1 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// 2 // 3 // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure 4 // 5 // This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open 6 // Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details. 7 // 8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// 9 10 // <condition_variable> 11 12 // class condition_variable_any; 13 14 // template <class Lock> 15 // void wait(Lock& lock); 16 17 #include <condition_variable> 18 #include <mutex> 19 #include <thread> 20 #include <cassert> 21 22 std::condition_variable_any cv; 23 24 typedef std::timed_mutex L0; 25 typedef std::unique_lock<L0> L1; 26 27 L0 m0; 28 29 int test1 = 0; 30 int test2 = 0; 31 f()32void f() 33 { 34 L1 lk(m0); 35 assert(test2 == 0); 36 test1 = 1; 37 cv.notify_one(); 38 while (test2 == 0) 39 cv.wait(lk); 40 assert(test2 != 0); 41 } 42 main()43int main() 44 { 45 L1 lk(m0); 46 std::thread t(f); 47 assert(test1 == 0); 48 while (test1 == 0) 49 cv.wait(lk); 50 assert(test1 != 0); 51 test2 = 1; 52 lk.unlock(); 53 cv.notify_one(); 54 t.join(); 55 } 56