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adler32 adler32_combine adler32_combine64 compress2 deflateInit_ deflate deflateEnd compressBound get_crc_table crc32 crc32_combine crc32_combine64 uncompress inflateInit_ inflate inflateEnd deflateSetDictionary deflateReset deflateSetHeader deflatePrime deflateTune deflateBound z_errmsg deflateParams deflateInit2_ deflateCopy deflate_copyright zlibVersion zlibCompileFlags zError inflateReset inflateReset2 inflateInit2_ inflatePrime inflateSetDictionary inflateGetHeader inflateSync inflateSyncPoint inflateCopy inflateUndermine inflateMark inflateBackInit_ inflateBack inflateBackEnd inflate_copyright __file_close __file_get_block errno zopen __file_info zfopen png_set_sig_bytes png_error png_sig_cmp memcmp png_check_sig png_zalloc png_warning png_malloc png_zfree png_free png_reset_crc png_calculate_crc png_info_init_3 png_destroy_struct png_create_struct png_create_info_struct png_create_struct_2 png_info_init png_data_freer png_free_data png_info_destroy png_destroy_info_struct png_destroy_struct_2 png_get_io_ptr png_init_io png_convert_to_rfc1123 snprintf png_get_copyright png_get_libpng_ver png_get_header_ver png_get_header_version png_handle_as_unknown png_reset_zstream png_access_version_number png_mmx_support png_64bit_product png_check_cHRM_fixed png_check_IHDR png_pass_dsp_mask png_pass_mask png_pass_yinc png_pass_ystart png_pass_inc png_pass_start png_zTXt png_tRNS png_tIME png_tEXt png_sRGB png_sPLT png_sBIT png_pHYs png_sCAL png_pCAL png_oFFs png_iTXt png_iCCP png_hIST png_gAMA png_cHRM png_bKGD png_PLTE png_IEND png_IDAT png_IHDR png_sig png_libpng_ver png_set_bKGD png_set_cHRM png_set_cHRM_fixed png_set_gAMA png_set_gAMA_fixed png_set_hIST png_malloc_warn png_set_IHDR png_set_oFFs png_set_pCAL png_set_sCAL png_set_pHYs png_set_PLTE png_calloc png_set_sBIT png_set_sRGB png_set_sRGB_gAMA_and_cHRM png_set_iCCP png_set_text_2 png_set_text png_set_tRNS png_set_sPLT png_set_unknown_chunks png_set_unknown_chunk_location png_permit_empty_plte png_set_keep_unknown_chunks png_set_read_user_chunk_fn png_set_rows png_set_compression_buffer_size png_set_invalid png_set_asm_flags png_set_mmx_thresholds png_set_user_limits png_get_valid png_get_rowbytes png_get_rows png_get_image_width png_get_image_height png_get_bit_depth png_get_color_type png_get_filter_type png_get_interlace_type png_get_compression_type png_get_x_pixels_per_meter png_get_y_pixels_per_meter png_get_pixels_per_meter png_get_pixel_aspect_ratio png_get_x_offset_microns png_get_y_offset_microns png_get_x_offset_pixels png_get_y_offset_pixels png_get_channels png_get_signature png_get_bKGD png_get_cHRM png_get_cHRM_fixed png_get_gAMA png_get_gAMA_fixed png_get_sRGB png_get_iCCP png_get_sPLT png_get_hIST png_get_IHDR png_get_oFFs png_get_pCAL png_get_sCAL png_get_pHYs png_get_PLTE png_get_sBIT png_get_text png_get_tRNS png_get_unknown_chunks png_get_rgb_to_gray_status png_get_user_chunk_ptr png_get_compression_buffer_size png_get_asm_flags png_get_asm_flagmask png_get_mmx_flagmask png_get_mmx_bitdepth_threshold png_get_mmx_rowbytes_threshold png_get_user_width_max png_get_user_height_max png_get_uint_31 png_get_uint_32 png_get_int_32 png_get_uint_16 png_crc_read png_read_data png_crc_error png_crc_finish png_chunk_warning png_chunk_error png_decompress_chunk png_handle_IHDR png_handle_PLTE png_handle_IEND png_handle_gAMA png_handle_sBIT png_handle_cHRM png_handle_sRGB png_handle_iCCP png_handle_sPLT png_handle_tRNS png_handle_bKGD png_handle_hIST png_handle_pHYs png_handle_oFFs png_handle_pCAL png_handle_sCAL strtod png_handle_tEXt png_handle_zTXt png_handle_unknown png_check_chunk_name png_read_chunk_header png_combine_row png_do_read_interlace png_read_filter_row png_read_finish_row png_memset_check png_read_start_row png_init_read_transformations png_set_bgr png_set_swap png_set_packing png_set_packswap png_set_shift png_set_interlace_handling png_set_filler png_set_add_alpha png_set_swap_alpha png_set_invert_alpha png_set_invert_mono png_do_invert png_do_swap png_do_packswap png_do_strip_filler png_do_bgr png_set_user_transform_info png_get_user_transform_ptr png_create_read_struct_2 setjmp png_set_mem_fn png_set_error_fn png_set_read_fn abort png_create_read_struct png_read_init_3 png_read_init_2 png_read_init png_read_info png_read_update_info png_read_transform_info png_start_read_image png_read_row png_memcpy_check png_do_read_transformations png_read_rows png_read_image png_read_end png_read_destroy png_destroy_read_struct png_set_read_status_fn png_read_png png_set_strip_16 png_set_strip_alpha png_set_expand png_set_gray_to_rgb png_default_read_data _fread png_set_crc_action png_set_background png_set_dither png_set_gamma png_set_palette_to_rgb png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8 png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8 png_set_tRNS_to_alpha png_set_rgb_to_gray_fixed png_set_rgb_to_gray png_set_read_user_transform_fn png_do_unpack png_do_unshift png_do_chop png_do_read_swap_alpha png_do_read_invert_alpha png_do_read_filler png_do_gray_to_rgb png_do_rgb_to_gray png_build_grayscale_palette png_do_background png_do_gamma png_do_expand_palette png_do_expand png_do_dither png_build_gamma_table pow png_malloc_default png_free_default png_get_mem_ptr longjmp png_get_error_ptr png_set_strip_error_numbers png_push_fill_buffer png_push_read_sig png_push_crc_skip png_push_save_buffer png_push_crc_finish png_push_restore_buffer png_read_push_finish_row png_push_handle_tEXt png_push_read_tEXt png_push_handle_zTXt png_push_read_zTXt png_push_handle_unknown png_push_have_info png_push_have_end png_push_read_chunk png_push_have_row png_push_process_row png_process_IDAT_data png_push_read_IDAT png_process_some_data png_process_data png_progressive_combine_row png_set_progressive_read_fn png_get_progressive_ptr tinyjpeg_process_Huffman_data_unit strcpy tinyjpeg_init tinyjpeg_free tinyjpeg_parse_header tinyjpeg_decode tinyjpeg_get_errorstring tinyjpeg_get_size tinyjpeg_get_components tinyjpeg_set_components tinyjpeg_get_bytes_per_row tinyjpeg_set_bytes_per_row tinyjpeg_set_flags tinyjpeg_idct_float tinyjpeg_decode_mcu_1comp_table tinyjpeg_decode_mcu_3comp_table TINYJPEG_FMT_RGB24 TINYJPEG_FMT_BGR24 TINYJPEG_FMT_YUV420P TINYJPEG_FMT_GREY TINYJPEG_FMT_RGBA32 TINYJPEG_FMT_BGRA32 pci_set_config_type __intcall __pci_cfg_type strtoul get_module_name_from_pcimap strlcpy fgets strtok chrreplace strstr fclose get_class_name_from_pci_ids strchr skipspace get_name_from_pci_ids find_pci_device __syslinux_debug_enabled gather_additional_pci_config pci_readb free_pci_domain pci_scan pci_readl get_module_name_from_alias __pci_read_write_bios pci_readw pci_writeb pci_writew pci_writel __vesacon_close __vesacon_set_cursor __vesacon_scroll_up __vesacon_write_char __vesacon_erase __vesacon_open __syslinux_serial_console_info __vesacon_init __ansi_init __vesacon_text_rows __vesacon_text_cols __vesacon_write __ansi_putchar __vesacon_doit vesacon_set_resolution vesacon_cursor_enable dev_vesacon_w dev_ansicon_w __ansicon_beep __xserial_write dev_vesaserial_w dev_ansiserial_w __vesacon_background __vesacon_shadowfb firmware __vesa_info __vesacon_bytes_per_pixel __vesacon_format_pixels_list __vesacon_format_pixels syslinux_font_query __vesacon_font_height __vesacon_graphics_font __vesacon_init_copy_to_screen syslinux_report_video_mode __vesacon_pixel_format x86_init_fpu __vesacon_text_display __vesacon_i915resolution __vesacon_init_cursor __vesacon_init_background console_color_table __vesacon_srgb_to_linear __vesacon_linear_to_srgb __vesacon_copy_to_screen __vesacon_redraw_text vesacon_default_background vesacon_set_background vesacon_load_background floadfile memmem syslinux_reboot __com32_zero_regs __farcall __syslinux_get_keyboard_map __syslinux_keyboard_map KbdMap __syslinux_get_version __syslinux_version __syslinux_derivative_info syslinux_banner copyright_str pxe_get_cached_info lmalloc pxe_call lfree pxe_get_nic_type lzalloc pxe_dns sscanf lstrdup dns_resolv UserFont fontbuf VGAFontSize using_vga syslinux_add_movelist syslinux_free_movelist syslinux_add_memmap syslinux_memory_map syslinux_init_memmap syslinux_scan_memory syslinux_free_memmap syslinux_compute_movelist syslinux_memmap_largest syslinux_do_shuffle syslinux_dup_memmap __syslinux_shuffler_size bios_do_shuffle_and_boot syslinux_target_memmap syslinux_shuffle_boot_pm syslinux_memmap_find_type syslinux_shuffle_boot_rm syslinux_final_cleanup do_raw_shuffle_and_boot syslinux_memmap_type syslinux_memmap_highest syslinux_memmap_find syslinux_run_default default_cmd load_kernel syslinux_run_command unload_pxe cleanup_hardware syslinux_local_boot syslinux_run_kernel_image SysAppends execute fstat realloc ftell zloadfile __ctypes bios_boot_linux suffix_number syslinux_force_text_mode syslinux_boot_linux initramfs_init initramfs_add_data sprintf initramfs_mknod initramfs_add_file initramfs_add_trailer initramfs_load_file initramfs_load_archive fputs fputc display_cursor clear_end_of_line move_cursor_left move_cursor_right set_cursor_blink clear_line clear_beginning_of_line move_cursor_to_column move_cursor_to_next_line disable_utf8 set_g1_special_char set_us_g0_charset clear_entire_screen cls cprint csprint reset_colors clearwindow is_gpxe atexit on_exit __ctors_start __ctors_end __dtors_start __dtors_end libcom32.c32 
1.2.5 deflate 1.2.5 Copyright 1995-2010 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler 0 @ ` 0 @ ` ( 0 8 @ P ` p L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } S S 3 3 s s K K + + k k [ [ ; ; { { G G ' ' g g W W 7 7 w w O O / / o o _ _ ? ?   @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t C # c need dictionary stream end file error stream error data error insufficient memory buffer error incompatible version incorrect header check unknown compression method invalid window size unknown header flags set header crc mismatch invalid block type invalid stored block lengths too many length or distance symbols invalid code lengths set invalid bit length repeat invalid code -- missing end-of-block invalid literal/lengths set invalid distances set invalid literal/length code invalid distance code invalid distance too far back incorrect data check incorrect length check c % 3 o q _ R s | @ E < A @ ! @ a ` 1 0 @ ` P s p 0 ` @ X ; x 8 h ( H T + t 4 d $ D \ S | < l , L R # r 2 b " B Z C z : j * J V @ 3 v 6 f & F ^ c ~ > n . N ` Q q 1 a ! A Y ; y 9 i ) I U + u 5 e % E ] S } = m - M S # s 3 c # C [ C { ; k + K W @ 3 w 7 g ' G _ c  ? o / O ` P s p 0 ` @ X ; x 8 h ( H T + t 4 d $ D \ S | < l , L R # r 2 b " B Z C z : j * J V @ 3 v 6 f & F ^ c ~ > n . N ` Q q 1 a ! A Y ; y 9 i ) I U + u 5 e % E ] S } = m - M S # s 3 c # C [ C { ; k + K W @ 3 w 7 g ' G _ c  ? o / O  ~ > " A @ ! @ a ` 1 0 @ ` P s p 0 ` @ X ; x 8 h ( H T + t 4 d $ D \ S | < l , L R # r 2 b " B Z C z : j * J V @ 3 v 6 f & F ^ c ~ > n . N ` Q q 1 a ! A Y ; y 9 i ) I U + u 5 e % E ] S } = m - M S # s 3 c # C [ C { ; k + K W @ 3 w 7 g ' G _ c  ? o / O ` P s p 0 ` @ X ; x 8 h ( H T + t 4 d $ D \ S | < l , L R # r 2 b " B Z C z : j * J V @ 3 v 6 f & F ^ c ~ > n . N ` Q q 1 a ! A Y ; y 9 i ) I U + u 5 e % E ] S } = m - M S # s 3 c # C [ C { ; k + K W @ 3 w 7 g ' G _ c  ? o / O @ @ ! 1 A a 0 @ ` I # + 3 ; C S c s inflate 1.2.5 Copyright 1995-2010 Mark Adler Too many bytes for PNG signature. Potential overflow in png_zalloc() Unknown freer parameter in png_data_freer. %d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d +0000 libpng version 1.2.44 - June 26, 2010 Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Glenn Randers-Pehrson Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Andreas Dilger Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc. 1.2.44 libpng version 1.2.44 - June 26, 2010 Ignoring attempt to set negative chromaticity value Invalid cHRM white point Invalid cHRM red point Invalid cHRM green point Invalid cHRM blue point Ignoring attempt to set cHRM RGB triangle with zero area Image width is zero in IHDR Image height is zero in IHDR Image width exceeds user limit in IHDR Image height exceeds user limit in IHDR Invalid image width in IHDR Invalid image height in IHDR Width is too large for libpng to process pixels Invalid bit depth in IHDR Invalid color type in IHDR Invalid color type/bit depth combination in IHDR Unknown interlace method in IHDR Unknown compression method in IHDR Unknown filter method in IHDR Invalid IHDR data Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 3 U " U PNG 1.2.44 Limiting gamma to 21474.83 Setting gamma=0 Setting negative gamma to zero Invalid palette size, hIST allocation skipped. Insufficient memory for hIST chunk data. Insufficient memory for pCAL purpose. Insufficient memory for pCAL units. Insufficient memory for pCAL params. Insufficient memory for pCAL parameter. Invalid palette length Insufficient memory to process iCCP chunk. Insufficient memory to process iCCP profile. iTXt chunk not supported. Insufficient memory to store text tRNS chunk has out-of-range samples for bit_depth No memory for sPLT palettes. Out of memory while processing sPLT chunk Out of memory while processing unknown chunk. P G ? h > Q @Buffer error in compressed datastream in %s chunk Data error in compressed datastream in %s chunk Incomplete compressed datastream in %s chunk PNG unsigned integer out of range. CRC error invalid chunklength png_inflate logic error Not enough memory to decompress chunk. Unknown zTXt compression type %d Out of place IHDR Invalid IHDR chunk Missing IHDR before PLTE Invalid PLTE after IDAT Duplicate PLTE chunk Ignoring PLTE chunk in grayscale PNG Invalid palette chunk Truncating incorrect tRNS chunk length Truncating incorrect info tRNS chunk length No image in file Incorrect IEND chunk length Missing IHDR before gAMA Invalid gAMA after IDAT Out of place gAMA chunk Duplicate gAMA chunk Incorrect gAMA chunk length Ignoring gAMA chunk with gamma=0 Ignoring incorrect gAMA value when sRGB is also present Missing IHDR before sBIT Invalid sBIT after IDAT Out of place sBIT chunk Duplicate sBIT chunk Incorrect sBIT chunk length Missing IHDR before cHRM Invalid cHRM after IDAT Missing PLTE before cHRM Duplicate cHRM chunk Incorrect cHRM chunk length Ignoring incorrect cHRM value when sRGB is also present Missing IHDR before sRGB Invalid sRGB after IDAT Out of place sRGB chunk Duplicate sRGB chunk Incorrect sRGB chunk length Unknown sRGB intent Missing IHDR before iCCP Invalid iCCP after IDAT Out of place iCCP chunk Duplicate iCCP chunk Malformed iCCP chunk Ignoring nonzero compression type in iCCP chunk