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2# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
8#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14# limitations under the License.
17import logging
18import os
19import re
21from vts.proto import VtsReportMessage_pb2 as ReportMsg
22from vts.runners.host import asserts
23from vts.runners.host import const
24from vts.runners.host import errors
25from vts.runners.host import keys
26from vts.runners.host import logger
27from vts.runners.host import records
28from vts.runners.host import signals
29from vts.runners.host import utils
30from vts.utils.python.controllers import android_device
31from vts.utils.python.common import filter_utils
32from vts.utils.python.common import list_utils
33from vts.utils.python.coverage import coverage_utils
34from vts.utils.python.profiling import profiling_utils
35from vts.utils.python.reporting import log_uploading_utils
36from vts.utils.python.systrace import systrace_utils
37from vts.utils.python.web import feature_utils
38from vts.utils.python.web import web_utils
40# Macro strings for test result reporting
41TEST_CASE_TOKEN = "[Test Case]"
43STR_TEST = "test"
44STR_GENERATE = "generate"
45_REPORT_MESSAGE_FILE_NAME = "report_proto.msg"
46_BUG_REPORT_FILE_PREFIX = "bugreport"
48_ANDROID_DEVICES = '_android_devices'
51class BaseTestClass(object):
52    """Base class for all test classes to inherit from.
54    This class gets all the controller objects from test_runner and executes
55    the test cases requested within itself.
57    Most attributes of this class are set at runtime based on the configuration
58    provided.
60    Attributes:
61        android_devices: A list of AndroidDevice object, representing android
62                         devices.
63        tests: A list of strings, each representing a test case name.
64        TAG: A string used to refer to a test class. Default is the test class
65             name.
66        results: A records.TestResult object for aggregating test results from
67                 the execution of test cases.
68        _current_record: A records.TestResultRecord object for the test case
69                         currently being executed. If no test is running, this
70                         should be None.
71        include_filer: A list of string, each representing a test case name to
72                       include.
73        exclude_filer: A list of string, each representing a test case name to
74                       exclude. Has no effect if include_filer is not empty.
75        abi_name: String, name of abi in use
76        abi_bitness: String, bitness of abi in use
77        web: WebFeature, object storing web feature util for test run
78        coverage: CoverageFeature, object storing coverage feature util for test run
79        profiling: ProfilingFeature, object storing profiling feature util for test run
80        _skip_all_testcases: A boolean, can be set by a subclass in
81                             setUpClass() to skip all test cases.
82        _bug_report_on_failure: bool, whether to catch bug report at the end
83                                of failed test cases.
84        test_filter: Filter object to filter test names.
85    """
86    TAG = None
88    def __init__(self, configs):
89        self.tests = []
90        if not self.TAG:
91            self.TAG = self.__class__.__name__
92        # Set all the controller objects and params.
93        for name, value in configs.items():
94            setattr(self, name, value)
95        self.results = records.TestResult()
96        self._current_record = None
98        # Setup test filters
99        self.include_filter = self.getUserParam(
100            [
101                keys.ConfigKeys.KEY_TEST_SUITE,
102                keys.ConfigKeys.KEY_INCLUDE_FILTER
103            ],
104            default_value=[])
105        self.exclude_filter = self.getUserParam(
106            [
107                keys.ConfigKeys.KEY_TEST_SUITE,
108                keys.ConfigKeys.KEY_EXCLUDE_FILTER
109            ],
110            default_value=[])
112        # TODO(yuexima): remove include_filter and exclude_filter from class attributes
113        # after confirming all modules no longer have reference to them
114        self.include_filter = list_utils.ExpandItemDelimiters(
115            list_utils.ItemsToStr(self.include_filter), ',')
116        self.exclude_filter = list_utils.ExpandItemDelimiters(
117            list_utils.ItemsToStr(self.exclude_filter), ',')
118        exclude_over_include = self.getUserParam(
119            keys.ConfigKeys.KEY_EXCLUDE_OVER_INCLUDE, default_value=None)
120        self.test_module_name = self.getUserParam(keys.ConfigKeys.KEY_TESTBED_NAME,
121                                             default_value=None)
122        self.test_filter = filter_utils.Filter(
123            self.include_filter,
124            self.exclude_filter,
125            enable_regex=True,
126            exclude_over_include=exclude_over_include,
127            enable_negative_pattern=True,
128            enable_module_name_prefix_matching=True,
129            module_name=self.test_module_name)
130        self.test_filter.ExpandBitness()
131        logging.info('Test filter: %s' % self.test_filter)
133        # TODO: get abi information differently for multi-device support.
