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1#  tko/nightly.py  code shared by various tko/*.cgi graphing scripts
3import cgi, cgitb
4import os, sys
5import common
6from autotest_lib.tko import db, plotgraph, perf
7from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import kernel_versions
10def add_kernel_jobs(label_pattern):
11    cmd = "select job_idx from tko_jobs where label like '%s'" % label_pattern
12    nrows = perf.db_cur.execute(cmd)
13    return [row[0] for row in perf.db_cur.fetchall()]
16def is_filtered_platform(platform, platforms_filter):
17    if not platforms_filter:
18        return True
19    for p in platforms_filter:
20        if platform.startswith(p):
21            return True
22    return False
25def get_test_attributes(testrunx):
26    cmd = ( "select attribute, value from tko_test_attributes"
27            " where test_idx = %d" % testrunx )
28    nrows = perf.db_cur.execute(cmd)
29    return dict(perf.db_cur.fetchall())
32def get_antag(testrunx):
33    attrs = get_test_attributes(testrunx)
34    return attrs.get('antag', None)
37def matching_test_attributes(attrs, required_test_attributes):
38    if not required_test_attributes:
39        return True
40    matches = [attrs[key] == required_test_attributes[key]
41               for key in attrs if key in required_test_attributes]
42    return min(matches+[True])  # True if all jointly-existing keys matched
45def collect_testruns(jobs, test, test_attributes,
46                         platforms_filter, by_hosts, no_antag):
47    # get test_runs run #s for 1 test on 1 kernel and some platforms
48    # TODO: Is jobs list short enough to use directly in 1 sql cmd?
49    # TODO: add filtering on test series?
50    runs = {}   # platform --> list of test runs
51    for jobx in jobs:
52        cmd = ( "select test_idx, machine_idx from tko_tests"
53                " where job_idx = %s and test = %s" )
54        args = [jobx, test]
55        nrows = perf.db_cur.execute(cmd, args)
56        for testrunx, machx in perf.db_cur.fetchall():
57            platform, host = perf.machine_idx_to_platform_host(machx)
58            if by_hosts:
59                platform += '.'+host
60            if ( is_filtered_platform(platform, platforms_filter)  and
61                 matching_test_attributes(get_test_attributes(testrunx),
62                                          test_attributes) and
63                 (not no_antag or get_antag(testrunx) == '') ):
64                runs.setdefault(platform, []).append(testrunx)
65    return runs
68def all_tested_platforms(test_runs):
69    # extract list of all tested platforms from test_runs table
70    platforms = set()
71    for kernel in test_runs:
72        platforms.update(set(test_runs[kernel].keys()))
73    return sorted(platforms)
76def divide_twoway_testruns(test_runs, platform):
77    # partition all twoway runs based on name of antagonist progs
78    twoway_runs = {}
79    antagonists = set()
80    for kernel in test_runs:
81        runs = {}
82        for testrunx in test_runs[kernel].get(platform, []):
83            antag = get_antag(testrunx)
84            if antag is not None:
85                runs.setdefault(antag, []).append(testrunx)
86                antagonists.add(antag)
87        twoway_runs[kernel] = runs
88    return twoway_runs, sorted(antagonists)
91def collect_raw_scores(runs, metric):
92    # get unscaled scores of test runs for 1 test on certain jobs
93    #   arrange them by platform type
94    platform_scores = {}  # platform --> list of perf scores
95    for platform in runs:
96        vals = perf.get_metric_at_point(runs[platform], metric)
97        if vals:
98            platform_scores[platform] = vals
99    return platform_scores
102def collect_scaled_scores(metric, test_runs, regressed_platforms, relative):
103    # get scores of test runs for 1 test on some kernels and platforms
104    # optionally make relative to oldest (?) kernel on that platform
105    # arrange by plotline (ie platform) for gnuplot
106    plot_data = {}  # platform --> (kernel --> list of perf scores)
107    baseline = {}
108    for kernel in sorted(test_runs.keys()):
109        for platform in test_runs[kernel]:
110            if not (regressed_platforms is None or
111                    platform in regressed_platforms):
112                continue  # delete results for uninteresting platforms
