1page.title=Security Tips 2page.article=true 3@jd:body 4 5<div id="tb-wrapper"> 6<div id="tb"> 7<h2>In this document</h2> 8<ol class="nolist"> 9 <li><a href="#StoringData">Storing data</a></li> 10 <li><a href="#Permissions">Using permissions</a></li> 11 <li><a href="#Networking">Using networking</a></li> 12 <li><a href="#InputValidation">Performing input validation</a></li> 13 <li><a href="#UserData">Handling user data</a></li> 14 <li><a href="#WebView">Using WebView</a></li> 15 <li><a href="#Crypto">Using cryptography</a></li> 16 <li><a href="#IPC">Using interprocess communication</a></li> 17 <li><a href="#DynamicCode">Dynamically loading code</a></li> 18 <li><a href="#Dalvik">Security in a virtual machine</a></li> 19 <li><a href="#Native">Security in native code</a></li> 20</ol> 21<h2>See also</h2> 22<ul> 23<li><a href="http://source.android.com/tech/security/index.html">Android 24 Security Overview</a></li> 25<li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/security/permissions.html">Permissions</a></li> 26</ul> 27</div></div> 28 29 30<p>Android has built-in security features that significantly reduce the frequency and impact of 31application security issues. The system is designed so that you can typically build your apps with 32the default system and file permissions and avoid difficult decisions about security.</p> 33 34<p>The following core security features help you build secure apps: 35<ul> 36<li>The Android Application Sandbox, which isolates your app data and code execution 37from other apps.</li> 38<li>An application framework with robust implementations of common 39security functionality such as cryptography, permissions, and secure 40<acronym title="Interprocess Communication">IPC</acronym>.</li> 41<li>Technologies like ASLR, NX, ProPolice, safe_iop, OpenBSD dlmalloc, OpenBSD 42calloc, and Linux mmap_min_addr to mitigate risks associated with common memory 43management errors.</li> 44<li>An encrypted file system that can be enabled to protect data on lost or 45stolen devices.</li> 46<li>User-granted permissions to restrict access to system features and user data.</li> 47<li>Application-defined permissions to control application data on a per-app basis.</li> 48</ul> 49 50<p>It is important that you be familiar with the Android 51security best practices in this document. Following these practices as general coding habits 52 reduces the likelihood of inadvertently introducing security issues that 53adversely affect your users.</p> 54 55 56 57<h2 id="StoringData">Storing data</h2> 58 59<p>The most common security concern for an application on Android is whether the data 60that you save on the device is accessible to other apps. There are three fundamental 61ways to save data on the device:</p> 62 63<ul> 64<li>Internal storage.</li> 65<li>External storage.</li> 66<li>Content providers.</li> 67</ul> 68 69The following paragraphs describe the security issues associated with each approach. 70 71<h3 id="InternalStorage">Using internal storage</h3> 72 73<p>By default, files that you create on <a 74href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/data/data-storage.html#filesInternal">internal 75storage</a> are accessible only to your app. 76 Android implements this protection, and it's sufficient for most applications.</p> 77 78<p>Generally, avoid the {@link android.content.Context#MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE} or 79{@link android.content.Context#MODE_WORLD_READABLE} modes for 80<acronym title="Interprocess Communication">IPC</acronym> files because they do not provide 81the ability to limit data access to particular applications, nor do they 82provide any control of data format. If you want to share your data with other 83app processes, instead consider using a 84<a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html">content provider</a>, which 85offers read and write permissions to other apps and can make 86dynamic permission grants on a case-by-case basis.</p> 87 88<p>To provide additional protection for sensitive data, you can 89 encrypt local files using a key that is not directly accessible to the 90application. For example, you can place a key in a {@link java.security.KeyStore} 91and protect it with a user password that is not stored on the device. While this 92does not protect data from a root compromise that can monitor the user 93inputting the password, it can provide protection for a lost device without <a 94href="http://source.android.com/tech/encryption/index.html">file system 95encryption</a>.</p> 96 97 98<h3 id="ExternalStorage">Using external storage</h3> 99 100<p>Files created on <a 101href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/data/data-storage.html#filesExternal">external 102storage</a>, such as SD cards, are globally readable and writable. Because 103external storage can be removed by the user and also modified by any 104application, don't store sensitive information using 105external storage.</p> 106 107<p>You should <a href="#InputValidation">Perform input validation</a> when handling 108data from external storage as you would with data from any untrusted source. 109You should not store executables or 110class files on external storage prior to dynamic loading. If your app 111does retrieve executable files from external storage, the files should be signed and 112cryptographically verified prior to dynamic loading.