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2#pylint: disable-msg=C0111
4# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
5# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
6# found in the LICENSE file.
7import collections
9import common
11from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import host_queue_entry_states
12from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.test_utils import unittest
13from autotest_lib.frontend import setup_django_environment
14from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import frontend_test_utils
15from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import models
16from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import rdb_model_extensions
17from autotest_lib.scheduler import rdb
18from autotest_lib.scheduler import rdb_hosts
19from autotest_lib.scheduler import rdb_lib
20from autotest_lib.scheduler import rdb_requests
21from autotest_lib.scheduler import rdb_testing_utils
22from autotest_lib.server.cros import provision
25class AssignmentValidator(object):
26    """Utility class to check that priority inversion doesn't happen. """
29    @staticmethod
30    def check_acls_deps(host, request):
31        """Check if a host and request match by comparing acls and deps.
33        @param host: A dictionary representing attributes of the host.
34        @param request: A request, as defined in rdb_requests.
36        @return True if the deps/acls of the request match the host.
37        """
38        # Unfortunately the hosts labels are labelnames, not ids.
39        request_deps = set([l.name for l in
40                models.Label.objects.filter(id__in=request.deps)])
41        return (set(host['labels']).intersection(request_deps) == request_deps
42                and set(host['acls']).intersection(request.acls))
45    @staticmethod
46    def find_matching_host_for_request(hosts, request):
47        """Find a host from the given list of hosts, matching the request.
49        @param hosts: A list of dictionaries representing host attributes.
50        @param requetst: The unsatisfied request.
52        @return: A host, if a matching host is found from the input list.
53        """
54        if not hosts or not request:
55            return None
56        for host in hosts:
57            if AssignmentValidator.check_acls_deps(host, request):
58                return host
61    @staticmethod
62    def sort_requests(requests):
63        """Sort the requests by priority.
65        @param requests: Unordered requests.
67        @return: A list of requests ordered by priority.
68        """
69        return sorted(collections.Counter(requests).items(),
70                key=lambda request: request[0].priority, reverse=True)
73    @staticmethod
74    def verify_priority(request_queue, result):
75        requests = AssignmentValidator.sort_requests(request_queue)
76        for request, count in requests:
77            hosts = result.get(request)
78            # The request was completely satisfied.
79            if hosts and len(hosts) == count:
80                continue
81            # Go through all hosts given to lower priority requests and
82            # make sure we couldn't have allocated one of them for this
83            # unsatisfied higher priority request.
84            lower_requests = requests[requests.index((request,count))+1:]
85            for lower_request, count in lower_requests:
86                if (lower_request.priority < request.priority and
87                    AssignmentValidator.find_matching_host_for_request(
88                            result.get(lower_request), request)):
89                    raise ValueError('Priority inversion occured between '
90                            'priorities %s and %s' %
91                            (request.priority, lower_request.priority))
94    @staticmethod
95    def priority_checking_response_handler(request_manager):
96        """Fake response handler wrapper for any request_manager.
98        Check that higher priority requests get a response over lower priority
99        requests, by re-validating all the hosts assigned to a lower priority
100        request against the unsatisfied higher priority ones.
102        @param request_manager: A request_manager as defined in rdb_lib.
104        @raises ValueError: If priority inversion is detected.
105        """
106        # Fist call the rdb to make its decisions, then sort the requests
107        # by priority and make sure unsatisfied requests higher up in the list
108        # could not have been satisfied by hosts assigned to requests lower
109        # down in the list.
110        result = request_manager.api_call(request_manager.request_queue)
111        if not result:
112            raise ValueError('Expected results but got none.')
113        AssignmentValidator.verify_priority(
114                request_manager.request_queue, result)
115        for hosts in result.values():
116            for host in hosts:
117                yield host
120class BaseRDBTest(rdb_testing_utils.AbstractBaseRDBTester, unittest.TestCase):
121    _config_section = 'AUTOTEST_WEB'
124    def testAcquireLeasedHostBasic(self):
125        """Test that acquisition of a leased host doesn't happen.
127        @raises AssertionError: If the one host that satisfies the request
128            is acquired.