113            vals = perf.get_metric_at_point(test_runs[kernel][platform],
114                                            metric)
115            if vals:
116                if relative:
117                    if platform not in baseline:
118                        baseline[platform], std = plotgraph.avg_dev(vals)
119                    vals = [v/baseline[platform] for v in vals]
120                pdp = plot_data.setdefault(platform, {})
121                pdp.setdefault(kernel, []).extend(vals)
122    return plot_data
125def collect_twoway_scores(metric, antagonists, twoway_runs, relative):
126    alone = ''
127    plot_data = {}
128    for kernel in twoway_runs:
129        for test2 in antagonists:
130            runs = twoway_runs[kernel].get(test2, [])
131            vals = perf.get_metric_at_point(runs, metric)
132            plot_data.setdefault(test2, {})
133            if vals:
134                plot_data[test2][kernel] = vals
135        if relative:
136            vals = plot_data[alone].get(kernel, [])
137            if vals:
138                baseline = perf.average(vals)
139                for test2 in antagonists:
140                    vals = plot_data[test2].get(kernel, [])
141                    vals = [val/baseline for val in vals]
142                    if vals:
143                        plot_data[test2][kernel] = vals
144            else:
145                for test2 in antagonists:
146                    if kernel in plot_data[test2]:
147                        del plot_data[test2][kernel]
148    return plot_data
151def find_regressions(kernels, test_runs, metric):
152    # A test is regressed on some platform if its latest results are
153    #  definitely lower than on the reference kernel.
154    # Runs for the latest kernel may be underway and incomplete.
155    # In that case, selectively use next-latest kernel.
156    # TODO: the next-latest method hurts if latest run is not sorted last,
157    #       or if there are several dev threads
158    ref    = kernels[0]
159    latest = kernels[-1]
160    prev   = kernels[-2:][0]
161    scores = {}  #  kernel --> (platform --> list of perf scores)
162    for k in [ref, prev, latest]:
163        if k in test_runs:
164            scores[k] = collect_raw_scores(test_runs[k], metric)
165    regressed_platforms = []
166    for platform in scores[ref]:
167        if latest in scores and platform in scores[latest]:
168            k = latest
169        elif prev in scores and platform in scores[prev]:
170            k = prev
171        else:  # perhaps due to decay of test machines
172            k = ref  # no regression info avail
173        ref_avg, ref_std = plotgraph.avg_dev(scores[ref][platform])
174        avg,     std     = plotgraph.avg_dev(scores[ k ][platform])
175        if avg+std < ref_avg-ref_std:
176            regressed_platforms.append(platform)
177    return sorted(regressed_platforms)
180def get_testrun_context(testrun):
181    cmd = ( 'select tko_jobs.label, tko_jobs.tag, tko_tests.subdir,'
182            ' tko_tests.started_time'
183            ' from tko_jobs, tko_tests'
184            ' where tko_jobs.job_idx = tko_tests.job_idx'
185            ' and tko_tests.test_idx = %d' % testrun )
186    nrows = perf.db_cur.execute(cmd)
187    assert nrows == 1
188    row = perf.db_cur.fetchone()
189    row = [row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3].strftime('%m/%d/%y %H:%M')]
190    return row
193def html_top():
194    print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n<html><body>"
197def abs_rel_link(myurl, passthru):
198    # link redraws current page with opposite absolute/relative choice
199    mod_passthru = passthru[:]
200    if 'absolute' in passthru:
201        mod_passthru.remove('absolute')
202        opposite = 'relative'
203    else:
204        mod_passthru.append('absolute')
205        opposite = 'absolute'
206    url = '%s?%s' % (myurl, '&'.join(mod_passthru))
207    return "<a href='%s'> %s </a>" % (url, opposite)
210def table_1_metric_all_kernels(plot_data, columns, column_argname,
211                               kernels, kernel_dates,
212                               myurl, filtered_passthru):
213    # generate html table of graph's numbers
214    #   for 1 benchmark metric over all kernels (rows),
215    #   over various platforms or various antagonists etc (cols).
