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1page.title=Activity Testing
6<div id="qv-wrapper">
7  <div id="qv">
8  <h2>In this document</h2>
9  <ol>
10    <li>
11      <a href="#ActivityTestAPI">The Activity Testing API</a>
12      <ol>
13        <li>
14            <a href="#ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2">ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2</a>
15        </li>
16        <li>
17            <a href="#ActivityUnitTestCase">ActivityUnitTestCase</a>
18        </li>
19        <li>
20            <a href="#SingleLaunchActivityTestCase">SingleLaunchActivityTestCase</a>
21        </li>
22        <li>
23            <a href="#MockObjectNotes">Mock objects and activity testing</a>
24        </li>
25        <li>
26            <a href="#AssertionNotes">Assertions for activity testing</a>
27        </li>
28      </ol>
29    </li>
30    <li>
31        <a href="#WhatToTest">What to Test</a>
32    </li>
33    <li>
34        <a href="#NextSteps">Next Steps</a>
35    </li>
36    <li>
37      <a href="#UITesting">Appendix: UI Testing Notes</a>
38      <ol>
39        <li>
40          <a href="#RunOnUIThread">Testing on the UI thread</a>
41        </li>
42        <li>
43          <a href="#NotouchMode">Turning off touch mode</a>
44        </li>
45        <li>
46          <a href="#UnlockDevice">Unlocking the Emulator or Device</a>
47        </li>
48        <li>
49          <a href="#UITestTroubleshooting">Troubleshooting UI tests</a>
50        </li>
51      </ol>
52    </li>
53    </ol>
54<h2>Key Classes</h2>
55    <ol>
56      <li>{@link android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner}</li>
57      <li>{@link android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2}</li>
58      <li>{@link android.test.ActivityUnitTestCase}</li>
59    </ol>
60<h2>Related Tutorials</h2>
61    <ol>
62      <li>
63         <a href="{@docRoot}tools/testing/activity_test.html">Activity Testing Tutorial</a>
64      </li>
65    </ol>
66<h2>See Also</h2>
67      <ol>
68        <li>
69          <a href="{@docRoot}tools/testing/testing_eclipse.html">
70          Testing from Eclipse with ADT</a>
71        </li>
72        <li>
73          <a href="{@docRoot}tools/testing/testing_otheride.html">
74          Testing from Other IDEs</a>
75        </li>
76      </ol>
77  </div>
80    Activity testing is particularly dependent on the Android instrumentation framework.
81    Unlike other components, activities have a complex lifecycle based on callback methods; these
82    can't be invoked directly except by instrumentation. Also, the only way to send events to the
83    user interface from a program is through instrumentation.
86    This document describes how to test activities using instrumentation and other test
87    facilities. The document assumes you have already read
88    <a href="{@docRoot}tools/testing/testing_android.html">Testing Fundamentals</a>,
89    the introduction to the Android testing and instrumentation framework.
91<h2 id="ActivityTestAPI">The Activity Testing API</h2>
93    The activity testing API base class is {@link android.test.InstrumentationTestCase},
94    which provides instrumentation to the test case subclasses you use for Activities.
97    For activity testing, this base class provides these functions:
100    <li>
101        Lifecycle control: With instrumentation, you can start the activity under test, pause it,
102        and destroy it, using methods provided by the test case classes.
103    </li>
104    <li>
105        Dependency injection: Instrumentation allows you to create mock system objects such as
106        Contexts or Applications and use them to run the activity under test. This
107        helps you control the test environment and isolate it from production systems. You can
108        also set up customized Intents and start an activity with them.
109    </li>
110    <li>
111        User interface interaction: You use instrumentation to send keystrokes or touch events
112        directly to the UI of the activity under test.
113    </li>
116    The activity testing classes also provide the JUnit framework by extending
117    {@link junit.framework.TestCase} and {@link junit.framework.Assert}.
