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1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
6import itertools
7import js2c
8import multiprocessing
9import optparse
10import os
11import random
12import re
13import shutil
14import signal
15import string
16import subprocess
17import sys
18import time
20FILENAME = "src/runtime.cc"
21HEADERFILENAME = "src/runtime.h"
22FUNCTION = re.compile("^RUNTIME_FUNCTION\(Runtime_(\w+)")
23ARGSLENGTH = re.compile(".*ASSERT\(.*args\.length\(\) == (\d+)\);")
25MACRO = re.compile(r"^#define ([^ ]+)\(([^)]*)\) *([^\\]*)\\?\n$")
26FIRST_WORD = re.compile("^\s*(.*?)[\s({\[]")
28WORKSPACE = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), ".."))
29BASEPATH = os.path.join(WORKSPACE, "test", "mjsunit", "runtime-gen")
30THIS_SCRIPT = os.path.relpath(sys.argv[0])
32# Expand these macros, they define further runtime functions.
39# TODO(jkummerow): We could also whitelist the following macros, but the
40# functions they define are so trivial that it's unclear how much benefit
41# that would provide:
46# Counts of functions in each detection state. These are used to assert
47# that the parser doesn't bit-rot. Change the values as needed when you add,
48# remove or change runtime functions, but make sure we don't lose our ability
49# to parse them!
57# Don't call these at all.
59  "Abort",  # Kills the process.
60  "AbortJS",  # Kills the process.
61  "CompileForOnStackReplacement",  # Riddled with ASSERTs.
62  "IS_VAR",  # Not implemented in the runtime.
63  "ListNatives",  # Not available in Release mode.
64  "SetAllocationTimeout",  # Too slow for fuzzing.
65  "SystemBreak",  # Kills (int3) the process.
67  # These are weird. They violate some invariants when called after
68  # bootstrapping.
69  "DisableAccessChecks",
70  "EnableAccessChecks",
72  # The current LiveEdit implementation relies on and messes with internals
73  # in ways that makes it fundamentally unfuzzable :-(
74  "DebugGetLoadedScripts",
75  "DebugSetScriptSource",
76  "LiveEditFindSharedFunctionInfosForScript",
77  "LiveEditFunctionSourceUpdated",
78  "LiveEditGatherCompileInfo",
79  "LiveEditPatchFunctionPositions",
80  "LiveEditReplaceFunctionCode",
81  "LiveEditReplaceRefToNestedFunction",
82  "LiveEditReplaceScript",
83  "LiveEditRestartFrame",
84  "SetScriptBreakPoint",
86  # TODO(jkummerow): Fix these and un-blacklist them!
87  "CreateDateTimeFormat",
88  "CreateNumberFormat",
92# These will always throw.
93THROWS = [
94  "CheckExecutionState",  # Needs to hit a break point.
95  "CheckIsBootstrapping",  # Needs to be bootstrapping.
96  "DebugEvaluate",  # Needs to hit a break point.
97  "DebugEvaluateGlobal",  # Needs to hit a break point.
98  "DebugIndexedInterceptorElementValue",  # Needs an indexed interceptor.
99  "DebugNamedInterceptorPropertyValue",  # Needs a named interceptor.
100  "DebugSetScriptSource",  # Checks compilation state of script.
101  "GetAllScopesDetails",  # Needs to hit a break point.
102  "GetFrameCount",  # Needs to hit a break point.
103  "GetFrameDetails",  # Needs to hit a break point.
104  "GetRootNaN",  # Needs to be bootstrapping.
105  "GetScopeCount",  # Needs to hit a break point.
106  "GetScopeDetails",  # Needs to hit a break point.
107  "GetStepInPositions",  # Needs to hit a break point.
108  "GetTemplateField",  # Needs a {Function,Object}TemplateInfo.
109  "GetThreadCount",  # Needs to hit a break point.
110  "GetThreadDetails",  # Needs to hit a break point.
111  "IsAccessAllowedForObserver",  # Needs access-check-required object.
112  "UnblockConcurrentRecompilation"  # Needs --block-concurrent-recompilation.
116# Definitions used in CUSTOM_KNOWN_GOOD_INPUT below.
118    "%GetImplFromInitializedIntlObject(new Intl.v8BreakIterator())")
119_COLLATOR = "%GetImplFromInitializedIntlObject(new Intl.Collator('en-US'))"
121    "%GetImplFromInitializedIntlObject(new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US'))")
123    "%GetImplFromInitializedIntlObject(new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US'))")
126# Custom definitions for function input that does not throw.
127# Format: "FunctionName": ["arg0", "arg1", ..., argslength].
128# None means "fall back to autodetected value".
130  "Apply": ["function() {}", None, None, None, None, None],
131  "ArrayBufferSliceImpl": [None, None, 0, None],
132  "ArrayConcat": ["[1, 'a']", None],
133  "BreakIteratorAdoptText": [_BREAK_ITERATOR, None, None],
134  "BreakIteratorBreakType": [_BREAK_ITERATOR, None],
135  "BreakIteratorCurrent": [_BREAK_ITERATOR, None],
136  "BreakIteratorFirst": [_BREAK_ITERATOR, None],
137  "BreakIteratorNext": [_BREAK_ITERATOR, None],
138  "CompileString": [None, "false", None],
139  "CreateBreakIterator": ["'en-US'", "{type: 'string'}", None, None],
140  "CreateJSFunctionProxy": [None, "function() {}", None, None, None],
141  "CreatePrivateSymbol": ["\"foo\"", None],
142  "CreateSymbol": ["\"foo\"", None],
143  "DateParseString": [None, "new Array(8)", None],
144  "DefineOrRedefineAccessorProperty": [None, None, "function() {}",
145                                       "function() {}", 2, None],
146  "FunctionBindArguments": [None, None, "undefined", None, None],
147  "GetBreakLocations": [None, 0, None],
148  "GetDefaultReceiver": ["function() {}", None],
149  "GetImplFromInitializedIntlObject": ["new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US')", None],
150  "InternalCompare": [_COLLATOR, None, None, None],
151  "InternalDateFormat": [_DATETIME_FORMAT, None, None],
152  "InternalDateParse": [_DATETIME_FORMAT, None, None],
153  "InternalNumberFormat": [_NUMBER_FORMAT, None, None],
154  "InternalNumberParse": [_NUMBER_FORMAT, None, None],
155  "IsSloppyModeFunction": ["function() {}", None],
156  "LoadMutableDouble": ["{foo: 1.2}", None, None],
157  "NewObjectFromBound": ["(function() {}).bind({})", None],
158  "NumberToRadixString": [None, "2", None],
159  "ParseJson": ["\"{}\"", 1],
160  "RegExpExecMultiple": [None, None, "['a']", "['a']", None],
161  "SetAccessorProperty": [None, None, "undefined", "undefined", None, None,
162                          None],
163  "SetIteratorInitialize": [None, None, "2", None],
164  "SetDebugEventListener": ["undefined", None, None],
165  "SetFunctionBreakPoint": [None, 200, None, None],
166  "StringBuilderConcat": ["[1, 2, 3]", 3, None, None],
167  "StringBuilderJoin": ["['a', 'b']", 4, None, None],
168  "StringMatch": [None, None, "['a', 'b']", None],
169  "StringNormalize": [None, 2, None],
170  "StringReplaceGlobalRegExpWithString": [None, None, None, "['a']", None],
171  "TypedArrayInitialize": [None, 6, "new ArrayBuffer(8)", None, 4, None],
172  "TypedArrayInitializeFromArrayLike": [None, 6, None, None, None],
173  "TypedArraySetFastCases": [None, None, "0", None],
177# Types of arguments that cannot be generated in a JavaScript testcase.