129        """
130        job = self.create_job(deps=set(['a']))
131        host = self.db_helper.create_host('h1', deps=set(['a']))
132        host.leased = 1
133        host.save()
134        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()
135        hosts = list(rdb_lib.acquire_hosts(queue_entries))
136        self.assertTrue(len(hosts) == 1 and hosts[0] is None)
139    def testAcquireLeasedHostRace(self):
140        """Test behaviour when hosts are leased just before acquisition.
142        If a fraction of the hosts somehow get leased between finding and
143        acquisition, the rdb should just return the remaining hosts for the
144        request to use.
146        @raises AssertionError: If both the requests get a host successfully,
147            since one host gets leased before the final attempt to lease both.
148        """
149        j1 = self.create_job(deps=set(['a']))
150        j2 = self.create_job(deps=set(['a']))
151        hosts = [self.db_helper.create_host('h1', deps=set(['a'])),
152                 self.db_helper.create_host('h2', deps=set(['a']))]
154        @rdb_hosts.return_rdb_host
155        def local_find_hosts(host_query_manger, deps, acls):
156            """Return a predetermined list of hosts, one of which is leased."""
157            h1 = models.Host.objects.get(hostname='h1')
158            h1.leased = 1
159            h1.save()
160            h2 = models.Host.objects.get(hostname='h2')
161            return [h1, h2]
163        self.god.stub_with(rdb.AvailableHostQueryManager, 'find_hosts',
164                           local_find_hosts)
165        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()
166        hosts = list(rdb_lib.acquire_hosts(queue_entries))
167        self.assertTrue(len(hosts) == 2 and None in hosts)
168        self.check_hosts(iter(hosts))
171    def testHostReleaseStates(self):
172        """Test that we will only release an unused host if it is in Ready.
174        @raises AssertionError: If the host gets released in any other state.
175        """
176        host = self.db_helper.create_host('h1', deps=set(['x']))
177        for state in rdb_model_extensions.AbstractHostModel.Status.names:
178            host.status = state
179            host.leased = 1
180            host.save()
181            self._release_unused_hosts()
182            host = models.Host.objects.get(hostname='h1')
183            self.assertTrue(host.leased == (state != 'Ready'))
186    def testHostReleseHQE(self):
187        """Test that we will not release a ready host if it's being used.
189        @raises AssertionError: If the host is released even though it has
190            been assigned to an active hqe.
191        """
192        # Create a host and lease it out in Ready.
193        host = self.db_helper.create_host('h1', deps=set(['x']))
194        host.status = 'Ready'
195        host.leased = 1
196        host.save()
198        # Create a job and give its hqe the leased host.
199        job = self.create_job(deps=set(['x']))
200        self.db_helper.add_host_to_job(host, job.id)
201        hqe = models.HostQueueEntry.objects.get(job_id=job.id)
203        # Activate the hqe by setting its state.
204        hqe.status = host_queue_entry_states.ACTIVE_STATUSES[0]
205        hqe.save()
207        # Make sure the hqes host isn't released, even if its in ready.
208        self._release_unused_hosts()
209        host = models.Host.objects.get(hostname='h1')
210        self.assertTrue(host.leased == 1)
213    def testBasicDepsAcls(self):
214        """Test a basic deps/acls request.
216        Make sure that a basic request with deps and acls, finds a host from
217        the ready pool that has matching labels and is in a matching aclgroups.
219        @raises AssertionError: If the request doesn't find a host, since the
220            we insert a matching host in the ready pool.
221        """
222        deps = set(['a', 'b'])
223        acls = set(['a', 'b'])
224        self.db_helper.create_host('h1', deps=deps, acls=acls)
225        job = self.create_job(user='autotest_system', deps=deps, acls=acls)
226        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()
227        matching_host  = rdb_lib.acquire_hosts(queue_entries).next()
228        self.check_host_assignment(job.id, matching_host.id)
229        self.assertTrue(matching_host.leased == 1)
232    def testPreferredDeps(self):
233        """Test that perferred deps is respected.
235        If multiple hosts satisfied a job's deps, the one with preferred
236        label will be assigned to the job.
238        @raises AssertionError: If a host without a preferred label is
239                                assigned to the job instead of one with
240                                a preferred label.