</p> 113 114 115<h3 id="ContentProviders">Using content providers</h3> 116 117<p><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html">Content providers</a> 118offer a structured storage mechanism that can be limited 119to your own application or exported to allow access by other applications. 120If you do not intend to provide other 121applications with access to your {@link android.content.ContentProvider}, mark them as <code><a 122href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/provider-element.html#exported"> 123android:exported=false</a></code> in the application manifest. Otherwise, set the <code><a 124href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/provider-element.html#exported">android:exported</a></code> 125attribute to {@code true} to allow other apps to access the stored data. 126</p> 127 128<p>When creating a {@link android.content.ContentProvider} 129that is exported for use by other applications, you can specify a single 130<a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/provider-element.html#prmsn">permission 131</a> for reading and writing, or you can specify distinct permissions for reading and writing. 132You should limit your permissions to those 133required to accomplish the task at hand. Keep in mind that it’s usually 134easier to add permissions later to expose new functionality than it is to take 135them away and impact existing users.</p> 136 137<p>If you are using a content provider 138for sharing data between only your own apps, it is preferable to use the 139<a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/permission-element.html#plevel">{@code 140android:protectionLevel}</a> attribute set to {@code signature} protection. 141Signature permissions do not require user confirmation, 142so they provide a better user experience and more controlled access to the 143content provider data when the apps accessing the data are 144<a href="{@docRoot}tools/publishing/app-signing.html">signed</a> with 145the same key.</p> 146 147<p>Content providers can also provide more granular access by declaring the <a 148href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/provider-element.html#gprmsn">{@code 149android:grantUriPermissions}</a> attribute and using the {@link 150android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION} and {@link 151android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION} flags in the 152{@link android.content.Intent} object 153that activates the component. The scope of these permissions can be further 154limited by the <code><a 155href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/grant-uri-permission-element.html"> 156<grant-uri-permission></a></code> element.</p> 157 158<p>When accessing a content provider, use parameterized query methods such as 159{@link android.content.ContentProvider#query(Uri,String[],String,String[],String) query()}, 160{@link android.content.ContentProvider#update(Uri,ContentValues,String,String[]) update()}, and 161{@link android.content.ContentProvider#delete(Uri,String,String[]) delete()} to avoid 162potential SQL injection from untrusted sources. Note that using parameterized methods is not 163sufficient if the <code>selection</code> argument is built by concatenating user data 164prior to submitting it to the method.</p> 165 166<p>Don't have a false sense of security about the write permission. 167 The write permission allows SQL statements that make it possible for some 168data to be confirmed using creative <code>WHERE</code> clauses and parsing the 169results. For example, an attacker might probe for the presence of a specific phone 170number in a call log by modifying a row only if that phone number already 171exists. If the content provider data has predictable structure, the write 172permission may be equivalent to providing both reading and writing.</p> 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180<h2 id="Permissions">Using permissions</h2> 181 182<p>Because Android sandboxes applications from each other, applications must explicitly 183share resources and data. They do this by declaring the permissions they need for additional 184capabilities not provided by the basic sandbox, including access to device features such as 185the camera.</p> 186 187 188<h3 id="RequestingPermissions">Requesting permissions</h3> 189 190<p>You should minimize the number of permissions that your app requests. 191Restricting access to sensitive permissions reduces the risk of 192inadvertently misusing those permissions, improves user adoption, and makes 193your app less vulnerable for attackers. Generally, 194if a permission is not required for your app to function, don't request it.</p> 195 196<p>If it's possible to design your application in a way that does not require 197any permissions, that is preferable. For example, rather than requesting access 198to device information to create a unique identifier, create a <a 199href="{@docRoot}reference/java/util/UUID.html">GUID</a> for your application 200(see the section about <a href="#UserData">Handling user data</a>). Or, rather than 201using external storage (which requires permission), store data 202on the internal storage.