179  "Code", "Context", "FixedArray", "FunctionTemplateInfo",
180  "JSFunctionResultCache", "JSMessageObject", "Map", "ScopeInfo",
181  "SharedFunctionInfo"]
184class Generator(object):
186  def RandomVariable(self, varname, vartype, simple):
187    if simple:
188      return self._Variable(varname, self.GENERATORS[vartype][0])
189    return self.GENERATORS[vartype][1](self, varname,
190                                       self.DEFAULT_RECURSION_BUDGET)
192  @staticmethod
193  def IsTypeSupported(typename):
194    return typename in Generator.GENERATORS
196  USUAL_SUSPECT_PROPERTIES = ["size", "length", "byteLength", "__proto__",
197                              "prototype", "0", "1", "-1"]
199  PROXY_TRAPS = """{
200      getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function(name) {
201        return {value: function() {}, configurable: true, writable: true,
202                enumerable: true};
203      },
204      getPropertyDescriptor: function(name) {
205        return {value: function() {}, configurable: true, writable: true,
206                enumerable: true};
207      },
208      getOwnPropertyNames: function() { return []; },
209      getPropertyNames: function() { return []; },
210      defineProperty: function(name, descriptor) {},
211      delete: function(name) { return true; },
212      fix: function() {}
213    }"""
215  def _Variable(self, name, value, fallback=None):
216    args = { "name": name, "value": value, "fallback": fallback }
217    if fallback:
218      wrapper = "try { %%s } catch(e) { var %(name)s = %(fallback)s; }" % args
219    else:
220      wrapper = "%s"
221    return [wrapper % ("var %(name)s = %(value)s;" % args)]
223  def _Boolean(self, name, recursion_budget):
224    return self._Variable(name, random.choice(["true", "false"]))
226  def _Oddball(self, name, recursion_budget):
227    return self._Variable(name,
228                          random.choice(["true", "false", "undefined", "null"]))
230  def _StrictMode(self, name, recursion_budget):
231    return self._Variable(name, random.choice([0, 1]))
233  def _Int32(self, name, recursion_budget=0):
234    die = random.random()
235    if die < 0.5:
236      value = random.choice([-3, -1, 0, 1, 2, 10, 515, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff,
237                             0x40000000, -0x40000000, -0x80000000])
238    elif die < 0.75:
239      value = random.randint(-1000, 1000)
240    else:
241      value = random.randint(-0x80000000, 0x7fffffff)
242    return self._Variable(name, value)
244  def _Uint32(self, name, recursion_budget=0):
245    die = random.random()
246    if die < 0.5:
247      value = random.choice([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 0x3fffffff, 0x40000000,
248                             0x7fffffff, 0xffffffff])
249    elif die < 0.75:
250      value = random.randint(0, 1000)
251    else:
252      value = random.randint(0, 0xffffffff)
253    return self._Variable(name, value)
255  def _Smi(self, name, recursion_budget):
256    die = random.random()
257    if die < 0.5:
258      value = random.choice([-5, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0x3fffffff, -0x40000000])
259    elif die < 0.75:
260      value = random.randint(-1000, 1000)
261    else:
262      value = random.randint(-0x40000000, 0x3fffffff)
263    return self._Variable(name, value)
265  def _Number(self, name, recursion_budget):
266    die = random.random()
267    if die < 0.5:
268      return self._Smi(name, recursion_budget)
269    elif die < 0.6:
270      value = random.choice(["Infinity", "-Infinity", "NaN", "-0",
271                             "1.7976931348623157e+308",  # Max value.
272                             "2.2250738585072014e-308",  # Min value.
273                             "4.9406564584124654e-324"])  # Min subnormal.
