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$Id: parse_opts.3,v 1.3 2000/08/31 18:40:28 nstraz Exp $

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PARSE_OPTS 3 "21 Jan 2011" "LTP" "Linux Test Project"
parse_opts - parse standard and user options for LTP test programs
 #include "test.h"  #include "usctest.h"  "char *parse_opts(int " argc ", char *" argv[] ", "  " option_t " option_array[] ","  " void (*" user_help_func ")());" 
The parse_opts() routine parses options from the command line, looking for user specified options or standard options (see below). Its arguments argc and argv are the argument count and array as passed to the main() function on program invocation. User options may be specified in the option_array argument. A help function may be specified in the user_help_func argument. option_array is a pointer to the first element of an array of option_t. If no additional options are needed, pass NULL. option_t is declared in usctest.h as
typedef struct {
char *option;
int *flag;
char **arg;
} option_t;

The meanings of the different fields are:

option is a valid option string to be given to getopt().

flag is a pointer to an integer location to set true if option is given in argv. This can be NULL if the option doesn't require an argument.

arg is a pointer to a character pointer variable that will be set with the option argument if the option is present in argv. This pointer MUST be provided if the option can take an argument. Failure to provide a location will cause parse_opts() to return an error.

user_help_func is a pointer to a function that will be called when the -h option is found. This function should print help messages for the options in option_array to standard out. The standard help messages are formatted such that the option designator starts in column 3 and the description starts in column 11.

Below is a list of the standard options defined in parse_opts():

-c " n" Run n copies of the test in parallel. This is done by forking n times and running the test as usual. If -i or -I are specified, each process will run for that amount of time.

-e Turn on logging all errno's received. This option is to facilitate security audit testing for MLS.

-f Suppresses functional testing messages.

-h Print help message. The standard options will be printed first, then a call to user_help_func() will be made.

-i " n" Run for n iterations. A value of 0 makes the test loop infinitely. (default 1)

-I " x" The test will loop until x seconds have passed. (default 0.0)

-p Pause for SIGUSR1 before testing. The test will pause where you place TEST_PAUSE. Warning: The test will also fork at this point if -c is used.

-P " x" This option will do a delay of x seconds after each iteration. (default 0.0)

-t Produce timing statistics. *NOT IMPLEMENTED*

The STD_* flags are used by system call test macros defined in usctest.h (see usctest(3)), or may be used in the user's code.

parse_opts() returns a NULL pointer upon successful completion. If an error occurs a pointer to an error message is returned.
The following example defines two options, one with an argument, one without.
int fflag, Tflag; /* binary flags: opt or not */
char *Topt; /* option arguments */

option_t options[] = {
 { "F", &fflag, NULL }, /* No argument */
 { "T:", &Tflag, &Topt }, /* argument required */
 { NULL, NULL, NULL } /* NULL required to end array */

void help()
 printf(" -F An option with no argument\\n");
 printf(" -T opt An option that requires an argument\\n");

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 char *msg;

 if ((msg = parse_opts(argc, argv, options, &help)) != NULL)

 return 0;
The following example shows how to use parse_opts() without defining new options.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 char *msg;

 if ((msg = parse_opts(argc, argv, NULL, NULL)) != NULL)

 return 0;
usctest(3), getopt(3).