1include(AddFileDependencies) 2include(CMakeParseArguments) 3 4function(llvm_replace_compiler_option var old new) 5 # Replaces a compiler option or switch `old' in `var' by `new'. 6 # If `old' is not in `var', appends `new' to `var'. 7 # Example: llvm_replace_compiler_option(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O3" "-O2") 8 # If the option already is on the variable, don't add it: 9 if( "${${var}}" MATCHES "(^| )${new}($| )" ) 10 set(n "") 11 else() 12 set(n "${new}") 13 endif() 14 if( "${${var}}" MATCHES "(^| )${old}($| )" ) 15 string( REGEX REPLACE "(^| )${old}($| )" " ${n} " ${var} "${${var}}" ) 16 else() 17 set( ${var} "${${var}} ${n}" ) 18 endif() 19 set( ${var} "${${var}}" PARENT_SCOPE ) 20endfunction(llvm_replace_compiler_option) 21 22macro(add_td_sources srcs) 23 file(GLOB tds *.td) 24 if( tds ) 25 source_group("TableGen descriptions" FILES ${tds}) 26 set_source_files_properties(${tds} PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY ON) 27 list(APPEND ${srcs} ${tds}) 28 endif() 29endmacro(add_td_sources) 30 31 32macro(add_header_files srcs) 33 file(GLOB hds *.h) 34 if( hds ) 35 set_source_files_properties(${hds} PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY ON) 36 list(APPEND ${srcs} ${hds}) 37 endif() 38endmacro(add_header_files) 39 40 41function(llvm_process_sources OUT_VAR) 42 cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "" "" "ADDITIONAL_HEADERS" ${ARGN}) 43 set(sources ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) 44 llvm_check_source_file_list( ${sources} ) 45 if( MSVC_IDE OR XCODE ) 46 # This adds .td and .h files to the Visual Studio solution: 47 add_td_sources(sources) 48 add_header_files(sources) 49 set_source_files_properties(${ARG_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS} PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY ON) 50 list(APPEND sources ${ARG_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS}) 51 endif() 52 53 set( ${OUT_VAR} ${sources} PARENT_SCOPE ) 54endfunction(llvm_process_sources) 55 56 57function(llvm_check_source_file_list) 58 set(listed ${ARGN}) 59 file(GLOB globbed *.c *.cpp) 60 foreach(g ${globbed}) 61 get_filename_component(fn ${g} NAME) 62 list(FIND LLVM_OPTIONAL_SOURCES ${fn} idx) 63 if( idx LESS 0 ) 64 list(FIND listed ${fn} idx) 65 if( idx LESS 0 ) 66 message(SEND_ERROR "Found unknown source file ${g} 67Please update ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}\n") 68 endif() 69 endif() 70 endforeach() 71endfunction(llvm_check_source_file_list) 72