274    else:
275      value = random.lognormvariate(0, 15)
276    return self._Variable(name, value)
278  def _RawRandomString(self, minlength=0, maxlength=100,
279                       alphabet=string.ascii_letters):
280    length = random.randint(minlength, maxlength)
281    result = ""
282    for i in xrange(length):
283      result += random.choice(alphabet)
284    return result
286  def _SeqString(self, name, recursion_budget):
287    s1 = self._RawRandomString(1, 5)
288    s2 = self._RawRandomString(1, 5)
289    # 'foo' + 'bar'
290    return self._Variable(name, "\"%s\" + \"%s\"" % (s1, s2))
292  def _SeqTwoByteString(self, name):
293    s1 = self._RawRandomString(1, 5)
294    s2 = self._RawRandomString(1, 5)
295    # 'foo' + unicode + 'bar'
296    return self._Variable(name, "\"%s\" + \"\\2082\" + \"%s\"" % (s1, s2))
298  def _SlicedString(self, name):
299    s = self._RawRandomString(20, 30)
300    # 'ffoo12345678901234567890'.substr(1)
301    return self._Variable(name, "\"%s\".substr(1)" % s)
303  def _ConsString(self, name):
304    s1 = self._RawRandomString(8, 15)
305    s2 = self._RawRandomString(8, 15)
306    # 'foo12345' + (function() { return 'bar12345';})()
307    return self._Variable(name,
308        "\"%s\" + (function() { return \"%s\";})()" % (s1, s2))
310  def _InternalizedString(self, name):
311    return self._Variable(name, "\"%s\"" % self._RawRandomString(0, 20))
313  def _String(self, name, recursion_budget):
314    die = random.random()
315    if die < 0.5:
316      string = random.choice(self.USUAL_SUSPECT_PROPERTIES)
317      return self._Variable(name, "\"%s\"" % string)
318    elif die < 0.6:
319      number_name = name + "_number"
320      result = self._Number(number_name, recursion_budget)
321      return result + self._Variable(name, "\"\" + %s" % number_name)
322    elif die < 0.7:
323      return self._SeqString(name, recursion_budget)
324    elif die < 0.8:
325      return self._ConsString(name)
326    elif die < 0.9:
327      return self._InternalizedString(name)
328    else:
329      return self._SlicedString(name)
331  def _Symbol(self, name, recursion_budget):
332    raw_string_name = name + "_1"
333    result = self._String(raw_string_name, recursion_budget)
334    return result + self._Variable(name, "Symbol(%s)" % raw_string_name)
336  def _Name(self, name, recursion_budget):
337    if random.random() < 0.2:
338      return self._Symbol(name, recursion_budget)
339    return self._String(name, recursion_budget)
341  def _JSValue(self, name, recursion_budget):
342    die = random.random()
343    raw_name = name + "_1"
344    if die < 0.33:
345      result = self._String(raw_name, recursion_budget)
346      return result + self._Variable(name, "new String(%s)" % raw_name)
347    elif die < 0.66:
348      result = self._Boolean(raw_name, recursion_budget)
349      return result + self._Variable(name, "new Boolean(%s)" % raw_name)
350    else:
351      result = self._Number(raw_name, recursion_budget)
352      return result + self._Variable(name, "new Number(%s)" % raw_name)
354  def _RawRandomPropertyName(self):
355    if random.random() < 0.5:
356      return random.choice(self.USUAL_SUSPECT_PROPERTIES)
357    return self._RawRandomString(0, 10)
359  def _AddProperties(self, name, result, recursion_budget):
360    propcount = random.randint(0, 3)
361    propname = None
362    for i in range(propcount):
363      die = random.random()
364      if die < 0.5:
365        propname = "%s_prop%d" % (name, i)
366        result += self._Name(propname, recursion_budget - 1)
367      else:
368        propname = "\"%s\"" % self._RawRandomPropertyName()
369      propvalue_name = "%s_val%d" % (name, i)
370      result += self._Object(propvalue_name, recursion_budget - 1)
371      result.append("try { %s[%s] = %s; } catch (e) {}" %
372                    (name, propname, propvalue_name))
373    if random.random() < 0.2 and propname:
374      # Force the object to slow mode.
375      result.append("delete %s[%s];" % (name, propname))
377  def _RandomElementIndex(self, element_name, result):
378    if random.random() < 0.5:
379      return random.randint(-1000, 1000)
380    result += self._Smi(element_name, 0)
381    return element_name
383  def _AddElements(self, name, result, recursion_budget):
384    elementcount = random.randint(0, 3)
385    for i in range(elementcount):
386      element_name = "%s_idx%d" % (name, i)
387      index = self._RandomElementIndex(element_name, result)
388      value_name = "%s_elt%d" % (name, i)
389      result += self._Object(value_name, recursion_budget - 1)
390      result.append("try { %s[%s] = %s; } catch(e) {}" %
391                    (name, index, value_name))
393  def _AddAccessors(self, name, result, recursion_budget):
394    accessorcount = random.randint(0, 3)
395    for i in range(accessorcount):
396      propname = self._RawRandomPropertyName()
397      what = random.choice(["get", "set"])
398      function_name = "%s_access%d" % (name, i)
399      result += self._PlainFunction(function_name, recursion_budget - 1)
400      result.append("try { Object.defineProperty(%s, \"%s\", {%s: %s}); } "
401                    "catch (e) {}" % (name, propname, what, function_name))
403  def _PlainArray(self, name, recursion_budget):
404    die = random.random()
405    if die < 0.5:
406      literal = random.choice(["[]", "[1, 2]", "[1.5, 2.5]",
407                               "['a', 'b', 1, true]"])
408      return self._Variable(name, literal)
409    else:
410      new = random.choice(["", "new "])
411      length = random.randint(0, 101000)
412      return self._Variable(name, "%sArray(%d)" % (new, length))
414  def _PlainObject(self, name, recursion_budget):
415    die = random.random()
416    if die < 0.67:
417      literal_propcount = random.randint(0, 3)
418      properties = []
419      result = []
420      for i in range(literal_propcount):
421        propname = self._RawRandomPropertyName()
422        propvalue_name = "%s_lit%d" % (name, i)
423        result += self._Object(propvalue_name, recursion_budget - 1)
424        properties.append("\"%s\": %s" % (propname, propvalue_name))
425      return result + self._Variable(name, "{%s}" % ", ".join(properties))
426    else:
427      return self._Variable(name, "new Object()")
429  def _JSArray(self, name, recursion_budget):
430    result = self._PlainArray(name, recursion_budget)
431    self._AddAccessors(name, result, recursion_budget)
432    self._AddProperties(name, result, recursion_budget)
433    self._AddElements(name, result, recursion_budget)
434    return result
436  def _RawRandomBufferLength(self):
437    if random.random() < 0.2:
438      return random.choice([0, 1, 8, 0x40000000, 0x80000000])
439    return random.randint(0, 1000)
441  def _JSArrayBuffer(self, name, recursion_budget):
442    length = self._RawRandomBufferLength()
443    return self._Variable(name, "new ArrayBuffer(%d)" % length)
445  def _JSDataView(self, name, recursion_budget):
446    buffer_name = name + "_buffer"
447    result = self._JSArrayBuffer(buffer_name, recursion_budget)
448    args = [buffer_name]
449    die = random.random()
450    if die < 0.67:
451      offset = self._RawRandomBufferLength()
452      args.append("%d" % offset)
453      if die < 0.33:
454        length = self._RawRandomBufferLength()
455        args.append("%d" % length)
456    result += self._Variable(name, "new DataView(%s)" % ", ".join(args),
457                             fallback="new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8))")
458    return result
460  def _JSDate(self, name, recursion_budget):
461    die = random.random()
462    if die < 0.25:
463      return self._Variable(name, "new Date()")
464    elif die < 0.5:
465      ms_name = name + "_ms"
466      result = self._Number(ms_name, recursion_budget)
467      return result + self._Variable(name, "new Date(%s)" % ms_name)
468    elif die < 0.75:
469      str_name = name + "_str"
470      month = random.choice(["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul",
471                             "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"])
472      day = random.randint(1, 28)
473      year = random.randint(1900, 2100)
474      hour = random.randint(0, 23)
475      minute = random.randint(0, 59)
476      second = random.randint(0, 59)
477      str_value = ("\"%s %s, %s %s:%s:%s\"" %
478                   (month, day, year, hour, minute, second))
479      result = self._Variable(str_name, str_value)
480      return result + self._Variable(name, "new Date(%s)" % str_name)
481    else:
482      components = tuple(map(lambda x: "%s_%s" % (name, x),
483                             ["y", "m", "d", "h", "min", "s", "ms"]))
484      return ([j for i in map(self._Int32, components) for j in i] +
485              self._Variable(name, "new Date(%s)" % ", ".join(components)))
487  def _PlainFunction(self, name, recursion_budget):
488    result_name = "result"
489    body = ["function() {"]
490    body += self._Object(result_name, recursion_budget - 1)
491    body.append("return result;\n}")
492    return self._Variable(name, "%s" % "\n".join(body))
494  def _JSFunction(self, name, recursion_budget):
495    result = self._PlainFunction(name, recursion_budget)
496    self._AddAccessors(name, result, recursion_budget)
497    self._AddProperties(name, result, recursion_budget)
498    self._AddElements(name, result, recursion_budget)
499    return result
501  def _JSFunctionProxy(self, name, recursion_budget):
502    # TODO(jkummerow): Revisit this as the Proxy implementation evolves.
