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The stretch points are also moved further inward by the adjustment values given.</p> 135 136<p>If the adjustment values are both zero this function is equivalent to a perfect normalization (or autolevel) of the image.</p> 137 138<p>Each channel is stretched independantally of each other (producing color distortion) unless the special 'SyncChannels' flag is also provided in the channels setting. If this flag is present the minimum and maximum point will be extracted from all the given channels, and those channels will be stretched by exactly the same amount (preventing color distortion).</p> 139 140<p>In the special case that only ONE value is found in a channel of the image that value is not stretched, that value is left as is.</p> 141 142<p>The 'SyncChannels' is turned on in the 'DefaultChannels' setting by default.</p> 143 144<p>The format of the MinMaxStretchImage method is:</p> 145 146<pre class="text"> 147MagickBooleanType MinMaxStretchImage(Image *image,const double black, 148 const double white,const double gamma,ExceptionInfo *exception) 149</pre> 150 151<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 152 153<dd> 154</dd> 155 156<dd> </dd> 157<dl class="dl-horizontal"> 158<dt>image</dt> 159<dd>The image to auto-level </dd> 160 161<dd> </dd> 162<dt>black, white</dt> 163<dd> move the black / white point inward from the minimum and maximum points by this color value. </dd> 164 165<dd> </dd> 166<dt>gamma</dt> 167<dd>the gamma. </dd> 168 169<dd> </dd> 170<dt>exception</dt> 171<dd>return any errors or warnings in this structure. </dd> 172 173<dd> </dd> 174</dl> 175<h2><a href="http://nextgen.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/histogram_8c.html" id="GetNumberColors">GetNumberColors</a></h2> 176 177<p>GetNumberColors() returns the number of unique colors in an image.</p> 178 179<p>The format of the GetNumberColors method is:</p> 180 181<pre class="text"> 182size_t GetNumberColors(const Image *image,FILE *file, 183 ExceptionInfo *exception) 184</pre> 185 186<p>A description of each parameter follows.</p> 187 188<dt>image</dt> 189<p>the image.</p> 190 191<dt>file</dt> 192<p>Write a histogram of the color distribution to this file handle.</p> 193 194<dt>exception</dt> 195<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p> 196 197<h2><a href="http://nextgen.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/histogram_8c.html" id="UniqueImageColors">UniqueImageColors</a></h2> 198 199<p>UniqueImageColors() returns the unique colors of an image.</p> 200 201<p>The format of the UniqueImageColors method is:</p> 202 203<pre class="text"> 204Image *UniqueImageColors(const Image *image,ExceptionInfo *exception) 205</pre> 206 207<p>A description of each parameter follows.</p> 208 209<dt>image</dt> 210<p>the image.</p> 211 212<dt>exception</dt> 213<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p> 214 215</div> 216 <footer class="magick-footer"> 217 <p><a href="../script/support.php">Donate</a> • 218 <a href="../script/sitemap.php">Sitemap</a> • 219 <a href="../script/links.php">Related</a> • 220 <a href="../script/architecture.php">Architecture</a> 221</p> 222 <p><a href="histogram.php#">Back to top</a> • 223 <a href="http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x89AB63D48277377A">Public Key</a> • 224 <a href="../script/contact.php">Contact Us</a></p> 225 <p><small>© 1999-2016 ImageMagick Studio LLC</small></p> 226 </footer> 227</div><!-- /.container --> 228 229 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"></script> 230 <script src="http://nextgen.imagemagick.org/js/magick.php"></script> 231</div> 232</body> 233</html> 234