216    ref_thresholds = {}
217    print "<table border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>"
218    print "<tr> <td><b> Kernel </b></td>",
219    for label in columns:
220        if not label and column_argname == 'antag':
221            label = 'no antag'
222        print "<td><b>", label.replace('_', '<br>_'), "</b></td>"
223    print "</tr>"
224    for kernel in kernels:
225        print "<tr> <td><b>", kernel, "</b>",
226        if kernel in kernel_dates:
227            print "<br><small>", kernel_dates[kernel], "</small>"
228        print "</td>"
229        for col in columns:
230            print "<td",
231            vals = plot_data[col].get(kernel, [])
232            if not vals:
233                print "> ?",
234            else:
235                (avg, std_dev) = plotgraph.avg_dev(vals)
236                if col not in ref_thresholds:
237                    ref_thresholds[col] = avg - std_dev
238                if avg+std_dev < ref_thresholds[col]:
239                    print "bgcolor=pink",
240                print "> ",
241                args = filtered_passthru[:]
242                perf.append_cgi_args(args,
243                   {column_argname:col, 'kernel':kernel})
244                print "<a href='%s?%s&runs&attrs'>" % (myurl,
245                                                       '&'.join(args))
246                print "<b>%.4g</b>" % avg, "</a><br>",
247                print "&nbsp; <small> %dr   </small>" % len(vals),
248                print "&nbsp; <small> %.3g </small>" % std_dev,
249            print "</td>"
250        print "</tr>\n"
251    print "</table>"
252    print "<p> <b>Bold value:</b> Average of this metric, then <br>"
253    print "number of good test runs, then standard deviation of those runs"
254    print "<br> Pink if regressed from reference kernel"
257def table_all_metrics_1_platform(test_runs, platform, relative):
258    # TODO: show std dev in cells
259    #       can't mark regressions, since some metrics improve downwards
260    kernels = perf.sort_kernels(test_runs.keys())
261    scores = {}
262    attrs = set()
263    for kernel in kernels:
264        testruns = test_runs[kernel].get(platform, [])
265        if testruns:
266            d = perf.collect_all_metrics_scores(testruns)
267            scores[kernel] = d
268            attrs.update(set(d.keys()))
269        else:
270            print "No runs completed on", kernel, "<br>"
271    attrs = sorted(list(attrs))[:100]
273    print "<table border=1 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>"
274    print "<tr><td> Metric </td>"
275    for kernel in kernels:
276        kernel = kernel.replace("_", "_<br>")
277        print "<td>", kernel, "</td>"
278    print "</tr>"
279    for attr in attrs:
280        print "<tr>"
281        print "<td>", attr, "</td>"
282        baseline = None
283        for kernel in kernels:
284            print "<td>",
285            if kernel in scores and attr in scores[kernel]:
286                (avg, dev) = plotgraph.avg_dev(scores[kernel][attr])
287                if baseline and relative:
288                    percent = (avg/baseline - 1)*100
289                    print "%+.1f%%" % percent,
290                else:
291                    baseline = avg
292                    print "%.4g" % avg,
293            else:
294                print "?"
295            print "</td>"
296        print "</tr>"
297    print "</table>"
300def table_variants_all_tests(plot_data, columns, colkeys, benchmarks,
301                             myurl, filtered_passthru):
302    # generate html table of graph's numbers
303    #   for primary metric over all benchmarks (rows),
304    #   on one platform and one kernel,
305    #   over various combos of test run attribute constraints (cols).