503    return self._Variable(name, "Proxy.createFunction(%s, function() {})" %
504                                self.PROXY_TRAPS)
506  def _JSGeneratorObject(self, name, recursion_budget):
507    # TODO(jkummerow): Be more creative here?
508    return self._Variable(name, "(function*() { yield 1; })()")
510  def _JSMap(self, name, recursion_budget, weak=""):
511    result = self._Variable(name, "new %sMap()" % weak)
512    num_entries = random.randint(0, 3)
513    for i in range(num_entries):
514      key_name = "%s_k%d" % (name, i)
515      value_name = "%s_v%d" % (name, i)
516      if weak:
517        result += self._JSObject(key_name, recursion_budget - 1)
518      else:
519        result += self._Object(key_name, recursion_budget - 1)
520      result += self._Object(value_name, recursion_budget - 1)
521      result.append("%s.set(%s, %s)" % (name, key_name, value_name))
522    return result
524  def _JSMapIterator(self, name, recursion_budget):
525    map_name = name + "_map"
526    result = self._JSMap(map_name, recursion_budget)
527    iterator_type = random.choice(['keys', 'values', 'entries'])
528    return (result + self._Variable(name, "%s.%s()" %
529                                          (map_name, iterator_type)))
531  def _JSProxy(self, name, recursion_budget):
532    # TODO(jkummerow): Revisit this as the Proxy implementation evolves.
533    return self._Variable(name, "Proxy.create(%s)" % self.PROXY_TRAPS)
535  def _JSRegExp(self, name, recursion_budget):
536    flags = random.choice(["", "g", "i", "m", "gi"])
537    string = "a(b|c)*a"  # TODO(jkummerow): Be more creative here?
538    ctor = random.choice(["/%s/%s", "new RegExp(\"%s\", \"%s\")"])
539    return self._Variable(name, ctor % (string, flags))
541  def _JSSet(self, name, recursion_budget, weak=""):
542    result = self._Variable(name, "new %sSet()" % weak)
543    num_entries = random.randint(0, 3)
544    for i in range(num_entries):
545      element_name = "%s_e%d" % (name, i)
546      if weak:
547        result += self._JSObject(element_name, recursion_budget - 1)
548      else:
549        result += self._Object(element_name, recursion_budget - 1)
550      result.append("%s.add(%s)" % (name, element_name))
551    return result
553  def _JSSetIterator(self, name, recursion_budget):
554    set_name = name + "_set"
555    result = self._JSSet(set_name, recursion_budget)
556    iterator_type = random.choice(['values', 'entries'])
557    return (result + self._Variable(name, "%s.%s()" %
558                                          (set_name, iterator_type)))
560  def _JSTypedArray(self, name, recursion_budget):
561    arraytype = random.choice(["Int8", "Int16", "Int32", "Uint8", "Uint16",
562                               "Uint32", "Float32", "Float64", "Uint8Clamped"])
563    ctor_type = random.randint(0, 3)
564    if ctor_type == 0:
565      length = random.randint(0, 1000)
566      return self._Variable(name, "new %sArray(%d)" % (arraytype, length),
567                            fallback="new %sArray(8)" % arraytype)
568    elif ctor_type == 1:
569      input_name = name + "_typedarray"
570      result = self._JSTypedArray(input_name, recursion_budget - 1)
571      return (result +
572              self._Variable(name, "new %sArray(%s)" % (arraytype, input_name),
573                             fallback="new %sArray(8)" % arraytype))
574    elif ctor_type == 2:
575      arraylike_name = name + "_arraylike"
576      result = self._JSObject(arraylike_name, recursion_budget - 1)
577      length = random.randint(0, 1000)
578      result.append("try { %s.length = %d; } catch(e) {}" %
579                    (arraylike_name, length))
580      return (result +
581              self._Variable(name,
582                             "new %sArray(%s)" % (arraytype, arraylike_name),
583                             fallback="new %sArray(8)" % arraytype))
584    else:
585      die = random.random()
586      buffer_name = name + "_buffer"
587      args = [buffer_name]
588      result = self._JSArrayBuffer(buffer_name, recursion_budget)
589      if die < 0.67:
590        offset_name = name + "_offset"
591        args.append(offset_name)
592        result += self._Int32(offset_name)
593      if die < 0.33:
594        length_name = name + "_length"
595        args.append(length_name)
596        result += self._Int32(length_name)
597      return (result +
598              self._Variable(name,
599                             "new %sArray(%s)" % (arraytype, ", ".join(args)),
600                             fallback="new %sArray(8)" % arraytype))
602  def _JSArrayBufferView(self, name, recursion_budget):
603    if random.random() < 0.4:
604      return self._JSDataView(name, recursion_budget)
605    else:
606      return self._JSTypedArray(name, recursion_budget)
608  def _JSWeakCollection(self, name, recursion_budget):
609    ctor = random.choice([self._JSMap, self._JSSet])
610    return ctor(name, recursion_budget, weak="Weak")
612  def _PropertyDetails(self, name, recursion_budget):
613    # TODO(jkummerow): Be more clever here?
614    return self._Int32(name)
616  def _JSObject(self, name, recursion_budget):
617    die = random.random()
618    if die < 0.4:
619      function = random.choice([self._PlainObject, self._PlainArray,
620                                self._PlainFunction])
621    elif die < 0.5:
622      return self._Variable(name, "this")  # Global object.