Profile size field missing from iCCP chunk Ignoring truncated iCCP profile. No space in chunk cache for sPLT Missing IHDR before sPLT Invalid sPLT after IDAT malformed sPLT chunk sPLT chunk has bad length sPLT chunk too long sPLT chunk requires too much memory Missing IHDR before tRNS Invalid tRNS after IDAT Duplicate tRNS chunk Incorrect tRNS chunk length Missing PLTE before tRNS Zero length tRNS chunk tRNS chunk not allowed with alpha channel Missing IHDR before bKGD Invalid bKGD after IDAT Missing PLTE before bKGD Duplicate bKGD chunk Incorrect bKGD chunk length Incorrect bKGD chunk index value Missing IHDR before hIST Invalid hIST after IDAT Missing PLTE before hIST Duplicate hIST chunk Incorrect hIST chunk length Missing IHDR before pHYs Invalid pHYs after IDAT Duplicate pHYs chunk Incorrect pHYs chunk length Missing IHDR before oFFs Invalid oFFs after IDAT Duplicate oFFs chunk Incorrect oFFs chunk length Missing IHDR before pCAL Invalid pCAL after IDAT Duplicate pCAL chunk No memory for pCAL purpose. Invalid pCAL data Invalid pCAL parameters for equation type Unrecognized equation type for pCAL chunk No memory for pCAL params. Missing IHDR before sCAL Invalid sCAL after IDAT Duplicate sCAL chunk Out of memory while processing sCAL chunk malformed width string in sCAL chunk Truncated sCAL chunk malformed height string in sCAL chunk Invalid sCAL data No space in chunk cache for tEXt Missing IHDR before tEXt No memory to process text chunk. Not enough memory to process text chunk. Insufficient memory to process text chunk. No space in chunk cache for zTXt Missing IHDR before zTXt Out of memory processing zTXt chunk. Truncated zTXt chunk Unknown compression type in zTXt chunk Not enough memory to process zTXt chunk. Insufficient memory to store zTXt chunk. No space in chunk cache for unknown chunk unknown critical chunk error in user chunk invalid chunk type Ignoring bad adaptive filter type Decompression Error Not enough image data Extra compressed data. Extra compression data. Row has too many bytes to allocate in memory. L L L L L L L q 4p op p p '7 0@P`p !1AQaq "2BRbr #3CScs $4DTdt %5EUeu &6FVfv '7GWgw (8HXhx )9IYiy *:JZjz +;K[k{ ,<L\l| -=M]m} .>N^n~ /?O_o @ P ` 0p D T $d 4t H X (h 8x L \ ,l <| A Q !a 1q E U %e 5u I Y )i 9y M ] -m =} B R "b 2r F V &f 6v J Z *j :z N ^ .n >~ C S #c 3s G W 'g 7w K [ +k ;{ O _ /o ? @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  Application was compiled with png.h from libpng-%.20s Application is running with png.c from libpng-%.20s Incompatible libpng version in application and library zlib memory error zlib version error Unknown zlib error Application uses deprecated png_read_init() and should be recompiled. The png struct allocated by the application for reading is too small. The info struct allocated by application for reading is too small. 1.0.6 or earlier Not a PNG file PNG file corrupted by ASCII conversion Missing IHDR before IDAT Missing PLTE before IDAT Ignoring extra png_read_update_info() call; row buffer not reallocated Decompression error Invalid attempt to read row data Extra compressed data Too many IDAT's found Image is too high to process with png_read_png() 3 U " U " ; W v Read Error Call to NULL read function It's an error to set both read_data_fn and write_data_fn in the same structure. Resetting write_data_fn to NULL. Can't discard critical data on CRC error. Application must supply a known background gamma ignoring out of range rgb_to_gray coefficients NULL row buffer for row %ld, pass %d Uninitialized row png_do_rgb_to_gray found nongray pixel png_do_dither returned rowbytes=0 * | ( b b b b b b b b b b b U ! B H P ? C ; G ? > p? > o@ ?Out of Memory! 0123456789ABCDEFPotential overflow of save_buffer Insufficient memory for save_buffer Out of place tEXt Insufficient memory to store text chunk. Out of place zTXt Invalid IHDR length No IDAT data (internal error) Truncated compressed data in IDAT Decompression error in IDAT Extra compressed data in IDAT Extra compression data Not enough compressed data f \ p R w Bad huffman data (buffer overflow) ? aH P1 ? oM ? l b ? ?; i$ ? {zQ ?] r U ? !1 AQ aq "2 B #3R br $4 % &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w !1A Qa "q 2 #B R $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz } * )+ (,5 '-46 !&.37< "%/28;=#$019:>? ?^ ?u=' ? unknown PCI Match: Vendor=%04x Product=%04x Sub_vendor=%04x Sub_Product=%04x Release=%02x PCI configuration type %d Scanning PCI Buses Probing bus 0x%02x... 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C: 0x%08x bytes at 0x%08x -> 0x%08x Cannot find the chunk containing the critical byte Q: copylen = 0x%08x, needlen = 0x%08x X: 0x%08x bytes at 0x%08x -> 0x%08x A: 0x%08x bytes at 0x%08x -> 0x%08x F: 0x%08x bytes at 0x%08x move_chunk is_free_zone shuffle_dealias syslinux_compute_movelist desczone = 0x%08x, descfree = 0x%08x !!! np = %d : nmoves = %d, nzero = %d, desc_blocks = %d syslinux_do_shuffle Input memmap: After adding (%#x,%#x,%d): Cannot relocate syslinux_memmap_find syslinux_add_memmap %s %s Kernel size too small mem= vga= Invalid boot magic Unable to find lowmem for cmdline cmdline_offset at 0x%x Kernel cannot be loaded low Initrd specified but not supported by kernel Initial memory map: Could not find location for protected-mode code Could not find location for real-mode code Insufficient memory for initramfs Final memory map: Final available map: Initial movelist: *** Calling syslinux_force_text_mode()... *** vga=current, not calling syslinux_force_text_mode()... shuffle_boot_rm failed calc_cmdline_offset bios_boot_linux 070701%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x TRAILER!!! 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GCC: (GNU) 4.8.3 20140911 (Red Hat 4.8.3-7)
adler32 /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/zlib/adler32.c adler32_combine_ sum1 adler1 adler32_combine unsigned char short unsigned int Byte adler sum2 uInt adler32_combine64 long long unsigned int long long int adler2 uLong GNU C 4.8.3 20140911 (Red Hat 4.8.3-7) -march=i386 -m32 -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -mregparm=3 -g -Os -std=gnu99 -falign-functions=0 -falign-jumps=0 -falign-labels=0 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-stack-protector -fwrapv -freg-struct-return -fPIC -fno-exceptions -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-strict-aliasing -falign-functions=0 -falign-jumps=0 -falign-labels=0 -falign-loops=0 short int len2 Bytef opaque total_out dest destLen sourceLen deflateEnd deflateInit_ alloc_func /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/zlib/compress.c compressBound voidpf dummy source free_func z_stream_s uLongf next_in avail_in z_streamp z_stream compress2 internal_state avail_out reserved total_in deflate next_out get_crc_table endian gf2_matrix_square poly make_crc_table crc32_combine_ crc_table_empty /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/zlib/crc32.c crc32_combine64 sizetype crc32_combine even crc32 gf2_matrix_times crc1 crc2 crc32_little ptrdiff_t buf4 first /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/zlib/uncompr.c uncompress inflateEnd inflateInit_ finish_started strstart my_version best_len max_insert stat_desc overlay flush_pending dictLength old_flush nice_match hash_bits dyn_dtree