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1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
6"""Fetch prebuilt binaries to run PyAuto.
8Sets up Chrome and PyAuto binaries using prebuilt binaries from the
9continuous build archives.  Works on mac, win, linux (32 & 64 bit).
12  On Mac:
13  $ python fetch_prebuilt_pyauto.py -d xcodebuild/Release
14      http://build.chromium.org/f/chromium/continuous/mac/LATEST
16  On Win:
17  $ python fetch_prebuilt_pyauto.py -d chrome\Release
18      http://build.chromium.org/f/chromium/continuous/win/LATEST
21import glob
22import httplib
23import optparse
24import os
25import platform
26import shutil
27import sys
28import urllib
29import urllib2
30import urlparse
32import pyauto_utils
35class FetchPrebuilt(object):
36  """Util class to fetch prebuilt binaries to run PyAuto."""
38  def _ParseArgs(self):
39    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
40    parser.add_option(
41        '-d', '--outdir', type='string', default=None,
42        help='Directory in which to setup. This is typically the directory '
43        'where the binaries would go when compiled from source.')
44    parser.add_option(
45        '-p', '--platform', type='string',
46        default=pyauto_utils.GetCurrentPlatform(),
47        help='Platform. Valid options: win, mac, linux32, linux64. '
48        'Default: current platform (%s)' % pyauto_utils.GetCurrentPlatform())
49    parser.add_option(
50        '-l', '--latest', action='store_true', default=False,
51        help='Download the latest chromium build from commondatastorage. '
52        '[default=False]')
53    self._options, self._args = parser.parse_args()
54    if self._options.latest:
55      self._url = self._GetLastestDownloadURL(self._options.platform)
56    elif not self._args:
57      print >>sys.stderr, 'Need download url'
58      sys.exit(2)
59    else:
60      self._url = self._args[0]
61    if not self._options.outdir:
62      print >>sys.stderr, 'Need output directory: -d/--outdir'
63      sys.exit(1)
64    self._outdir = self._options.outdir
65    # Chromium continuous build archive has a non-standard format.
66    if 'index.html?path=' in self._url:
67      self._url = self._url.replace('index.html?path=', '')
68    self._url = self._url.rstrip('/')
69    # Determine name of zip.
70    if not self._options.platform.startswith('linux'):
71      self._chrome_zip_name = 'chrome-%s' % {'mac': 'mac',
72                                             'win': 'win32'
73                                            }[self._options.platform]
74    else:
75      linux_32_names = ['linux', 'lucid32bit']
76      linux_64_names = ['linux64', 'lucid64bit']
77      linux_names = {'linux': linux_32_names + linux_64_names,
78                     'linux32': linux_32_names,
79                     'linux64': linux_64_names
80                    }[self._options.platform]
81      for name in linux_names:
82        zip_name = 'chrome-' + name
83        if pyauto_utils.DoesUrlExist('%s/%s.zip' % (self._url, zip_name)):
84          self._chrome_zip_name = zip_name
85          break
86      else:
87        raise RuntimeError('Could not find chrome zip at ' + self._url)
89    # Setup urls to download.
90    self._chrome_zip_url = '%s/%s.zip' % (self._url, self._chrome_zip_name)
91    self._remoting_zip_url = self._url + '/' + 'remoting-webapp.zip'
92    chrome_test_url = '%s/%s.test' % (self._url, self._chrome_zip_name)
93    self._pyautolib_py_url = '%s/pyautolib.py' % chrome_test_url
94    if self._options.platform == 'win':
95      self._pyautolib_so_name = '_pyautolib.pyd'
96      self._chromedriver_name = 'chromedriver.exe'
97    else:
98      self._pyautolib_so_name = '_pyautolib.so'
99      self._chromedriver_name = 'chromedriver'
100    if self._options.platform == 'mac':
101      self._ffmpegsumo_so_name = 'ffmpegsumo.so'
102      self._ffmpegsumo_so_url = chrome_test_url + '/' + self._ffmpegsumo_so_name
103    self._pyautolib_so_url = chrome_test_url + '/' + self._pyautolib_so_name
104    self._chromedriver_url = chrome_test_url + '/' + self._chromedriver_name
106  def _GetLastestDownloadURL(self, os_platform):
107    os_type = {'win': 'Win',
108               'mac': 'Mac',
109               'linux': 'Linux',
110               'linux32': 'Linux',
111               'linux64': 'Linux_x64'}[os_platform]
112    if os_type == 'Linux' and platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit':
113      os_type = 'Linux_x64'
114    last_change_url = ('http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/'
115                       'chromium-browser-continuous/%s/LAST_CHANGE' % os_type)
116    response = urllib2.urlopen(last_change_url)
117    last_change = response.read()
118    if not last_change:
119      print >>sys.stderr, ('Unable to get latest from %s' % last_change_url)
120      sys.exit(2)
121    last_change_url = ('http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/'
122                       'chromium-browser-continuous/%s/%s' % (os_type,
123                                                              last_change))
124    return last_change_url
126  def Cleanup(self):
127    """Remove old binaries, if any."""
