1{ 2 // chrome-extension://hhaomjibdihmijegdhdafkllkbggdgoj/ 3 "key": "MIGdMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GLADCBhwKBgQDlhpGghtnNJ7pluQN0RDwbUxwwi99oM35ZEaFYvxPLrf0fIEC18cfDdJi6u4aJ+UoSpgzK731L0P/k4LvK2Rz9kVKOy0+IvuRrWkT7lbrLfA1UEBh02OA1AAshjmyRg4IxCqgl8ia8XWq6HKegS1y1KXZYGgb4qp7Bh9VC4cIzswIBIw==", 4 "manifest_version": 2, 5 "name": "Files", 6 "version": "3.0", 7 "description": "File Manager", 8 "incognito" : "split", 9 "icons": { 10 "16": "common/images/icon16.png", 11 "32": "common/images/icon32.png", 12 "48": "common/images/icon48.png", 13 "64": "common/images/icon64.png", 14 "96": "common/images/icon96.png", 15 "128": "common/images/icon128.png", 16 "256": "common/images/icon256.png" 17 }, 18 "permissions": [ 19 "contextMenus", 20 "experimental", 21 "echoPrivate", 22 "storage", 23 "fileBrowserHandler", 24 "fileBrowserPrivate", 25 "fullscreen", 26 "mediaPlayerPrivate", 27 "mediaGalleriesPrivate", 28 "metricsPrivate", 29 "notifications", 30 "commandLinePrivate", 31 "unlimitedStorage", 32 "webview", 33 // Comment out chrome:// permissions to debug on a desktop browser. 34 "chrome://extension-icon/", 35 "chrome://resources/", 36 "chrome://theme/", 37 "tabs", 38 "clipboardWrite", 39 "clipboardRead", 40 "power", 41 "https://docs.google.com/", 42 "https://*.googleusercontent.com/", 43 "https://drive.google.com/" 44 ], 45 "file_browser_handlers": [ 46 { 47 "id": "play", 48 "default_title": "__MSG_PLAY_MEDIA__", 49 "default_icon": "common/images/file_types/200/audio.png", 50 "file_filters": [ 51 "filesystem:*.amr", 52 "filesystem:*.flac", 53 "filesystem:*.m4a", 54 "filesystem:*.mp3", 55 "filesystem:*.oga", 56 "filesystem:*.ogg", 57 "filesystem:*.wav" 58 ] 59 }, 60 { 61 "id": "watch", 62 "default_title": "__MSG_PLAY_MEDIA__", 63 "default_icon": "common/images/file_types/200/video.png", 64 "file_filters": [ 65 "filesystem:*.3gp", 66 "filesystem:*.avi", 67 "filesystem:*.m4v", 68 "filesystem:*.mkv", 69 "filesystem:*.mov", 70 "filesystem:*.mp4", 71 "filesystem:*.mpeg", 72 "filesystem:*.mpeg4", 73 "filesystem:*.mpg", 74 "filesystem:*.mpg4", 75 "filesystem:*.ogm", 76 "filesystem:*.ogv", 77 "filesystem:*.ogx", 78 "filesystem:*.webm" 79 ] 80 }, 81 { 82 "id": "mount-archive", 83 "default_title": "__MSG_MOUNT_ARCHIVE__", 84 "default_icon": "common/images/file_types/200/archive.png", 85 "file_filters": [ 86 "filesystem:*.rar", 87 "filesystem:*.zip" 88 ] 89 }, 90 { 91 "id": "view-pdf", 92 "default_title": "__MSG_OPEN_ACTION__", 93 "default_icon": "common/images/file_types/200/pdf.png", 94 "file_filters": [ 95 "filesystem:*.pdf" 96 ] 97 }, 98 { 99 "id": "view-swf", 100 "default_title": "__MSG_OPEN_ACTION__", 101 "default_icon": "common/images/file_types/200/generic.png", 102 "file_filters": [ 103 "filesystem:*.swf" 104 ] 105 }, 106 { 107 "id": "view-in-browser", 108 "default_title": "__MSG_OPEN_ACTION__", 109 "default_icon": "common/images/file_types/200/generic.png", 110 "file_filters": [ 111 "filesystem:*.htm", 112 "filesystem:*.html", 113 "filesystem:*.mht", 114 "filesystem:*.mhtml", 115 "filesystem:*.txt" 116 ] 117 }, 118 { 119 "id": "gallery", 120 "default_title": "__MSG_OPEN_ACTION__", 121 "default_icon": "common/images/file_types/200/image.png", 122 "file_filters": [ 123 // Image formats 124 "filesystem:*.bmp", 125 "filesystem:*.gif", 126 "filesystem:*.ico", 127 "filesystem:*.jpg", 128 "filesystem:*.jpeg", 129 "filesystem:*.png", 130 "filesystem:*.webp", 131 // Video formats 132 "filesystem:*.3gp", 133 "filesystem:*.avi", 134 "filesystem:*.m4v", 135 "filesystem:*.mkv", 136 "filesystem:*.mov", 137 "filesystem:*.mp4", 138 "filesystem:*.mpeg", 139 "filesystem:*.mpeg4", 140 "filesystem:*.mpg", 141 "filesystem:*.mpg4", 142 "filesystem:*.ogm", 143 "filesystem:*.ogv", 144 "filesystem:*.ogx", 145 "filesystem:*.webm" 146 ] 147 }, 148 { 149 "id": "open-hosted-generic", 150 "default_title": "__MSG_HOSTED__", 151 "default_icon": "common/images/file_types/200generic.png", 152 "file_filters": [ 153 "filesystem:*.gdraw", 154 "filesystem:*.gtable", 155 "filesystem:*.gform" 156 ] 157 }, 158 { 159 "id": "open-hosted-gdoc", 160 "default_title": "__MSG_HOSTED__", 161 "default_icon": "common/images/file_types/200/generic.png", 162 "file_filters": [ 163 "filesystem:*.gdoc" 164 ] 165 }, 166 { 167 "id": "open-hosted-gsheet", 168 "default_title": "__MSG_HOSTED__", 169 "default_icon": "common/images/file_types/200/generic.png", 170 "file_filters": [ 171 "filesystem:*.gsheet" 172 ] 173 }, 174 { 175 "id": "open-hosted-gslides", 176 "default_title": "__MSG_HOSTED__", 177 "default_icon": "common/images/file_types/200/generic.png", 178 "file_filters": [ 179 "filesystem:*.gslides" 180 ] 181 }, 182 // The following handlers are used only internally, therefore they do not 183 // have any file filter. 184 // Automatically opens a volume and later close Files.app when unmounted. 185 { 186 "id": "auto-open", 187 "default_title": "__MSG_OPEN_ACTION__", 188 "default_icon": "common/images/file_types/200/generic.png", 189 "file_filters": [] 190 }, 191 // Selects the passed file after launching Files.app. 192 { 193 "id": "select", 194 "default_title": "__MSG_OPEN_ACTION__", 195 "default_icon": "common/images/file_types/200/generic.png", 196 "file_filters": [] 197 }, 198 // Opens the passed directory after launching Files.app. 199 { 200 "id": "open", 201 "default_title": "__MSG_OPEN_ACTION__", 202 "default_icon": "common/images/file_types/200/generic.png", 203 "file_filters": [] 204 } 205 ], 206 // Required to import scripts in a web worker. Note, that in Apps v2, it is 207 // enough that anything is passed to web_accessible_resources. If there is 208 // at least any file, then all files are allowed. http://crbug.com/179127. 209 "web_accessible_resources": ["foreground/js/metadata/byte_reader.js"], 210 "app": { 211 "background": { 212 "scripts": [ 213 "chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.js", 214 "chrome://resources/js/cr.js", 215 "chrome://resources/js/cr/event_target.js", 216 "chrome://resources/js/cr/ui/array_data_model.js", 217 "common/js/async_util.js", 218 "common/js/path_util.js", 219 "common/js/progress_center_common.js", 220 "common/js/util.js", 221 "background/js/volume_manager.js", 222 "background/js/file_operation_handler.js", 223 "background/js/file_operation_manager.js", 224 "background/js/test_util.js", 225 "background/js/progress_center.js", 226 "background/js/background.js"] 227 }, 228 // chrome-extension://pmfjbimdmchhbnneeidfognadeopoehp is the image loader extension. 229 "content_security_policy": "default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' chrome://resources chrome-extension://pmfjbimdmchhbnneeidfognadeopoehp; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' chrome://resources; frame-src 'self' about:; img-src 'self' chrome://resources chrome://theme data: https://docs.google.com https://*.googleusercontent.com chrome://extension-icon; media-src 'self' https://*.googleusercontent.com; connect-src https://drive.google.com; object-src 'self'" 230 } 231} 232