134        # Set other optional parameters
135        self.abi_name = self.getUserParam(
136            keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_ABI_NAME, default_value=None)
137        self.abi_bitness = self.getUserParam(
138            keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_ABI_BITNESS, default_value=None)
139        self.skip_on_32bit_abi = self.getUserParam(
140            keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_SKIP_ON_32BIT_ABI, default_value=False)
141        self.skip_on_64bit_abi = self.getUserParam(
142            keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_SKIP_ON_64BIT_ABI, default_value=False)
143        self.run_32bit_on_64bit_abi = self.getUserParam(
144            keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_RUN_32BIT_ON_64BIT_ABI, default_value=False)
145        self.web = web_utils.WebFeature(self.user_params)
146        self.coverage = coverage_utils.CoverageFeature(
147            self.user_params, web=self.web)
148        self.profiling = profiling_utils.ProfilingFeature(
149            self.user_params, web=self.web)
150        self.systrace = systrace_utils.SystraceFeature(
151            self.user_params, web=self.web)
152        self.log_uploading = log_uploading_utils.LogUploadingFeature(
153            self.user_params, web=self.web)
154        self._skip_all_testcases = False
155        self._bug_report_on_failure = self.getUserParam(
156            keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_BUG_REPORT_ON_FAILURE, default_value=False)
158    @property
159    def android_devices(self):
160        """Returns a list of AndroidDevice objects"""
161        if not hasattr(self, _ANDROID_DEVICES):
162            setattr(self, _ANDROID_DEVICES,
163                    self.registerController(android_device))
164        return getattr(self, _ANDROID_DEVICES)
166    @android_devices.setter
167    def android_devices(self, devices):
168        """Set the list of AndroidDevice objects"""
169        setattr(self, _ANDROID_DEVICES, devices)
171    def __enter__(self):
172        return self
174    def __exit__(self, *args):
175        self._exec_func(self.cleanUp)
177    def getUserParams(self, req_param_names=[], opt_param_names=[], **kwargs):
178        """Unpacks user defined parameters in test config into individual
179        variables.
181        Instead of accessing the user param with self.user_params["xxx"], the
182        variable can be directly accessed with self.xxx.
184        A missing required param will raise an exception. If an optional param
185        is missing, an INFO line will be logged.
187        Args:
188            req_param_names: A list of names of the required user params.
189            opt_param_names: A list of names of the optional user params.
190            **kwargs: Arguments that provide default values.
191                e.g. getUserParams(required_list, opt_list, arg_a="hello")
192                     self.arg_a will be "hello" unless it is specified again in
193                     required_list or opt_list.
195        Raises:
196            BaseTestError is raised if a required user params is missing from
197            test config.
198        """
199        for k, v in kwargs.items():
200            setattr(self, k, v)
201        for name in req_param_names:
202            if name not in self.user_params:
203                raise errors.BaseTestError(("Missing required user param '%s' "
204                                            "in test configuration.") % name)
205            setattr(self, name, self.user_params[name])
206        for name in opt_param_names:
207            if name not in self.user_params:
208                logging.info(("Missing optional user param '%s' in "
209                              "configuration, continue."), name)
210            else:
211                setattr(self, name, self.user_params[name])
213    def getUserParam(self,
214                     param_name,
215                     error_if_not_found=False,
216                     log_warning_and_continue_if_not_found=False,
217                     default_value=None,
218                     to_str=False):
219        """Get the value of a single user parameter.
221        This method returns the value of specified user parameter.
222        Note: this method will not automatically set attribute using the parameter name and value.
224        Args:
225            param_name: string or list of string, denoting user parameter names. If provided
226                        a single string, self.user_params["<param_name>"] will be accessed.
227                        If provided multiple strings,
228                        self.user_params["<param_name1>"]["<param_name2>"]["<param_name3>"]...
229                        will be accessed.
230            error_if_not_found: bool, whether to raise error if parameter not exists. Default:
231                                False
232            log_warning_and_continue_if_not_found: bool, log a warning message if parameter value
233                                                   not found.