306    ref_thresholds = {}
307    print "<table border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>"
308    print "<tr> <td><b> Benchmark </b></td>",
309    for col in columns:
310        print "<td><b>", colkeys[col].replace(',', ',<br>'), "</b></td>"
311    print "</tr>"
312    for benchmark in benchmarks:
313        print "<tr> <td><b>", benchmark, "</b></td>"
314        for col in columns:
315            print "<td>",
316            vals = plot_data[col].get(benchmark, [])
317            if not vals:
318                print "?",
319            else:
320                (avg, std_dev) = plotgraph.avg_dev(vals)
321                args = filtered_passthru[:]
322                perf.append_cgi_args(args, {'test':benchmark})
323                for keyval in colkeys[col].split(','):
324                    key, val = keyval.split('=', 1)
325                    perf.append_cgi_args(args, {key:val})
326                print "<a href='%s?%s&runs&attrs'>" % (myurl,
327                                                       '&'.join(args))
328                print "<b>%.4g</b>" % avg, "</a><br>",
329                print "&nbsp; <small> %dr   </small>" % len(vals),
330                print "&nbsp; <small> %.3g </small>" % std_dev,
331            print "</td>"
332        print "</tr>\n"
333    print "</table>"
334    print "<p> <b>Bold value:</b> Average of this metric, then <br>"
335    print "number of good test runs, then standard deviation of those runs"
338def table_testrun_details(runs, metric, tko_server, show_attrs):
339    print "<table border=1 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>"
340    print "<tr><td> %s metric </td>" % metric
341    print "<td> Job label </td> <td> Job tag </td> <td> Run results </td>"
342    print "<td> Started_time </td>"
343    if show_attrs:
344        print "<td> Test attributes </td>"
345    print "</tr>\n"
347    for testrunx in runs:
348        print "<tr> <td>",
349        vals = perf.get_metric_at_point([testrunx], metric)
350        for v in vals:
351            print "%.4g&nbsp;" % v,
352        print "</td>"
353        row = get_testrun_context(testrunx)
354        row[2] = ( "<a href='//%s/results/%s/%s/results/keyval'> %s </a>"
355                   % (tko_server, row[1], row[2], row[2]) )
356        for v in row:
357            print "<td> %s </td>" % v
358        if show_attrs:
359            attrs = get_test_attributes(testrunx)
360            print "<td>",
361            for attr in sorted(attrs.keys()):
362                if attr == "sysinfo-cmdline": continue
363                if attr[:4] == "svs-": continue
364                val = attrs[attr]
365                if len(val) > 40:
366                    val = val[:40-3] + "..."
367                print "%s=%s &nbsp; &nbsp; " % (attr, val)
368            print "</td>"
369        print "</tr>\n"
370    print "</table>"
373def overview_thumb(test, metric, myurl, passthru):
374    pass_ = passthru + ['test=%s' % test]
375    if metric:
376        pass_ += ['metric=%s' % metric]
377    pass_ = '&'.join(pass_)
378    print "<a    href='%s?%s&table'>"             % (myurl, pass_)
379    print "  <img src='%s?%s&size=450,500'> </a>" % (myurl, pass_)
380    # embedded graphs fit 3 across on 1400x1050 laptop
383def graph_1_test(title, metric, plot_data, line_argname, lines,
384                 kernel_legend, relative, size, dark=False):
385    # generate graph image for one benchmark, showing avg and
386    #  std dev of one metric, over various kernels (X columns),
387    #  over various platforms or antagonists etc (graphed lines)
388    xlegend = kernel_legend
389    ylegend = metric.capitalize()
390    if relative:
391        ylegend += ', Relative'
392        ymin = 0.8
393    else:
394        ymin = None
395    if len(lines) > 1:
396        keytitle = line_argname.capitalize() + ':'
397    else:
398        keytitle = ''
399    graph = plotgraph.gnuplot(title, xlegend, ylegend, size=size,
400                              xsort=perf.sort_kernels, keytitle=keytitle)
401    for line in lines:
402        label = line
403        if not label and line_argname == 'antag':
404            label = 'no antag'
405        graph.add_dataset(label, plot_data[line])
406    graph.plot(cgi_header=True, ymin=ymin, dark=dark)
409def graph_variants_all_tests(title, plot_data, linekeys, size, dark):
410        # generate graph image showing all benchmarks
411        #   on one platform and one kernel,
412        #   over various combos of test run attribute constraints (lines).
