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1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #ifndef NET_CERT_CRL_SET_H_
6 #define NET_CERT_CRL_SET_H_
8 #include <string>
9 #include <utility>
10 #include <vector>
12 #include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
13 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
14 #include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
15 #include "net/base/net_export.h"
16 #include "net/cert/x509_cert_types.h"
18 namespace base {
19 class DictionaryValue;
20 }
22 namespace net {
24 // A CRLSet is a structure that lists the serial numbers of revoked
25 // certificates from a number of issuers where issuers are identified by the
26 // SHA256 of their SubjectPublicKeyInfo.
27 class NET_EXPORT CRLSet : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<CRLSet> {
28  public:
29   enum Result {
30     REVOKED,  // the certificate should be rejected.
31     UNKNOWN,  // the CRL for the certificate is not included in the set.
32     GOOD,     // the certificate is not listed.
33   };
35   // Parse parses the bytes in |data| and, on success, puts a new CRLSet in
36   // |out_crl_set| and returns true.
37   static bool Parse(base::StringPiece data,
38                     scoped_refptr<CRLSet>* out_crl_set);
40   // CheckSPKI checks whether the given SPKI has been listed as blocked.
41   //   spki_hash: the SHA256 of the SubjectPublicKeyInfo of the certificate.
42   Result CheckSPKI(const base::StringPiece& spki_hash) const;
44   // CheckSerial returns the information contained in the set for a given
45   // certificate:
46   //   serial_number: the serial number of the certificate
47   //   issuer_spki_hash: the SHA256 of the SubjectPublicKeyInfo of the CRL
48   //       signer
49   Result CheckSerial(
50       const base::StringPiece& serial_number,
51       const base::StringPiece& issuer_spki_hash) const;
53   // IsExpired returns true iff the current time is past the NotAfter time
54   // specified in the CRLSet.
55   bool IsExpired() const;
57   // ApplyDelta returns a new CRLSet in |out_crl_set| that is the result of
58   // updating the current CRL set with the delta information in |delta_bytes|.
59   bool ApplyDelta(const base::StringPiece& delta_bytes,
60                   scoped_refptr<CRLSet>* out_crl_set);
62   // GetIsDeltaUpdate extracts the header from |bytes|, sets *is_delta to
63   // whether |bytes| is a delta CRL set or not and returns true. In the event
64   // of a parse error, it returns false.
65   static bool GetIsDeltaUpdate(const base::StringPiece& bytes, bool *is_delta);
67   // Serialize returns a string of bytes suitable for passing to Parse. Parsing
68   // and serializing a CRLSet is a lossless operation - the resulting bytes
69   // will be equal.
70   std::string Serialize() const;
72   // sequence returns the sequence number of this CRL set. CRL sets generated
73   // by the same source are given strictly monotonically increasing sequence
74   // numbers.
75   uint32 sequence() const;
77   // CRLList contains a list of (issuer SPKI hash, revoked serial numbers)
78   // pairs.
79   typedef std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > >
80       CRLList;
82   // crls returns the internal state of this CRLSet. It should only be used in
83   // testing.
84   const CRLList& crls() const;
86   // EmptyCRLSetForTesting returns a valid, but empty, CRLSet for unit tests.
87   static CRLSet* EmptyCRLSetForTesting();
89   // ExpiredCRLSetForTesting returns a expired, empty CRLSet for unit tests.
90   static CRLSet* ExpiredCRLSetForTesting();
92   // ForTesting returns a CRLSet for testing. If |is_expired| is true, calling
93   // IsExpired on the result will return true. If |issuer_spki| is not NULL,
94   // the CRLSet will cover certificates issued by that SPKI. If |serial_number|
95   // is not emtpy, then that big-endian serial number will be considered to
96   // have been revoked by |issuer_spki|.
97   static CRLSet* ForTesting(bool is_expired,
98                             const SHA256HashValue* issuer_spki,
99                             const std::string& serial_number);
101  private:
102   CRLSet();
103   ~CRLSet();
105   friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<CRLSet>;
107   // CopyBlockedSPKIsFromHeader sets |blocked_spkis_| to the list of values
108   // from "BlockedSPKIs" in |header_dict|.
109   bool CopyBlockedSPKIsFromHeader(base::DictionaryValue* header_dict);
111   uint32 sequence_;
112   CRLList crls_;
113   // not_after_ contains the time, in UNIX epoch seconds, after which the
114   // CRLSet should be considered stale, or 0 if no such time was given.
115   uint64 not_after_;
116   // crls_index_by_issuer_ maps from issuer SPKI hashes to the index in |crls_|
117   // where the information for that issuer can be found. We have both |crls_|
118   // and |crls_index_by_issuer_| because, when applying a delta update, we need
119   // to identify a CRL by index.
120   base::hash_map<std::string, size_t> crls_index_by_issuer_;
121   // blocked_spkis_ contains the SHA256 hashes of SPKIs which are to be blocked
122   // no matter where in a certificate chain they might appear.
123   std::vector<std::string> blocked_spkis_;
124 };
126 }  // namespace net
128 #endif  // NET_CERT_CRL_SET_H_