234            default_value: object, default value to return if not found. If error_if_not_found is
235                           True, this parameter has no effect. Default: None
236            to_str: boolean, whether to convert the result object to string if not None.
237                    Note, strings passing in from java json config are usually unicode.
239        Returns:
240            object, value of the specified parameter name chain if exists;
241            <default_value> if not exists.
242        """
244        def ToStr(return_value):
245            """Check to_str option and convert to string if not None"""
246            if to_str and return_value is not None:
247                return str(return_value)
248            return return_value
250        if not param_name:
251            if error_if_not_found:
252                raise errors.BaseTestError("empty param_name provided")
253            logging.error("empty param_name")
254            return ToStr(default_value)
256        if not isinstance(param_name, list):
257            param_name = [param_name]
259        curr_obj = self.user_params
260        for param in param_name:
261            if param not in curr_obj:
262                msg = "Missing user param '%s' in test configuration." % param_name
263                if error_if_not_found:
264                    raise errors.BaseTestError(msg)
265                elif log_warning_and_continue_if_not_found:
266                    logging.warn(msg)
267                return ToStr(default_value)
268            curr_obj = curr_obj[param]
270        return ToStr(curr_obj)
272    def _setUpClass(self):
273        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of setUpClass
274        is called.
275        """
276        return self.setUpClass()
278    def setUpClass(self):
279        """Setup function that will be called before executing any test case in
280        the test class.
282        To signal setup failure, return False or raise an exception. If
283        exceptions were raised, the stack trace would appear in log, but the
284        exceptions would not propagate to upper levels.
286        Implementation is optional.
287        """
288        pass
290    def _tearDownClass(self):
291        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of tearDownClass
292        is called.
293        """
294        ret = self.tearDownClass()
295        if self.log_uploading.enabled:
296            self.log_uploading.UploadLogs()
297        if self.web.enabled:
298            message_b = self.web.GenerateReportMessage(self.results.requested,
299                                                       self.results.executed)
300        else:
301            message_b = ''
303        report_proto_path = os.path.join(logging.log_path,
304                                         _REPORT_MESSAGE_FILE_NAME)
306        if message_b:
307            logging.info('Result proto message path: %s', report_proto_path)
309        with open(report_proto_path, "wb") as f:
310            f.write(message_b)
312        return ret
314    def tearDownClass(self):
315        """Teardown function that will be called after all the selected test
316        cases in the test class have been executed.
318        Implementation is optional.
319        """
320        pass
322    def _testEntry(self, test_record):
323        """Internal function to be called upon entry of a test case.
325        Args:
326            test_record: The TestResultRecord object for the test case going to
327                         be executed.
328        """
329        self._current_record = test_record
330        if self.web.enabled:
331            self.web.AddTestReport(test_record.test_name)
333    def _setUp(self, test_name):
334        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of setUp is
335        called.
336        """
337        if self.systrace.enabled:
338            self.systrace.StartSystrace()
339        return self.setUp()
341    def setUp(self):
342        """Setup function that will be called every time before executing each
343        test case in the test class.
345        To signal setup failure, return False or raise an exception. If
346        exceptions were raised, the stack trace would appear in log, but the
347        exceptions would not propagate to upper levels.
349        Implementation is optional.
350        """
352    def _testExit(self):
353        """Internal function to be called upon exit of a test."""
354        self._current_record = None
356    def _tearDown(self, test_name):
357        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of tearDown
358        is called.
359        """
360        if self.systrace.enabled:
361            self.systrace.ProcessAndUploadSystrace(test_name)
362        self.tearDown()
364    def tearDown(self):
365        """Teardown function that will be called every time a test case has
366        been executed.
368        Implementation is optional.
369        """
371    def _onFail(self):
372        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of onFail is
373        called.
374        """
375        record = self._current_record
376        logging.error(record.details)
377        begin_time = logger.epochToLogLineTimestamp(record.begin_time)
378        logging.info(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, record.test_name, record.result)
379        if self.web.enabled:
380            self.web.SetTestResult(ReportMsg.TEST_CASE_RESULT_FAIL)
381        self.onFail(record.test_name, begin_time)
382        if self._bug_report_on_failure:
383            self.CatchBugReport('%s-%s' % (self.TAG, record.test_name))
385    def onFail(self, test_name, begin_time):
386        """A function that is executed upon a test case failure.