623    else:
624      function = random.choice([self._JSArrayBuffer, self._JSDataView,
625                                self._JSDate, self._JSFunctionProxy,
626                                self._JSGeneratorObject, self._JSMap,
627                                self._JSMapIterator, self._JSRegExp,
628                                self._JSSet, self._JSSetIterator,
629                                self._JSTypedArray, self._JSValue,
630                                self._JSWeakCollection])
631    result = function(name, recursion_budget)
632    self._AddAccessors(name, result, recursion_budget)
633    self._AddProperties(name, result, recursion_budget)
634    self._AddElements(name, result, recursion_budget)
635    return result
637  def _JSReceiver(self, name, recursion_budget):
638    if random.random() < 0.9: return self._JSObject(name, recursion_budget)
639    return self._JSProxy(name, recursion_budget)
641  def _HeapObject(self, name, recursion_budget):
642    die = random.random()
643    if die < 0.9: return self._JSReceiver(name, recursion_budget)
644    elif die < 0.95: return  self._Oddball(name, recursion_budget)
645    else: return self._Name(name, recursion_budget)
647  def _Object(self, name, recursion_budget):
648    if recursion_budget <= 0:
649      function = random.choice([self._Oddball, self._Number, self._Name,
650                                self._JSValue, self._JSRegExp])
651      return function(name, recursion_budget)
652    if random.random() < 0.2:
653      return self._Smi(name, recursion_budget)
654    return self._HeapObject(name, recursion_budget)
657    "Boolean": ["true", _Boolean],
658    "HeapObject": ["new Object()", _HeapObject],
659    "Int32": ["32", _Int32],
660    "JSArray": ["new Array()", _JSArray],
661    "JSArrayBuffer": ["new ArrayBuffer(8)", _JSArrayBuffer],
662    "JSArrayBufferView": ["new Int32Array(2)", _JSArrayBufferView],
663    "JSDataView": ["new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(24))", _JSDataView],
664    "JSDate": ["new Date()", _JSDate],
665    "JSFunction": ["function() {}", _JSFunction],
666    "JSFunctionProxy": ["Proxy.createFunction({}, function() {})",
667                        _JSFunctionProxy],
668    "JSGeneratorObject": ["(function*(){ yield 1; })()", _JSGeneratorObject],
669    "JSMap": ["new Map()", _JSMap],
670    "JSMapIterator": ["new Map().entries()", _JSMapIterator],
671    "JSObject": ["new Object()", _JSObject],
672    "JSProxy": ["Proxy.create({})", _JSProxy],
673    "JSReceiver": ["new Object()", _JSReceiver],
674    "JSRegExp": ["/ab/g", _JSRegExp],
675    "JSSet": ["new Set()", _JSSet],
676    "JSSetIterator": ["new Set().values()", _JSSetIterator],
677    "JSTypedArray": ["new Int32Array(2)", _JSTypedArray],
678    "JSValue": ["new String('foo')", _JSValue],
679    "JSWeakCollection": ["new WeakMap()", _JSWeakCollection],
680    "Name": ["\"name\"", _Name],
681    "Number": ["1.5", _Number],
682    "Object": ["new Object()", _Object],
683    "PropertyDetails": ["513", _PropertyDetails],
684    "SeqOneByteString": ["\"seq 1-byte\"", _SeqString],
685    "SeqString": ["\"seqstring\"", _SeqString],
686    "SeqTwoByteString": ["\"seq \\u2082-byte\"", _SeqTwoByteString],
687    "Smi": ["1", _Smi],
688    "StrictMode": ["1", _StrictMode],
689    "String": ["\"foo\"", _String],
690    "Symbol": ["Symbol(\"symbol\")", _Symbol],
691    "Uint32": ["32", _Uint32],
692  }
695class ArgParser(object):
696  def __init__(self, regex, ctor):
697    self.regex = regex
698    self.ArgCtor = ctor
701class Arg(object):
702  def __init__(self, typename, varname, index):
703    self.type = typename
704    self.name = "_%s" % varname
705    self.index = index
708class Function(object):
709  def __init__(self, match):
710    self.name = match.group(1)
711    self.argslength = -1
712    self.args = {}
713    self.inline = ""
715  handle_arg_parser = ArgParser(
716      re.compile("^\s*CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED\((\w+), (\w+), (\d+)\)"),
717      lambda match: Arg(match.group(1), match.group(2), int(match.group(3))))
719  plain_arg_parser = ArgParser(
720      re.compile("^\s*CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED\((\w+), (\w+), (\d+)\)"),
721      lambda match: Arg(match.group(1), match.group(2), int(match.group(3))))
723  number_handle_arg_parser = ArgParser(
724      re.compile("^\s*CONVERT_NUMBER_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED\((\w+), (\d+)\)"),
725      lambda match: Arg("Number", match.group(1), int(match.group(2))))
727  smi_arg_parser = ArgParser(
728      re.compile("^\s*CONVERT_SMI_ARG_CHECKED\((\w+), (\d+)\)"),
729      lambda match: Arg("Smi", match.group(1), int(match.group(2))))
731  double_arg_parser = ArgParser(
732      re.compile("^\s*CONVERT_DOUBLE_ARG_CHECKED\((\w+), (\d+)\)"),
733      lambda match: Arg("Number", match.group(1), int(match.group(2))))
735  number_arg_parser = ArgParser(
736      re.compile(
737          "^\s*CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED\(\w+, (\w+), (\w+), args\[(\d+)\]\)"),
738      lambda match: Arg(match.group(2), match.group(1), int(match.group(3))))
740  strict_mode_arg_parser = ArgParser(
741      re.compile("^\s*CONVERT_STRICT_MODE_ARG_CHECKED\((\w+), (\d+)\)"),
742      lambda match: Arg("StrictMode", match.group(1), int(match.group(2))))
744  boolean_arg_parser = ArgParser(
745      re.compile("^\s*CONVERT_BOOLEAN_ARG_CHECKED\((\w+), (\d+)\)"),
746      lambda match: Arg("Boolean", match.group(1), int(match.group(2))))
748  property_details_parser = ArgParser(
749      re.compile("^\s*CONVERT_PROPERTY_DETAILS_CHECKED\((\w+), (\d+)\)"),
750      lambda match: Arg("PropertyDetails", match.group(1), int(match.group(2))))
752  arg_parsers = [handle_arg_parser, plain_arg_parser, number_handle_arg_parser,
753                 smi_arg_parser,
754                 double_arg_parser, number_arg_parser, strict_mode_arg_parser,
755                 boolean_arg_parser, property_details_parser]
757  def SetArgsLength(self, match):
758    self.argslength = int(match.group(1))
760  def TryParseArg(self, line):
761    for parser in Function.arg_parsers:
762      match = parser.regex.match(line)
763      if match:
764        arg = parser.ArgCtor(match)
765        self.args[arg.index] = arg
766        return True
767    return False
769  def Filename(self):
770    return "%s.js" % self.name.lower()
772  def __str__(self):
773    s = [self.name, "("]
774    argcount = self.argslength
775    if argcount < 0:
776      print("WARNING: unknown argslength for function %s" % self.name)
777      if self.args:
778        argcount = max([self.args[i].index + 1 for i in self.args])
779      else:
780        argcount = 0
781    for i in range(argcount):
782      if i > 0: s.append(", ")
783      s.append(self.args[i].type if i in self.args else "<unknown>")
784    s.append(")")
785    return "".join(s)
788class Macro(object):
789  def __init__(self, match):
790    self.name = match.group(1)
791    self.args = [s.strip() for s in match.group(2).split(",")]
792    self.lines = []
793    self.indentation = 0
794    self.AddLine(match.group(3))
796  def AddLine(self, line):
797    if not line: return
798    if not self.lines:
799      # This is the first line, detect indentation.