level_flags dyn_ltree heap_len max_lazy /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/zlib/deflate.c lookahead putShortMSB hash_mask pending_out memLevel pending_buf_size ct_data deflatePrime stream_size block_start deflate_fast ins_h max_chain gzhead high_water scan_end match_length w_mask deflate_slow block_done deflateParams wsize hcrc longest_match deflateSetDictionary config_s name_max dyn_tree bstate cur_match strm wmask lm_init opt_len good_match deflateBound max_start deflateTune extra prev_length deflateSetHeader heap_max z_errmsg static_tree_desc_s deflate_stored block_state deflateInit2_ deflate_rle scan_end1 gz_header pending_buf gz_headerp window_size _tr_align deflate_copyright bi_valid match_start wraplen hash_shift comm_max extra_max deflate_state hash_head _tr_stored_block gzindex curr comment matches bl_count xflags deflate_huff max_code windowBits compress_func _length_code gz_header_s dictionary fill_window strend ct_data_s read_buf max_chain_length static_tree_desc IPos bflush deflateCopy good_length match_available bi_buf extra_len max_block_size static_len complen configuration_table _tr_flush_block prev_match uchf finish_done charf need_more Posf last_eob_len last_lit max_lazy_match deflateReset lit_bufsize _tr_init _dist_code nice_length last_flush hash_size ushf copy_block bi_flush gen_bitlen black_mask stree nextlen init_block static_ltree bi_windup static_d_desc send_all_trees max_count static_lenb bi_reverse min_count scan_tree tr_static_init elems static_l_desc extra_dbits rank static_dtree extra_lbits /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/zlib/trees.c detect_data_type static_bl_desc curlen send_tree extra_bits opt_lenb max_blindex next_code dcodes stored_len bl_order pqdownheap extra_blbits _tr_tally base_length prevlen static_tree build_tree compress_block extra_base base_dist gen_codes blcodes build_bl_tree max_length overflow zcfree /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/zlib/zutil.c zlibVersion zcalloc items zError zlibCompileFlags distfix inflateInit2_ inflateSetDictionary syncsearch lens DISTEXT lenbits DICT whave LEN_ DONE inflateSyncPoint CHECK wnext inflateReset inflateMark sane inflateCopy inflateSync wbits LENEXT inflate_fast TABLE COPY_ TIME inflateGetHeader codetype nlen DISTS inflate_table inflatePrime NAME inflate_mode HCRC inf_leave MATCH havedict LENLENS /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/zlib/inflate.c COPY lenfix STORED COMMENT HEAD EXLEN SYNC inflateReset2 lencode LENGTH dmax DICTID inflateUndermine fixedtables CODES work FLAGS distbits EXTRA inflate_state DIST hbuf updatewindow TYPEDO ndist distcode here subvert CODELENS /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/zlib/infback.c inflateBack inflateBackEnd in_desc out_desc in_func out_func inflateBackInit_ incr inflate_copyright lbase /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/zlib/inftrees.c dext lext drop used dmask lmask dolen /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/zlib/inffast.c dcode lcode dodist nout dev_magic datap ssize_t gzip_file_dev uint8_t fileflags zopen com32_filedata errno gzip_file_init uint16_t output_dev __file_close fallback gzip_file_read /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/sys/zfile.c __file_get_block __file_info pathname nbytes handle input_dev blocklg2 gzip_file_close _IO_file zfopen /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/sys/zfopen.c __fd plus fdopen FILE big_row_buf num_text png_write_status_ptr index_to_palette malloc_fn png_uint_32 png_user_transform_ptr png_gAMA png_sPLT_entryp scal_s_width png_charpp png_sPLT_struct zbuf png_info_struct_size png_pass_start old_prev_row_size png_sPLT_entry_struct nentries /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/libpng/png.c png_info_struct write_data_fn hi_product prev_row paeth_row png_get_header_ver splt_palettes png_IEND gamma_16_table push_length png_pass_yinc png_destroy_info_struct time_buffer __ebx png_pass_ystart png_get_io_ptr png_info_destroy old_big_row_buf_size year user_chunk_cache_max frequency png_read_status_ptr png_create_info_struct png_create_struct png_uint_16p int_y_green png_get_header_version png_malloc_ptr png_timep save_flags save_buffer_ptr png_info_init_3 png_pass_inc y_offset do_filter warning_fn int_x_red pcal_units png_hIST png_signature current_buffer_ptr png_textp png_const_charp png_FILE_p png_zTXt png_error png_calculate_crc palette_lookup iccp_proflen iccp_compression png_pCAL scal_pixel_height gamma_16_from_1 __ebp usr_bit_depth png_infopp png_voidp __jmp_buf png_struct_def png_uint_16pp lo_product png_bytepp png_pass_dsp_mask png_get_copyright png_libpng_ver mng_features_permitted png_sRGB png_error_ptr num_to_check png_fixed_point info_fn png_unknown_chunk pass png_zalloc rgb_to_gray_green_coeff memcmp png_int_32 png_iCCP png_time_struct zlib_strategy month save_buffer_size png_free png_tRNS int_y_white __esi scal_pixel_width png_sig png_free_data __esp png_unknown_chunk_t phys_unit_type png_row_info __edi process_mode short_months second png_color_16 hour free_me png_check_sig zlib_mem_level png_sCAL png_init_io save_buffer_max png_mmx_support scal_unit png_destroy_struct read_data_fn text_length png_64bit_product png_ptr num_rows xy_hi png_bytep end_fn gamma_from_1 current_text png_unknown_chunkp pcal_params png_sPLT_entry user_transform_depth write_row_fn png_check_IHDR zlib_method interlaced png_PLTE png_destroy_struct_2 dither_index minute screen_gamma png_iTXt png_sPLT_tp png_tIME yx_hi num_trans x_pixels_per_unit png_get_libpng_ver png_malloc unknown_chunks_num png_convert_to_rfc1123 trans_values png_time num_chunk_list iwidth png_row_infop png_size_t avg_row snprintf png_free_ptr rgb_to_gray_red_coeff chunkdata background_gamma_type rgb_to_gray_blue_coeff int_x_green png_structp png_charp dither_sort row_number png_oFFs pcal_X0 zlib_level need_crc palette_to_index usr_channels int_x_blue zlib_window_bits png_set_sig_bytes pcal_purpose png_rw_ptr png_warning max_text read_row_fn zbuf_size gamma_to_1 png_sBIT png_color_struct png_sig_cmp pcal_nparams user_transform_channels png_data_freer png_text spare_byte up_row sub_row png_struct xy_lo png_progressive_end_ptr int_y_blue __eip png_info png_progressive_row_ptr png_bKGD y_pixels_per_unit png_color_8_struct png_row_info_struct gamma_16_to_1 ptime current_text_size background_1 png_reset_zstream png_infop png_zfree idat_size current_text_ptr num_bytes yx_lo png_color_16_struct background_gamma int_x_white num_palette scal_s_height int_gamma png_IDAT png_color current_text_left row_pointers cur_palette png_handle_as_unknown png_pHYs png_color_8 png_access_version_number current_buffer png_sPLT png_progressive_info_ptr current_buffer_size png_reset_crc int_y_red pcal_type hist pcal_X1 offset_unit_type png_tEXt png_colorp png_uint_16 png_sPLT_t png_check_cHRM_fixed png_IHDR usr_width png_cHRM free_fn splt_palettes_num double png_byte skip_length jmpbuf sig_bit png_user_chunk_ptr png_info_init png_pass_mask png_text_struct int_red_y png_set_rows keep empty_plte_permitted png_set_PLTE int_red_x png_set_bKGD new_iccp_name png_set_text png_color_16p png_set_read_user_chunk_fn png_set_sRGB new_list png_set_invalid png_set_text_2 int_blue_y png_set_compression_buffer_size