388        User implementation is optional.
390        Args:
391            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
392            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
393        """
395    def _onPass(self):
396        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of onPass is
397        called.
398        """
399        record = self._current_record
400        test_name = record.test_name
401        begin_time = logger.epochToLogLineTimestamp(record.begin_time)
402        msg = record.details
403        if msg:
404            logging.info(msg)
405        logging.info(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, test_name, record.result)
406        if self.web.enabled:
407            self.web.SetTestResult(ReportMsg.TEST_CASE_RESULT_PASS)
408        self.onPass(test_name, begin_time)
410    def onPass(self, test_name, begin_time):
411        """A function that is executed upon a test case passing.
413        Implementation is optional.
415        Args:
416            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
417            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
418        """
420    def _onSkip(self):
421        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of onSkip is
422        called.
423        """
424        record = self._current_record
425        test_name = record.test_name
426        begin_time = logger.epochToLogLineTimestamp(record.begin_time)
427        logging.info(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, test_name, record.result)
428        logging.info("Reason to skip: %s", record.details)
429        if self.web.enabled:
430            self.web.SetTestResult(ReportMsg.TEST_CASE_RESULT_SKIP)
431        self.onSkip(test_name, begin_time)
433    def onSkip(self, test_name, begin_time):
434        """A function that is executed upon a test case being skipped.
436        Implementation is optional.
438        Args:
439            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
440            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
441        """
443    def _onSilent(self):
444        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of onSilent is
445        called.
446        """
447        record = self._current_record
448        test_name = record.test_name
449        begin_time = logger.epochToLogLineTimestamp(record.begin_time)
450        if self.web.enabled:
451            self.web.SetTestResult(None)
452        self.onSilent(test_name, begin_time)
454    def onSilent(self, test_name, begin_time):
455        """A function that is executed upon a test case being marked as silent.
457        Implementation is optional.
459        Args:
460            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
461            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
462        """
464    def _onException(self):
465        """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of onException
466        is called.
467        """
468        record = self._current_record
469        test_name = record.test_name
470        logging.exception(record.details)
471        begin_time = logger.epochToLogLineTimestamp(record.begin_time)
472        if self.web.enabled:
473            self.web.SetTestResult(ReportMsg.TEST_CASE_RESULT_EXCEPTION)
474        self.onException(test_name, begin_time)
475        if self._bug_report_on_failure:
476            self.CatchBugReport('%s-%s' % (self.TAG, record.test_name))
478    def onException(self, test_name, begin_time):
479        """A function that is executed upon an unhandled exception from a test
480        case.
482        Implementation is optional.
484        Args:
485            test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
486            begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
487        """
489    def _exec_procedure_func(self, func):
490        """Executes a procedure function like onPass, onFail etc.
492        This function will alternate the 'Result' of the test's record if
493        exceptions happened when executing the procedure function.
495        This will let signals.TestAbortAll through so abortAll works in all
496        procedure functions.
498        Args:
499            func: The procedure function to be executed.
500        """
501        record = self._current_record
502        if record is None:
503            logging.error("Cannot execute %s. No record for current test.",
504                          func.__name__)
505            return
506        try:
507            func()
508        except signals.TestAbortAll:
509            raise
510        except Exception as e:
511            logging.exception("Exception happened when executing %s for %s.",
512                              func.__name__, record.test_name)
513            record.addError(func.__name__, e)
515    def addTableToResult(self, name, rows):
516        """Adds a table to current test record.
518        A subclass can call this method to add a table to _current_record when
519        running test cases.
521        Args:
522            name: String, the table name.
523            rows: A 2-dimensional list which contains the data.
524        """
525        self._current_record.addTable(name, rows)
527    def filterOneTest(self, test_name, test_filter=None):
528        """Check test filters for a test name.
530        The first layer of filter is user defined test filters:
531        if a include filter is not empty, only tests in include filter will
532        be executed regardless whether they are also in exclude filter. Else
533        if include filter is empty, only tests not in exclude filter will be
534        executed.
536        The second layer of filter is checking _skip_all_testcases flag:
537        the subclass may set _skip_all_testcases to True in its implementation
538        of setUpClass. If the flag is set, this method raises signals.TestSkip.