</p> 203 204<p>In addition to requesting permissions, your application can use the <a 205href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/permission-element.html">{@code <permission>}</a> 206 element to protect IPC that is security sensitive and is exposed to other 207applications, such as a {@link android.content.ContentProvider}. 208In general, we recommend using access controls 209other than user confirmed permissions where possible because permissions can 210be confusing for users. For example, consider using the <a 211href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/permission-element.html#plevel">signature 212protection level</a> on permissions for IPC communication between applications 213provided by a single developer.</p> 214 215<p>Do not leak permission-protected data. This occurs when your app exposes 216data over IPC that is available only because your app has permission to access 217that data. The clients of your app's IPC interface may not have that same 218data-access permission. More details on the frequency and potential effects 219of this issue appear in the research paper <a 220href="https://www.usenix.org/legacy/event/sec11/tech/full_papers/Felt.pdf" class="external-link"> 221Permission Re-Delegation: Attacks and Defenses 222</a>, published at USENIX. 223 224 225 226<h3 id="CreatingPermissions">Creating permissions</h3> 227 228<p>Generally, you should strive to define as few permissions as possible while 229satisfying your security requirements. Creating a new permission is relatively 230uncommon for most applications, because the <a 231href="{@docRoot}reference/android/Manifest.permission.html">system-defined 232permissions</a> cover many situations. Where appropriate, 233perform access checks using existing permissions.</p> 234 235<p>If you must create a new permission, consider whether you can accomplish 236your task with a <a 237href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/permission-element.html#plevel">signature 238protection level</a>. Signature permissions are transparent 239to the user and allow access only by applications signed by the same developer 240as the application performing the permission check.</p> 241 242<p>If you create a permission with the <a 243href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/permission-element.html#plevel">dangerous 244protection level</a>, there are a number of complexities 245that you need to consider: 246<ul> 247<li>The permission must have a string that concisely expresses to a user the 248security decision they are required to make.</li> 249<li>The permission string must be localized to many different languages.</li> 250<li>Users may choose not to install an application because a permission is 251confusing or perceived as risky.</li> 252<li>Applications may request the permission when the creator of the permission 253has not been installed.</li> 254</ul> 255 256<p>Each of these poses a significant nontechnical challenge for you as the developer 257while also confusing your users, 258which is why we discourages the use of the <em>dangerous</em> permission level.</p> 259 260 261 262 263 264<h2 id="Networking">Using networking</h2> 265 266<p>Network transactions are inherently risky for security, because they involve transmitting 267data that is potentially private to the user. People are increasingly aware of the privacy 268concerns of a mobile device, especially when the device performs network transactions, 269so it's very important that your app implement all best practices toward keeping the user's 270data secure at all times.</p> 271 272<h3 id="IPNetworking">Using IP networking</h3> 273 274<p>Networking on Android is not significantly different from other Linux 275environments. The key consideration is making sure that appropriate protocols 276are used for sensitive data, such as {@link javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection} for 277secure web traffic. You should use HTTPS over HTTP anywhere that HTTPS is 278supported on the server, because mobile devices frequently connect on networks 279that are not secured, such as public Wi-Fi hotspots.</p> 280 281<p>Authenticated, encrypted socket-level communication can be easily 282implemented using the {@link javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket} 283class. Given the frequency with which Android devices connect to unsecured 284wireless networks using Wi-Fi, the use of secure networking is strongly 285encouraged for all applications that communicate over the network.</p> 286 287<p>Some applications use <a 288href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Localhost" class="external-link">localhost</a> network ports for 289handling sensitive IPC. You should not use this approach because these interfaces are 290accessible by other applications on the device. Instead, use an Android IPC 291mechanism where authentication is possible, such as with a {@link android.app.Service}. 292Binding to INADDR_ANY is worse than using loopback because then your application 293may receive requests from anywhere.</p> 294 295<p>Make sure that you don't 296 trust data downloaded from HTTP or other insecure protocols. This includes 297validation of input in {@link android.webkit.WebView} and 298any responses to intents issued against HTTP.