat, 206 GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, HTMLVideoElement*, ExceptionCode&); 207 #endif 208 209 void texParameterf(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum pname, GC3Dfloat param); 210 void texParameteri(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum pname, GC3Dint param); 211 212 void texSubImage2D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, 213 GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, 214 GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, ArrayBufferView*, ExceptionCode&); 215 void texSubImage2D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, 216 GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, ImageData*, ExceptionCode&); 217 void texSubImage2D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, 218 GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, HTMLImageElement*, ExceptionCode&); 219 void texSubImage2D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, 220 GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, HTMLCanvasElement*, ExceptionCode&); 221 #if ENABLE(VIDEO) 222 void texSubImage2D(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, 223 GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, HTMLVideoElement*, ExceptionCode&); 224 #endif 225 226 void uniform1f(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dfloat x, ExceptionCode&); 227 void uniform1fv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, Float32Array* v, ExceptionCode&); 228 void uniform1fv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dfloat* v, GC3Dsizei size, ExceptionCode&); 229 void uniform1i(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dint x, ExceptionCode&); 230 void uniform1iv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, Int32Array* v, ExceptionCode&); 231 void uniform1iv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dint* v, GC3Dsizei size, ExceptionCode&); 232 void uniform2f(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dfloat x, GC3Dfloat y, ExceptionCode&); 233 void uniform2fv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, Float32Array* v, ExceptionCode&); 234 void uniform2fv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dfloat* v, GC3Dsizei size, ExceptionCode&); 235 void uniform2i(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dint x, GC3Dint y, ExceptionCode&); 236 void uniform2iv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, Int32Array* v, ExceptionCode&); 237 void uniform2iv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dint* v, GC3Dsizei size, ExceptionCode&); 238 void uniform3f(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dfloat x, GC3Dfloat y, GC3Dfloat z, ExceptionCode&); 239 void uniform3fv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, Float32Array* v, ExceptionCode&); 240 void uniform3fv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dfloat* v, GC3Dsizei size, ExceptionCode&); 241 void uniform3i(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dint x, GC3Dint y, GC3Dint z, ExceptionCode&); 242 void uniform3iv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, Int32Array* v, ExceptionCode&); 243 void uniform3iv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dint* v, GC3Dsizei size, ExceptionCode&); 244 void uniform4f(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dfloat x, GC3Dfloat y, GC3Dfloat z, GC3Dfloat w, ExceptionCode&); 245 void uniform4fv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, Float32Array* v, ExceptionCode&); 246 void uniform4fv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dfloat* v, GC3Dsizei size, ExceptionCode&); 247 void uniform4i(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dint x, GC3Dint y, GC3Dint z, GC3Dint w, ExceptionCode&); 248 void uniform4iv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, Int32Array* v, ExceptionCode&); 249 void uniform4iv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dint* v, GC3Dsizei size, ExceptionCode&); 250 void uniformMatrix2fv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dboolean transpose, Float32Array* value, ExceptionCode&); 251 void uniformMatrix2fv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dboolean