241        """
242        lumpy_deps = set(['board:lumpy'])
243        stumpy_deps = set(['board:stumpy'])
244        stumpy_deps_with_crosversion = set(
245                ['board:stumpy', 'cros-version:lumpy-release/R41-6323.0.0'])
247        acls = set(['a', 'b'])
248        # Hosts lumpy1 and lumpy2 are created as a control group,
249        # which ensures that if no preferred label is used, the host
250        # with a smaller id will be chosen first. We need to make sure
251        # stumpy2 was chosen because it has a cros-version label, but not
252        # because of other randomness.
253        self.db_helper.create_host('lumpy1', deps=lumpy_deps, acls=acls)
254        self.db_helper.create_host('lumpy2', deps=lumpy_deps, acls=acls)
255        self.db_helper.create_host('stumpy1', deps=stumpy_deps, acls=acls)
256        self.db_helper.create_host(
257                    'stumpy2', deps=stumpy_deps_with_crosversion , acls=acls)
258        job_1 = self.create_job(user='autotest_system',
259                              deps=lumpy_deps, acls=acls)
260        job_2 = self.create_job(user='autotest_system',
261                              deps=stumpy_deps_with_crosversion, acls=acls)
262        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()
263        matching_hosts  = list(rdb_lib.acquire_hosts(queue_entries))
264        assignment = {}
265        import logging
266        for job, host in zip(queue_entries, matching_hosts):
267            self.check_host_assignment(job.id, host.id)
268            assignment[job.id] = host.hostname
269        self.assertEqual(assignment[job_1.id], 'lumpy1')
270        self.assertEqual(assignment[job_2.id], 'stumpy2')
273    def testBadDeps(self):
274        """Test that we find no hosts when only acls match.
276        @raises AssertionError: If the request finds a host, since the only
277            host in the ready pool will not have matching deps.
278        """
279        host_labels = set(['a'])
280        job_deps = set(['b'])
281        acls = set(['a', 'b'])
282        self.db_helper.create_host('h1', deps=host_labels, acls=acls)
283        job = self.create_job(user='autotest_system', deps=job_deps, acls=acls)
284        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()
285        matching_host  = rdb_lib.acquire_hosts(queue_entries).next()
286        self.assert_(not matching_host)
289    def testBadAcls(self):
290        """Test that we find no hosts when only deps match.
292        @raises AssertionError: If the request finds a host, since the only
293            host in the ready pool will not have matching acls.
294        """
295        deps = set(['a'])
296        host_acls = set(['a'])
297        job_acls = set(['b'])
298        self.db_helper.create_host('h1', deps=deps, acls=host_acls)
300        # Create the job as a new user who is only in the 'b' and 'Everyone'
301        # aclgroups. Though there are several hosts in the Everyone group, the
302        # 1 host that has the 'a' dep isn't.
303        job = self.create_job(user='new_user', deps=deps, acls=job_acls)
304        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()
305        matching_host  = rdb_lib.acquire_hosts(queue_entries).next()
306        self.assert_(not matching_host)
309    def testBasicPriority(self):
310        """Test that priority inversion doesn't happen.
312        Schedule 2 jobs with the same deps, acls and user, but different
313        priorities, and confirm that the higher priority request gets the host.
314        This confirmation happens through the AssignmentValidator.
316        @raises AssertionError: If the un important request gets host h1 instead
317            of the important request.
318        """
319        deps = set(['a', 'b'])
320        acls = set(['a', 'b'])
321        self.db_helper.create_host('h1', deps=deps, acls=acls)
322        important_job = self.create_job(user='autotest_system',
323                deps=deps, acls=acls, priority=2)
324        un_important_job = self.create_job(user='autotest_system',
325                deps=deps, acls=acls, priority=0)
326        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()
328        self.god.stub_with(rdb_requests.BaseHostRequestManager, 'response',
329                AssignmentValidator.priority_checking_response_handler)
330        self.check_hosts(rdb_lib.acquire_hosts(queue_entries))
333    def testPriorityLevels(self):
334        """Test that priority inversion doesn't happen.
336        Increases a job's priority and makes several requests for hosts,
337        checking that priority inversion doesn't happen.