</p> 299 300 301<h3>Using telephony networking</h3> 302 303<p>The <acronym title="Short Message Service">SMS</acronym> protocol was primarily designed for 304user-to-user communication and is not well-suited for apps that want to transfer data. 305Due to the limitations of SMS, you should use <a 306href="{@docRoot}google/gcm/index.html">Google Cloud Messaging</a> (GCM) 307and IP networking for sending data messages from a web server to your app on a user device.</p> 308 309<p>Beware that SMS is neither encrypted nor strongly 310authenticated on either the network or the device. In particular, any SMS receiver 311should expect that a malicious user may have sent the SMS to your application. Don't 312 rely on unauthenticated SMS data to perform sensitive commands. 313Also, you should be aware that SMS may be subject to spoofing and/or 314interception on the network. On the Android-powered device itself, SMS 315messages are transmitted as broadcast intents, so they may be read or captured 316by other applications that have the {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_SMS} 317permission.</p> 318 319 320 321 322 323<h2 id="InputValidation">Performing input validation</h2> 324 325<p>Insufficient input validation is one of the most common security problems 326affecting applications, regardless of what platform they run on. Android 327has platform-level countermeasures that reduce the exposure of applications to 328input validation issues, and you should use those features where possible. Also 329note that the selection of type-safe languages tends to reduce the likelihood of 330input validation issues.</p> 331 332<p>If you are using native code, any data read from files, received over 333the network, or received from an IPC has the potential to introduce a security 334issue. The most common problems are <a 335href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffer_overflow" class="external-link">buffer overflows</a>, <a 336href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_free#Use_after_free" class="external-link">use after 337free</a>, and <a 338href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Off-by-one_error" class="external-link">off-by-one errors</a>. 339Android provides a number of technologies like <acronym 340title="Address Space Layout Randomization">ASLR</acronym> and <acronym 341title="Data Execution Prevention">DEP</acronym> that reduce the 342exploitability of these errors, but they don't solve the underlying problem. 343You can prevent these vulnerabilities by carefully handling pointers and managing 344buffers.</p> 345 346<p>Dynamic, string-based languages such as JavaScript and SQL are also subject 347to input validation problems due to escape characters and <a 348href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_injection" class="external-link">script injection</a>.</p> 349 350<p>If you are using data within queries that are submitted to an SQL database or a 351content provider, SQL injection may be an issue. The best defense is to use 352parameterized queries, as is discussed in the above section about <a 353href="#ContentProviders">content providers</a>. 354Limiting permissions to read-only or write-only can also reduce the potential 355for harm related to SQL injection.</p> 356 357<p>If you can't use the security features above, you should make sure to use 358well-structured data formats and verify that the data conforms to the 359expected format. While blacklisting of characters or character-replacement can 360be an effective strategy, these techniques are error prone in practice and 361should be avoided when possible.</p> 362 363 364 365 366 367<h2 id="UserData">Handling user data</h2> 368 369<p>In general, the best approach for user data security is to minimize the use of APIs that access 370sensitive or personal user data. If you have access to user data and can avoid 371storing or transmitting it, don't store or transmit the data. 372Consider if there is a way that your application logic can be 373implemented using a hash or non-reversible form of the data. For example, your 374application might use the hash of an email address as a primary key to 375avoid transmitting or storing the email address. This reduces the chances of 376inadvertently exposing data, and it also reduces the chance of attackers 377attempting to exploit your application.</p> 378 379<p>If your application accesses personal information such as passwords or 380user names, keep in mind that some jurisdictions may require you to provide a 381privacy policy explaining your use and storage of that data. Following the 382security best practice of minimizing access to user data may also simplify 383compliance.</p> 384 385<p>You should also consider whether your application might be inadvertently 386exposing personal information to other parties such as third-party components 387for advertising or third-party services used by your application. If you don't 388know why a component or service requires personal information, don’t 389provide it. In general, reducing the access to personal information by your 390application reduces the potential for problems in this area.</p> 391 392<p>If your app requires access to sensitive data, evaluate whether you need to 393 transmit it to a server or you can run the operation on 394the client. Consider running any code using sensitive data on the client to 395avoid transmitting user data. Also, make sure that you do not inadvertently expose user 396 data to other 397applications on the device through overly permissive IPC, world-writable files, 398or network sockets. Overly permissive IPC is a special case of leaking permission-protected data, 399discussed in the <a href="#RequestingPermissions">Requesting Permissions</a> section.