1@REM Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.<BR> 2@REM This program and the accompanying materials 3@REM are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License 4@REM which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at 5@REM http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php 6@REM 7@REM THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, 8@REM WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. 9@REM 10 11@REM Example usage of this script. default is a DEBUG build 12@REM b 13@REM b clean 14@REM b release 15@REM b release clean 16@REM b -v -y build.log 17 18ECHO OFF 19@REM Setup Build environment. Sets WORKSPACE and puts build in path 20CALL ..\edksetup.bat 21 22@REM Set for tools chain. Currently RVCT 23SET TARGET_TOOLS=RVCT 24SET TARGET=DEBUG 25 26@if /I "%1"=="RELEASE" ( 27 @REM If 1st argument is release set TARGET to RELEASE and shift arguments to remove it 28 SET TARGET=RELEASE 29 shift /1 30) 31 32SET BUILD_ROOT=%WORKSPACE%\Build\BeagleBoard\%TARGET%_%TARGET_TOOLS% 33 34@REM Build the Beagle Board firmware and creat an FD (FLASH Device) Image. 35CALL build -p BeagleBoardPkg\BeagleBoardPkg.dsc -a ARM -t %TARGET_TOOLS% -b %TARGET% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 36@if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto Exit 37 38@if /I "%1"=="CLEAN" goto Clean 39 40@REM 41@REM Ram starts at 0x80000000 42@REM OMAP 3530 TRM defines 0x80008208 as the entry point 43@REM The reset vector is caught by the mask ROM in the OMAP 3530 so that is why this entry 44@REM point looks so strange. 45@REM OMAP 3430 TRM section 26.4.8 has Image header information. (missing in OMAP 3530 TRM) 46@REM 47@cd Tools 48 49ECHO Building tools... 50CALL nmake 51 52ECHO Patching image with ConfigurationHeader.dat 53CALL GenerateImage -D ..\ConfigurationHeader.dat -E 0x80008208 -I %BUILD_ROOT%\FV\BEAGLEBOARD_EFI.fd -O %BUILD_ROOT%\FV\BeagleBoard_EFI_flashboot.fd 54 55ECHO Patching ..\Debugger_scripts ... 56SET DEBUGGER_SCRIPT=..\Debugger_scripts 57@for /f %%a IN ('dir /b %DEBUGGER_SCRIPT%\*.inc %DEBUGGER_SCRIPT%\*.cmm') do ( 58 @CALL replace %DEBUGGER_SCRIPT%\%%a %BUILD_ROOT%\%%a ZZZZZZ %BUILD_ROOT% WWWWWW %WORKSPACE% 59) 60 61cd .. 62:Exit 63EXIT /B 64 65:Clean 66cd Tools 67CALL nmake clean 68cd .. 69