1# 2# Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project 3# 4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6# You may obtain a copy of the License at 7# 8# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 9# 10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14# limitations under the License. 15# 16 17PRODUCT_IS_ATV := true 18 19PRODUCT_PACKAGES := \ 20 TvProvider \ 21 TvSettings \ 22 tv_input.default 23 24PRODUCT_COPY_FILES := \ 25 device/google/atv/permissions/tv_core_hardware.xml:system/etc/permissions/tv_core_hardware.xml 26 27DEVICE_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS := \ 28 device/google/atv/overlay 29 30# From build/target/product/core_base.mk 31PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ 32 ContactsProvider \ 33 DefaultContainerService \ 34 UserDictionaryProvider \ 35 libaudiopreprocessing \ 36 libfilterpack_imageproc \ 37 libgabi++ \ 38 libkeystore \ 39 libstagefright_soft_aacdec \ 40 libstagefright_soft_aacenc \ 41 libstagefright_soft_amrdec \ 42 libstagefright_soft_amrnbenc \ 43 libstagefright_soft_amrwbenc \ 44 libstagefright_soft_avcdec \ 45 libstagefright_soft_avcenc \ 46 libstagefright_soft_flacdec \ 47 libstagefright_soft_flacenc \ 48 libstagefright_soft_g711dec \ 49 libstagefright_soft_gsmdec \ 50 libstagefright_soft_hevcdec \ 51 libstagefright_soft_mp3dec \ 52 libstagefright_soft_mpeg2dec \ 53 libstagefright_soft_mpeg4dec \ 54 libstagefright_soft_mpeg4enc \ 55 libstagefright_soft_opusdec \ 56 libstagefright_soft_rawdec \ 57 libstagefright_soft_vorbisdec \ 58 libstagefright_soft_vpxdec \ 59 libstagefright_soft_vpxenc \ 60 mdnsd \ 61 requestsync 62 63# From build/target/product/core.mk 64PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ 65 BasicDreams \ 66 CalendarProvider \ 67 CaptivePortalLogin \ 68 CertInstaller \ 69 ExternalStorageProvider \ 70 FusedLocation \ 71 InputDevices \ 72 KeyChain \ 73 PicoTts \ 74 PacProcessor \ 75 PrintSpooler \ 76 ProxyHandler \ 77 SharedStorageBackup \ 78 VpnDialogs \ 79 com.android.media.tv.remoteprovider \ 80 com.android.media.tv.remoteprovider.xml 81 82# From build/target/product/generic_no_telephony.mk 83PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ 84 Bluetooth \ 85 SystemUI \ 86 librs_jni \ 87 audio.primary.default \ 88 clatd \ 89 clatd.conf \ 90 local_time.default \ 91 screenrecord 92 93PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ 94 frameworks/av/media/libeffects/data/audio_effects.conf:system/etc/audio_effects.conf 95 96# Enable frame-exact AV sync 97PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \ 98 persist.sys.media.avsync=true 99 100# Do not include the Live Channels app if USE_OEM_TV_APP flag is set. 101# The feature com.google.android.tv.installed is used to tell whether a device 102# has the pre-installed Live Channels app. This is necessary for the Play Store 103# to identify the compatible devices that can install later updates of the app. 104ifneq ($(USE_OEM_TV_APP),true) 105 ifneq ($(PRODUCT_IS_ATV_SDK),true) 106 PRODUCT_PACKAGES += TV 107 else 108 PRODUCT_PACKAGES += LiveTv 109 endif # if PRODUCT_IS_ATV_SDK 110 111 PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ 112 device/google/atv/permissions/com.google.android.tv.installed.xml:system/etc/permissions/com.google.android.tv.installed.xml 113endif 114 115# To enable access to /dev/dvb* 116BOARD_SEPOLICY_DIRS += device/google/atv/sepolicy 117 118# This property defines the tutorial content for this device 119PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \ 120 ro.tutorials_content.android=android8 121 122# Content for ATV Tutorials / Post-Setup Tour 123PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ 124 device/google/atv/tutorial-library-google.zip.etag:system/media/tutorial-library-google.zip.etag 125 126PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ 127 device/google/atv/tutorial-library-google.zip:system/media/tutorial-library-google.zip 128 129# Copy .kl file for generic voice remotes 130PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ 131 device/google/atv/Generic.kl:system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl 132 133$(call inherit-product-if-exists, frameworks/base/data/sounds/AudioTv.mk) 134$(call inherit-product-if-exists, external/svox/pico/lang/all_pico_languages.mk) 135$(call inherit-product-if-exists, frameworks/base/data/fonts/fonts.mk) 136$(call inherit-product-if-exists, external/google-fonts/dancing-script/fonts.mk) 137$(call inherit-product-if-exists, external/google-fonts/carrois-gothic-sc/fonts.mk) 138$(call inherit-product-if-exists, external/google-fonts/coming-soon/fonts.mk) 139$(call inherit-product-if-exists, external/google-fonts/cutive-mono/fonts.mk) 140$(call inherit-product-if-exists, external/noto-fonts/fonts.mk) 141$(call inherit-product-if-exists, external/roboto-fonts/fonts.mk) 142$(call inherit-product-if-exists, external/hyphenation-patterns/patterns.mk) 143$(call inherit-product-if-exists, frameworks/base/data/keyboards/keyboards.mk) 144$(call inherit-product-if-exists, frameworks/webview/chromium/chromium.mk) 145$(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/core_minimal.mk) 146