1# Perf Dashboard Project Glossary 2 3## Data organization 4 5*Test path*: A string which serves as the identifier of a single data 6series. This is a slash-separated sequence of strings. 7 8*Test suite name*: A top-level test name, representing a collection of 9related data series whose results are output together. This is often a 10Telemetry benchmark. 11 12*Chart name*: This usually refers to the 4th part of the test path, 13which often comes from the "chart name" in Telemetry data. 14 15*Trace name*: In the dashboard code, this used to refer to the 5th 16part of a test path, which used to be called "trace name" in Telemetry. 17This should be discouraged now, since "trace" has other meanings in 18other projects. 19 20*Data series*: A sequence of (x, y) pairs, plotted as a line chart. 21 22*Test*: In the perf dashboard code, test often refers to a single 23data series and associated data, since for each data series there is a 24corresponding Test entity in datastore. 25 26## Perf sheriff rotations 27 28*Sheriff*: Also known as a perf sheriff rotation, this is a group or 29person who is interested in regressions in a particular set of tests. 30 31*Monitored*: A test is monitored if there's a sheriff rotation that will 32receive alerts for regressions in that test. 33 34*Anomaly*: In the dashboard code, an anomaly refers to a step up or step 35down in test results. 36 37*Change point*: A point in a data series where there is some change. In 38the case of performance tests, we're generally concerned with step-like 39increases and decreases. 40 41*Data stoppage*: A data stoppage is when data is received for a particular 42data series for some time, and then is not received (i.e. because the 43test is disabled or broken). 44 45*To triage*: To assign a bug number to an alert, or mark it as "invalid" or 46"ignored". 47 48## Chromium continuous integration infrastructure 49 50*Master*: A Buildbot master, also called a "waterfall". For example, the 51Chromium Perf waterfall is also known as chromium.perf or ChromiumPerf. 52 53*Bot*: A Buildbot builder; each platform type will have a different builder 54name. 55 56*Reference (ref) build*: On the Chromium Perf waterfall, tests are run 57on both ToT Chromium and on an older build of Chromium. This is useful 58because if the ref build results change along with the ToT results, 59we can conclude that this was not caused by a change in Chrome. 60