339        @raises AssertionError: If the unimportant job gets h1 while it is
340            still unimportant, or doesn't get h1 while after it becomes the
341            most important job.
342        """
343        deps = set(['a', 'b'])
344        acls = set(['a', 'b'])
345        self.db_helper.create_host('h1', deps=deps, acls=acls)
347        # Create jobs that will bucket differently and confirm that jobs in an
348        # earlier bucket get a host.
349        first_job = self.create_job(user='autotest_system', deps=deps, acls=acls)
350        important_job = self.create_job(user='autotest_system', deps=deps,
351                acls=acls, priority=2)
352        deps.pop()
353        unimportant_job = self.create_job(user='someother_system', deps=deps,
354                acls=acls, priority=1)
355        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()
357        self.god.stub_with(rdb_requests.BaseHostRequestManager, 'response',
358                AssignmentValidator.priority_checking_response_handler)
359        self.check_hosts(rdb_lib.acquire_hosts(queue_entries))
361        # Elevate the priority of the unimportant job, so we now have
362        # 2 jobs at the same priority.
363        self.db_helper.increment_priority(job_id=unimportant_job.id)
364        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()
365        self._release_unused_hosts()
366        self.check_hosts(rdb_lib.acquire_hosts(queue_entries))
368        # Prioritize the first job, and confirm that it gets the host over the
369        # jobs that got it the last time.
370        self.db_helper.increment_priority(job_id=unimportant_job.id)
371        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()
372        self._release_unused_hosts()
373        self.check_hosts(rdb_lib.acquire_hosts(queue_entries))
376    def testFrontendJobScheduling(self):
377        """Test that basic frontend job scheduling.
379        @raises AssertionError: If the received and requested host don't match,
380            or the mis-matching host is returned instead.
381        """
382        deps = set(['x', 'y'])
383        acls = set(['a', 'b'])
385        # Create 2 frontend jobs and only one matching host.
386        matching_job = self.create_job(acls=acls, deps=deps)
387        matching_host = self.db_helper.create_host('h1', acls=acls, deps=deps)
388        mis_matching_job = self.create_job(acls=acls, deps=deps)
389        mis_matching_host = self.db_helper.create_host(
390                'h2', acls=acls, deps=deps.pop())
391        self.db_helper.add_host_to_job(matching_host, matching_job.id)
392        self.db_helper.add_host_to_job(mis_matching_host, mis_matching_job.id)
394        # Check that only the matching host is returned, and that we get 'None'
395        # for the second request.
396        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()
397        hosts = list(rdb_lib.acquire_hosts(queue_entries))
398        self.assertTrue(len(hosts) == 2 and None in hosts)
399        returned_host = [host for host in hosts if host].pop()
400        self.assertTrue(matching_host.id == returned_host.id)
403    def testFrontendJobPriority(self):
404        """Test that frontend job scheduling doesn't ignore priorities.
406        @raises ValueError: If the priorities of frontend jobs are ignored.
407        """
408        board = 'x'
409        high_priority = self.create_job(priority=2, deps=set([board]))
410        low_priority = self.create_job(priority=1, deps=set([board]))
411        host = self.db_helper.create_host('h1', deps=set([board]))
412        self.db_helper.add_host_to_job(host, low_priority.id)
413        self.db_helper.add_host_to_job(host, high_priority.id)
415        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()
417        def local_response_handler(request_manager):
418            """Confirms that a higher priority frontend job gets a host.
420            @raises ValueError: If priority inversion happens and the job
421                with priority 1 gets the host instead.
422            """
423            result = request_manager.api_call(request_manager.request_queue)
424            if not result:
425                raise ValueError('Excepted the high priority request to '
426                                 'get a host, but the result is empty.')
427            for request, hosts in result.iteritems():
428                if request.priority == 1:
429                    raise ValueError('Priority of frontend job ignored.')
430                if len(hosts) > 1:
431                    raise ValueError('Multiple hosts returned against one '
432                                     'frontend job scheduling request.')
433                yield hosts[0]
435        self.god.stub_with(rdb_requests.BaseHostRequestManager, 'response',
436                           local_response_handler)
437        self.check_hosts(rdb_lib.acquire_hosts(queue_entries))
440    def testSuiteOrderedHostAcquisition(self):
441        """Test that older suite jobs acquire hosts first.