transpose, GC3Dfloat* value, GC3Dsizei size, ExceptionCode&); 252 void uniformMatrix3fv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dboolean transpose, Float32Array* value, ExceptionCode&); 253 void uniformMatrix3fv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dboolean transpose, GC3Dfloat* value, GC3Dsizei size, ExceptionCode&); 254 void uniformMatrix4fv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dboolean transpose, Float32Array* value, ExceptionCode&); 255 void uniformMatrix4fv(const WebGLUniformLocation* location, GC3Dboolean transpose, GC3Dfloat* value, GC3Dsizei size, ExceptionCode&); 256 257 void useProgram(WebGLProgram*, ExceptionCode&); 258 void validateProgram(WebGLProgram*, ExceptionCode&); 259 260 void vertexAttrib1f(GC3Duint index, GC3Dfloat x); 261 void vertexAttrib1fv(GC3Duint index, Float32Array* values); 262 void vertexAttrib1fv(GC3Duint index, GC3Dfloat* values, GC3Dsizei size); 263 void vertexAttrib2f(GC3Duint index, GC3Dfloat x, GC3Dfloat y); 264 void vertexAttrib2fv(GC3Duint index, Float32Array* values); 265 void vertexAttrib2fv(GC3Duint index, GC3Dfloat* values, GC3Dsizei size); 266 void vertexAttrib3f(GC3Duint index, GC3Dfloat x, GC3Dfloat y, GC3Dfloat z); 267 void vertexAttrib3fv(GC3Duint index, Float32Array* values); 268 void vertexAttrib3fv(GC3Duint index, GC3Dfloat* values, GC3Dsizei size); 269 void vertexAttrib4f(GC3Duint index, GC3Dfloat x, GC3Dfloat y, GC3Dfloat z, GC3Dfloat w); 270 void vertexAttrib4fv(GC3Duint index, Float32Array* values); 271 void vertexAttrib4fv(GC3Duint index, GC3Dfloat* values, GC3Dsizei size); 272 void vertexAttribPointer(GC3Duint index, GC3Dint size, GC3Denum type, GC3Dboolean normalized, 273 GC3Dsizei stride, GC3Dintptr offset, ExceptionCode&); 274 275 void viewport(GC3Dint x, GC3Dint y, GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height); 276 277 void forceLostContext(); 278 void onLostContext(); 279 void restoreContext(); 280 graphicsContext3D()281 GraphicsContext3D* graphicsContext3D() const { return m_context.get(); } 282 #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) platformLayer()283 virtual PlatformLayer* platformLayer() const { return m_context->platformLayer(); } 284 #endif 285 286 void reshape(int width, int height); 287 288 void markLayerComposited(); 289 virtual void paintRenderingResultsToCanvas(); 290 virtual PassRefPtr<ImageData> paintRenderingResultsToImageData(); 291 292 void removeObject(WebGLObject*); 293 getMaxVertexAttribs()294 unsigned getMaxVertexAttribs() const { return m_maxVertexAttribs; } 295 296 // Helpers for JSC bindings. 297 int getNumberOfExtensions(); 298 WebGLExtension* getExtensionNumber(int i); 299 300 private: 301 friend class WebGLObject; 302 friend class OESVertexArrayObject; 303 304 WebGLRenderingContext(HTMLCanvasElement*, PassRefPtr<GraphicsContext3D>, GraphicsContext3D::Attributes); 305 void initializeNewContext(); 306 void setupFlags(); 307 308 void addObject(WebGLObject*); 309 void detachAndRemoveAllObjects(); 310 WebGLTexture* findTexture(Platform3DObject); 311 WebGLRenderbuffer* findRenderbuffer(Platform3DObject); 312 WebGLBuffer* findBuffer(Platform3DObject); 313 WebGLShader* findShader(Platform3DObject); 314 315 void markContextChanged(); cleanupAfterGraphicsCall(bool changed)316 void cleanupAfterGraphicsCall(bool changed) 317 { 318 if (changed) 319 markContextChanged(); 320 } 321 322 // Query whether it is built on top of compliant GLES2 implementation. isGLES2Compliant()323 bool isGLES2Compliant() { return m_isGLES2Compliant; } 324 // Query if the GL implementation is NPOT strict. isGLES2NPOTStrict()325 bool isGLES2NPOTStrict() { return m_isGLES2NPOTStrict; } 326 // Query if the GL implementation generates errors on out-of-bounds buffer accesses. isErrorGeneratedOnOutOfBoundsAccesses()327 bool isErrorGeneratedOnOutOfBoundsAccesses() { return m_isErrorGeneratedOnOutOfBoundsAccesses; } 328 // Query if the GL implementation initializes textures/renderbuffers to 0. isResourceSafe()329 bool isResourceSafe() { return m_isResourceSafe; } 330 // Query if depth_stencil buffer is supported. isDepthStencilSupported()331 bool isDepthStencilSupported() { return m_isDepthStencilSupported; } 332 333 // Helper to return the