800      self.indentation = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
801    line = line.rstrip("\\\n ")
802    if not line: return
803    assert len(line[:self.indentation].strip()) == 0, \
804        ("expected whitespace: '%s', full line: '%s'" %
805         (line[:self.indentation], line))
806    line = line[self.indentation:]
807    if not line: return
808    self.lines.append(line + "\n")
810  def Finalize(self):
811    for arg in self.args:
812      pattern = re.compile(r"(##|\b)%s(##|\b)" % arg)
813      for i in range(len(self.lines)):
814        self.lines[i] = re.sub(pattern, "%%(%s)s" % arg, self.lines[i])
816  def FillIn(self, arg_values):
817    filler = {}
818    assert len(arg_values) == len(self.args)
819    for i in range(len(self.args)):
820      filler[self.args[i]] = arg_values[i]
821    result = []
822    for line in self.lines:
823      result.append(line % filler)
824    return result
827# Parses HEADERFILENAME to find out which runtime functions are "inline".
828def FindInlineRuntimeFunctions():
829  inline_functions = []
830  with open(HEADERFILENAME, "r") as f:
831    inline_list = "#define INLINE_FUNCTION_LIST(F) \\\n"
832    inline_function = re.compile(r"^\s*F\((\w+), \d+, \d+\)\s*\\?")
833    mode = "SEARCHING"
834    for line in f:
835      if mode == "ACTIVE":
836        match = inline_function.match(line)
837        if match:
838          inline_functions.append(match.group(1))
839        if not line.endswith("\\\n"):
840          mode = "SEARCHING"
841      elif mode == "SEARCHING":
842        if line == inline_list:
843          mode = "ACTIVE"
844  return inline_functions
847def ReadFileAndExpandMacros(filename):
848  found_macros = {}
849  expanded_lines = []
850  with open(filename, "r") as f:
851    found_macro = None
852    for line in f:
853      if found_macro is not None:
854        found_macro.AddLine(line)
855        if not line.endswith("\\\n"):
856          found_macro.Finalize()
857          found_macro = None
858        continue
860      match = MACRO.match(line)
861      if match:
862        found_macro = Macro(match)
863        if found_macro.name in EXPAND_MACROS:
864          found_macros[found_macro.name] = found_macro
865        else:
866          found_macro = None
867        continue
869      match = FIRST_WORD.match(line)
870      if match:
871        first_word = match.group(1)
872        if first_word in found_macros:
873          MACRO_CALL = re.compile("%s\(([^)]*)\)" % first_word)
874          match = MACRO_CALL.match(line)
875          assert match
876          args = [s.strip() for s in match.group(1).split(",")]
877          expanded_lines += found_macros[first_word].FillIn(args)
878          continue
880      expanded_lines.append(line)
881  return expanded_lines
884# Detects runtime functions by parsing FILENAME.
885def FindRuntimeFunctions():
886  inline_functions = FindInlineRuntimeFunctions()
887  functions = []
888  expanded_lines = ReadFileAndExpandMacros(FILENAME)
889  function = None
890  partial_line = ""
891  for line in expanded_lines:
892    # Multi-line definition support, ignoring macros.
893    if line.startswith("RUNTIME_FUNCTION") and not line.endswith("{\n"):
894      if line.endswith("\\\n"): continue
895      partial_line = line.rstrip()
896      continue
897    if partial_line:
898      partial_line += " " + line.strip()
899      if partial_line.endswith("{"):
900        line = partial_line
901        partial_line = ""
902      else:
903        continue
905    match = FUNCTION.match(line)
906    if match:
907      function = Function(match)
908      if function.name in inline_functions:
909        function.inline = "_"
910      continue
911    if function is None: continue
913    match = ARGSLENGTH.match(line)
914    if match:
915      function.SetArgsLength(match)
916      continue
918    if function.TryParseArg(line):
919      continue
921    if line == FUNCTIONEND:
922      if function is not None:
923        functions.append(function)
924        function = None
925  return functions
928# Hack: This must have the same fields as class Function above, because the
929# two are used polymorphically in RunFuzzer(). We could use inheritance...
930class Builtin(object):
931  def __init__(self, match):
932    self.name = match.group(1)
933    args = match.group(2)
934    self.argslength = 0 if args == "" else args.count(",") + 1
935    self.inline = ""
936    self.args = {}
937    if self.argslength > 0:
938      args = args.split(",")
939      for i in range(len(args)):
940        # a = args[i].strip()  # TODO: filter out /* comments */ first.
941        a = ""
942        self.args[i] = Arg("Object", a, i)
944  def __str__(self):
945    return "%s(%d)" % (self.name, self.argslength)
948def FindJSBuiltins():
949  PATH = "src"
950  fileslist = []
951  for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(PATH):
952    for f in files:
953      if f.endswith(".js"):
954        fileslist.append(os.path.join(root, f))
955  builtins = []
956  regexp = re.compile("^function (\w+)\s*\((.*?)\) {")
957  matches = 0
958  for filename in fileslist:
959    with open(filename, "r") as f:
960      file_contents = f.read()
961    file_contents = js2c.ExpandInlineMacros(file_contents)
962    lines = file_contents.split("\n")
963    partial_line = ""
964    for line in lines:
965      if line.startswith("function") and not '{' in line:
966        partial_line += line.rstrip()
967        continue
968      if partial_line:
969        partial_line += " " + line.strip()
970        if '{' in line:
971          line = partial_line
972          partial_line = ""
973        else:
974          continue
975      match = regexp.match(line)
976      if match:
977        builtins.append(Builtin(match))
978  return builtins
981# Classifies runtime functions.