res_x res_y int_blue_x old_text old_num_chunks lang_key_len png_calloc png_set_unknown_chunk_location /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/libpng/pngset.c png_set_unknown_chunks old_max png_set_cHRM num_unknowns png_permit_empty_plte png_malloc_warn png_set_sPLT png_set_user_limits png_set_IHDR int_white_x int_white_y png_set_sRGB_gAMA_and_cHRM png_set_sCAL png_gamma png_set_keep_unknown_chunks png_set_gAMA png_set_pHYs png_set_sBIT offset_x new_iccp_profile png_set_oFFs png_set_cHRM_fixed png_set_gAMA_fixed png_set_hIST png_set_mmx_thresholds png_set_pCAL lang_len sample_max png_set_asm_flags png_color_8p png_set_iCCP offset_y int_file_gamma png_set_tRNS int_green_x int_green_y png_get_pHYs png_get_cHRM png_get_x_offset_pixels png_get_sPLT png_get_hIST png_get_channels png_get_valid png_get_user_height_max png_get_IHDR png_get_oFFs png_get_sCAL png_get_pixels_per_meter png_get_interlace_type file_srgb_intent png_get_y_offset_pixels png_get_mmx_flagmask png_get_gAMA png_get_mmx_rowbytes_threshold png_get_image_height png_get_signature png_get_tRNS png_get_y_pixels_per_meter png_get_sBIT png_get_pCAL png_unknown_chunkpp png_sPLT_tpp png_get_asm_flagmask png_get_x_pixels_per_meter png_get_cHRM_fixed png_get_pixel_aspect_ratio retval png_get_sRGB png_get_asm_flags png_get_rgb_to_gray_status png_get_x_offset_microns png_get_iCCP png_get_compression_type png_get_text png_get_rowbytes /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/libpng/pngget.c png_get_color_type spalettes png_get_rows png_get_mmx_bitdepth_threshold png_get_y_offset_microns png_get_unknown_chunks png_get_PLTE png_get_image_width png_get_gAMA_fixed compilerID flag_select png_get_user_width_max png_get_compression_buffer_size png_get_user_chunk_ptr png_get_filter_type png_get_bKGD png_get_bit_depth slength pal_ptr png_memset_check final_width output_size png_chunk_error png_get_uint_31 png_get_uint_32 png_combine_row istop endptr png_handle_gAMA png_handle_IHDR png_check_chunk_name png_handle_sBIT profile_size chunk_length /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/libpng/pngrutil.c prefix_length png_get_int_32 png_handle_oFFs row_bytes png_handle_pCAL png_handle_tRNS prefix_len png_chunk_warning png_handle_iCCP png_crc_finish png_handle_cHRM dshift png_handle_IEND png_inflate data_length sshift uint_x uint_y new_size comp_type row_width png_do_read_interlace png_read_data prefix_size png_read_finish_row igamma pixel_bytes output png_crc_error data_len png_crc_read png_handle_sRGB readbuf avail entry_size truelen expanded_size png_read_start_row jstop png_handle_zTXt png_handle_sPLT max_pixel_depth png_handle_bKGD png_handle_hIST newlength png_handle_unknown umsg strtod png_init_read_transformations png_decompress_chunk user_pixel_depth png_handle_sCAL png_handle_pHYs png_read_filter_row s_end crc_bytes profile_length png_read_chunk_header png_get_uint_16 chunklength png_handle_tEXt entry_start png_handle_PLTE png_do_strip_filler png_set_shift save png_set_add_alpha png_do_bgr png_set_invert_mono fourbppswaptable png_set_swap png_do_packswap filler_loc png_do_swap png_get_user_transform_ptr png_set_user_transform_info png_do_invert onebppswaptable twobppswaptable png_set_invert_alpha png_set_filler png_set_packswap png_set_interlace_handling /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/libpng/pngtrans.c png_set_swap_alpha png_set_packing true_bits png_set_bgr /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/libpng/pngwutil.c png_do_read_transformations png_read_transform_info end_info_ptr_ptr png_read_row png_set_mem_fn png_read_destroy setjmp png_create_struct_2 png_memcpy_check png_set_strip_alpha png_start_read_image png_read_png png_read_init png_set_gray_to_rgb tmp_jmp dsp_row png_struct_size abort rptr png_read_update_info /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/libpng/pngread.c png_structpp png_set_expand png_ptr_ptr png_info_size png_read_image png_create_read_struct num_checked png_read_rows png_create_read_struct_2 png_read_init_2 png_read_init_3 warn_fn png_set_strip_16 png_set_error_fn png_set_read_fn transforms png_read_info png_read_end display_row png_set_read_status_fn end_info_ptr user_png_ver png_destroy_read_struct /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/libpng/pngrio.c png_default_read_data _fread /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/libpng/pngwio.c /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/libpng/pngwrite.c hi_filler background_color background_gamma_code num_blue png_set_rgb_to_gray num_green temp index_r gray_low red_int png_set_gamma crit_action png_do_gray_to_rgb png_do_chop png_dsort ancil_action png_do_expand_palette blue_high rgb_error png_do_unpack color_inc fout png_set_tRNS_to_alpha png_do_background png_do_gamma dither_lookup error_action distance red_1 png_do_read_swap_alpha num_red red_low green_high red_fixed histogram next_j maximum_colors hash png_build_grayscale_palette png_set_palette_to_rgb red_high png_do_read_invert_alpha png_dsortpp min_d min_k png_set_crc_action need_expand lo_filler png_do_unshift green_low png_set_rgb_to_gray_fixed /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/libpng/pngrtran.c png_dsortp green_fixed png_set_background d_index trans_value scrn_gamma tmp_color num_new_palette png_gamma_shift gray_high png_do_read_filler png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8 png_do_dither png_build_gamma_table png_set_dither gray16 png_dsort_struct png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8 back_1 max_d gamma_16 green_int png_set_read_user_transform_fn blue_low full_dither sig_bits green_1 num_entries png_do_expand index_g total_bits png_do_rgb_to_gray blue_1 /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/libpng/pngwtran.c dummy_struct png_get_mem_ptr png_malloc_default /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/libpng/pngmem.c png_free_default struct_ptr longjmp png_default_error png_get_error_ptr png_default_warning png_digit error_message warning_message /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/libpng/pngerror.c png_format_buffer png_set_strip_error_numbers strip_mode iout png_get_progressive_ptr png_push_have_row png_push_read_tEXt png_push_crc_finish png_push_fill_buffer save_size png_push_handle_unknown png_progressive_combine_row png_push_restore_buffer old_row png_push_save_buffer png_push_read_IDAT png_push_handle_tEXt png_set_progressive_read_fn png_push_have_end png_process_IDAT_data png_read_push_finish_row /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/libpng/pngpread.c png_push_crc_skip old_buffer png_push_read_chunk png_push_have_info png_push_read_zTXt png_process_some_data png_push_process_row new_row png_push_read_sig png_push_handle_zTXt png_process_data key_size buffer_length new_max jdec_private xstride_by_mcu zigzag sos_marker_found build_quantization_table parse_DHT HTAC tinyjpeg_decode val_ac_luminance qtable bits_dc_luminance parse_JFIF huff_code yshift_by_mcu stream_begin decode_MCU Hfactor previous_DC dqt_block_end restart_interval parse_SOS huffcode DC_table Q_tables hcode repeat tinyjpeg_get_components val_dc_luminance parse_DRI sampling_factor tinyjpeg_get_size last_rst_marker_seen nbits_in_reservoir stream_length tinyjpeg_get_errorstring