</p> 400 401<p>If a <acronym title="Globally Unique Identifier">GUID</acronym> 402is required, create a large, unique number and store it. Don't 403use phone identifiers such as the phone number or IMEI, which may be associated 404with personal information. This topic is discussed in more detail in the <a 405href="http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2011/03/identifying-app-installations.html" 406>Android Developer Blog</a>.</p> 407 408<p>Be careful when writing to on-device logs. 409In Android, logs are a shared resource and are available 410to an application with the {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_LOGS} permission. 411Even though the phone log data 412is temporary and erased on reboot, inappropriate logging of user information 413could inadvertently leak user data to other applications.</p> 414 415 416 417 418 419 420<h2 id="WebView">Using WebView</h2> 421 422<p>Because {@link android.webkit.WebView} consumes web content that can include HTML 423 and JavaScript, 424improper use can introduce common web security issues such as <a 425href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_site_scripting" class="external-link"> 426cross-site-scripting</a> 427(JavaScript injection). Android includes a number of mechanisms to reduce 428the scope of these potential issues by limiting the capability of 429 {@link android.webkit.WebView} to 430the minimum functionality required by your application.</p> 431 432<p>If your application doesn't directly use JavaScript within a {@link android.webkit.WebView}, 433 <em>do not</em> call 434 {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setJavaScriptEnabled setJavaScriptEnabled()}. 435Some sample code uses this method, which you might repurpose in production 436application, so remove that method call if it's not required. By default, 437{@link android.webkit.WebView} does 438not execute JavaScript, so cross-site-scripting is not possible.</p> 439 440<p>Use {@link android.webkit.WebView#addJavascriptInterface 441addJavaScriptInterface()} with 442particular care because it allows JavaScript to invoke operations that are 443normally reserved for Android applications. If you use it, expose 444{@link android.webkit.WebView#addJavascriptInterface addJavaScriptInterface()} only to 445web pages from which all input is trustworthy. If untrusted input is allowed, 446untrusted JavaScript may be able to invoke Android methods within your app. In general, we 447recommend exposing {@link android.webkit.WebView#addJavascriptInterface 448addJavaScriptInterface()} only to JavaScript that is contained within your application APK.</p> 449 450<p>If your application accesses sensitive data with a 451{@link android.webkit.WebView}, you may want to use the 452{@link android.webkit.WebView#clearCache clearCache()} method to delete any files stored 453locally. You can also use server-side 454headers such as <code>no-cache</code> to indicate that an application should 455not cache particular content.</p> 456 457<p>Devices running platforms older than Android 4.4 (API level 19) 458use a version of {@link android.webkit webkit} that has a number of security issues. 459As a workaround, if your app is running on these devices, it 460must confirm that {@link android.webkit.WebView} objects display only trusted 461content. To make sure your app isn’t exposed to 462potential vulnerabilities in SSL, use the updatable security {@link 463java.security.Provider Provider} object as described in <a 464href="{@docRoot}training/articles/security-gms-provider.html">Updating Your 465Security Provider to Protect Against SSL Exploits</a>. If your application must 466render content from the open web, consider providing your own renderer so 467you can keep it up to date with the latest security patches.</p> 468 469 470<h3 id="Credentials">Handling credentials</h3> 471 472<p>To make phishing attacks more conspicuous and less likely to be 473successful, minimize the frequency of asking for user 474credentials. Instead use an authorization token and refresh it.</p> 475 476<p>Where possible, don't store user names and passwords on the device. 477Instead, perform initial authentication using the user name and password 478 supplied by the user, and then use a short-lived, service-specific 479authorization token.</p> 480 481<p>Services that are accessible to multiple applications should be accessed 482using {@link android.accounts.AccountManager}. If possible, use the 483{@link android.accounts.AccountManager} class to invoke a cloud-based service and don't store 484passwords on the device.</p> 485 486<p>After using {@link android.accounts.AccountManager} to retrieve an 487{@link android.accounts.Account}, use {@link android.accounts.Account#CREATOR} 488before passing in any credentials so that you do not inadvertently pass 489credentials to the wrong application.</p> 490 491<p>If credentials are used only by applications that you create, you 492can verify the application that accesses the {@link android.accounts.AccountManager} using 493{@link android.content.pm.PackageManager#checkSignatures checkSignature()}. 