982def ClassifyFunctions(functions):
983  # Can be fuzzed with a JavaScript testcase.
984  js_fuzzable_functions = []
985  # We have enough information to fuzz these, but they need inputs that
986  # cannot be created or passed around in JavaScript.
987  cctest_fuzzable_functions = []
988  # This script does not have enough information about these.
989  unknown_functions = []
991  types = {}
992  for f in functions:
993    if f.name in BLACKLISTED:
994      continue
995    decision = js_fuzzable_functions
996    custom = CUSTOM_KNOWN_GOOD_INPUT.get(f.name, None)
997    if f.argslength < 0:
998      # Unknown length -> give up unless there's a custom definition.
999      if custom and custom[-1] is not None:
1000        f.argslength = custom[-1]
1001        assert len(custom) == f.argslength + 1, \
1002            ("%s: last custom definition must be argslength" % f.name)
1003      else:
1004        decision = unknown_functions
1005    else:
1006      if custom:
1007        # Any custom definitions must match the known argslength.
1008        assert len(custom) == f.argslength + 1, \
1009            ("%s should have %d custom definitions but has %d" %
1010            (f.name, f.argslength + 1, len(custom)))
1011      for i in range(f.argslength):
1012        if custom and custom[i] is not None:
1013          # All good, there's a custom definition.
1014          pass
1015        elif not i in f.args:
1016          # No custom definition and no parse result -> give up.
1017          decision = unknown_functions
1018        else:
1019          t = f.args[i].type
1020          if t in NON_JS_TYPES:
1021            decision = cctest_fuzzable_functions
1022          else:
1023            assert Generator.IsTypeSupported(t), \
1024                ("type generator not found for %s, function: %s" % (t, f))
1025    decision.append(f)
1026  return (js_fuzzable_functions, cctest_fuzzable_functions, unknown_functions)
1029def _GetKnownGoodArgs(function, generator):
1030  custom_input = CUSTOM_KNOWN_GOOD_INPUT.get(function.name, None)
1031  definitions = []
1032  argslist = []
1033  for i in range(function.argslength):
1034    if custom_input and custom_input[i] is not None:
1035      name = "arg%d" % i
1036      definitions.append("var %s = %s;" % (name, custom_input[i]))
1037    else:
1038      arg = function.args[i]
1039      name = arg.name
1040      definitions += generator.RandomVariable(name, arg.type, simple=True)
1041    argslist.append(name)
1042  return (definitions, argslist)
1045def _GenerateTestcase(function, definitions, argslist, throws):
1046  s = ["// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.",
1047       "// AUTO-GENERATED BY tools/generate-runtime-tests.py, DO NOT MODIFY",
1048       "// Flags: --allow-natives-syntax --harmony"] + definitions
1049  call = "%%%s%s(%s);" % (function.inline, function.name, ", ".join(argslist))
1050  if throws:
1051    s.append("try {")
1052    s.append(call);
1053    s.append("} catch(e) {}")
1054  else:
1055    s.append(call)
1056  testcase = "\n".join(s)
1057  return testcase
1060def GenerateJSTestcaseForFunction(function):
1061  gen = Generator()
1062  (definitions, argslist) = _GetKnownGoodArgs(function, gen)
1063  testcase = _GenerateTestcase(function, definitions, argslist,
1064                               function.name in THROWS)
1065  path = os.path.join(BASEPATH, function.Filename())
1066  with open(path, "w") as f:
1067    f.write("%s\n" % testcase)
1070def GenerateTestcases(functions):
1071  shutil.rmtree(BASEPATH)  # Re-generate everything.
1072  os.makedirs(BASEPATH)
1073  for f in functions:
1074    GenerateJSTestcaseForFunction(f)
1077def _SaveFileName(save_path, process_id, save_file_index):
1078  return "%s/fuzz_%d_%d.js" % (save_path, process_id, save_file_index)
1081def _GetFuzzableRuntimeFunctions():
1082  functions = FindRuntimeFunctions()
1083  (js_fuzzable_functions, cctest_fuzzable_functions, unknown_functions) = \
1084      ClassifyFunctions(functions)
1085  return js_fuzzable_functions
1089  "runtime": _GetFuzzableRuntimeFunctions,
1090  "builtins": FindJSBuiltins,
1094def RunFuzzer(process_id, options, stop_running):
1095  MAX_SLEEP_TIME = 0.1
1096  INITIAL_SLEEP_TIME = 0.001
1097  SLEEP_TIME_FACTOR = 1.25
1098  base_file_name = "/dev/shm/runtime_fuzz_%d" % process_id
1099  test_file_name = "%s.js" % base_file_name
1100  stderr_file_name = "%s.out" % base_file_name
1101  save_file_index = 0
1102  while os.path.exists(_SaveFileName(options.save_path, process_id,
1103                                     save_file_index)):
1104    save_file_index += 1
1106  targets = FUZZ_TARGET_LISTS[options.fuzz_target]()
1107  try:
1108    for i in range(options.num_tests):
1109      if stop_running.is_set(): break
1110      function = None
1111      while function is None or function.argslength == 0:
1112        function = random.choice(targets)
1113      args = []
1114      definitions = []
1115      gen = Generator()
1116      for i in range(function.argslength):
1117        arg = function.args[i]
1118        argname = "arg%d%s" % (i, arg.name)
1119        args.append(argname)
1120        definitions += gen.RandomVariable(argname, arg.type, simple=False)
1121      testcase = _GenerateTestcase(function, definitions, args, True)
1122      with open(test_file_name, "w") as f:
1123        f.write("%s\n" % testcase)
1124      with open("/dev/null", "w") as devnull:
1125        with open(stderr_file_name, "w") as stderr:
1126          process = subprocess.Popen(
1127              [options.binary, "--allow-natives-syntax", "--harmony",
1128               "--enable-slow-asserts", test_file_name],
1129              stdout=devnull, stderr=stderr)
1130          end_time = time.time() + options.timeout
1131          timed_out = False
1132          exit_code = None
1133          sleep_time = INITIAL_SLEEP_TIME
1134          while exit_code is None:
1135            if time.time() >= end_time:
1136              # Kill the process and wait for it to exit.