convert_colorspace_fct tinyjpeg_set_flags bogus_jpeg_format tinyjpeg_get_bytes_per_row size_val extra_nbits huffsize bits_ac_chrominance parse_DQT stream_end tinyjpeg_process_Huffman_data_unit HTDC bytes_per_mcu jump_state print_SOF huff_bits vals APP0 tinyjpeg_set_components resync slowtable tinyjpeg_init next_chunck rst_marker_found decode_MCU_fct tinyjpeg_parse_header tinyjpeg_free std_markers priv restarts_to_go Q_table RST7 dht_marker_found convert_to_pixfmt bytes_per_blocklines Vfactor component_infos __builtin_strcpy val_ac_chrominance chuck_len decode_mcu_table initialize parse_SOF build_default_huffman_tables ref_table count_0 val_dc_chrominance find_next_rst_marker AC_table aanscalefactor tinyjpeg_set_bytes_per_row ncomponents oldflags xshift_by_mcu build_huffman_table ystride_by_mcu component error_string nr_components code_size /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/jpeg/tinyjpeg.c bits_dc_chrominance get_next_huffman_code convert_colorspace tinyjpeg_colorspace bits_ac_luminance default_huffman_table_initialized /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/jpeg/jidctflt.c outptr workspace quantptr dcval output_buf tinyjpeg_idct_float GNU C 4.8.3 20140911 (Red Hat 4.8.3-7) -march=i386 -m32 -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -mregparm=3 -g -Os -O3 -std=gnu99 -falign-functions=0 -falign-jumps=0 -falign-labels=0 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-stack-protector -fwrapv -freg-struct-return -fPIC -fno-exceptions -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-strict-aliasing -falign-functions=0 -falign-jumps=0 -falign-labels=0 -falign-loops=0 compptr stride tmp1 tmp2 tmp0 tmp4 tmp5 tmp6 tmp7 tmp3 tmp10 tmp11 tmp12 tmp13 inptr descale_and_clamp decode_MCU_2x1_1plane decode_MCU_1x2_1plane tinyjpeg_decode_mcu_1comp_table decode_MCU_2x2_1plane decode_MCU_1x1_1plane /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/jpeg/decode1.c decode_MCU_1x1_3planes decode_MCU_2x1_3planes decode_MCU_2x2_3planes decode_MCU_1x2_3planes /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/jpeg/decode3.c tinyjpeg_decode_mcu_3comp_table add_r add_g TINYJPEG_FMT_RGB24 tinyjpeg_colorspace_t offset_to_next_row format_rgb24 /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/jpeg/rgb24.c YCrCB_to_RGB24_2x1 YCrCB_to_RGB24_2x2 add_b initialize_rgb24 YCrCB_to_RGB24_1x1 YCrCB_to_RGB24_1x2 /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/jpeg/bgr24.c TINYJPEG_FMT_BGR24 format_bgr24 YCrCB_to_BGR24_2x2 YCrCB_to_BGR24_1x1 YCrCB_to_BGR24_1x2 initialize_bgr24 YCrCB_to_BGR24_2x1 half_width half_height initialize_yuv420p format_yuv420p YCrCB_to_YUV420P_2x1 YCrCB_to_YUV420P_2x2 TINYJPEG_FMT_YUV420P /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/jpeg/yuv420p.c YCrCB_to_YUV420P_1x1 YCrCB_to_YUV420P_1x2 /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/jpeg/grey.c TINYJPEG_FMT_GREY initialize_grey YCrCB_to_Grey_2xN format_grey YCrCB_to_Grey_1xN initialize_rgba32 format_rgba32 YCrCB_to_RGBA32_1x2 /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/jpeg/rgba32.c YCrCB_to_RGBA32_2x1 YCrCB_to_RGBA32_2x2 YCrCB_to_RGBA32_1x1 TINYJPEG_FMT_RGBA32 YCrCB_to_BGRA32_2x1 YCrCB_to_BGRA32_1x1 YCrCB_to_BGRA32_1x2 TINYJPEG_FMT_BGRA32 /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/jpeg/bgra32.c format_bgra32 YCrCB_to_BGRA32_2x2 initialize_bgra32 oldcfa ireg oldcf8 PCI_CFG_TYPE1 PCI_CFG_TYPE2 /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/pci/cfgtype.c oreg outb __intcall outl PCI_CFG_AUTO _unused_esp com32sys_t uint32_t reg32_t type1_ok pci_config_type pci_set_config_type PCI_CFG_BIOS __pci_cfg_type PCI_CFG_NONE newcf8 type2_ok int_sub_product_id int_sub_class_id_str pciids_path remove_eol strstr revision hdrtype rid_max ENOPCIIDS rid_min field pci_dev_info modules_pcimap_path rid_class sub_class_name __pci_func linux_kernel_module_count __builtin_puts hex_to_int get_class_name_from_pci_ids nbus skip_to_next_vendor int_product_id gather_additional_pci_config svid_sdid pciaddr_t ENOMODULESPCIMAP rcid ndev did_mask int_sub_vendor_id chrreplace strtok vendor_name int_vendor_id sid_mask fgets pci_readb /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/pci/scan.c pci_readl category_name get_name_from_pci_ids __pci_slot __ctypes latency __builtin_strchr __pci_bus _Bool maxfunc skipspace __func__ __syslinux_debug_enabled free_pci_domain cfgtype get_module_name_from_pcimap sub_product product_name hexa sub_vendor int_class_id_str vid_did pci_scan fclose delims module_name ENOMODULESALIAS strtoul nfunc modules_alias_path linux_kernel_module class_mode strlcpy get_module_name_from_alias find_pci_device result pci_mkaddr pci_addr __pci_read_write_bios 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sector_shift attr_t SYSLINUX_FS_EXTLINUX _pad1 _pad2 vesacon_counter __vesacon_erase disk term_info partoffset netmask _cxh pxenv_seg /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/sys/vesacon_write.c ansi_state spec_packet _eflags __vesacon_doit SYSLINUX_FS_UNKNOWN fssi vesacon_showcursor flowctl uint64_t __vesacon_scroll_up cd_mode __syslinux_version __vesacon_write_char st_tblc stack autowrap version_string __syslinux_ipappend_strings __vesacon_write _axh __ansi_putchar PXF_LE_RGB16_565 PXF_BGRA32 vtgraphics vesacon_set_resolution beep max_api pxenv_offs saved_xy serverip underline copyright_string __vesacon_text_cols st_init esbx dev_ansiserial_w __xserial_write /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/sys/vesaserial_write.c dev_vesaserial_w __vesaserial_write lfb_ptr image_pages video_mode_ptr mem_ops char_width __vesacon_init_background oem_software_rev win_info output_ops debug __vesacon_init_cursor vesa_char offscreen_ptr syslinux_report_video_mode __vesacon_pixel_format logical_scan __vesacon_format_pixels page_function vesacon_fill oem_product_rev_ptr char_height unpack_font rmask disk_init memory_layout win_pos __vesacon_i915resolution get_serial_console_info __vesacon_graphics_font nchars h_res bpos x86_init_fpu __vesacon_bytes_per_pixel __vesacon_format_pixels_t bestpxf init_text_display oem_vendor_name_ptr def_char get_mode win_num v_res adjust_screen oem_data bmask rom_font __vesacon_format_pixels_list memory_planes win_size total_memory /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/sys/vesa/initvesa.c vesacon_set_mode offscreen_size mode_attr firmware get_cursor oem_product_name_ptr __vesacon_font_height far_ptr_t setup_data vesa_general_info __vesa_info o_ops dcm_info resv_mask win_gshift win_attr shiftflags vesa_ops gpos adv_ops vesa_mode_info __vesacon_background banks input_ops resv_pos rpos syslinux_font_query getchar capabilities __vesacon_shadowfb vesa vendor_string win_base win_seg bank_size win_grain __vesacon_text_display __far_ptr win_scheme realloc screencpy pollchar __vesacon_init_copy_to_screen ncols __vesacon_redraw_text rowsptr upd_x1 row_buffer bgval /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/sys/vesa/drawtxt.c toptr SHADOW_ALL alpha_val argb_bg chsbits csptr bgrowptr console_color_table cursor_y fg_b pixrow fg_r pixsrow chxbits __vesacon_srgb_to_linear alpha_pixel vesacon_update_characters cursor_pattern rowbufptr SHADOW_NONE SHADOW_NORMAL upd_y1 bgcolor chbits upd_x0 fbrowptr __vesacon_linear_to_srgb dword_count cursor_pointer