443        Make sure older suite jobs get hosts first, but not at the expense of
444        higher priority jobs.
446        @raises ValueError: If unexpected acquisitions occur, eg:
447            suite_job_2 acquires the last 2 hosts instead of suite_job_1.
448            isolated_important_job doesn't get any hosts.
449            Any job acquires more hosts than necessary.
450        """
451        board = 'x'
453        # Create 2 suites such that the later suite has an ordering of deps
454        # that places it ahead of the earlier suite, if parent_job_id is
455        # ignored.
456        suite_without_dep = self.create_suite(num=2, priority=0, board=board)
458        suite_with_dep = self.create_suite(num=1, priority=0, board=board)
459        self.db_helper.add_deps_to_job(suite_with_dep[0], dep_names=list('y'))
461        # Create an important job that should be ahead of the first suite,
462        # because priority trumps parent_job_id and time of creation.
463        isolated_important_job = self.create_job(priority=3, deps=set([board]))
465        # Create 3 hosts, all with the deps to satisfy the last suite.
466        for i in range(0, 3):
467            self.db_helper.create_host('h%s' % i, deps=set([board, 'y']))
469        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()
471        def local_response_handler(request_manager):
472            """Reorder requests and check host acquisition.
474            @raises ValueError: If unexpected/no acquisitions occur.
475            """
476            if any([request for request in request_manager.request_queue
477                    if request.parent_job_id is None]):
478                raise ValueError('Parent_job_id can never be None.')
480            # This will result in the ordering:
481            # [suite_2_1, suite_1_*, suite_1_*, isolated_important_job]
482            # The priority scheduling order should be:
483            # [isolated_important_job, suite_1_*, suite_1_*, suite_2_1]
484            # Since:
485            #   a. the isolated_important_job is the most important.
486            #   b. suite_1 was created before suite_2, regardless of deps
487            disorderly_queue = sorted(request_manager.request_queue,
488                    key=lambda r: -r.parent_job_id)
489            request_manager.request_queue = disorderly_queue
490            result = request_manager.api_call(request_manager.request_queue)
491            if not result:
492                raise ValueError('Expected results but got none.')
494            # Verify that the isolated_important_job got a host, and that the
495            # first suite got both remaining free hosts.
496            for request, hosts in result.iteritems():
497                if request.parent_job_id == 0:
498                    if len(hosts) > 1:
499                        raise ValueError('First job acquired more hosts than '
500                                'necessary. Response map: %s' % result)
501                    continue
502                if request.parent_job_id == 1:
503                    if len(hosts) < 2:
504                        raise ValueError('First suite job requests were not '
505                                'satisfied. Response_map: %s' % result)
506                    continue
507                # The second suite job got hosts instead of one of
508                # the others. Eitherway this is a failure.
509                raise ValueError('Unexpected host acquisition '
510                        'Response map: %s' % result)
511            yield None
513        self.god.stub_with(rdb_requests.BaseHostRequestManager, 'response',
514                           local_response_handler)
515        list(rdb_lib.acquire_hosts(queue_entries))
518    def testConfigurations(self):
519        """Test that configurations don't matter.
520        @raises AssertionError: If the request doesn't find a host,
521                 this will happen if configurations are not stripped out.
522        """
523        self.god.stub_with(provision.Cleanup,
524                           '_actions',
525                           {'action': 'fakeTest'})
526        job_labels = set(['action', 'a'])
527        host_deps = set(['a'])
528        db_host = self.db_helper.create_host('h1', deps=host_deps)
529        self.create_job(user='autotest_system', deps=job_labels)
530        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()
531        matching_host = rdb_lib.acquire_hosts(queue_entries).next()
532        self.assert_(matching_host.id == db_host.id)
535class RDBMinDutTest(
536        rdb_testing_utils.AbstractBaseRDBTester, unittest.TestCase):
537    """Test AvailableHostRequestHandler"""
539    _config_section = 'AUTOTEST_WEB'
542    def min_dut_test_helper(self, num_hosts, suite_settings):
543        """A helper function to test min_dut logic.
545        @param num_hosts: Total number of hosts to create.
546        @param suite_settings: A dictionary specify how suites would be created
547                               and verified.