540        The third layer of filter is checking abi bitness:
541        if a test has a suffix indicating the intended architecture bitness,
542        and the current abi bitness information is available, non matching tests
543        will be skipped. By our convention, this function will look for bitness in suffix
544        formated as "32bit", "32Bit", "32BIT", or 64 bit equivalents.
546        This method assumes const.SUFFIX_32BIT and const.SUFFIX_64BIT are in lower cases.
548        Args:
549            test_name: string, name of a test
550            test_filter: Filter object, test filter
552        Raises:
553            signals.TestSilent if a test should not be executed
554            signals.TestSkip if a test should be logged but not be executed
555        """
556        self._filterOneTestThroughTestFilter(test_name, test_filter)
557        self._filterOneTestThroughAbiBitness(test_name)
559    def _filterOneTestThroughTestFilter(self, test_name, test_filter=None):
560        """Check test filter for the given test name.
562        Args:
563            test_name: string, name of a test
565        Raises:
566            signals.TestSilent if a test should not be executed
567            signals.TestSkip if a test should be logged but not be executed
568        """
569        if not test_filter:
570            test_filter = self.test_filter
572        if not test_filter.Filter(test_name):
573            raise signals.TestSilent("Test case '%s' did not pass filters.")
575        if self._skip_all_testcases:
576            raise signals.TestSkip("All test cases skipped.")
578    def _filterOneTestThroughAbiBitness(self, test_name):
579        """Check test filter for the given test name.
581        Args:
582            test_name: string, name of a test
584        Raises:
585            signals.TestSilent if a test should not be executed
586        """
587        asserts.skipIf(
588            self.abi_bitness and
589            ((self.skip_on_32bit_abi is True) and self.abi_bitness == "32") or
590            ((self.skip_on_64bit_abi is True) and self.abi_bitness == "64") or
591            (test_name.lower().endswith(const.SUFFIX_32BIT) and
592             self.abi_bitness != "32") or
593            (test_name.lower().endswith(const.SUFFIX_64BIT) and
594             self.abi_bitness != "64" and not self.run_32bit_on_64bit_abi),
595            "Test case '{}' excluded as ABI bitness is {}.".format(
596                test_name, self.abi_bitness))
598    def execOneTest(self, test_name, test_func, args, **kwargs):
599        """Executes one test case and update test results.
601        Executes one test case, create a records.TestResultRecord object with
602        the execution information, and add the record to the test class's test
603        results.
605        Args:
606            test_name: Name of the test.
607            test_func: The test function.
608            args: A tuple of params.
609            kwargs: Extra kwargs.
610        """
611        is_silenced = False
612        tr_record = records.TestResultRecord(test_name, self.TAG)
613        tr_record.testBegin()
614        logging.info("%s %s", TEST_CASE_TOKEN, test_name)
615        verdict = None
616        finished = False
617        try:
618            ret = self._testEntry(tr_record)
619            asserts.assertTrue(ret is not False,
620                               "Setup test entry for %s failed." % test_name)
621            self.filterOneTest(test_name)
622            try:
623                ret = self._setUp(test_name)
624                asserts.assertTrue(ret is not False,
625                                   "Setup for %s failed." % test_name)
627                if args or kwargs:
628                    verdict = test_func(*args, **kwargs)
629                else:
630                    verdict = test_func()
631                finished = True
632            finally:
633                self._tearDown(test_name)
634        except (signals.TestFailure, AssertionError) as e:
635            tr_record.testFail(e)
636            self._exec_procedure_func(self._onFail)
637            finished = True
638        except signals.TestSkip as e:
639            # Test skipped.
640            tr_record.testSkip(e)
641            self._exec_procedure_func(self._onSkip)
642            finished = True
643        except (signals.TestAbortClass, signals.TestAbortAll) as e:
644            # Abort signals, pass along.
645            tr_record.testFail(e)
646            finished = True
647            raise e
648        except signals.TestPass as e:
649            # Explicit test pass.
650            tr_record.testPass(e)
651            self._exec_procedure_func(self._onPass)
652            finished = True
653        except signals.TestSilent as e:
654            # Suppress test reporting.
655            is_silenced = True
656            self._exec_procedure_func(self._onSilent)
657            self.results.removeRecord(tr_record)
658            finished = True
659        except Exception as e:
660            # Exception happened during test.