argb_fg cursor_x bg_b bg_g upd_y0 fromptr bg_r cptr SHADOW_REVERSE pixel_offset color_table_shadow fg_g nrows fgval __vesacon_copy_to_screen bgptr fgcolor vesacon_touch copy_dword read_lss16_file lss16_header jdec jpeg_sig_cmp xsize bottom_border right_border read_png_file st_start do_run draw_background /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/sys/vesa/background.c has_nybble read_jpeg_file ilog2 draw_background_line fbptr npixels ysize length_of_file header_len shft vesacon_default_background vesacon_set_background 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get_chipset unlocked vsyncend yprev CT_845G vbios_resolution_type1 vbios_resolution_type2 vbios_mode vbios_map CT_945GME freqs memmem clock relock_vbios warm __farcall syslinux_reboot __com32_zero_regs /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/reboot.c reboot_flag KbdMap SYSAPPEND_SYSVERSION SYSAPPEND_SYSSERIAL __syslinux_shuffler_size SYSAPPEND_MBSERIAL SYSAPPEND_CPU __syslinux_keyboard_map SYSAPPEND_BOOTIF SYSAPPEND_BIOSVENDOR SYSAPPEND_SYSSKU __syslinux_get_keyboard_map SYSAPPEND_SYSVENDOR SYSAPPEND_IP __jiffies SYSAPPEND_MAX SYSAPPEND_SYSFAMILY SYSAPPEND_MBVENDOR /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/keyboard.c SYSAPPEND_MBASSET jiffies_t syslinux_sysappend __ms_timer SYSAPPEND_SYSPRODUCT SYSAPPEND_MBVERSION SYSAPPEND_SYSUUID SYSAPPEND_SYSFF SYSAPPEND_FSUUID SYSAPPEND_BIOSVERSION SYSAPPEND_MBPRODUCT syslinux_banner copyright_str /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/version.c __syslinux_get_version BufferSize OFFS uintptr_t s_PXENV_GET_CACHED_INFO segoff16_t max_dhcp_packet Status Buffer nbuf /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/pxe_get_cached.c t_PXENV_GET_CACHED_INFO PacketType lfree lmalloc pxe_call pxe_get_cached_info bbuf pxenv_status_t BufferLimit Sub_Class t_PXENV_UNDI_GET_NIC_TYPE cardbus SubVendor_ID NicType lgnt s_PXENV_UNDI_GET_NIC_TYPE /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/pxe_get_nic.c EISA_Dev_ID Prog_Intf CardSelNum Base_Class lzalloc SubDevice_ID BusDevFunc pxe_get_nic_type sscanf /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/pxe_dns.c lm_hostname pxe_dns dns_resolv lstrdup iget_root cache_block_size cache_entries open_config close_file readlink realpath parent d_reclen /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/video/fontquery.c mangle_name cache_init fs_info fs_flags cwd_name next_extent chdir_start FS_THISIND searchdir d_off FS_NODEV ctime fs_dev pstart fontbuf getfssec readdir block_shift dirent d_ino cache_data atime sector_t disk_number FS_USEMEM secpercyl sector_size inode fs_name maxtransfer VGAFontSize fs_uuid this_extent _pad lstart mtime rdwr_sectors cache_size copy_super part_start iget dtime file_acl UserFont cache_head fs_ops refcnt cache files /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/video/reportmode.c syslinux_movelist /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/addlist.c syslinux_add_movelist /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/freelist.c syslinux_free_movelist syslinux_scan_memory syslinux_memory_map syslinux_memmap syslinux_add_memmap SMT_END SMT_RESERVED SMT_ERROR scan_memory_callback_t SMT_ZERO syslinux_memory_map_callback SMT_ALLOC /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/memmap.c syslinux_free_memmap syslinux_memmap_types SMT_UNDEFINED SMT_FREE SMT_TERMINAL syslinux_init_memmap fstart fraglist freelen advance freebase dup_movelist shuffle_dealias copysrc allocate_from new_movelist_bail add_freelist nomem free_area copydst move_chunk delta parentptr new_movelist ifrags restart ep_len copylen cbyte /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/movebits.c split_movelist valid_terminal_type dstp is_free_zone needlen syslinux_compute_movelist best llast ilist slen delete_movelist syslinux_memmap_largest needbase postcopy descfree need_blocks desc_blocks nzero /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/shuffle.c syslinux_dup_memmap descmem tmap bios_do_shuffle_and_boot shuffle_descriptor rxmap syslinux_target_memmap desczone nmoves entry_point need_ptrs entry_type syslinux_do_shuffle bootflags descaddr /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/shuffle_pm.c syslinux_pm_regs handoff_code syslinux_memmap_find_type regstub stublen syslinux_shuffle_boot_pm R_FS R_CS R_CX R_GS syslinux_rm_regs_alt gpr_for_seg _unused_cs R_DI /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/shuffle_rm.c seg_index R_DS R_SS csip syslinux_rm_regs R_AX syslinux_shuffle_boot_rm R_ES gpr_index R_BP R_SI R_BX R_SP R_DX do_raw_shuffle_and_boot /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/biosboot.c syslinux_final_cleanup dsize descbuf __align_down end_max start_max min_len xstart 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type_of_loader adj_end syslinux_force_text_mode hardware_subarch setup_data_header initramfs_size __ctype_space /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/initramfs.c ihead initramfs_add_data initramfs_init buflen initramfs_add_trailer major namelen hdr_sz /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/initramfs_file.c sprintf initramfs_mkdirs minor initramfs_add_file next_ino initramfs_mknod do_mkdir dst_filename src_filename /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/initramfs_loadfile.c initramfs_load_file initramfs_load_archive /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/syslinux/initramfs_archive.c last_attr reset fputc set_g1_special_char fillchar csprint ansi_char move_cursor_left reset_colors fputs set_us_g0_charset display_cursor clear_entire_screen cprint gotoxy move_cursor_to_column clear_end_of_line cprint_vga2ansi clearwindow move_cursor_right set_cursor_blink disable_utf8 /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/sys/libansi.c move_cursor_to_next_line fillattr clear_line clear_beginning_of_line /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/sys/gpxe.c Provider s_PXENV_FILE_CHECK_API APIMask is_gpxe Magic atexit on_exit /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/atexit.c fctn __atexit_list /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/onexit.c /home/hpa/syslinux/git/com32/lib/abort.c
.symtab .strtab .shstrtab .gnu.hash .dynsym .dynstr .rel.dyn .rel.plt .text .rodata .ctors .data.rel.ro .dynamic .got .got.plt .data .bss .comment .debug_aranges .debug_info .debug_abbrev .debug_line .debug_frame .debug_str .debug_loc .debug_ranges