548                E.g.  {'priority': 10, 'num_jobs': 3,
549                       'min_duts':2, 'expected_aquired': 1}
550                       With this setting, will create a suite that has 3
551                       child jobs, with priority 10 and min_duts 2.
552                       The suite is expected to get 1 dut.
553        """
554        acls = set(['fake_acl'])
555        hosts = []
556        for i in range (0, num_hosts):
557            hosts.append(self.db_helper.create_host(
558                'h%d' % i, deps=set(['board:lumpy']), acls=acls))
559        suites = {}
560        suite_min_duts = {}
561        for setting in suite_settings:
562            s = self.create_suite(num=setting['num_jobs'],
563                                  priority=setting['priority'],
564                                  board='board:lumpy', acls=acls)
565            # Empty list will be used to store acquired hosts.
566            suites[s['parent_job'].id] = (setting, [])
567            suite_min_duts[s['parent_job'].id] = setting['min_duts']
568        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()
569        matching_hosts = rdb_lib.acquire_hosts(queue_entries, suite_min_duts)
570        for host, queue_entry in zip(matching_hosts, queue_entries):
571            if host:
572                suites[queue_entry.job.parent_job_id][1].append(host)
574        for setting, hosts in suites.itervalues():
575            self.assertEqual(len(hosts),setting['expected_aquired'])
578    def testHighPriorityTakeAll(self):
579        """Min duts not satisfied."""
580        num_hosts = 1
581        suite1 = {'priority':20, 'num_jobs': 3, 'min_duts': 2,
582                  'expected_aquired': 1}
583        suite2 = {'priority':10, 'num_jobs': 7, 'min_duts': 5,
584                  'expected_aquired': 0}
585        self.min_dut_test_helper(num_hosts, [suite1, suite2])
588    def testHighPriorityMinSatisfied(self):
589        """High priority min duts satisfied."""
590        num_hosts = 4
591        suite1 = {'priority':20, 'num_jobs': 4, 'min_duts': 2,
592                  'expected_aquired': 2}
593        suite2 = {'priority':10, 'num_jobs': 7, 'min_duts': 5,
594                  'expected_aquired': 2}
595        self.min_dut_test_helper(num_hosts, [suite1, suite2])
598    def testAllPrioritiesMinSatisfied(self):
599        """Min duts satisfied."""
600        num_hosts = 7
601        suite1 = {'priority':20, 'num_jobs': 4, 'min_duts': 2,
602                  'expected_aquired': 2}
603        suite2 = {'priority':10, 'num_jobs': 7, 'min_duts': 5,
604                  'expected_aquired': 5}
605        self.min_dut_test_helper(num_hosts, [suite1, suite2])
608    def testHighPrioritySatisfied(self):
609        """Min duts satisfied, high priority suite satisfied."""
610        num_hosts = 10
611        suite1 = {'priority':20, 'num_jobs': 4, 'min_duts': 2,
612                  'expected_aquired': 4}
613        suite2 = {'priority':10, 'num_jobs': 7, 'min_duts': 5,
614                  'expected_aquired': 6}
615        self.min_dut_test_helper(num_hosts, [suite1, suite2])
618    def testEqualPriorityFirstSuiteMinSatisfied(self):
619        """Equal priority, earlier suite got min duts."""
620        num_hosts = 4
621        suite1 = {'priority':20, 'num_jobs': 4, 'min_duts': 2,
622                  'expected_aquired': 2}
623        suite2 = {'priority':20, 'num_jobs': 7, 'min_duts': 5,
624                  'expected_aquired': 2}
625        self.min_dut_test_helper(num_hosts, [suite1, suite2])
628    def testEqualPriorityAllSuitesMinSatisfied(self):
629        """Equal priority, all suites got min duts."""
630        num_hosts = 7
631        suite1 = {'priority':20, 'num_jobs': 4, 'min_duts': 2,
632                  'expected_aquired': 2}
633        suite2 = {'priority':20, 'num_jobs': 7, 'min_duts': 5,
634                  'expected_aquired': 5}
635        self.min_dut_test_helper(num_hosts, [suite1, suite2])
638if __name__ == '__main__':
639    unittest.main()