120    The two main testing subclasses are {@link android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2} and
121    {@link android.test.ActivityUnitTestCase}. To test an Activity that is launched in a mode
122    other than <code>standard</code>, you use {@link android.test.SingleLaunchActivityTestCase}.
124<h3 id="ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2">ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2</h3>
126    The {@link android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2} test case class is designed to do
127    functional testing of one or more Activities in an application, using a normal system
128    infrastructure. It runs the Activities in a normal instance of the application under test,
129    using a standard system Context. It allows you to send mock Intents to the activity under
130    test, so you can use it to test an activity that responds to multiple types of intents, or
131    an activity that expects a certain type of data in the intent, or both. Notice, though, that it
132    does not allow mock Contexts or Applications, so you can not isolate the test from the rest of
133    a production system.
135<h3 id="ActivityUnitTestCase">ActivityUnitTestCase</h3>
137    The {@link android.test.ActivityUnitTestCase} test case class tests a single activity in
138    isolation. Before you start the activity, you can inject a mock Context or Application, or both.
139    You use it to run activity tests in isolation, and to do unit testing of methods
140    that do not interact with Android. You can not send mock Intents to the activity under test,
141    although you can call
142    {@link android.app.Activity#startActivity(Intent) Activity.startActivity(Intent)} and then
143    look at arguments that were received.
145<h3 id="SingleLaunchActivityTestCase">SingleLaunchActivityTestCase</h3>
147    The {@link android.test.SingleLaunchActivityTestCase} class is a convenience class for
148    testing a single activity in an environment that doesn't change from test to test.
149    It invokes {@link junit.framework.TestCase#setUp() setUp()} and
150    {@link junit.framework.TestCase#tearDown() tearDown()} only once, instead of once per
151    method call. It does not allow you to inject any mock objects.
154    This test case is useful for testing an activity that runs in a mode other than
155    <code>standard</code>. It ensures that the test fixture is not reset between tests. You
156    can then test that the activity handles multiple calls correctly.
158<h3 id="MockObjectNotes">Mock objects and activity testing</h3>
160    This section contains notes about the use of the mock objects defined in
161    {@link android.test.mock} with activity tests.
164    The mock object {@link android.test.mock.MockApplication} is only available for activity
165    testing if you use the {@link android.test.ActivityUnitTestCase} test case class.
166    By default, <code>ActivityUnitTestCase</code>, creates a hidden <code>MockApplication</code>
167    object that is used as the application under test. You can inject your own object using
168    {@link android.test.ActivityUnitTestCase#setApplication(Application) setApplication()}.
170<h3 id="AssertionNotes">Assertions for activity testing</h3>
172    {@link android.test.ViewAsserts} defines assertions for Views. You use it to verify the
173    alignment and position of View objects, and to look at the state of ViewGroup objects.
175<h2 id="WhatToTest">What To Test</h2>
177    <li>
178        Input validation: Test that an activity responds correctly to input values in an
179        EditText View. Set up a keystroke sequence, send it to the activity, and then
180        use {@link android.view.View#findViewById(int)} to examine the state of the View. You can
181        verify that a valid keystroke sequence enables an OK button, while an invalid one leaves the
182        button disabled. You can also verify that the Activity responds to invalid input by
183        setting error messages in the View.
184    </li>
185    <li>
186        Lifecycle events: Test that each of your application's activities handles lifecycle events
187        correctly. In general, lifecycle events are actions, either from the system or from the
188        user, that trigger a callback method such as <code>onCreate()</code> or
189        <code>onClick()</code>. For example, an activity should respond to pause or destroy events
190        by saving its state. Remember that even a change in screen orientation causes the current
191        activity to be destroyed, so you should test that accidental device movements don't
192        accidentally lose the application state.
193    </li>
194    <li>
195        Intents: Test that each activity correctly handles the intents listed in the intent
196        filter specified in its manifest. You can use
197        {@link android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2} to send mock Intents to the
198        activity under test.