661            logging.exception(e)
662            tr_record.testError(e)
663            self._exec_procedure_func(self._onException)
664            self._exec_procedure_func(self._onFail)
665            finished = True
666        else:
667            # Keep supporting return False for now.
668            # TODO(angli): Deprecate return False support.
669            if verdict or (verdict is None):
670                # Test passed.
671                tr_record.testPass()
672                self._exec_procedure_func(self._onPass)
673                return
674            # Test failed because it didn't return True.
675            # This should be removed eventually.
676            tr_record.testFail()
677            self._exec_procedure_func(self._onFail)
678            finished = True
679        finally:
680            if not finished:
681                for device in self.android_devices:
682                    device.shell.enabled = False
684                logging.error('Test timed out.')
685                tr_record.testError()
686                self._exec_procedure_func(self._onException)
687                self._exec_procedure_func(self._onFail)
689            if not is_silenced:
690                self.results.addRecord(tr_record)
691            self._testExit()
693    def runGeneratedTests(self,
694                          test_func,
695                          settings,
696                          args=None,
697                          kwargs=None,
698                          tag="",
699                          name_func=None):
700        """Runs generated test cases.
702        Generated test cases are not written down as functions, but as a list
703        of parameter sets. This way we reduce code repetition and improve
704        test case scalability.
706        Args:
707            test_func: The common logic shared by all these generated test
708                       cases. This function should take at least one argument,
709                       which is a parameter set.
710            settings: A list of strings representing parameter sets. These are
711                      usually json strings that get loaded in the test_func.
712            args: Iterable of additional position args to be passed to
713                  test_func.
714            kwargs: Dict of additional keyword args to be passed to test_func
715            tag: Name of this group of generated test cases. Ignored if
716                 name_func is provided and operates properly.
717            name_func: A function that takes a test setting and generates a
718                       proper test name. The test name should be shorter than
719                       utils.MAX_FILENAME_LEN. Names over the limit will be
720                       truncated.
722        Returns:
723            A list of settings that did not pass.
724        """
725        args = args or ()
726        kwargs = kwargs or {}
727        failed_settings = []
728        for s in settings:
729            test_name = "{} {}".format(tag, s)
730            if name_func:
731                try:
732                    test_name = name_func(s, *args, **kwargs)
733                except:
734                    logging.exception(("Failed to get test name from "
735                                       "test_func. Fall back to default %s"),
736                                      test_name)
738            tr_record = records.TestResultRecord(test_name, self.TAG)
739            self.results.requested.append(tr_record)
740            if len(test_name) > utils.MAX_FILENAME_LEN:
741                test_name = test_name[:utils.MAX_FILENAME_LEN]
742            previous_success_cnt = len(self.results.passed)
743            self.execOneTest(test_name, test_func, (s, ) + args, **kwargs)
744            if len(self.results.passed) - previous_success_cnt != 1:
745                failed_settings.append(s)
746        return failed_settings
748    def _exec_func(self, func, *args):
749        """Executes a function with exception safeguard.
751        This will let signals.TestAbortAll through so abortAll works in all
752        procedure functions.
754        Args:
755            func: Function to be executed.
756            args: Arguments to be passed to the function.
758        Returns:
759            Whatever the function returns, or False if non-caught exception
760            occurred.
761        """
762        try:
763            return func(*args)
764        except signals.TestAbortAll:
765            raise
766        except:
767            logging.exception("Exception happened when executing %s in %s.",
768                              func.__name__, self.TAG)
769            return False
771    def _get_all_test_names(self):
772        """Finds all the function names that match the test case naming
773        convention in this class.
775        Returns:
776            A list of strings, each is a test case name.
777        """
778        test_names = []
779        for name in dir(self):
780            if name.startswith(STR_TEST) or name.startswith(STR_GENERATE):
781                attr_func = getattr(self, name)
782                if hasattr(attr_func, "__call__"):
783                    test_names.append(name)
784        return test_names
786    def _get_test_funcs(self, test_names):
787        """Obtain the actual functions of test cases based on test names.
789        Args:
790            test_names: A list of strings, each string is a test case name.
792        Returns:
793            A list of tuples of (string, function). String is the test case
794            name, function is the actual test case function.