413    xlegend = "Benchmark"
414    ylegend = "Relative Perf"
415    graph = plotgraph.gnuplot(title, xlegend, ylegend, size=size)
416    for i in linekeys:
417        graph.add_dataset(linekeys[i], plot_data[i])
418    graph.plot(cgi_header=True, dark=dark, ymin=0.8)
421class generate_views(object):
424    def __init__(self, kernel_legend, benchmarks, test_group,
425                     site_benchmark_metrics, tko_server,
426                     jobs_selector, no_antag):
427        self.kernel_legend = kernel_legend
428        self.benchmarks = benchmarks
429        self.test_group = test_group
430        self.tko_server = tko_server
431        self.jobs_selector = jobs_selector
432        self.no_antag = no_antag
434        cgitb.enable()
435        test, antagonists = self.parse_most_cgi_args()
437        perf.init(tko_server=tko_server)
438        for b in site_benchmark_metrics:
439            perf.add_benchmark_main_metric(b, site_benchmark_metrics[b])
441        self.test_runs = {}     # kernel --> (platform --> list of test runs)
442        self.job_table = {}     # kernel id --> list of job idxs
443        self.kernel_dates = {}  # kernel id --> date of nightly test
445        vary = self.cgiform.getlist('vary')
446        if vary:
447            platform = self.platforms_filter[0]
448            self.analyze_variants_all_tests_1_platform(platform, vary)
449        elif test:
450            self.analyze_1_test(test, antagonists)
451        else:
452            self.overview_page_all_tests(self.benchmarks, antagonists)
455    def collect_all_testruns(self, trimmed_kernels, test):
456    # get test_runs run #s for 1 test on some kernels and platforms
457        for kernel in trimmed_kernels:
458            runs = collect_testruns(self.job_table[kernel], test,
459                                    self.test_attributes, self.platforms_filter,
460                                    'by_hosts' in self.toggles, self.no_antag)
461            if runs:
462                self.test_runs[kernel] = runs
465    def table_for_graph_1_test(self, title, metric, plot_data,
466                                 column_argname, columns, filtered_passthru):
467        # generate detailed html page with 1 graph and corresp numbers
468        #   for 1 benchmark metric over all kernels (rows),
469        #   over various platforms or various antagonists etc (cols).
470        html_top()
471        print '<h3> %s </h3>' % title
472        print ('%s, machine group %s on //%s server <br>' %
473               (self.kernel_legend, self.test_group, self.tko_server))
474        if self.test_tag:
475            print '%s test script series <br>' % self.test_tag[1:]
477        print "<img src='%s?%s'>" % (self.myurl, '&'.join(self.passthru))
479        link = abs_rel_link(self.myurl, self.passthru+['table'])
480        print "<p><p> <h4> Redraw this with %s performance? </h4>" % link
482        heading = "%s, %s metric" % (title, metric)
483        if self.relative:
484            heading += ", relative"
485        print "<p><p> <h3> %s: </h3>" % heading
486        table_1_metric_all_kernels(plot_data, columns, column_argname,
487                                   self.kernels, self.kernel_dates,
488                                   self.myurl, filtered_passthru)
489        print "</body></html>"
492    def graph_1_test_all_platforms(self, test, metric, platforms, plot_data):
493        # generate graph image for one benchmark
494        title = test.capitalize()
495        if 'regress' in self.toggles:
496            title += ' Regressions'
497        if 'table' in self.cgiform:
498            self.table_for_graph_1_test(title, metric, plot_data,
499                                        'platforms', platforms,
500                                        filtered_passthru=self.passthru)
501        else:
502            graph_1_test(title, metric, plot_data, 'platforms', platforms,
503                         self.kernel_legend, self.relative,
504                         self.size, 'dark' in self.toggles)
507    def testrun_details(self, title, runs, metric):
508        html_top()
509        print '<h3> %s </h3>' % title
510        print ('%s, machine group %s on //%s server' %
511               (self.kernel_legend, self.test_group, self.tko_server))
512        if self.test_tag:
513            print '<br> %s test script series' % self.test_tag[1:]
514        print '<p>'
515        table_testrun_details(runs, metric,