size in bytes of OpenGL data types 334 // like GL_FLOAT, GL_INT, etc. 335 unsigned int sizeInBytes(GC3Denum type); 336 337 // Basic validation of count and offset against number of elements in element array buffer 338 bool validateElementArraySize(GC3Dsizei count, GC3Denum type, GC3Dintptr offset); 339 340 // Conservative but quick index validation 341 bool validateIndexArrayConservative(GC3Denum type, int& numElementsRequired); 342 343 // Precise but slow index validation -- only done if conservative checks fail 344 bool validateIndexArrayPrecise(GC3Dsizei count, GC3Denum type, GC3Dintptr offset, int& numElementsRequired); 345 // If numElements <= 0, we only check if each enabled vertex attribute is bound to a buffer. 346 bool validateRenderingState(int numElements); 347 348 bool validateWebGLObject(WebGLObject*); 349 350 #if ENABLE(VIDEO) 351 PassRefPtr<Image> videoFrameToImage(HTMLVideoElement*); 352 #endif 353 354 RefPtr<GraphicsContext3D> m_context; 355 356 class WebGLRenderingContextRestoreTimer : public TimerBase { 357 public: WebGLRenderingContextRestoreTimer(WebGLRenderingContext * context)358 WebGLRenderingContextRestoreTimer(WebGLRenderingContext* context) : m_context(context) { } 359 private: 360 virtual void fired(); 361 WebGLRenderingContext* m_context; 362 }; 363 364 WebGLRenderingContextRestoreTimer m_restoreTimer; 365 366 bool m_needsUpdate; 367 bool m_markedCanvasDirty; 368 HashSet<RefPtr<WebGLObject> > m_canvasObjects; 369 370 // List of bound VBO's. Used to maintain info about sizes for ARRAY_BUFFER and stored values for ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER 371 RefPtr<WebGLBuffer> m_boundArrayBuffer; 372 373 RefPtr<WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES> m_defaultVertexArrayObject; 374 RefPtr<WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES> m_boundVertexArrayObject; setBoundVertexArrayObject(PassRefPtr<WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES> arrayObject)375 void setBoundVertexArrayObject(PassRefPtr<WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES> arrayObject) 376 { 377 if (arrayObject) 378 m_boundVertexArrayObject = arrayObject; 379 else 380 m_boundVertexArrayObject = m_defaultVertexArrayObject; 381 } 382 383 class VertexAttribValue { 384 public: VertexAttribValue()385 VertexAttribValue() 386 { 387 initValue(); 388 } 389 initValue()390 void initValue() 391 { 392 value[0] = 0.0f; 393 value[1] = 0.0f; 394 value[2] = 0.0f; 395 value[3] = 1.0f; 396 } 397 398 GC3Dfloat value[4]; 399 }; 400 Vector<VertexAttribValue> m_vertexAttribValue; 401 unsigned m_maxVertexAttribs; 402 RefPtr<WebGLBuffer> m_vertexAttrib0Buffer; 403 long m_vertexAttrib0BufferSize; 404 GC3Dfloat m_vertexAttrib0BufferValue[4]; 405 bool m_forceAttrib0BufferRefill; 406 bool m_vertexAttrib0UsedBefore; 407 408 RefPtr<WebGLProgram> m_currentProgram; 409 RefPtr<WebGLFramebuffer> m_framebufferBinding; 410 RefPtr<WebGLRenderbuffer> m_renderbufferBinding; 411 class TextureUnitState { 412 public: 413 RefPtr<WebGLTexture> m_texture2DBinding; 414 RefPtr<WebGLTexture> m_textureCubeMapBinding; 415 }; 416 Vector<TextureUnitState> m_textureUnits; 417 unsigned long m_activeTextureUnit; 418 419 RefPtr<WebGLTexture> m_blackTexture2D; 420 RefPtr<WebGLTexture> m_blackTextureCubeMap; 421 422 // Fixed-size cache of reusable image buffers for video texImage2D calls. 423 class LRUImageBufferCache { 424 public: 425 LRUImageBufferCache(int capacity); 426 // The pointer returned is owned by the image buffer map. 427 ImageBuffer* imageBuffer(const IntSize& size); 428 private: 429 void bubbleToFront(int idx); 430 OwnArrayPtr<OwnPtr<ImageBuffer> > m_buffers; 431 int m_capacity; 432 }; 433 LRUImageBufferCache m_videoCache; 434 435 GC3Dint m_maxTextureSize; 436 GC3Dint m_maxCubeMapTextureSize; 437 GC3Dint m_maxTextureLevel; 438 GC3Dint m_maxCubeMapTextureLevel; 439 440 GC3Dint m_packAlignment; 441 GC3Dint m_unpackAlignment; 442 bool m_unpackFlipY; 443 bool m_unpackPremultiplyAlpha; 444 GC3Denum m_unpackColorspaceConversion; 445 bool m_contextLost; 446 GraphicsContext3D::Attributes m_attributes; 447 448 bool m_layerCleared; 449 GC3Dfloat m_clearColor[4]; 450 bool m_scissorEnabled; 451 GC3Dfloat m_clearDepth; 452 GC3Dint m_clearStencil; 453 GC3Dboolean m_colorMask[4]; 454 455 long m_stencilBits; 456 GC3Duint m_stencilMask, m_stencilMaskBack; 457 GC3Dint m_stencilFuncRef, m_stencilFuncRefBack; // Note that these are the user specified values, not the internal clamped value. 