494Alternatively, if only one application uses the credential, you might use a 495{@link java.security.KeyStore} for storage.</p> 496 497 498 499 500 501<h2 id="Crypto">Using cryptography</h2> 502 503<p>In addition to providing data isolation, supporting full-filesystem 504encryption, and providing secure communications channels, Android provides a 505wide array of algorithms for protecting data using cryptography.</p> 506 507<p>In general, try to use the highest level of pre-existing framework 508implementation that can support your use case. If you need to securely 509retrieve a file from a known location, a simple HTTPS URI may be adequate and 510requires no knowledge of cryptography. If you need a secure 511tunnel, consider using {@link javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection} or 512{@link javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket} rather than writing your own protocol.</p> 513 514<p>If you do need to implement your own protocol, you should <em>not</em> 515implement your own cryptographic algorithms. Use 516existing cryptographic algorithms such as those in the implementation of AES or 517RSA provided in the {@link javax.crypto.Cipher} class.</p> 518 519<p>Use a secure random number generator, {@link java.security.SecureRandom}, 520to initialize any cryptographic keys generated by {@link javax.crypto.KeyGenerator}. 521Use of a key that is not generated with a secure random 522number generator significantly weakens the strength of the algorithm and may 523allow offline attacks.</p> 524 525<p>If you need to store a key for repeated use, use a mechanism, such as 526 {@link java.security.KeyStore}, that 527provides a mechanism for long term storage and retrieval of cryptographic 528keys.</p> 529 530 531 532 533 534<h2 id="IPC">Using interprocess communication</h2> 535 536<p>Some apps attempt to implement IPC using traditional Linux 537techniques such as network sockets and shared files. However, you should instead 538use Android system functionality for IPC such as {@link android.content.Intent}, 539{@link android.os.Binder} or {@link android.os.Messenger} with a {@link 540android.app.Service}, and {@link android.content.BroadcastReceiver}. 541The Android IPC mechanisms allow you to verify the identity of 542the application connecting to your IPC and set security policy for each IPC 543mechanism.</p> 544 545<p>Many of the security elements are shared across IPC mechanisms. 546If your IPC mechanism is not intended for use by other applications, set the 547{@code android:exported} attribute to {@code false} in the component's manifest element, 548such as for the <a 549href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/service-element.html#exported">{@code <service>}</a> 550element. This is useful for applications that consist of multiple processes 551within the same UID or if you decide late in development that you don't 552actually want to expose functionality as IPC, but you don’t want to rewrite 553the code.</p> 554 555<p>If your IPC is accessible to other applications, you can 556apply a security policy by using the <a 557href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/permission-element.html">{@code <permission>}</a> 558element. If IPC is between your own separate apps that are signed with the same key, 559it is preferable to use {@code signature} level permission in the <a 560href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/permission-element.html#plevel">{@code 561android:protectionLevel}</a>.</p> 562 563 564 565 566<h3>Using intents</h3> 567 568<p>For activities and broadcast receivers, intents are the preferred mechanism for 569 asynchronous IPC in Android. 570Depending on your application requirements, you might use {@link 571android.content.Context#sendBroadcast sendBroadcast()}, {@link 572android.content.Context#sendOrderedBroadcast sendOrderedBroadcast()}, 573or an explicit intent to a specific application component.</p> 574 575<p class="caution"><strong>Caution:</strong> If you use an intent to bind to a 576 {@link android.app.Service}, ensure that your app is secure by using an 577 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/intents-filters.html#Types">explicit</a> 578intent. Using an implicit intent to start a service is a 579security hazard because you can't be certain what service will respond to the intent, 580and the user can't see which service starts. Beginning with Android 5.0 (API level 21), 581 the system 582throws an exception if you call {@link android.content.Context#bindService bindService()} 583with an implicit intent.</p> 584 585<p>Note that ordered broadcasts can be <em>consumed</em> by a recipient, so they 586may not be delivered to all applications. If you are sending an intent that must be delivered 587to a specific receiver, you must use an explicit intent that declares the receiver 588by name.</p> 589 590<p>Senders of an intent can verify that the recipient has permission 591 by specifying a non-null permission with the method call. Only applications with that 592permission receive the intent. If data within a broadcast intent may be 593sensitive, you should consider applying a permission to make sure that 594malicious applications can't register to receive those messages without 595appropriate permissions. In those circumstances, you may also consider 596invoking the receiver directly, rather than raising a broadcast.