516                              self.tko_server, 'attrs' in self.cgiform)
517        print "</body></html>"
520    def testrun_details_for_1_test_kernel_platform(self, test,
521                                                   metric, platform):
522        default_kernel = min(self.test_runs.keys())
523        kernel = self.cgiform.getvalue('kernel', default_kernel)
524        title = '%s on %s using %s' % (test.capitalize(), platform, kernel)
525        runs = self.test_runs[kernel].get(platform, [])
526        self.testrun_details(title, runs, metric)
529    def analyze_1_metric_all_platforms(self, test, metric):
530        if 'regress' in self.toggles:
531            regressed_platforms = find_regressions(self.kernels, self.test_runs,
532                                                   metric)
533        else:
534            regressed_platforms = None
535        plot_data = collect_scaled_scores(metric, self.test_runs,
536                                          regressed_platforms, self.relative)
537        platforms = sorted(plot_data.keys())
538        if not plot_data:
539            html_top()
540            print 'No runs'
541        elif 'runs' in self.cgiform:
542            self.testrun_details_for_1_test_kernel_platform(test, metric,
543                                                            platforms[0])
544        else:
545            self.graph_1_test_all_platforms(test, metric, platforms, plot_data)
548    def analyze_all_metrics_1_platform(self, test, platform):
549        # TODO: show #runs in header
550        html_top()
551        heading = "%s %s:&nbsp %s" % (self.test_group, self.kernel_legend,
552                                      test.capitalize())
553        print "<h2> %s </h2>" % heading
554        print "platform=%s <br>" % platform
555        for attr in self.test_attributes:
556            print "%s=%s &nbsp; " % (attr, self.test_attributes[attr])
557        print "<p>"
558        table_all_metrics_1_platform(self.test_runs, platform, self.relative)
559        print "</body></html>"
562    def table_for_variants_all_tests(self, title, plot_data, colkeys, columns,
563                                       filtered_passthru, test_tag):
564        # generate detailed html page with 1 graph and corresp numbers
565        #   for primary metric over all benchmarks (rows),
566        #   on one platform and one kernel,
567        #   over various combos of test run attribute constraints (cols).
568        html_top()
569        print '<h3> %s </h3>' % title
570        print ('%s, machine group %s on //%s server <br>' %
571               (self.kernel_legend, self.test_group, self.tko_server))
572        if test_tag:
573            print '%s test script series <br>' % test_tag[1:]
575        varies = ['vary='+colkeys[col] for col in columns]
576        print "<img src='%s?%s'>" % (self.myurl, '&'.join(self.passthru+varies))
578        print "<p><p> <h3> %s: </h3>" % title
579        table_variants_all_tests(plot_data, columns, colkeys, self.benchmarks,
580                                 self.myurl, filtered_passthru)
581        print "</body></html>"
584    def analyze_variants_all_tests_1_platform(self, platform, vary):
585        # generate one graph image for results of all benchmarks
586        # on one platform and one kernel, comparing effects of
587        # two or more combos of kernel options (test run attributes)
588        #   (numa_fake,stale_page,kswapd_merge,sched_idle, etc)
589        kernel = self.cgiform.getvalue('kernel', 'some_kernel')
590        self.passthru.append('kernel=%s' % kernel)
592        # two or more vary_groups, one for each plotted line,
593        # each group begins with vary= and ends with next  &
594        # each group has comma-separated list of test attribute key=val pairs
595        #    eg   vary=keyval1,keyval2&vary=keyval3,keyval4
596        vary_groups = [dict(pair.split('=',1) for pair
597                            in vary_group.split(','))
598                       for vary_group in vary]
600        test = self.benchmarks[0]  # pick any test in all jobs
601        kernels, test_tag = self.jobs_selector(test, self.job_table,
602                                               self.kernel_dates)
604        linekeys = {}
605        plot_data = {}
606        baselines = {}
607        for i, vary_group in enumerate(vary_groups):
608            group_attributes = self.test_attributes.copy()
609            group_attributes.update(vary_group)
