1========================== 2 Request Comparison Table 3========================== 4 5b=WebBob 6z=Werkzeug 7x=both 8 9 10WEBOB NAME write read WERKZEUG NAME NOTES 11================================= ===== ==== ================================= =========================================== 12 13Read-Write Properties Read-Write Properties 14+++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++ 15 16content_type content_type CommonRequestDescriptorMixin 17charset charset "utf-8" 18headers headers cached_property 19urlvars 20urlargs 21host host cached_property 22body 23unicode_errors 'strict' encoding_errors 'ignore' 24decode_param_names F 25request_body_tempfile_limit 10*1024 max_content_length None Not sure if these are the same 26 is_behind_proxy F 27 max_form_memory_size None 28 parameter_storage_class ImmutableMultiDict 29 list_storage_class ImmutableList 30 dict_storage_class ImmutableTypeConversionDict 31environ environ 32 populate_request T 33 shallow F 34 35 36Environ Getter Properties 37+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 38 39body_file_raw 40scheme 41method method 42http_version 43script_name script_root cached_property 44path_info ???path cached_property 45content_length content_type CommonRequestDescriptorMixin 46remote_user remote_user 47remote_addr remote_addr 48query_string query_string 49server_name host (with port) 50server_port host (with name) 51uscript_name 52upath_info 53is_body_seekable 54authorization authorization cached_property 55pragma pragma cached_property 56date date CommonRequestDescriptorMixin 57max_forwards max_forwards CommonRequestDescriptorMixin 58range 59if_range 60referer/referrer referrer CommonRequestDescriptorMixin 61user_agent user_agent cached_property 62 input_stream 63 mimetype CommonRequestDescriptorMixin 64 65 66Read-Only Properties 67++++++++++++++++++++ 68 69host_url host_url cached_property 70application_url base_url cached_property Not sure if same 71path_url ???path cached_property 72path ???path cached_property 73path_qs ???path cached_property 74url url cached_property 75is_xhr is_xhr 76str_POST 77POST 78str_GET 79GET 80str_params 81params 82str_cookies 83cookies cookies cached_property 84 url_charset 85 stream cached_property 86 args cached_property Maybe maps to params 87 data cached_property 88 form cached_property 89 values cached_property Maybe maps to params 90 files cached_property 91 url_root cached_property 92 access_route cached_property 93 is_secure 94 is_multithread 95 is_multiprocess 96 is_run_once 97 98 99Accept Properties 100+++++++++++++++++ 101 102accept accept_mimetypes 103accept_charset accept_charsets 104accept_encoding accept_encodings 105accept_language accept_languages 106 107Etag Properties 108+++++++++++++++ 109 110cache_control cache_control cached_property 111if_match if_match cached_property 112if_none_match if_none_match cached_property 113if_modified_since if_modified_since cached_property 114if_unmodified_since if_unmodified_since cached_property 115 116Methods 117++++++ 118 119relative_url 120path_info_pop 121path_info_peek 122copy 123copy_get 124make_body_seekable 125copy_body 126make_tempfile 127remove_conditional_headers 128as_string (__str__) 129call_application 130get_response 131 132Classmethods 133++++++++++++ 134 135from_string (classmethod) 136from_file 137blank 138 from_values 139 application 140 141Notes 142----- 143 144 <mitsuhiko> mcdonc: script_root and path in werkzeug are not quite script_name and path_info in webob 145[17:51] <mitsuhiko> the behavior regarding slashes is different for easier url joining 146