1#Configuration information for video process test case. 2# This application will firstly loads frames(yv12 format in file) to one type of 3#surface(NV12/YV12/I420) you require, after video processing ,the processed content 4#(NV12/YV12/I420 surface) will be stored to frames(yv12 format in file). 5# Supported features including: denoise, deinterlacing, sharpening, color balance, 6# blending and implicit format conversion(NV12<->YV12<->I420), each time only one 7# kind of processing will be executed in test application, although libva supports 8# multiply filters execution in one time. you can modify this configure to set the 9# filter and the corresponding parameters. 10 11#1.Source YUV(RGB) file information 12SRC_FILE_NAME: /root/clips/YUV/bus_cif.yv12 13SRC_FRAME_WIDTH: 352 14SRC_FRAME_HEIGHT: 288 15SRC_FRAME_FORMAT: NV12 16 17#2.Destination YUV(RGB) file information 18DST_FILE_NAME: ./bus_cif_deinterlacing.yv12 19DST_FRAME_WIDTH: 352 20DST_FRAME_HEIGHT: 288 21DST_FRAME_FORMAT: NV12 22 23#3.How many frames to be processed 24FRAME_SUM: 10 25 26#4.VPP filter type and parameters, the following filters are supported: 27 #(VAProcFilterNone,VAProcFilterNoiseReduction,VAProcFilterDeinterlacing, 28 # VAProcFilterSharpening,VAProcFilterColorBalance, 29 # defalut VAProcFilterNone) 30FILTER_TYPE: VAProcFilterDeinterlacing 31 32#5.VPP filter specific parameters. If they are not specified here, 33#default value will be applied then. 34 35#5.1 Denoise filter paramters 36 #(0.0 ~ 1.0, default 0.5) 37DENOISE_INTENSITY: 0.75 38 39#5.2 Deinterlacding parameters 40 #(VAProcDeinterlacingBob, VAProcDeinterlacingWeave, 41 # VAProcDeinterlacingMotionAdaptive, VAProcDeinterlacingMotionCompensated, 42 # default: VAProcDeinterlacingBob) 43DEINTERLACING_ALGORITHM: VAProcDeinterlacingBob 44 45 #(VA_DEINTERLACING_BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST | 46 # VA_DEINTERLACING_BOTTOM_FIELD | 47 # VA_DEINTERLACING_ONE_FIELD, defalut 0) 48DEINTERLACING_FLAGS: 0 49 50#5.3 Sharpening parameters 51 # (0.0 ~ 1.0, default 0.5) 52SHARPENING_INTENSITY: 0.75 53 54#5.4 Blending 55 # (0, 1, default 0) 56BLENDING_ENABLED: 0 57 # (VA_BLEND_GLOBAL_ALPHA | 58 # VA_BLEND_LUMA_KEY, defalut 0) 59BLENDING_FLAGS: VA_BLEND_GLOBAL_ALPHA 60 # (0.0 ~ 1.0, default 0.5) 61BLENDING_GLOBAL_ALPHA: 0.5 62 # (1 ~ 254, defalut 1) 63BLENDING_MIN_LUMA: 1 64 # (1 ~ 254, defalut 254) 65BLENDING_MAX_LUMA: 254 66 67#5.5 Color balance parameters 68 #(-180 ~ 180, default 0) 69COLOR_BALANCE_HUE: 0 70 #(0.0 ~ 10.0, default 1.0) 71COLOR_BALANCE_SATURATION: 1.0 72 #(-100 ~ 100, default 0) 73COLOR_BALANCE_BRIGHTNESS: 20 74 #(0.0 ~ 10.0, default 1.0) 75COLOR_BALANCE_CONTRAST: 1.2 76 77