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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include <string>
21 #include <unordered_map>
22 #include <vector>
24 #include "ConfigDescription.h"
25 #include "Diagnostics.h"
26 #include "util/Maybe.h"
28 namespace aapt {
30 namespace configuration {
32 /** A mapping of group labels to group of configuration items. */
33 template<class T>
34 using Group = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<T>>;
36 /** Output artifact configuration options. */
37 struct Artifact {
38   /** Name to use for output of processing foo.apk -> foo.<name>.apk. */
39   std::string name;
40   /** If present, uses the ABI group with this name. */
41   Maybe<std::string> abi_group;
42   /** If present, uses the screen density group with this name. */
43   Maybe<std::string> screen_density_group;
44   /** If present, uses the locale group with this name. */
45   Maybe<std::string> locale_group;
46   /** If present, uses the Android SDK group with this name. */
47   Maybe<std::string> android_sdk_group;
48   /** If present, uses the device feature group with this name. */
49   Maybe<std::string> device_feature_group;
50   /** If present, uses the OpenGL texture group with this name. */
51   Maybe<std::string> gl_texture_group;
53   /** Convert an artifact name template into a name string based on configuration contents. */
54   Maybe<std::string> ToArtifactName(const std::string& format, IDiagnostics* diag) const;
55 };
57 /** Enumeration of currently supported ABIs. */
58 enum class Abi {
59   kArmeV6,
60   kArmV7a,
61   kArm64V8a,
62   kX86,
63   kX86_64,
64   kMips,
65   kMips64,
66   kUniversal
67 };
69 /** Helper method to convert an ABI to a string representing the path within the APK. */
70 const std::string& AbiToString(Abi abi);
72 /**
73  * Represents an individual locale. When a locale is included, it must be
74  * declared from least specific to most specific, as a region does not make
75  * sense without a language. If neither the language or region are specified it
76  * acts as a special case for catch all. This can allow all locales to be kept,
77  * or compressed.
78  */
79 struct Locale {
80   /** The ISO<?> standard locale language code. */
81   Maybe<std::string> lang;
82   /** The ISO<?> standard locale region code. */
83   Maybe<std::string> region;
85   inline friend bool operator==(const Locale& lhs, const Locale& rhs) {
86     return lhs.lang == rhs.lang && lhs.region == rhs.region;
87   }
88 };
90 // TODO: Encapsulate manifest modifications from the configuration file.
91 struct AndroidManifest {
92   inline friend bool operator==(const AndroidManifest& lhs, const AndroidManifest& rhs) {
93     return true;  // nothing to compare yet.
94   }
95 };
97 struct AndroidSdk {
98   Maybe<std::string> min_sdk_version;
99   Maybe<std::string> target_sdk_version;
100   Maybe<std::string> max_sdk_version;
101   Maybe<AndroidManifest> manifest;
103   inline friend bool operator==(const AndroidSdk& lhs, const AndroidSdk& rhs) {
104     return lhs.min_sdk_version == rhs.min_sdk_version &&
105         lhs.target_sdk_version == rhs.target_sdk_version &&
106         lhs.max_sdk_version == rhs.max_sdk_version &&
107         lhs.manifest == rhs.manifest;
108   }
109 };
111 // TODO: Make device features more than just an arbitrary string?
112 using DeviceFeature = std::string;
114 /** Represents a mapping of texture paths to a GL texture format. */
115 struct GlTexture {
116   std::string name;
117   std::vector<std::string> texture_paths;
119   inline friend bool operator==(const GlTexture& lhs, const GlTexture& rhs) {
120     return lhs.name == rhs.name && lhs.texture_paths == rhs.texture_paths;
121   }
122 };
124 /** AAPT2 XML configuration file binary representation. */
125 struct PostProcessingConfiguration {
126   // TODO: Support named artifacts?
127   std::vector<Artifact> artifacts;
128   Maybe<std::string> artifact_format;
130   Group<Abi> abi_groups;
131   Group<ConfigDescription> screen_density_groups;
132   Group<Locale> locale_groups;
133   Group<AndroidSdk> android_sdk_groups;
134   Group<DeviceFeature> device_feature_groups;
135   Group<GlTexture> gl_texture_groups;
136 };
138 }  // namespace configuration
140 // Forward declaration of classes used in the API.
141 struct IDiagnostics;
142 namespace xml {
143 class Element;
144 }
146 /**
147  * XML configuration file parser for the split and optimize commands.
148  */
149 class ConfigurationParser {
150  public:
152   /** Returns a ConfigurationParser for the file located at the provided path. */
153   static Maybe<ConfigurationParser> ForPath(const std::string& path);
155   /** Returns a ConfigurationParser for the configuration in the provided file contents. */
ForContents(const std::string & contents)156   static ConfigurationParser ForContents(const std::string& contents) {
157     ConfigurationParser parser{contents};
158     return parser;
159   }
161   /** Sets the diagnostics context to use when parsing. */
WithDiagnostics(IDiagnostics * diagnostics)162   ConfigurationParser& WithDiagnostics(IDiagnostics* diagnostics) {
163     diag_ = diagnostics;
164     return *this;
165   }
167   /**
168    * Parses the configuration file and returns the results. If the configuration could not be parsed
169    * the result is empty and any errors will be displayed with the provided diagnostics context.
170    */
171   Maybe<configuration::PostProcessingConfiguration> Parse();
173  protected:
174   /**
175    * Instantiates a new ConfigurationParser with the provided configuration file and a no-op
176    * diagnostics context. The default diagnostics context can be overridden with a call to
177    * WithDiagnostics(IDiagnostics *).
178    */
179   explicit ConfigurationParser(std::string contents);
181   /** Returns the current diagnostics context to any subclasses. */
diagnostics()182   IDiagnostics* diagnostics() {
183     return diag_;
184   }
186   /**
187    * An ActionHandler for processing XML elements in the XmlActionExecutor. Returns true if the
188    * element was successfully processed, otherwise returns false.
189    */
190   using ActionHandler = std::function<bool(configuration::PostProcessingConfiguration* config,
191                                            xml::Element* element, IDiagnostics* diag)>;
193   /** Handler for <artifact> tags. */
194   static ActionHandler artifact_handler_;
195   /** Handler for <artifact-format> tags. */
196   static ActionHandler artifact_format_handler_;
197   /** Handler for <abi-group> tags. */
198   static ActionHandler abi_group_handler_;
199   /** Handler for <screen-density-group> tags. */
200   static ActionHandler screen_density_group_handler_;
201   /** Handler for <locale-group> tags. */
202   static ActionHandler locale_group_handler_;
203   /** Handler for <android-sdk-group> tags. */
204   static ActionHandler android_sdk_group_handler_;
205   /** Handler for <gl-texture-group> tags. */
206   static ActionHandler gl_texture_group_handler_;
207   /** Handler for <device-feature-group> tags. */
208   static ActionHandler device_feature_group_handler_;
210  private:
211   /** The contents of the configuration file to parse. */
212   const std::string contents_;
213   /** The diagnostics context to send messages to. */
214   IDiagnostics* diag_;
215 };
217 }  // namespace aapt
219 #endif  // AAPT2_CONFIGURATION_H