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1# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5# This file is meant to be included into a target to provide a rule
6# to build Java in a consistent manner.
8# To use this, create a gyp target with the following form:
9# {
10#   'target_name': 'my-package_java',
11#   'type': 'none',
12#   'variables': {
13#     'java_in_dir': 'path/to/package/root',
14#   },
15#   'includes': ['path/to/this/gypi/file'],
16# }
18# Required variables:
19#  java_in_dir - The top-level java directory. The src should be in
20#    <java_in_dir>/src.
21# Optional/automatic variables:
22#  add_to_dependents_classpaths - Set to 0 if the resulting jar file should not
23#    be added to its dependents' classpaths.
24#  additional_input_paths - These paths will be included in the 'inputs' list to
25#    ensure that this target is rebuilt when one of these paths changes.
26#  additional_src_dirs - Additional directories with .java files to be compiled
27#    and included in the output of this target.
28#  generated_src_dirs - Same as additional_src_dirs except used for .java files
29#    that are generated at build time. This should be set automatically by a
30#    target's dependencies. The .java files in these directories are not
31#    included in the 'inputs' list (unlike additional_src_dirs).
32#  input_jars_paths - The path to jars to be included in the classpath. This
33#    should be filled automatically by depending on the appropriate targets.
34#  javac_includes - A list of specific files to include. This is by default
35#    empty, which leads to inclusion of all files specified. May include
36#    wildcard, and supports '**/' for recursive path wildcards, ie.:
37#    '**/MyFileRegardlessOfDirectory.java', '**/IncludedPrefix*.java'.
38#  has_java_resources - Set to 1 if the java target contains an
39#    Android-compatible resources folder named res.  If 1, R_package and
40#    R_package_relpath must also be set.
41#  R_package - The java package in which the R class (which maps resources to
42#    integer IDs) should be generated, e.g. org.chromium.content.
43#  R_package_relpath - Same as R_package, but replace each '.' with '/'.
44#  res_extra_dirs - A list of extra directories containing Android resources.
45#    These directories may be generated at build time.
46#  res_extra_files - A list of the files in res_extra_dirs.
47#  never_lint - Set to 1 to not run lint on this target.
50  'dependencies': [
51    '<(DEPTH)/build/android/android_lint_cache.gyp:android_lint_cache',
52    '<(DEPTH)/build/android/setup.gyp:build_output_dirs',
53  ],
54  'variables': {
55    'add_to_dependents_classpaths%': 1,
56    'android_jar': '<(android_sdk)/android.jar',
57    'input_jars_paths': [ '<(android_jar)' ],
58    'additional_src_dirs': [],
59    'javac_includes': [],
60    'jar_name': '<(_target_name).jar',
61    'jar_dir': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/lib.java',
62    'jar_path': '<(intermediate_dir)/<(jar_name)',
63    'jar_final_path': '<(jar_dir)/<(jar_name)',
64    'jar_excluded_classes': [ '*/R.class', '*/R##*.class' ],
65    'emma_instr_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/emma_instr.stamp',
66    'additional_input_paths': [],
67    'additional_locale_input_paths': [],
68    'dex_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/lib.java/<(_target_name).dex.jar',
69    'generated_src_dirs': ['>@(generated_R_dirs)'],
70    'generated_R_dirs': [],
71    'has_java_resources%': 0,
72    'res_extra_dirs': [],
73    'res_extra_files': [],
74    'res_v14_skip%': 0,
75    'resource_input_paths': ['>@(res_extra_files)'],
76    'intermediate_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/<(_target_name)',
77    'compile_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/compile.stamp',
78    'lint_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/lint.stamp',
79    'lint_result': '<(intermediate_dir)/lint_result.xml',
80    'lint_config': '<(intermediate_dir)/lint_config.xml',
81    'never_lint%': 0,
82    'findbugs_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/findbugs.stamp',
83    'run_findbugs%': 0,
84    'java_in_dir_suffix%': '/src',
85    'proguard_config%': '',
86    'proguard_preprocess%': '0',
87    'variables': {
88      'variables': {
89        'proguard_preprocess%': 0,
90        'emma_never_instrument%': 0,
91      },
92      'conditions': [
93        ['proguard_preprocess == 1', {
94          'javac_jar_path': '<(intermediate_dir)/<(_target_name).pre.jar'
95        }, {
96          'javac_jar_path': '<(jar_path)'
97        }],
98        ['chromium_code != 0 and emma_coverage != 0 and emma_never_instrument == 0', {
99          'emma_instrument': 1,
100        }, {
101          'emma_instrument': 0,
102        }],
103      ],
104    },
105    'emma_instrument': '<(emma_instrument)',
106    'javac_jar_path': '<(javac_jar_path)',
107    'conditions': [
108      ['chromium_code == 0', {
109        'enable_errorprone': 0,
110      }],
111    ],
112    'enable_errorprone%': 0,
113    'errorprone_exe_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/bin.java/chromium_errorprone',
114  },
115  'conditions': [
116    ['add_to_dependents_classpaths == 1', {
117      # This all_dependent_settings is used for java targets only. This will add the
118      # jar path to the classpath of dependent java targets.