610            linekey = ','.join('%s=%s' % (attr, vary_group[attr])
611                               for attr in vary_group)
612            linekeys[i] = linekey
613            data = {}
614            for benchmark in self.benchmarks:
615                metric = perf.benchmark_main_metric(benchmark)
616                runs = collect_testruns(self.job_table[kernel],
617                                        benchmark+test_tag,
618                                        group_attributes,
619                                        self.platforms_filter,
620                                        'by_hosts' in self.toggles,
621                                        self.no_antag)
622                vals = []
623                for testrunx in runs[platform]:
624                    vals += perf.get_metric_at_point([testrunx], metric)
625                if vals:
626                    if benchmark not in baselines:
627                        baselines[benchmark], stddev = plotgraph.avg_dev(vals)
628                    vals = [val/baselines[benchmark] for val in vals]
629                    data[benchmark] = vals
630            plot_data[i] = data
632        title  = "%s on %s" % (kernel, platform)
633        for attr in self.test_attributes:
634            title += ', %s=%s' % (attr, self.test_attributes[attr])
635        if 'table' in self.cgiform:
636            self.table_for_variants_all_tests(title, plot_data, linekeys,
637                               range(len(linekeys)),
638                               filtered_passthru=self.passthru,
639                               test_tag=test_tag)
640        else:
641            graph_variants_all_tests(title, plot_data, linekeys,
642                                     self.size, 'dark' in self.toggles)
645    def graph_twoway_antagonists_1_test_1_platform(
646                  self, test, metric, platform, antagonists, twoway_runs):
647        # generate graph of one benchmark's performance paired with
648        #    various antagonists, with one plotted line per antagonist,
649        #    over most kernels (X axis), all on one machine type
650        # performance is relative to the no-antag baseline case
651        plot_data = collect_twoway_scores(metric, antagonists,
652                                          twoway_runs, self.relative)
653        title  = "%s vs. an Antagonist on %s:" % (test.capitalize(), platform)
654        if 'table' in self.cgiform:
655            filtered_passthru = [arg for arg in self.passthru
656                                     if not arg.startswith('antag=')]
657            self.table_for_graph_1_test(title, metric, plot_data,
658                                   'antag', antagonists,
659                                   filtered_passthru=filtered_passthru)
660        else:
661            graph_1_test(title, metric, plot_data, 'antag', antagonists,
662                         self.kernel_legend, self.relative,
663                         self.size, 'dark' in self.toggles)
666    def testrun_details_for_twoway_test(self, test, metric, platform,
667                                        antagonist, twoway_runs):
668        default_kernel = min(twoway_runs.keys())
669        kernel = self.cgiform.getvalue('kernel', default_kernel)
670        title = '%s vs. Antagonist %s on %s using %s' % (
671                test.capitalize(), antagonist.capitalize(), platform, kernel)
672        runs = twoway_runs[kernel].get(antagonist, [])
673        self.testrun_details(title, runs, metric)
676    def analyze_twoway_antagonists_1_test_1_platform(
677                  self, test, metric, platform, antagonists):
678        twoway_runs, all_antagonists = divide_twoway_testruns(self.test_runs,
679                                                              platform)
680        if antagonists == ['*']:
681            antagonists = all_antagonists
682        if not twoway_runs:
683            html_top()
684            print 'No runs'
685        elif 'runs' in self.cgiform:
686            self.testrun_details_for_twoway_test(
687                    test, metric, platform, antagonists[0], twoway_runs)
688        else:
689            self.graph_twoway_antagonists_1_test_1_platform(
690                    test, metric, platform, antagonists, twoway_runs)
693    def get_twoway_default_platform(self):
694        if self.platforms_filter:
695            return self.platforms_filter[0]
696        test = 'unixbench'
697        kernels, test_tag = self.jobs_selector(test, self.job_table,
