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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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15"""Integration tests for setmeta command."""
17from __future__ import absolute_import
19from gslib.cs_api_map import ApiSelector
20import gslib.tests.testcase as testcase
21from gslib.tests.testcase.integration_testcase import SkipForS3
22from gslib.tests.util import ObjectToURI as suri
23from gslib.util import Retry
24from gslib.util import UTF8
27class TestSetMeta(testcase.GsUtilIntegrationTestCase):
28  """Integration tests for setmeta command."""
30  def test_initial_metadata(self):
31    """Tests copying file to an object with metadata."""
32    objuri = suri(self.CreateObject(contents='foo'))
33    inpath = self.CreateTempFile()
34    ct = 'image/gif'
35    self.RunGsUtil(['-h', 'x-%s-meta-xyz:abc' % self.provider_custom_meta,
36                    '-h', 'Content-Type:%s' % ct, 'cp', inpath, objuri])
37    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
38    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
39    def _Check1():
40      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', objuri], return_stdout=True)
41      self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Content-Type:\s+%s' % ct)
42      self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'xyz:\s+abc')
43    _Check1()
45  def test_overwrite_existing(self):
46    """Tests overwriting an object's metadata."""
47    objuri = suri(self.CreateObject(contents='foo'))
48    inpath = self.CreateTempFile()
49    self.RunGsUtil(['-h', 'x-%s-meta-xyz:abc' % self.provider_custom_meta,
50                    '-h', 'Content-Type:image/gif', 'cp', inpath, objuri])
51    self.RunGsUtil(['setmeta', '-h', 'Content-Type:text/html', '-h',
52                    'x-%s-meta-xyz' % self.provider_custom_meta, objuri])
53    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
54    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
55    def _Check1():
56      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', objuri], return_stdout=True)
57      self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Content-Type:\s+text/html')
58      self.assertNotIn('xyz', stdout)
59    _Check1()
61  @SkipForS3('Preconditions not supported for s3 objects')
62  def test_generation_precondition(self):
63    """Tests setting metadata with a generation precondition."""
64    object_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='foo')
65    generation = object_uri.generation
66    ct = 'image/gif'
67    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(
68        ['-h', 'x-goog-if-generation-match:%d' % (long(generation) + 1),
69         'setmeta', '-h', 'x-%s-meta-xyz:abc' % self.provider_custom_meta,
70         '-h', 'Content-Type:%s' % ct, suri(object_uri)], expected_status=1,
71        return_stderr=True)
72    if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:
73      # XML API returns a 400 if the generation does not match some valid one.
74      self.assertIn('BadRequestException', stderr)
75    else:
76      self.assertIn('Precondition', stderr)
78    self.RunGsUtil(
79        ['-h', 'x-goog-generation-match:%s' % generation, 'setmeta', '-h',
80         'x-%s-meta-xyz:abc' % self.provider_custom_meta,
81         '-h', 'Content-Type:%s' % ct, suri(object_uri)])
82    stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', suri(object_uri)], return_stdout=True)
83    self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Content-Type:\s+%s' % ct)
84    self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'xyz:\s+abc')
86  @SkipForS3('Preconditions not supported for s3 objects')
87  def test_metageneration_precondition(self):
88    """Tests setting metadata with a metageneration precondition."""
89    object_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='foo')
90    ct = 'image/gif'
91    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(
92        ['-h', 'x-goog-if-metageneration-match:5', 'setmeta', '-h',
93         'x-%s-meta-xyz:abc' % self.provider_custom_meta,
94         '-h', 'Content-Type:%s' % ct, suri(object_uri)], expected_status=1,
95        return_stderr=True)
96    self.assertIn('Precondition', stderr)
97    self.RunGsUtil(
98        ['-h', 'x-goog-metageneration-match:1', 'setmeta', '-h',
99         'x-%s-meta-xyz:abc' % self.provider_custom_meta,
100         '-h', 'Content-Type:%s' % ct, suri(object_uri)])
101    stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', suri(object_uri)], return_stdout=True)
102    self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Content-Type:\s+%s' % ct)
103    self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'xyz:\s+abc')
105  def test_duplicate_header_removal(self):
106    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(
107        ['setmeta', '-h', 'Content-Type:text/html', '-h', 'Content-Type',
108         'gs://foo/bar'], expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
109    self.assertIn('Each header must appear at most once', stderr)
111  def test_duplicate_header(self):
112    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(
113        ['setmeta', '-h', 'Content-Type:text/html', '-h', 'Content-Type:foobar',
114         'gs://foo/bar'], expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
115    self.assertIn('Each header must appear at most once', stderr)
117  def test_recursion_works(self):
118    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
119    object1_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, contents='foo')
120    object2_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, contents='foo')
121    self.RunGsUtil(['setmeta', '-R', '-h', 'content-type:footype',
122                    suri(bucket_uri)])
124    for obj_uri in [object1_uri, object2_uri]:
125      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['stat', suri(obj_uri)], return_stdout=True)
126      self.assertIn('footype', stdout)
128  def test_invalid_non_ascii_custom_header(self):
129    unicode_header = u'x-%s-meta-soufflé:5' % self.provider_custom_meta
130    unicode_header_bytes = unicode_header.encode(UTF8)
131    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(
132        ['setmeta', '-h', unicode_header_bytes, 'gs://foo/bar'],
133        expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
134    self.assertIn('Invalid non-ASCII header', stderr)
136  @SkipForS3('Only ASCII characters are supported for x-amz-meta headers')
137  def test_valid_non_ascii_custom_header(self):
138    """Tests setting custom metadata with a non-ASCII content."""
139    objuri = self.CreateObject(contents='foo')
140    unicode_header = u'x-%s-meta-dessert:soufflé' % self.provider_custom_meta
141    unicode_header_bytes = unicode_header.encode(UTF8)
142    self.RunGsUtil(['setmeta', '-h', unicode_header_bytes, suri(objuri)])
143    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
144    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
145    def _Check1():
146      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', suri(objuri)], return_stdout=True)
147      stdout = stdout.decode(UTF8)
148      self.assertIn(u'dessert:\t\tsoufflé', stdout)
149    _Check1()
151  def test_disallowed_header(self):
152    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(
153        ['setmeta', '-h', 'Content-Length:5', 'gs://foo/bar'],
154        expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
155    self.assertIn('Invalid or disallowed header', stderr)
157  def test_setmeta_bucket(self):
158    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
159    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(
160        ['setmeta', '-h', 'x-%s-meta-foo:5' % self.provider_custom_meta,
161         suri(bucket_uri)], expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
162    self.assertIn('must name an object', stderr)
164  def test_setmeta_invalid_arg(self):
165    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(
166        ['setmeta', '-h', 'foo:bar:baz', 'gs://foo/bar'], expected_status=1,
167        return_stderr=True)
168    self.assertIn('must be either header or header:value', stderr)
170  def test_setmeta_with_canned_acl(self):
171    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(
172        ['setmeta', '-h', 'x-%s-acl:public-read' % self.provider_custom_meta,
173         'gs://foo/bar'], expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
174    self.assertIn('gsutil setmeta no longer allows canned ACLs', stderr)
176  def test_invalid_non_ascii_header_value(self):
177    unicode_header = u'Content-Type:dessert/soufflé'
178    unicode_header_bytes = unicode_header.encode(UTF8)
179    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(
180        ['setmeta', '-h', unicode_header_bytes, 'gs://foo/bar'],
181        expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
182    self.assertIn('Invalid non-ASCII header', stderr)