796        Raises:
797            errors.USERError is raised if the test name does not follow
798            naming convention "test_*". This can only be caused by user input
799            here.
800        """
801        test_funcs = []
802        for test_name in test_names:
803            if not hasattr(self, test_name):
804                logging.warning("%s does not have test case %s.", self.TAG,
805                                test_name)
806            elif (test_name.startswith(STR_TEST) or
807                  test_name.startswith(STR_GENERATE)):
808                test_funcs.append((test_name, getattr(self, test_name)))
809            else:
810                msg = ("Test case name %s does not follow naming convention "
811                       "test*, abort.") % test_name
812                raise errors.USERError(msg)
814        return test_funcs
816    def run(self, test_names=None):
817        """Runs test cases within a test class by the order they appear in the
818        execution list.
820        One of these test cases lists will be executed, shown here in priority
821        order:
822        1. The test_names list, which is passed from cmd line. Invalid names
823           are guarded by cmd line arg parsing.
824        2. The self.tests list defined in test class. Invalid names are
825           ignored.
826        3. All function that matches test case naming convention in the test
827           class.
829        Args:
830            test_names: A list of string that are test case names requested in
831                cmd line.
833        Returns:
834            The test results object of this class.
835        """
836        logging.info("==========> %s <==========", self.TAG)
837        # Devise the actual test cases to run in the test class.
838        if not test_names:
839            if self.tests:
840                # Specified by run list in class.
841                test_names = list(self.tests)
842            else:
843                # No test case specified by user, execute all in the test class
844                test_names = self._get_all_test_names()
845        self.results.requested = [
846            records.TestResultRecord(test_name, self.TAG)
847            for test_name in test_names if test_name.startswith(STR_TEST)
848        ]
849        tests = self._get_test_funcs(test_names)
850        # Setup for the class.
851        try:
852            if self._setUpClass() is False:
853                raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to setup %s." % self.TAG)
854        except Exception as e:
855            logging.exception("Failed to setup %s.", self.TAG)
856            self.results.failClass(self.TAG, e)
857            self._exec_func(self._tearDownClass)
858            return self.results
859        # Run tests in order.
860        try:
861            for test_name, test_func in tests:
862                if test_name.startswith(STR_GENERATE):
863                    logging.info(
864                        "Executing generated test trigger function '%s'",
865                        test_name)
866                    test_func()
867                    logging.info("Finished '%s'", test_name)
868                else:
869                    self.execOneTest(test_name, test_func, None)
870            if self._skip_all_testcases and not self.results.executed:
871                self.results.skipClass(
872                    self.TAG,
873                    "All test cases skipped; unable to find any test case.")
874            return self.results
875        except signals.TestAbortClass:
876            logging.info("Received TestAbortClass signal")
877            return self.results
878        except signals.TestAbortAll as e:
879            logging.info("Received TestAbortAll signal")
880            # Piggy-back test results on this exception object so we don't lose
881            # results from this test class.
882            setattr(e, "results", self.results)
883            raise e
884        except Exception as e:
885            # Exception happened during test.
886            logging.exception(e)
887            raise e
888        finally:
889            self._exec_func(self._tearDownClass)
890            if self.web.enabled:
891                name, timestamp = self.web.GetTestModuleKeys()
892                self.results.setTestModuleKeys(name, timestamp)
893            logging.info("Summary for test class %s: %s", self.TAG,
894                         self.results.summary())
896    def cleanUp(self):
897        """A function that is executed upon completion of all tests cases
898        selected in the test class.
900        This function should clean up objects initialized in the constructor by
901        user.
902        """
904    def CatchBugReport(self, prefix=''):
905        """Get device bugreport through adb command.
907        Args:
908            prefix: string, file name prefix. Usually in format of
909                    <test_module>-<test_case>
910        """
911        if prefix:
912            prefix = re.sub('[^\w\-_\. ]', '_', prefix) + '_'
914        for i in range(len(self.android_devices)):
915            device = self.android_devices[i]
916            bug_report_file_name = prefix + _BUG_REPORT_FILE_PREFIX + str(
917                i) + _BUG_REPORT_FILE_EXTENSION
918            bug_report_file_path = os.path.join(logging.log_path,
919                                                bug_report_file_name)
921            logging.info('Catching bugreport %s' % bug_report_file_path)
922            device.adb.bugreport(bug_report_file_path)