
Class PolicyFactory

  extended by org.owasp.html.PolicyFactory
All Implemented Interfaces:<HtmlStreamEventReceiver,HtmlSanitizer.Policy>

public final class PolicyFactory
extends java.lang.Object

A factory that can be used to link a sanitizer to an output receiver and that provides a convenient sanitize method and a and method to compose policies.

Mike Samuel

Method Summary
 PolicyFactory and(PolicyFactory f)
          Produces a factory that allows the union of the grants, and intersects policies where they overlap on a particular granted attribute or element name.
 HtmlSanitizer.Policy apply(HtmlStreamEventReceiver out)
          Produces a sanitizer that emits tokens to out.
<CTX> HtmlSanitizer.Policy
apply(HtmlStreamEventReceiver out, HtmlChangeListener<CTX> listener, CTX context)
          Produces a sanitizer that emits tokens to out and that notifies any listener of any dropped tags and attributes.
 java.lang.String sanitize(java.lang.String html)
          A convenience function that sanitizes a string of HTML.
<CTX> java.lang.String
sanitize(java.lang.String html, HtmlChangeListener<CTX> listener, CTX context)
          A convenience function that sanitizes a string of HTML and reports the names of rejected element and attributes to listener.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


public HtmlSanitizer.Policy apply(@Nonnull
                                  HtmlStreamEventReceiver out)
Produces a sanitizer that emits tokens to out.

Specified by:
apply in interface<HtmlStreamEventReceiver,HtmlSanitizer.Policy>


public <CTX> HtmlSanitizer.Policy apply(HtmlStreamEventReceiver out,
                                        HtmlChangeListener<CTX> listener,
                                        CTX context)
Produces a sanitizer that emits tokens to out and that notifies any listener of any dropped tags and attributes.

out - a renderer that receives approved tokens only.
listener - if non-null, receives notifications of tags and attributes that were rejected by the policy. This may tie into intrusion detection systems.
context - if (listener != null) then the context value passed with notifications. This can be used to let the listener know from which connection or request the questionable HTML was received.


public java.lang.String sanitize(@Nullable
                                 java.lang.String html)
A convenience function that sanitizes a string of HTML.


public <CTX> java.lang.String sanitize(@Nullable
                                       java.lang.String html,
                                       HtmlChangeListener<CTX> listener,
                                       CTX context)
A convenience function that sanitizes a string of HTML and reports the names of rejected element and attributes to listener.

html - the string of HTML to sanitize.
listener - if non-null, receives notifications of tags and attributes that were rejected by the policy. This may tie into intrusion detection systems.
context - if (listener != null) then the context value passed with notifications. This can be used to let the listener know from which connection or request the questionable HTML was received.
a string of HTML that complies with this factory's policy.


public PolicyFactory and(PolicyFactory f)
Produces a factory that allows the union of the grants, and intersects policies where they overlap on a particular granted attribute or element name. home