119      'all_dependent_settings': {
120        'variables': {
121          'input_jars_paths': ['<(jar_final_path)'],
122          'library_dexed_jars_paths': ['<(dex_path)'],
123        },
124      },
125    }],
126    ['has_java_resources == 1', {
127      'variables': {
128        'resource_dir': '<(java_in_dir)/res',
129        'res_input_dirs': ['<(resource_dir)', '<@(res_extra_dirs)'],
130        'resource_input_paths': ['<!@(find <(resource_dir) -type f)'],
132        'R_dir': '<(intermediate_dir)/java_R',
133        'R_text_file': '<(R_dir)/R.txt',
135        'generated_src_dirs': ['<(R_dir)'],
136        'additional_input_paths': ['<(resource_zip_path)', ],
138        'dependencies_locale_zip_paths': [],
139        'dependencies_res_zip_paths': [],
140        'resource_zip_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/res.java/<(_target_name).zip',
141      },
142      'all_dependent_settings': {
143        'variables': {
144          # Dependent libraries include this target's R.java file via
145          # generated_R_dirs.
146          'generated_R_dirs': ['<(R_dir)'],
148          # Dependent libraries and apks include this target's resources via
149          # dependencies_res_zip_paths.
150          'additional_input_paths': ['<(resource_zip_path)'],
151          'dependencies_res_zip_paths': ['<(resource_zip_path)'],
153          # additional_res_packages and additional_R_text_files are used to
154          # create this packages R.java files when building the APK.
155          'additional_res_packages': ['<(R_package)'],
156          'additional_R_text_files': ['<(R_text_file)'],
157        },
158      },
159      'actions': [
160        # Generate R.java and crunch image resources.
161        {
162          'action_name': 'process_resources',
163          'message': 'processing resources for <(_target_name)',
164          'variables': {
165            'android_manifest': '<(DEPTH)/build/android/AndroidManifest.xml',
166            # Write the inputs list to a file, so that its mtime is updated when
167            # the list of inputs changes.
168            'inputs_list_file': '>|(java_resources.<(_target_name).gypcmd >@(resource_input_paths))',
169            'process_resources_options': [],
170            'local_dependencies_res_zip_paths': [
171              '>@(dependencies_res_zip_paths)',
172              '>@(dependencies_locale_zip_paths)'
173            ],
174            'conditions': [
175              ['res_v14_skip == 1', {
176                'process_resources_options': ['--v14-skip']
177              }],
178            ],
179          },
180          'inputs': [
181            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/util/build_utils.py',
182            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/process_resources.py',
183            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/generate_v14_compatible_resources.py',
184            '>@(resource_input_paths)',
185            '>@(local_dependencies_res_zip_paths)',
186            '>(inputs_list_file)',
187          ],
188          'outputs': [
189            '<(resource_zip_path)',
190          ],
191          'action': [
192            'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/process_resources.py',
193            '--android-sdk-jar', '<(android_sdk_jar)',
194            '--aapt-path', '<(android_aapt_path)',
195            # Need to generate onResourcesLoaded() in R.java, so could be used in java lib.
196            '--shared-resources',
198            '--android-manifest', '<(android_manifest)',
199            '--custom-package', '<(R_package)',
201            '--dependencies-res-zips', '>(local_dependencies_res_zip_paths)',
202            '--resource-dirs', '<(res_input_dirs)',
204            '--R-dir', '<(R_dir)',
205            '--resource-zip-out', '<(resource_zip_path)',
207            '<@(process_resources_options)',
208          ],
209        },
210      ],
211    }],
212    ['proguard_preprocess == 1', {
213      'actions': [
214        {
215          'action_name': 'proguard_<(_target_name)',
216          'message': 'Proguard preprocessing <(_target_name) jar',
217          'inputs': [
218            '<(DEPTH)/third_party/proguard/lib/proguard.jar',
219            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/util/build_utils.py',
220            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/proguard.py',
221            '<(javac_jar_path)',
222            '<(proguard_config)',
223          ],
224          'outputs': [
225            '<(jar_path)',
226          ],
227          'action': [
228            'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/proguard.py',
229            '--proguard-path=<(DEPTH)/third_party/proguard/lib/proguard.jar',
230            '--input-path=<(javac_jar_path)',
231            '--output-path=<(jar_path)',
232            '--proguard-config=<(proguard_config)',
233            '--classpath=<(android_sdk_jar) >(input_jars_paths)',
234          ]
235        },
236      ],
237    }],
238    ['run_findbugs == 1', {
239      'actions': [
240        {
241          'action_name': 'findbugs_<(_target_name)',
242          'message': 'Running findbugs on <(_target_name)',
243          'variables': {
244            'additional_findbugs_args': [],
245            'findbugs_verbose%': 0,
