1Test the exact archive format. In particular, test which file names use the 2string table or not. 3 4RUN: mkdir -p %t 5RUN: cd %t 6 7RUN: echo -n bar. > 0123456789abcde 8RUN: echo -n zed. > 0123456789abcdef 9RUN: mkdir -p foo 10RUN: echo -n bar2 > foo/0123456789abcde 11RUN: echo -n zed2 > foo/0123456789abcdef 12 13RUN: rm -f %t.a 14RUN: llvm-ar --format=gnu rc %t.a 0123456789abcde 0123456789abcdef foo/0123456789abcde foo/0123456789abcdef 15RUN: cat %t.a | FileCheck -strict-whitespace %s 16 17CHECK: !<arch> 18CHECK-NEXT: // 36 ` 19CHECK-NEXT: 0123456789abcdef/ 20CHECK-NEXT: 0123456789abcdef/ 21CHECK-NEXT: 0123456789abcde/0 0 0 644 4 ` 22CHECK-NEXT: bar. 23CHECK-SAME: /0 0 0 0 644 4 ` 24CHECK-NEXT: zed. 25CHECK-SAME: 0123456789abcde/0 0 0 644 4 ` 26CHECK-NEXT: bar2 27CHECK-SAME: /18 0 0 0 644 4 ` 28CHECK-NEXT: zed2 29 30RUN: rm -f %t.a 31RUN: llvm-ar --format=bsd rc %t.a 0123456789abcde 0123456789abcdef 32RUN: cat %t.a | FileCheck -strict-whitespace --check-prefix=BSD %s 33 34BSD: !<arch> 35BSD-NEXT: #1/20 0 0 0 644 24 ` 36BSD-NEXT: 0123456789abcde{{.....}}bar. 37BSD-SAME: #1/16 0 0 0 644 20 ` 38BSD-NEXT: 0123456789abcdefzed. 39 40RUN: rm -f test.a 41RUN: llvm-ar --format=gnu rcT test.a 0123456789abcde 0123456789abcdef 42RUN: cat test.a | FileCheck -strict-whitespace --check-prefix=THIN %s 43THIN: !<thin> 44THIN-NEXT: // 36 ` 45THIN-NEXT: 0123456789abcde/ 46THIN-NEXT: 0123456789abcdef/{{$}} 47THIN: {{^$}} 48THIN: /0 0 0 0 644 4 ` 49THIN-NEXT: /17 0 0 0 644 4 ` 50 51RUN: mkdir -p bar 52RUN: rm -f bar/test.a 53RUN: llvm-ar --format=gnu rcT bar/test.a 0123456789abcde 0123456789abcdef foo/0123456789abcde foo/0123456789abcdef 54RUN: cat bar/test.a | FileCheck -strict-whitespace --check-prefix=THIN-PATH %s 55THIN-PATH: !<thin> 56THIN-PATH-NEXT: // 90 ` 57THIN-PATH-NEXT: ..{{/|\\}}0123456789abcde/ 58THIN-PATH-NEXT: ..{{/|\\}}0123456789abcdef/ 59THIN-PATH-NEXT: ..{{/|\\}}foo{{/|\\}}0123456789abcde/ 60THIN-PATH-NEXT: ..{{/|\\}}foo{{/|\\}}0123456789abcdef/ 61THIN-PATH-NEXT: /0 0 0 0 644 4 ` 62THIN-PATH-NEXT: /20 0 0 0 644 4 ` 63THIN-PATH-NEXT: /41 0 0 0 644 4 ` 64THIN-PATH-NEXT: /65 0 0 0 644 4 ` 65