adler32.c adler32_combine_ compress.c crc32.c gf2_matrix_times gf2_matrix_square crc32_combine_ make_crc_table first.1953 p.1954 crc_table crc_table_empty uncompr.c deflate.c putShortMSB longest_match flush_pending fill_window deflate_slow deflate_fast deflate_stored configuration_table trees.c init_block pqdownheap scan_tree send_tree compress_block extra_lbits base_length extra_dbits base_dist build_tree bi_windup bi_flush static_l_desc static_d_desc static_bl_desc bl_order static_dtree static_ltree extra_blbits zutil.c inflate.c syncsearch updatewindow lenfix.2054 distfix.2055 order.2083 .L132 .L136 .L273 .L80 .L114 .L85 .L86 .L87 .L88 .L89 .L113 .L91 .L92 .L93 .L94 .L95 .L96 .L112 .L98 .L99 .L100 .L101 .L102 .L103 .L104 .L105 .L106 .L107 .L108 .L110 .L507 infback.c lenfix.2026 distfix.2027 order.2048 .L17 .L18 .L20 .L21 .L22 .L23 .L130 inftrees.c lext.1972 lbase.1971 dext.1974 dbase.1973 inffast.c zfile.c gzip_file_close gzip_file_read gzip_file_dev zfopen.c png.c short_months.3672 pngset.c pngget.c pngrutil.c png_inflate .L719 .L723 .L724 .L725 .L726 pngtrans.c fourbppswaptable onebppswaptable twobppswaptable pngwutil.c pngread.c .L140 .L142 .L143 .L144 .L145 .L146 .L147 pngrio.c pngwio.c pngwrite.c pngrtran.c CSWTCH.233 CSWTCH.234 png_gamma_shift .L526 .L1067 .L532 .L534 .L535 .L536 .L537 .L1069 .L1071 .L1072 .L1073 pngwtran.c pngmem.c pngerror.c png_format_buffer png_digit pngpread.c .L264 .L266 .L267 .L268 .L269 .L270 .L392 .L394 .L395 .L396 .L397 .L398 tinyjpeg.c build_huffman_table get_next_huffman_code error_string zigzag aanscalefactor.1977 val_dc_luminance bits_dc_luminance val_ac_luminance bits_ac_luminance val_dc_chrominance bits_dc_chrominance val_ac_chrominance bits_ac_chrominance jidctflt.c decode1.c decode_MCU_2x2_1plane decode_MCU_2x1_1plane decode_MCU_1x2_1plane decode_MCU_1x1_1plane decode3.c decode_MCU_2x2_3planes decode_MCU_2x1_3planes decode_MCU_1x2_3planes decode_MCU_1x1_3planes rgb24.c clamp YCrCB_to_RGB24_1x1 YCrCB_to_RGB24_2x1 YCrCB_to_RGB24_1x2 YCrCB_to_RGB24_2x2 initialize_rgb24 format_rgb24 bgr24.c YCrCB_to_BGR24_1x1 YCrCB_to_BGR24_2x1 YCrCB_to_BGR24_1x2 YCrCB_to_BGR24_2x2 initialize_bgr24 format_bgr24 yuv420p.c initialize_yuv420p YCrCB_to_YUV420P_2x2 YCrCB_to_YUV420P_2x1 YCrCB_to_YUV420P_1x2 YCrCB_to_YUV420P_1x1 format_yuv420p grey.c initialize_grey YCrCB_to_Grey_2xN YCrCB_to_Grey_1xN format_grey rgba32.c YCrCB_to_RGBA32_1x1 YCrCB_to_RGBA32_2x1 YCrCB_to_RGBA32_1x2 YCrCB_to_RGBA32_2x2 initialize_rgba32 format_rgba32 bgra32.c YCrCB_to_BGRA32_1x1 YCrCB_to_BGRA32_2x1 YCrCB_to_BGRA32_1x2 YCrCB_to_BGRA32_2x2 initialize_bgra32 format_bgra32 cfgtype.c type1_ok type2_ok ireg.1871 scan.c remove_eol hex_to_int __func__.2297 __func__.2327 .L38 .L40 .L41 .L42 .L43 bios.c readb.c readw.c readl.c writeb.c writew.c writel.c vesacon_write.c vesacon_counter vesacon_setcursor cursor_enabled vesacon_showcursor vesacon_scroll_up vesacon_write_char vesacon_erase ti vesacon_resolution ts op vesaserial_write.c __vesaserial_write initvesa.c vesacon_set_mode drawtxt.c vesacon_update_characters cursor_pointer cursor_pattern upd_x1 upd_x0 upd_y1 upd_y0 cursor_y cursor_x background.c draw_background_line draw_background tile_image read_png_file alphatbl.c screencpy.c wi fmtpixel.c format_pxf_bgra32 format_pxf_bgr24 format_pxf_le_rgb16_565 format_pxf_le_rgb15_555 i915resolution.c gtf_timings detect_bios_type.constprop.8 _map.2503 freqs reboot.c keyboard.c version.c pxe_get_cached.c pxe_get_nic.c pxe_dns.c fontquery.c reportmode.c addlist.c freelist.c memmap.c syslinux_memory_map_callback movebits.c is_free_zone __func__.1794 new_movelist new_movelist_bail split_movelist add_freelist __func__.1888 __func__.1834 __func__.1857 shuffle.c __func__.2228 shuffle_pm.c shuffle_rm.c gpr_for_seg.2010 biosboot.c zonelist.c __func__.1755 __func__.1845 dump_mmap.c dump_movelist.c run_default.c run_command.c cleanup.c localboot.c runimage.c loadfile.c floadfile.c zloadfile.c load_linux.c find_argument __func__.2378 __func__.2351 initramfs.c initramfs_file.c initramfs_mkdirs next_ino initramfs_loadfile.c initramfs_archive.c libansi.c cprint_vga2ansi.part.0 last_attr.1859 ansi_char.1858 gpxe.c atexit.c onexit.c __atexit_list abort.c __x86.get_pc_thunk.cx _tr_flush_block _DYNAMIC _length_code inflate_fast _tr_stored_block zcfree __x86.get_pc_thunk.bx _dist_code zcalloc _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ _tr_init _tr_tally inflate_table _tr_align __vesacon_copy_to_screen png_set_sBIT longjmp png_get_header_ver png_destroy_struct png_zfree png_do_read_filler strcpy uncompress __vesacon_format_pixels png_set_mem_fn syslinux_memmap_largest png_set_add_alpha setjmp png_get_sBIT png_get_cHRM_fixed png_set_cHRM_fixed png_set_dither vesacon_set_background inflateCopy loadfile inflateUndermine gather_additional_pci_config png_read_chunk_header deflate png_get_bKGD printf png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8 SysAppends png_handle_sRGB __vesacon_format_pixels_list png_error png_read_destroy png_set_progressive_read_fn deflateTune png_get_hIST png_64bit_product png_set_gAMA syslinux_memmap_highest syslinux_add_movelist png_warning png_read_finish_row png_get_interlace_type png_get_x_offset_pixels png_set_read_user_transform_fn png_do_strip_filler get_name_from_pci_ids png_handle_IHDR png_crc_error png_get_sPLT png_set_strip_alpha inflateReset2 png_push_read_sig png_get_uint_16 __syslinux_keyboard_map default_cmd png_set_unknown_chunk_location __vesacon_text_display png_read_push_finish_row snprintf console_color_table zlibVersion tinyjpeg_set_flags png_tRNS __syslinux_get_version png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8 png_get_rowbytes png_set_text png_free_default png_get_iCCP deflateSetHeader png_set_strip_16 png_check_chunk_name syslinux_memmap_find_type png_get_rgb_to_gray_status find_pci_device png_set_read_status_fn png_zalloc errno KbdMap png_set_gAMA_fixed png_get_uint_31 png_get_libpng_ver inflate memmem vesacon_default_background png_read_init png_sig_cmp png_set_filler png_create_read_struct __vesacon_bytes_per_pixel pci_scan png_push_have_row png_create_struct_2 fgets fontbuf syslinux_memmap_type deflateSetDictionary __file_get_block dev_ansicon_w tinyjpeg_get_bytes_per_row png_get_filter_type png_iTXt lfree png_set_sig_bytes syslinux_memmap_find move_cursor_left suffix_number png_info_destroy png_get_y_offset_microns syslinux_force_text_mode tinyjpeg_decode_mcu_3comp_table png_push_read_tEXt png_build_gamma_table png_set_interlace_handling pci_readw puts syslinux_run_command __syslinux_serial_console_info tinyjpeg_get_size unload_pxe get_class_name_from_pci_ids png_IEND malloc png_set_bKGD png_get_image_height png_get_pCAL png_get_image_width pci_set_config_type png_pass_ystart png_do_unshift png_get_asm_flagmask pci_writeb png_do_dither dev_vesaserial_w png_chunk_warning __xserial_write png_do_swap syslinux_shuffle_boot_rm __com32_zero_regs png_set_read_fn png_hIST strtoul __vesacon_close png_get_x_pixels_per_meter png_set_packing png_read_init_3 png_pass_start 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inflateInit_ calloc png_sPLT tinyjpeg_decode_mcu_1comp_table initramfs_load_archive png_do_gray_to_rgb strtod png_handle_pHYs png_get_uint_32 deflateBound png_handle_IEND png_sBIT free_pci_domain fstat png_handle_hIST png_sCAL pxe_get_cached_info deflateInit_ png_push_process_row adler32 png_get_valid do_raw_shuffle_and_boot syslinux_compute_movelist png_set_swap_alpha __vesa_info using_vga png_malloc png_start_read_image tinyjpeg_idct_float png_set_rgb_to_gray_fixed png_get_compression_type png_set_asm_flags inflateBackInit_ png_set_mmx_thresholds png_access_version_number png_set_pCAL x86_init_fpu lzalloc syslinux_banner tinyjpeg_process_Huffman_data_unit inflateMark png_get_x_offset_microns inflateBack png_set_user_transform_info png_handle_gAMA png_do_read_transformations png_get_rows TINYJPEG_FMT_GREY png_set_bgr png_PLTE png_process_IDAT_data png_set_swap zopen png_set_crc_action zError crc32 png_get_oFFs __file_info png_sig png_iCCP png_get_error_ptr __vesacon_i915resolution 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