698                                               self.kernel_dates)
699        self.collect_all_testruns(kernels, test+test_tag)
700        return all_tested_platforms(self.test_runs)[0]
703    def overview_page_all_tests(self, benchmarks, antagonists):
704        # generate overview html page with small graphs for each benchmark
705        #   linking to detailed html page for that benchmark
706        #   recursively link to this same cgi to generate each image
707        html_top()
708        if antagonists is not None:
709            heading = ('Twoway Container Isolation using %s on %s' %
710                       (self.kernel_legend, self.get_twoway_default_platform()))
711        else:
712            heading = '%s, %s Benchmarks' % (self.kernel_legend,
713                                             self.test_group)
714        if 'regress' in self.toggles:
715            heading += ", Regressions Only"
716        print "<h3> %s </h3>" % heading
717        for test in benchmarks:
718            overview_thumb(test, '', self.myurl, self.passthru)
719            if test == 'unixbench':
720                overview_thumb('unixbench', 'Process_creation',
721                               self.myurl, self.passthru)
723        link = abs_rel_link(self.myurl, self.passthru)
724        print "<p><p> <h4> Redraw this with %s performance? </h4>" % link
725        print "</body></html>"
728    def analyze_1_test(self, test, antagonists):
729        self.passthru.append('test=%s' % test)
730        metric = self.cgiform.getvalue('metric', '')
731        if metric:
732            self.passthru.append('metric=%s' % metric)
733        else:
734            metric = perf.benchmark_main_metric(test)
735            assert metric, "no default metric for test %s" % test
736        self.kernels, self.test_tag = self.jobs_selector(test, self.job_table,
737                                                         self.kernel_dates)
738        self.collect_all_testruns(self.kernels, test+self.test_tag)
739        if not self.platforms_filter and (metric == '*' or
740                                          antagonists is not None):
741            # choose default platform
742            self.platforms_filter = all_tested_platforms(self.test_runs)[0:1]
743            self.passthru.append('platforms=%s' %
744                                 ','.join(self.platforms_filter))
745        if antagonists is not None:
746            antagonists = antagonists.split(',')
747            if len(antagonists) == 1 and antagonists != ['*']:
748                self.relative = False
749            self.analyze_twoway_antagonists_1_test_1_platform(
750                    test, metric, self.platforms_filter[0], antagonists)
751        elif metric == '*':
752            platform = self.platforms_filter[0]
753            self.analyze_all_metrics_1_platform(test, platform)
754        else:
755            self.analyze_1_metric_all_platforms(test, metric)
758    def parse_most_cgi_args(self):
759        self.myurl = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
760        self.cgiform = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values=True)
761        self.size = self.cgiform.getvalue('size', '1200,850')
762        all_toggles = set(('absolute', 'regress', 'dark', 'by_hosts'))
763        self.toggles = set(tog for tog in all_toggles if tog in self.cgiform)
764        platforms = self.cgiform.getvalue('platforms', '')
765        if '.' in platforms:
766            self.toggles.add('by_hosts')
767        self.passthru = list(self.toggles)
768        self.relative = 'absolute' not in self.toggles
769        if platforms:
770            self.passthru.append('platforms=%s' % platforms)
771            self.platforms_filter = platforms.split(',')
772        else:
773            self.platforms_filter = []
774        self.test_attributes = perf.parse_test_attr_args(self.cgiform)
775        perf.append_cgi_args(self.passthru, self.test_attributes)
776        test = self.cgiform.getvalue('test', '')
777        if 'antag' in self.cgiform:
778            antagonists = ','.join(self.cgiform.getlist('antag'))
779            #      antag=*
780            #   or antag=test1,test2,test3,...
781            #   or antag=test1&antag=test2&...
782            #   testN is empty for solo case of no antagonist
783            self.passthru.append('antag=%s' % antagonists)
784        else:
785            antagonists = None  # not same as ''
786        return test, antagonists