</p> 597 598<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Intent filters should not be considered 599a security feature. Components 600can be invoked with explicit intents and may not have data that would conform to the intent 601filter. To 602confirm that it is properly formatted for the invoked receiver, service, or 603activity, perform input validation within your intent receiver.</p> 604 605 606 607 608<h3 id="Services">Using services</h3> 609 610<p>A {@link android.app.Service} is often used to supply functionality for other applications to 611use. Each service class must have a corresponding <a 612href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/service-element.html">{@code <service>}</a> 613 declaration in its 614manifest file.</p> 615 616<p>By default, services are not exported and cannot be invoked by any other 617application. However, if you add any intent filters to the service declaration, it is exported 618by default. It's best if you explicitly declare the <a 619href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/service-element.html#exported">{@code 620android:exported}</a> attribute to be sure it behaves as you'd like. 621Services can also be protected using the <a 622href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/service-element.html#prmsn">{@code android:permission}</a> 623attribute. By doing so, other applications need to declare 624a corresponding <code><a 625href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-permission-element.html"><uses-permission></a> 626</code> element in their own manifest to be 627able to start, stop, or bind to the service.</p> 628 629<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If your app targets Android 5.0 (API level 21) or later, 630 you should use the {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler} to execute background 631 services. For more information about {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler}, see its 632 {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler API-reference documentation}.</p> 633 634<p>A service can protect individual IPC calls into it with permissions, by 635calling {@link android.content.Context#checkCallingPermission 636checkCallingPermission()} before executing 637the implementation of that call. You should use the 638declarative permissions in the manifest, since those are less prone to 639oversight.</p> 640 641 642 643<h3>Using binder and messenger interfaces</h3> 644 645<p>Using {@link android.os.Binder} or {@link android.os.Messenger} is the 646preferred mechanism for RPC-style IPC in Android. They provide a well-defined 647interface that enables mutual authentication of the endpoints, if required.</p> 648 649<p>You should design your app interfaces in a manner that does not require 650interface-specific permission checks. {@link android.os.Binder} and 651{@link android.os.Messenger} objects are not declared within the 652application manifest, and therefore you cannot apply declarative permissions 653directly to them. They generally inherit permissions declared in the 654application manifest for the {@link android.app.Service} or {@link 655android.app.Activity} within which they are 656implemented. If you are creating an interface that requires authentication 657and/or access controls, you must explicitly add those controls 658 as code in the {@link android.os.Binder} or {@link android.os.Messenger} 659interface.</p> 660 661<p>If you are providing an interface that does require access controls, use {@link 662android.content.Context#checkCallingPermission checkCallingPermission()} 663to verify whether the 664caller has a required permission. This is especially important 665before accessing a service on behalf of the caller, as the identify of your 666application is passed to other interfaces. If you are invoking an interface provided 667by a {@link android.app.Service}, the {@link 668android.content.Context#bindService bindService()} 669 invocation may fail if you do not have permission to access the given service. 670 If calling an interface provided locally by your own application, it may be 671useful to use the {@link android.os.Binder#clearCallingIdentity clearCallingIdentity()} 672to satisfy internal security checks.</p> 673 674<p>For more information about performing IPC with a service, see 675<a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/bound-services.html">Bound Services</a>.</p> 676 677 678 679<h3 id="BroadcastReceivers">Using broadcast receivers</h3> 680 681<p>A {@link android.content.BroadcastReceiver} handles asynchronous requests initiated by 682an {@link android.content.Intent}.</p> 683 684<p>By default, receivers are exported and can be invoked by any other 685application. If your {@link android.content.BroadcastReceiver} 686is intended for use by other applications, you 687may want to apply security permissions to receivers using the <code><a 688href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/receiver-element.html"> 689<receiver></a></code> element within the application manifest. This 690prevents applications without appropriate permissions from sending an intent to 691the {@link android.content.BroadcastReceiver}.