199    </li>
200    <li>
201        Runtime configuration changes: Test that each activity responds correctly to the
202        possible changes in the device's configuration while your application is running. These
203        include a change to the device's orientation, a change to the current language, and so
204        forth. Handling these changes is described in detail in the topic
205        <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/runtime-changes.html">Handling Runtime
206        Changes</a>.
207    </li>
208    <li>
209        Screen sizes and resolutions: Before you publish your application, make sure to test it on
210        all of the screen sizes and densities on which you want it to run. You can test the
211        application on multiple sizes and densities using AVDs, or you can test your application
212        directly on the devices that you are targeting. For more information, see the topic
213        <a href="{@docRoot}guide/practices/screens_support.html">Supporting Multiple Screens</a>.
214    </li>
216<h2 id="NextSteps">Next Steps</h2>
218    To learn how to set up and run tests in Eclipse, please refer to
219<a href="{@docRoot}tools/testing/testing_eclipse.html">Testing from Eclipse with ADT</a>.
220    If you're not working in Eclipse, refer to
221<a href="{@docRoot}tools/testing/testing_otheride.html">Testing from Other IDEs</a>.
224    If you want a step-by-step introduction to testing activities, try the
225    <a href="{@docRoot}tools/testing/activity_test.html">Activity Testing Tutorial</a>, which
226    guides you through a testing scenario that you develop against an activity-oriented application.
228<h2 id="UITesting">Appendix: UI Testing Notes</h2>
230    The following sections have tips for testing the UI of your Android application, specifically
231    to help you handle actions that run in the UI thread, touch screen and keyboard events, and home
232    screen unlock during testing.
234<h3 id="RunOnUIThread">Testing on the UI thread</h3>
236    An application's activities run on the application's <strong>UI thread</strong>. Once the
237    UI is instantiated, for example in the activity's <code>onCreate()</code> method, then all
238    interactions with the UI must run in the UI thread. When you run the application normally, it
239    has access to the thread and does not have to do anything special.
242    This changes when you run tests against the application. With instrumentation-based classes,
243    you can invoke methods against the UI of the application under test. The other test classes
244    don't allow this. To run an entire test method on the UI thread, you can annotate the thread
245    with <code>@UiThreadTest</code>. Notice that this will run <em>all</em> of the method statements
246    on the UI thread.  Methods that do not interact with the UI are not allowed; for example, you
247    can't invoke <code>Instrumentation.waitForIdleSync()</code>.
250    To run a subset of a test method on the UI thread, create an anonymous class of type
251    <code>Runnable</code>, put the statements you want in the <code>run()</code> method, and
252    instantiate a new instance of the class as a parameter to the method
253    <code><em>appActivity</em>.runOnUiThread()</code>, where <code><em>appActivity</em></code> is
254    the instance of the application you are testing.
257    For example, this code instantiates an activity to test, requests focus (a UI action) for the
258    Spinner displayed by the activity, and then sends a key to it. Notice that the calls to
259    <code>waitForIdleSync</code> and <code>sendKeys</code> aren't allowed to run on the UI thread:
262  private MyActivity mActivity; // MyActivity is the class name of the app under test
263  private Spinner mSpinner;
265  ...
267  protected void setUp() throws Exception {
268      super.setUp();
269      mInstrumentation = getInstrumentation();
271      mActivity = getActivity(); // get a references to the app under test
273      /*
274       * Get a reference to the main widget of the app under test, a Spinner
275       */
276      mSpinner = (Spinner) mActivity.findViewById(com.android.demo.myactivity.R.id.Spinner01);
278  ...
280  public void aTest() {
281      /*
282       * request focus for the Spinner, so that the test can send key events to it
283       * This request must be run on the UI thread. To do this, use the runOnUiThread method
284       * and pass it a Runnable that contains a call to requestFocus on the Spinner.