128    pass
130  def Run(self):
131    self._ParseArgs()
132    if not os.path.isdir(self._outdir):
133      os.makedirs(self._outdir)
134    get_remoting = pyauto_utils.DoesUrlExist(self._remoting_zip_url)
136    # Fetch chrome & pyauto binaries
137    print 'Fetching', self._chrome_zip_url
138    chrome_zip = urllib.urlretrieve(self._chrome_zip_url)[0]
140    if get_remoting:
141      print 'Fetching', self._remoting_zip_url
142      remoting_zip = urllib.urlretrieve(self._remoting_zip_url)[0]
143    else:
144      print 'Warning: %s does not exist.' % self._remoting_zip_url
146    print 'Fetching', self._pyautolib_py_url
147    pyautolib_py = urllib.urlretrieve(self._pyautolib_py_url)[0]
149    print 'Fetching', self._pyautolib_so_url
150    pyautolib_so = urllib.urlretrieve(self._pyautolib_so_url)[0]
152    if self._options.platform == 'mac':
153      print 'Fetching', self._ffmpegsumo_so_url
154      ffmpegsumo_so = urllib.urlretrieve(self._ffmpegsumo_so_url)[0]
156    print 'Fetching', self._chromedriver_url
157    chromedriver = urllib.urlretrieve(self._chromedriver_url)[0]
159    chrome_unzip_dir = os.path.join(self._outdir, self._chrome_zip_name)
160    if os.path.exists(chrome_unzip_dir):
161      print 'Cleaning', chrome_unzip_dir
162      pyauto_utils.RemovePath(chrome_unzip_dir)
163    print 'Unzipping'
164    pyauto_utils.UnzipFilenameToDir(chrome_zip, self._outdir)
165    if get_remoting:
166      pyauto_utils.UnzipFilenameToDir(remoting_zip, self._outdir)
167      shutil.move(self._outdir + '/remoting-webapp',
168                  self._outdir + '/remoting/remoting.webapp')
170    # Copy over the binaries to outdir
171    items_to_copy = {
172      pyautolib_py: os.path.join(self._outdir, 'pyautolib.py'),
173      pyautolib_so: os.path.join(self._outdir, self._pyautolib_so_name),
174      chromedriver: os.path.join(self._outdir, self._chromedriver_name)
175    }
176    if self._options.platform == 'mac':
177      items_to_copy[ffmpegsumo_so] = \
178          os.path.join(self._outdir, self._ffmpegsumo_so_name)
180    unzip_dir_contents = glob.glob(os.path.join(chrome_unzip_dir, '*'))
181    for item in unzip_dir_contents:
182      name = os.path.basename(item)
183      items_to_copy[item] = os.path.join(self._outdir, name)
185    for src, dest in items_to_copy.iteritems():
186      pyauto_utils.RemovePath(dest)
187      print '%s ==> %s' % (os.path.basename(src), dest)
188      shutil.move(src, dest)
189    pyauto_utils.RemovePath(chrome_unzip_dir)
191    # Final setup (if any)
192    # Set executable bit on chromedriver binary.
193    if not self._options.platform == 'win':
194      os.chmod(items_to_copy[chromedriver], 0700)
196    # Create symlink to .framework on Mac
197    if self._options.platform == 'mac':
198      mac_app_name = os.path.basename([x for x in unzip_dir_contents
199                                       if x.endswith('.app')][0])
200      os.chdir(self._outdir)
201      framework = glob.glob(os.path.join(
202          mac_app_name, 'Contents', 'Versions', '*', '*.framework'))[0]
203      print framework
204      dest = os.path.basename(framework)
205      os.path.lexists(dest) and os.remove(dest)
206      print 'Creating symlink "%s"' % dest
207      os.symlink(framework, dest)
209    print 'Prepared binaries in "%s"' % self._outdir
210    return 0
213if __name__ == '__main__':
214  sys.exit(FetchPrebuilt().Run())