1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17 #include <malloc.h>
18 #include <string.h>
20 #include <rs.h>
21 #include "RenderScript.h"
23 using namespace android;
24 using namespace RSC;
calcElementCount()26 void Type::calcElementCount() {
27 bool hasLod = hasMipmaps();
28 uint32_t x = getX();
29 uint32_t y = getY();
30 uint32_t z = getZ();
31 uint32_t faces = 1;
32 if (hasFaces()) {
33 faces = 6;
34 }
35 if (x == 0) {
36 x = 1;
37 }
38 if (y == 0) {
39 y = 1;
40 }
41 if (z == 0) {
42 z = 1;
43 }
45 uint32_t count = x * y * z * faces;
46 while (hasLod && ((x > 1) || (y > 1) || (z > 1))) {
47 if(x > 1) {
48 x >>= 1;
49 }
50 if(y > 1) {
51 y >>= 1;
52 }
53 if(z > 1) {
54 z >>= 1;
55 }
57 count += x * y * z * faces;
58 }
59 mElementCount = count;
60 }
Type(void * id,sp<RS> rs)63 Type::Type(void *id, sp<RS> rs) : BaseObj(id, rs) {
64 mDimX = 0;
65 mDimY = 0;
66 mDimZ = 0;
67 mDimMipmaps = false;
68 mDimFaces = false;
69 mElement = NULL;
70 }
updateFromNative()72 void Type::updateFromNative() {
73 // We have 6 integer to obtain mDimX; mDimY; mDimZ;
74 // mDimLOD; mDimFaces; mElement;
76 /*
77 int[] dataBuffer = new int[6];
78 mRS.nTypeGetNativeData(getID(), dataBuffer);
80 mDimX = dataBuffer[0];
81 mDimY = dataBuffer[1];
82 mDimZ = dataBuffer[2];
83 mDimMipmaps = dataBuffer[3] == 1 ? true : false;
84 mDimFaces = dataBuffer[4] == 1 ? true : false;
86 int elementID = dataBuffer[5];
87 if(elementID != 0) {
88 mElement = new Element(elementID, mRS);
89 mElement.updateFromNative();
90 }
91 calcElementCount();
92 */
93 }
create(sp<RS> rs,sp<const Element> e,uint32_t dimX,uint32_t dimY,uint32_t dimZ)95 sp<const Type> Type::create(sp<RS> rs, sp<const Element> e, uint32_t dimX, uint32_t dimY, uint32_t dimZ) {
96 void * id = rsTypeCreate(rs->getContext(), e->getID(), dimX, dimY, dimZ, false, false, 0);
97 Type *t = new Type(id, rs);
99 t->mElement = e;
100 t->mDimX = dimX;
101 t->mDimY = dimY;
102 t->mDimZ = dimZ;
103 t->mDimMipmaps = false;
104 t->mDimFaces = false;
106 t->calcElementCount();
108 return t;
109 }
Builder(sp<RS> rs,sp<const Element> e)111 Type::Builder::Builder(sp<RS> rs, sp<const Element> e) {
112 mRS = rs;
113 mElement = e;
114 mDimX = 0;
115 mDimY = 0;
116 mDimZ = 0;
117 mDimMipmaps = false;
118 mDimFaces = false;
119 }
setX(uint32_t value)121 void Type::Builder::setX(uint32_t value) {
122 if(value < 1) {
123 ALOGE("Values of less than 1 for Dimension X are not valid.");
124 }
125 mDimX = value;
126 }
setY(int value)128 void Type::Builder::setY(int value) {
129 if(value < 1) {
130 ALOGE("Values of less than 1 for Dimension Y are not valid.");
131 }
132 mDimY = value;
133 }
setMipmaps(bool value)135 void Type::Builder::setMipmaps(bool value) {
136 mDimMipmaps = value;
137 }
setFaces(bool value)139 void Type::Builder::setFaces(bool value) {
140 mDimFaces = value;
141 }
create()143 sp<const Type> Type::Builder::create() {
144 if (mDimZ > 0) {
145 if ((mDimX < 1) || (mDimY < 1)) {
146 ALOGE("Both X and Y dimension required when Z is present.");
147 }
148 if (mDimFaces) {
149 ALOGE("Cube maps not supported with 3D types.");
150 }
151 }
152 if (mDimY > 0) {
153 if (mDimX < 1) {
154 ALOGE("X dimension required when Y is present.");
155 }
156 }
157 if (mDimFaces) {
158 if (mDimY < 1) {
159 ALOGE("Cube maps require 2D Types.");
160 }
161 }
163 void * id = rsTypeCreate(mRS->getContext(), mElement->getID(), mDimX, mDimY, mDimZ,
164 mDimMipmaps, mDimFaces, 0);
165 Type *t = new Type(id, mRS);
166 t->mElement = mElement;
167 t->mDimX = mDimX;
168 t->mDimY = mDimY;
169 t->mDimZ = mDimZ;
170 t->mDimMipmaps = mDimMipmaps;
171 t->mDimFaces = mDimFaces;
173 t->calcElementCount();
174 return t;
175 }