</p> 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700<h2 id="DynamicCode">Dynamically loading code</h2> 701 702<p>We strongly discourage loading code from outside of your application APK. 703Doing so significantly increases the likelihood of application compromise due 704to code injection or code tampering. It also adds complexity around version 705management and application testing. It can also make it impossible to 706verify the behavior of an application, so it may be prohibited in some 707environments.</p> 708 709<p>If your application does dynamically load code, the most important thing to 710keep in mind about dynamically-loaded code is that it runs with the same 711security permissions as the application APK. The user makes a decision to 712install your application based on your identity, and the user expects that 713you provide any code run within the application, including code that is 714dynamically loaded.</p> 715 716<p>The major security risk associated with dynamically loading code is that the 717code needs to come from a verifiable source. If the modules are included 718directly within your APK, they cannot be modified by other applications. 719This is true whether the code is a native library or a class being loaded using 720{@link dalvik.system.DexClassLoader}. Many applications 721attempt to load code from insecure locations, such as downloaded from the 722network over unencrypted protocols or from world-writable locations such as 723external storage. These locations could allow someone on the network to modify 724the content in transit or another application on a user's device to modify the 725content on the device.</p> 726 727 728 729 730 731<h2 id="Dalvik">Security in a virtual machine</h2> 732 733<p>Dalvik is Android's runtime virtual machine (VM). Dalvik was built specifically for Android, 734but many of the concerns regarding secure code in other virtual machines also apply to Android. 735In general, you shouldn't concern yourself with security issues relating to the virtual machine. 736Your application runs in a secure sandbox environment, so other processes on the system can't 737access your code or private data.</p> 738 739<p>If you're interested in learning more about virtual machine security, 740 familiarize yourself with some 741existing literature on the subject. Two of the more popular resources are: 742<ul> 743<li><a href="http://www.securingjava.com/toc.html" class="external-link"> 744Securing Java</a></li> 745<li><a 746href="https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:Java#tab=Related_3rd_Party_Projects" 747 class="external-link"> 748Related 3rd party Projects</a></li> 749</ul></p> 750 751<p>This document focuses on areas that are Android specific or 752different from other VM environments. For developers experienced with VM 753programming in other environments, there are two broad issues that may be 754different about writing apps for Android: 755<ul> 756<li>Some virtual machines, such as the JVM or .net runtime, act as a security 757boundary, isolating code from the underlying operating system capabilities. On 758Android, the Dalvik VM is not a security boundary—the application sandbox is 759implemented at the OS level, so Dalvik can interoperate with native code in the 760same application without any security constraints.</li> 761 762<li>Given the limited storage on mobile devices, it’s common for developers 763to want to build modular applications and use dynamic class loading. When 764doing this, consider both the source where you retrieve your application logic 765and where you store it locally. Do not use dynamic class loading from sources 766that are not verified, such as unsecured network sources or external storage, 767because that code might be modified to include malicious behavior.</li> 768</ul> 769 770 771 772<h2 id="Native">Security in native code</h2> 773 774<p>In general, you should use the Android SDK for 775application development, rather than using native code with the 776<a href="{@docRoot}tools/sdk/ndk/index.html">Android NDK</a>. Applications built 777with native code are more complex, less portable, and more like to include 778common memory-corruption errors such as buffer overflows.</p> 779 780<p>Android is built using the Linux kernel, and being familiar with Linux 781development security best practices is especially useful if you are 782using native code. Linux security practices are beyond the scope of this document, 783but one of the most popular resources is <a href="http://www.dwheeler.com/secure-programs" 784 class="external-link">Secure Programming HOWTO - Creating Secure Software</a>.</p> 785 786<p>An important difference between Android and most Linux environments is the 787Application Sandbox. On Android, all applications run in the Application 788Sandbox, including those written with native code. At the most basic level, a 789good way to think about it for developers familiar with Linux is to know that 790every application is given a unique <acronym title="User Identifier">UID</acronym> 791with very limited permissions. This is discussed in more detail in the <a 792href="http://source.android.com/tech/security/index.html">Android Security 793Overview</a>, and you should be familiar with application permissions even if 794you are using native code.</p> 795