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network_handler none stat dhcp ACTION_INVALID fputc printf msys_handler getscreensize csprint cprint username PREPMENU reset_colors clear_line infoline strcpy flags strcat network checkbox_handler strcmp linrep winrep login_handler getuserinput authenticate_user prepopt secret SECRETMENU keys_handler runhelpsystem isallowed main init_passwords init_help init_menusystem set_window_size reg_handler reg_ontimeout add_menu NETMENU add_item TESTING set_menu_pos RESCUE baseurl mountcd add_sep runprep LONGMENU MAIN set_item_options get_key showmenus issyslinux runsyslinuxcmd close_passwords close_help close_menusystem buffer ACTION_VALID libmenu.c32 libcom32.c32 __ctors_start __ctors_end __dtors_start __dtors_end 
[%d;%dH User: baseurl= mountcd=yes network= repair=win repair=lin Kernel Arguments: baseurl winrepair linrepair mountcd Enter Username: Enter Password: guest editcmd root Command line: /isolinux/password /isolinux/help Init Network no Dont start network <N>one dhcp Use DHCP <d>hcp static Use static IP I will specify later <s>tatic Testing memtest Perform extensive memory testing <M>emory Test junk You dont see this <I>nvisible exit Go one level up <E>xit this menu Rescue Options linresc <L>inux Rescue dosresc <D>os Rescue winresc <W>indows Rescue Prep options Specify gui baseurl by IP address <b>aseurl by IP? Mount the cdrom drive? <m>ountcd? How to initialise network device? Re-install the windows side of a dual boot setup Reinstall <w>indows Re-install the linux side of a dual boot setup Reinstall <l>inux prep Execute prep with the above options <R>un prep now exitmenu Go up one level Secret Menu A Secret secret 1 secret 2 Long Menu Aa <A>a Ab <B>b <C> <D> <E> <F> <G> <H> <I> <J> <K> <L> <M> <N> <O> <P> <Q> <R> <S> <T> <U> <V> <W> <X> <Y> <Z> <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> Main Menu Login as a privileged user <P>repare Options for prep image: Requires authenticated user <P>rep options... Troubleshoot a system <R>escue options... Options to test hardware <T>esting... test menu system <L>ong Menu... Secret menu <S>ecret Menu... Exit the menu system <E>xit to prompt Press any key within 5 seconds to show menu... Sorry! Time's up. Enter IP address (last two octets only): Junk ipaddr=192.168.
<L>ogout <L>ogin <n>etwork [static] <n>etwork [dhcp] <n>etwork [none]
GCC: (GNU) 4.8.3 20140911 (Red Hat 4.8.3-7)
.shstrtab .gnu.hash .dynsym .dynstr .rel.dyn .rel.plt .text .rodata .dynamic .got .got.plt .data .bss .comment