458 GC3Duint m_stencilFuncMask, m_stencilFuncMaskBack; 459 460 bool m_isGLES2Compliant; 461 bool m_isGLES2NPOTStrict; 462 bool m_isErrorGeneratedOnOutOfBoundsAccesses; 463 bool m_isResourceSafe; 464 bool m_isDepthStencilSupported; 465 466 // Enabled extension objects. 467 RefPtr<OESTextureFloat> m_oesTextureFloat; 468 RefPtr<OESStandardDerivatives> m_oesStandardDerivatives; 469 RefPtr<OESVertexArrayObject> m_oesVertexArrayObject; 470 RefPtr<WebKitLoseContext> m_webkitLoseContext; 471 472 // Helpers for getParameter and others 473 WebGLGetInfo getBooleanParameter(GC3Denum); 474 WebGLGetInfo getBooleanArrayParameter(GC3Denum); 475 WebGLGetInfo getFloatParameter(GC3Denum); 476 WebGLGetInfo getIntParameter(GC3Denum); 477 WebGLGetInfo getUnsignedIntParameter(GC3Denum); 478 WebGLGetInfo getWebGLFloatArrayParameter(GC3Denum); 479 WebGLGetInfo getWebGLIntArrayParameter(GC3Denum); 480 481 // Clear the backbuffer if it was composited since the last operation. 482 // clearMask is set to the bitfield of any clear that would happen anyway at this time 483 // and the function returns true if that clear is now unnecessary. 484 bool clearIfComposited(GC3Dbitfield clearMask = 0); 485 486 void texImage2DBase(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Denum internalformat, 487 GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, GC3Dint border, 488 GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, void* pixels, ExceptionCode&); 489 void texImage2DImpl(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Denum internalformat, 490 GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, Image*, 491 bool flipY, bool premultiplyAlpha, ExceptionCode&); 492 void texSubImage2DBase(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, 493 GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, 494 GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, void* pixels, ExceptionCode&); 495 void texSubImage2DImpl(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, GC3Dint xoffset, GC3Dint yoffset, 496 GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, 497 Image* image, bool flipY, bool premultiplyAlpha, ExceptionCode&); 498 499 void handleNPOTTextures(bool prepareToDraw); 500 501 void createFallbackBlackTextures1x1(); 502 503 // Helper function for copyTex{Sub}Image, check whether the internalformat 504 // and the color buffer format of the current bound framebuffer combination 505 // is valid. 506 bool isTexInternalFormatColorBufferCombinationValid(GC3Denum texInternalFormat, 507 GC3Denum colorBufferFormat); 508 509 // Helper function to get the bound framebuffer's color buffer format. 510 GC3Denum getBoundFramebufferColorFormat(); 511 512 // Helper function to get the bound framebuffer's width. 513 int getBoundFramebufferWidth(); 514 515 // Helper function to get the bound framebuffer's height. 516 int getBoundFramebufferHeight(); 517 518 // Helper function to check if size is non-negative. 519 // Generate GL error and return false for negative inputs; otherwise, return true. 520 bool validateSize(GC3Dint x, GC3Dint y); 521 522 // Helper function to check if all characters in the string belong to the 523 // ASCII subset as defined in GLSL ES 1.0 spec section 3.1. 524 bool validateString(const String&); 525 526 // Helper function to check target and texture bound to the target. 527 // Generate GL errors and return 0 if target is invalid or texture bound is 528 // null. Otherwise, return the texture bound to the target. 529 WebGLTexture* validateTextureBinding(GC3Denum target, bool useSixEnumsForCubeMap); 530 531 // Helper function to check input format/type for functions {copy}Tex{Sub}Image. 532 // Generates GL error and returns false if parameters are invalid. 533 bool validateTexFuncFormatAndType(GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type); 534 535 // Helper function to check input level for functions {copy}Tex{Sub}Image. 536 // Generates GL error and returns false if level is invalid. 