1 _ _ ____ _ 2 ___| | | | _ \| | 3 / __| | | | |_) | | 4 | (__| |_| | _ <| |___ 5 \___|\___/|_| \_\_____| 6 7 libcurl bindings 8 9 Creative people have written bindings or interfaces for various environments 10 and programming languages. Using one of these allows you to take advantage of 11 curl powers from within your favourite language or system. 12 13 This is a list of all known interfaces as of this writing. 14 15 The bindings listed below are not part of the curl/libcurl distribution 16 archives, but must be downloaded and installed separately. 17 18 Ada95 19 20 Writtten by Andreas Almroth 21 http://www.almroth.com/adacurl/index.html 22 23 Basic 24 25 ScriptBasic bindings to libcurl. Writtten by Peter Verhas 26 http://scriptbasic.com/ 27 28 C 29 libcurl is a C library in itself! 30 http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/ 31 32 C++ 33 34 Written by Jean-Philippe Barrette-LaPierre 35 http://curlpp.org/ 36 37 Ch 38 39 Written by Stephen Nestinger and Jonathan Rogado 40 http://chcurl.sourceforge.net/ 41 42 Cocoa 43 44 BBHTTP: written by Bruno de Carvalho 45 https://github.com/brunodecarvalho/BBHTTP 46 47 curlhandle: Written by Dan Wood 48 http://curlhandle.sourceforge.net/ 49 50 D 51 52 Written by Kenneth Bogert 53 http://dlang.org/library/std/net/curl.html 54 55 Dylan 56 57 Written by Chris Double 58 http://dylanlibs.sourceforge.net/ 59 60 Eiffel 61 62 Written by Eiffel Software 63 https://room.eiffel.com/library/curl 64 65 Euphoria 66 67 Written by Ray Smith 68 http://rays-web.com/eulibcurl.htm 69 70 Falcon 71 72 http://www.falconpl.org/index.ftd?page_id=prjs&prj_id=curl 73 74 Ferite 75 76 Written by Paul Querna 77 http://www.ferite.org/ 78 79 Gambas 80 81 http://gambas.sourceforge.net/ 82 83 glib/GTK+ 84 85 Written by Richard Atterer 86 http://atterer.net/glibcurl/ 87 88 Guile: 89 90 Written by Michael L. Gran 91 http://www.lonelycactus.com/guile-curl.html 92 93 Harbour 94 95 Written by Viktor Szakáts 96 https://github.com/vszakats/harbour-core/tree/master/contrib/hbcurl 97 98 Haskell 99 100 Written by Galois, Inc 101 http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/curl 102 103 Java 104 105 https://github.com/pjlegato/curl-java 106 107 Julia 108 109 Written by Paul Howe 110 https://github.com/forio/Curl.jl 111 112 Lisp 113 114 Written by Liam Healy 115 http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-curl/ 116 117 Lua 118 119 luacurl by Alexander Marinov 120 http://luacurl.luaforge.net/ 121 122 Lua-cURL by Jürgen Hötzel 123 http://luaforge.net/projects/lua-curl/ 124 125 Mono 126 127 Written by Jeffrey Phillips 128 http://forge.novell.com/modules/xfmod/project/?libcurl-mono 129 130 .NET 131 132 libcurl-net by Jeffrey Phillips 133 https://sourceforge.net/projects/libcurl-net/ 134 135 node.js 136 137 node-libcurl by Jonathan Cardoso Machado 138 https://github.com/JCMais/node-libcurl 139 140 Object-Pascal 141 142 Free Pascal, Delphi and Kylix binding written by Christophe Espern. 143 http://www.tekool.com/opcurl 144 145 O'Caml 146 147 Written by Lars Nilsson 148 https://sourceforge.net/projects/ocurl/ 149 150 Pascal 151 152 Free Pascal, Delphi and Kylix binding written by Jeffrey Pohlmeyer. 153 http://houston.quik.com/jkp/curlpas/ 154 155 Perl 156 157 Maintained by Cris Bailiff and Bálint Szilakszi 158 https://github.com/szbalint/WWW--Curl 159 160 PHP 161 162 Written by Sterling Hughes 163 https://php.net/curl 164 165 PostgreSQL 166 167 Written by Gian Paolo Ciceri 168 http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/pgcurl/projdisplay.php 169 170 Python 171 172 PycURL by Kjetil Jacobsen 173 http://pycurl.sourceforge.net/ 174 175 R 176 177 http://cran.r-project.org/package=curl 178 179 Rexx 180 181 Written Mark Hessling 182 http://rexxcurl.sourceforge.net/ 183 184 RPG 185 186 Support for ILE/RPG on OS/400 is included in source distribution 187 http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/ 188 See packages/OS400/README.OS400 and packages/OS400/curl.inc.in 189 190 Ruby 191 192 curb - written by Ross Bamford 193 http://curb.rubyforge.org/ 194 195 ruby-curl-multi - written by Kristjan Petursson and Keith Rarick 196 http://curl-multi.rubyforge.org/ 197 198 Rust 199 200 curl-rust - by Carl Lerche 201 https://github.com/carllerche/curl-rust 202 203 Scheme 204 205 Bigloo binding by Kirill Lisovsky 206 http://www.metapaper.net/lisovsky/web/curl/ 207 208 S-Lang 209 210 S-Lang binding by John E Davis 211 http://www.jedsoft.org/slang/modules/curl.html 212 213 Smalltalk 214 215 Smalltalk binding by Danil Osipchuk 216 http://www.squeaksource.com/CurlPlugin/ 217 218 SP-Forth 219 220 SP-Forth binding by ygrek 221 http://www.forth.org.ru/~ac/lib/lin/curl/ 222 223 SPL 224 225 SPL binding by Clifford Wolf 226 http://www.clifford.at/spl/ 227 228 Tcl 229 230 Tclcurl by Andrés García 231 http://mirror.yellow5.com/tclcurl/ 232 233 Visual Basic 234 235 libcurl-vb by Jeffrey Phillips 236 https://sourceforge.net/projects/libcurl-vb/ 237 238 Visual Foxpro 239 240 by Carlos Alloatti 241 http://www.ctl32.com.ar/libcurl.asp 242 243 Q 244 The libcurl module is part of the default install 245 http://q-lang.sourceforge.net/ 246 247 wxWidgets 248 249 Written by Casey O'Donnell 250 http://wxcode.sourceforge.net/components/wxcurl/ 251 252 XBLite 253 254 Written by David Szafranski 255 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/xblite/libraries.html 256 257 Xojo 258 259 Written by Andrew Lambert 260 https://github.com/charonn0/RB-libcURL 261