1137              os.kill(process.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
1138              exit_code = process.wait()
1139              timed_out = True
1140            else:
1141              exit_code = process.poll()
1142              time.sleep(sleep_time)
1143              sleep_time = sleep_time * SLEEP_TIME_FACTOR
1144              if sleep_time > MAX_SLEEP_TIME:
1145                sleep_time = MAX_SLEEP_TIME
1146      if exit_code != 0 and not timed_out:
1147        oom = False
1148        with open(stderr_file_name, "r") as stderr:
1149          for line in stderr:
1150            if line.strip() == "# Allocation failed - process out of memory":
1151              oom = True
1152              break
1153        if oom: continue
1154        save_name = _SaveFileName(options.save_path, process_id,
1155                                  save_file_index)
1156        shutil.copyfile(test_file_name, save_name)
1157        save_file_index += 1
1158  except KeyboardInterrupt:
1159    stop_running.set()
1160  finally:
1161    if os.path.exists(test_file_name):
1162      os.remove(test_file_name)
1163    if os.path.exists(stderr_file_name):
1164      os.remove(stderr_file_name)
1167def BuildOptionParser():
1168  usage = """Usage: %%prog [options] ACTION
1170where ACTION can be:
1172info      Print diagnostic info.
1173check     Check that runtime functions can be parsed as expected, and that
1174          test cases exist.
1175generate  Parse source code for runtime functions, and auto-generate
1176          test cases for them. Warning: this will nuke and re-create
1177          %(path)s.
1178fuzz      Generate fuzz tests, run them, save those that crashed (see options).
1179""" % {"path": os.path.relpath(BASEPATH)}
1181  o = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
1182  o.add_option("--binary", default="out/x64.debug/d8",
1183               help="d8 binary used for running fuzz tests (default: %default)")
1184  o.add_option("--fuzz-target", default="runtime",
1185               help="Set of functions targeted by fuzzing. Allowed values: "
1186                    "%s (default: %%default)" % ", ".join(FUZZ_TARGET_LISTS))
1187  o.add_option("-n", "--num-tests", default=1000, type="int",
1188               help="Number of fuzz tests to generate per worker process"
1189                    " (default: %default)")
1190  o.add_option("--save-path", default="~/runtime_fuzz_output",
1191               help="Path to directory where failing tests will be stored"
1192                    " (default: %default)")
1193  o.add_option("--timeout", default=20, type="int",
1194               help="Timeout for each fuzz test (in seconds, default:"
1195                    "%default)")
1196  return o
1199def ProcessOptions(options, args):
1200  options.save_path = os.path.expanduser(options.save_path)
1201  if options.fuzz_target not in FUZZ_TARGET_LISTS:
1202    print("Invalid fuzz target: %s" % options.fuzz_target)
1203    return False
1204  if len(args) != 1 or args[0] == "help":
1205    return False
1206  return True
1209def Main():
1210  parser = BuildOptionParser()
1211  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
1213  if not ProcessOptions(options, args):
1214    parser.print_help()
1215    return 1
1216  action = args[0]
1218  functions = FindRuntimeFunctions()
1219  (js_fuzzable_functions, cctest_fuzzable_functions, unknown_functions) = \
1220      ClassifyFunctions(functions)
1221  builtins = FindJSBuiltins()
1223  if action == "test":
1224    print("put your temporary debugging code here")
1225    return 0
1227  if action == "info":
1228    print("%d functions total; js_fuzzable_functions: %d, "
1229          "cctest_fuzzable_functions: %d, unknown_functions: %d"
1230          % (len(functions), len(js_fuzzable_functions),
1231             len(cctest_fuzzable_functions), len(unknown_functions)))
1232    print("%d JavaScript builtins" % len(builtins))
1233    print("unknown functions:")
1234    for f in unknown_functions:
1235      print(f)
1236    return 0
1238  if action == "check":
1239    errors = 0
1241    def CheckCount(actual, expected, description):
1242      if len(actual) != expected:
1243        print("Expected to detect %d %s, but found %d." % (
1244              expected, description, len(actual)))
1245        print("If this change is intentional, please update the expectations"
1246              " at the top of %s." % THIS_SCRIPT)
1247        return 1
1248      return 0
1250    errors += CheckCount(functions, EXPECTED_FUNCTION_COUNT,
1251                         "functions in total")
1252    errors += CheckCount(js_fuzzable_functions, EXPECTED_FUZZABLE_COUNT,
1253                         "JavaScript-fuzzable functions")
1254    errors += CheckCount(cctest_fuzzable_functions, EXPECTED_CCTEST_COUNT,
1255                         "cctest-fuzzable functions")
1256    errors += CheckCount(unknown_functions, EXPECTED_UNKNOWN_COUNT,
1257                         "functions with incomplete type information")
1258    errors += CheckCount(builtins, EXPECTED_BUILTINS_COUNT,
1259                         "JavaScript builtins")
1261    def CheckTestcasesExisting(functions):
1262      errors = 0
1263      for f in functions:
1264        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(BASEPATH, f.Filename())):
1265          print("Missing testcase for %s, please run '%s generate'" %
1266                (f.name, THIS_SCRIPT))
1267          errors += 1
1268      files = filter(lambda filename: not filename.startswith("."),
1269                     os.listdir(BASEPATH))
1270      if (len(files) != len(functions)):
1271        unexpected_files = set(files) - set([f.Filename() for f in functions])
1272        for f in unexpected_files:
1273          print("Unexpected testcase: %s" % os.path.join(BASEPATH, f))
1274          errors += 1
1275        print("Run '%s generate' to automatically clean these up."
1276              % THIS_SCRIPT)
1277      return errors
1279    errors += CheckTestcasesExisting(js_fuzzable_functions)
1281    def CheckNameClashes(runtime_functions, builtins):
1282      errors = 0
1283      runtime_map = {}
1284      for f in runtime_functions:
1285        runtime_map[f.name] = 1
1286      for b in builtins:
1287        if b.name in runtime_map:
1288          print("Builtin/Runtime_Function name clash: %s" % b.name)
1289          errors += 1
1290      return errors
1292    errors += CheckNameClashes(functions, builtins)
1294    if errors > 0:
1295      return 1
1296    print("Generated runtime tests: all good.")
1297    return 0
1299  if action == "generate":
1300    GenerateTestcases(js_fuzzable_functions)
1301    return 0
1303  if action == "fuzz":
1304    processes = []
1305    if not os.path.isdir(options.save_path):
1306      os.makedirs(options.save_path)
1307    stop_running = multiprocessing.Event()
1308    for i in range(multiprocessing.cpu_count()):
1309      args = (i, options, stop_running)
1310      p = multiprocessing.Process(target=RunFuzzer, args=args)
1311      p.start()
1312      processes.append(p)
1313    try:
1314      for i in range(len(processes)):
1315        processes[i].join()
1316    except KeyboardInterrupt:
1317      stop_running.set()
1318      for i in range(len(processes)):
1319        processes[i].join()
1320    return 0
1322if __name__ == "__main__":
1323  sys.exit(Main())