1Scene 1 description: 2* Camera on tripod in portrait or landscape orientation 3* Scene mostly filled by grey card, with white background behind grey card 4* Illuminated by simple light source, for example a desk lamp 5* Uniformity of lighting and target positioning need not be precise 6 7This is intended to be a very simple setup that can be recreated on an 8engineer's desk without any large or expensive equipment. The tests for this 9scene in general only look at a patch in the middle of the image (which is 10assumed to be within the bounds of the grey card). 11 12Note that the scene should not be completely uniform; don't have the grey card 13100% fill the field of view and use a high quality uniform light source, for 14example, and don't use a diffuser on top of the camera to simulate a grey 15scene. 16 17