285       */
286      mActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
287          public void run() {
288              mSpinner.requestFocus();
289          }
290      });
292      mInstrumentation.waitForIdleSync();
294      this.sendKeys(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER);
297<h3 id="NotouchMode">Turning off touch mode</h3>
299    To control the emulator or a device with key events you send from your tests, you must turn off
300    touch mode. If you do not do this, the key events are ignored.
303    To turn off touch mode, you invoke
304    <code>ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2.setActivityTouchMode(false)</code>
305    <em>before</em> you call <code>getActivity()</code> to start the activity. You must invoke the
306    method in a test method that is <em>not</em> running on the UI thread. For this reason, you
307    can't invoke the touch mode method from a test method that is annotated with
308    <code>@UIThread</code>. Instead, invoke the touch mode method from <code>setUp()</code>.
310<h3 id="UnlockDevice">Unlocking the emulator or device</h3>
312    You may find that UI tests don't work if the emulator's or device's home screen is disabled with
313    the keyguard pattern. This is because the application under test can't receive key events sent
314    by <code>sendKeys()</code>. The best way to avoid this is to start your emulator or device
315    first and then disable the keyguard for the home screen.
318    You can also explicitly disable the keyguard. To do this,
319    you need to add a permission in the manifest file (<code>AndroidManifest.xml</code>) and
320    then disable the keyguard in your application under test. Note, though, that you either have to
321    remove this before you publish your application, or you have to disable it with code in
322    the published application.
325    To add the permission, add the element
326    <code>&lt;uses-permission android:name="android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD"/&gt;</code>
327    as a child of the <code>&lt;manifest&gt;</code> element. To disable the KeyGuard, add the
328    following code to the <code>onCreate()</code> method of activities you intend to test:
331  mKeyGuardManager = (KeyguardManager) getSystemService(KEYGUARD_SERVICE);
332  mLock = mKeyGuardManager.newKeyguardLock("<em>activity_classname</em>");
333  mLock.disableKeyguard();
335<p>where <code><em>activity_classname</em></code> is the class name of the activity.</p>
336<h3 id="UITestTroubleshooting">Troubleshooting UI tests</h3>
338    This section lists some of the common test failures you may encounter in UI testing, and their
339    causes:
342    <dt><code>WrongThreadException</code></dt>
343    <dd>
344      <p><strong>Problem:</strong></p>
345      For a failed test, the Failure Trace contains the following error message:
346      <code>
347        android.view.ViewRoot$CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original thread that created
348        a view hierarchy can touch its views.
349      </code>
350      <p><strong>Probable Cause:</strong></p>
351        This error is common if you tried to send UI events to the UI thread from outside the UI
352        thread. This commonly happens if you send UI events from the test application, but you don't
353        use the <code>@UIThread</code> annotation or the <code>runOnUiThread()</code> method. The
354        test method tried to interact with the UI outside the UI thread.
355      <p><strong>Suggested Resolution:</strong></p>
356        Run the interaction on the UI thread. Use a test class that provides instrumentation. See
357        the previous section <a href="#RunOnUIThread">Testing on the UI Thread</a>
358        for more details.
359    </dd>
360    <dt><code>java.lang.RuntimeException</code></dt>
361    <dd>
362      <p><strong>Problem:</strong></p>
363        For a failed test, the Failure Trace contains the following error message:
364      <code>
365        java.lang.RuntimeException: This method can not be called from the main application thread
366      </code>
367      <p><strong>Probable Cause:</strong></p>
368        This error is common if your test method is annotated with <code>@UiThreadTest</code> but
369        then tries to do something outside the UI thread or tries to invoke
370        <code>runOnUiThread()</code>.
371      <p><strong>Suggested Resolution:</strong></p>
372        Remove the <code>@UiThreadTest</code> annotation, remove the <code>runOnUiThread()</code>
373        call, or re-factor your tests.
374    </dd>