246          },
247          'conditions': [
248            ['findbugs_verbose == 1', {
249              'variables': {
250                'additional_findbugs_args+': ['-vv'],
251              },
252            }],
253          ],
254          'inputs': [
255            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/findbugs_diff.py',
256            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/findbugs_filter/findbugs_exclude.xml',
257            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/pylib/utils/findbugs.py',
258            '>@(input_jars_paths)',
259            '<(jar_final_path)',
260            '<(compile_stamp)',
261          ],
262          'outputs': [
263            '<(findbugs_stamp)',
264          ],
265          'action': [
266            'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/findbugs_diff.py',
267            '--auxclasspath-gyp', '>(input_jars_paths)',
268            '--stamp', '<(findbugs_stamp)',
269            '<@(additional_findbugs_args)',
270            '<(jar_final_path)',
271          ],
272        },
273      ],
274    }],
275    ['enable_errorprone == 1', {
276      'dependencies': [
277        '<(DEPTH)/third_party/errorprone/errorprone.gyp:require_errorprone',
278      ],
279    }],
280  ],
281  'actions': [
282    {
283      'action_name': 'javac_<(_target_name)',
284      'message': 'Compiling <(_target_name) java sources',
285      'variables': {
286        'local_additional_input_paths': [
287          '>@(additional_input_paths)',
288          '>@(additional_locale_input_paths)',
289        ],
290        'extra_args': [],
291        'extra_inputs': [],
292        'java_sources': ['>!@(find >(java_in_dir)>(java_in_dir_suffix) >(additional_src_dirs) -name "*.java")'],
293        'conditions': [
294          ['enable_errorprone == 1', {
295            'extra_inputs': [
296              '<(errorprone_exe_path)',
297            ],
298            'extra_args': [ '--use-errorprone-path=<(errorprone_exe_path)' ],
299          }],
300        ],
301      },
302      'inputs': [
303        '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/util/build_utils.py',
304        '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/javac.py',
305        '>@(java_sources)',
306        '>@(input_jars_paths)',
307        '>@(local_additional_input_paths)',
308        '<@(extra_inputs)',
309      ],
310      'outputs': [
311        '<(compile_stamp)',
312        '<(javac_jar_path)',
313      ],
314      'action': [
315        'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/javac.py',
316        '--bootclasspath=<(android_sdk_jar)',
317        '--classpath=>(input_jars_paths)',
318        '--src-gendirs=>(generated_src_dirs)',
319        '--javac-includes=<(javac_includes)',
320        '--chromium-code=<(chromium_code)',
321        '--jar-path=<(javac_jar_path)',
322        '--jar-excluded-classes=<(jar_excluded_classes)',
323        '--stamp=<(compile_stamp)',
324        '>@(java_sources)',
325        '<@(extra_args)',
326      ]
327    },
328    {
329      'action_name': 'emma_instr_jar_<(_target_name)',
330      'message': 'Instrumenting <(_target_name) jar',
331      'variables': {
332        'input_path': '<(jar_path)',
333        'output_path': '<(jar_final_path)',
334        'coverage_file': '<(jar_dir)/<(_target_name).em',
335        'sources_list_file': '<(jar_dir)/<(_target_name)_sources.txt',
336        'stamp_path': '<(emma_instr_stamp)',
337      },
338      'outputs': [
339        '<(jar_final_path)',
340      ],
341      'inputs': [
342        '<(jar_path)',
343      ],
344      'includes': [ 'android/emma_instr_action.gypi' ],
345    },
346    {
347      'variables': {
348        'src_dirs': [
349          '<(java_in_dir)<(java_in_dir_suffix)',
350          '>@(additional_src_dirs)',
351        ],
352        'stamp_path': '<(lint_stamp)',
353        'result_path': '<(lint_result)',
354        'config_path': '<(lint_config)',
355        'lint_jar_path': '<(jar_final_path)',
356      },
357      'inputs': [
358        '<(jar_final_path)',
359        '<(compile_stamp)',
360      ],
361      'outputs': [
362        '<(lint_stamp)',
363      ],
364      'includes': [ 'android/lint_action.gypi' ],
365    },
366    {
367      'action_name': 'jar_toc_<(_target_name)',
368      'message': 'Creating <(_target_name) jar.TOC',
369      'inputs': [
370        '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/util/build_utils.py',
371        '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/util/md5_check.py',
372        '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/jar_toc.py',
373        '<(jar_final_path)',
374      ],
375      'outputs': [
376        '<(jar_final_path).TOC',
377      ],
378      'action': [
379        'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/jar_toc.py',
380        '--jar-path=<(jar_final_path)',
381        '--toc-path=<(jar_final_path).TOC',
382      ]
383    },
384    {
385      'action_name': 'dex_<(_target_name)',
386      'variables': {
387        'conditions': [
388          ['emma_instrument != 0', {
389            'dex_no_locals': 1,
390          }],
391        ],
392        'dex_input_paths': [ '<(jar_final_path)' ],
393        'output_path': '<(dex_path)',
394      },
395      'includes': [ 'android/dex_action.gypi' ],
396    },
397  ],