537 bool validateTexFuncLevel(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level); 538 539 // Helper function to check input parameters for functions {copy}Tex{Sub}Image. 540 // Generates GL error and returns false if parameters are invalid. 541 bool validateTexFuncParameters(GC3Denum target, GC3Dint level, 542 GC3Denum internalformat, 543 GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, GC3Dint border, 544 GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type); 545 546 // Helper function to validate that the given ArrayBufferView 547 // is of the correct type and contains enough data for the texImage call. 548 // Generates GL error and returns false if parameters are invalid. 549 bool validateTexFuncData(GC3Dsizei width, GC3Dsizei height, 550 GC3Denum format, GC3Denum type, 551 ArrayBufferView* pixels); 552 553 // Helper function to validate mode for draw{Arrays/Elements}. 554 bool validateDrawMode(GC3Denum); 555 556 // Helper function to validate if front/back stencilMask and stencilFunc settings are the same. 557 bool validateStencilSettings(); 558 559 // Helper function to validate stencil func. 560 bool validateStencilFunc(GC3Denum); 561 562 // Helper function for texParameterf and texParameteri. 563 void texParameter(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum pname, GC3Dfloat parami, GC3Dint paramf, bool isFloat); 564 565 // Helper function to print warnings to console. Currently 566 // used only to warn about use of obsolete functions. 567 void printWarningToConsole(const String&); 568 569 // Helper function to validate input parameters for framebuffer functions. 570 // Generate GL error if parameters are illegal. 571 bool validateFramebufferFuncParameters(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum attachment); 572 573 // Helper function to validate blend equation mode. 574 bool validateBlendEquation(GC3Denum); 575 576 // Helper function to validate blend func factors. 577 bool validateBlendFuncFactors(GC3Denum src, GC3Denum dst); 578 579 // Helper function to validate a GL capability. 580 bool validateCapability(GC3Denum); 581 582 // Helper function to validate input parameters for uniform functions. 583 bool validateUniformParameters(const WebGLUniformLocation*, Float32Array*, GC3Dsizei mod); 584 bool validateUniformParameters(const WebGLUniformLocation*, Int32Array*, GC3Dsizei mod); 585 bool validateUniformParameters(const WebGLUniformLocation*, void*, GC3Dsizei size, GC3Dsizei mod); 586 bool validateUniformMatrixParameters(const WebGLUniformLocation*, GC3Dboolean transpose, Float32Array*, GC3Dsizei mod); 587 bool validateUniformMatrixParameters(const WebGLUniformLocation*, GC3Dboolean transpose, void*, GC3Dsizei size, GC3Dsizei mod); 588 589 // Helper function to validate parameters for bufferData. 590 // Return the current bound buffer to target, or 0 if parameters are invalid. 591 WebGLBuffer* validateBufferDataParameters(GC3Denum target, GC3Denum usage); 592 593 // Helper function for tex{Sub}Image2D to make sure image is ready. 594 bool validateHTMLImageElement(HTMLImageElement*); 595 596 // Helper functions for vertexAttribNf{v}. 597 void vertexAttribfImpl(GC3Duint index, GC3Dsizei expectedSize, GC3Dfloat, GC3Dfloat, GC3Dfloat, GC3Dfloat); 598 void vertexAttribfvImpl(GC3Duint index, Float32Array*, GC3Dsizei expectedSize); 599 void vertexAttribfvImpl(GC3Duint index, GC3Dfloat*, GC3Dsizei size, GC3Dsizei expectedSize); 600 601 // Helper function for delete* (deleteBuffer, deleteProgram, etc) functions. 602 // Return false if caller should return without further processing. 603 bool deleteObject(WebGLObject*); 604 605 // Helper function for bind* (bindBuffer, bindTexture, etc) and useProgram. 606 // If the object has already been deleted, set deleted to true upon return. 607 // Return false if caller should return without further processing. 608 bool checkObjectToBeBound(WebGLObject*, bool& deleted); 609 610 // Helpers for simulating vertexAttrib0 611 void initVertexAttrib0(); 612 bool simulateVertexAttrib0(GC3Dsizei numVertex); 613 void restoreStatesAfterVertexAttrib0Simulation(); 614 615 friend class WebGLStateRestorer; 616 }; 617 618 } // namespace WebCore 619 620 #endif 621