1# This Gnuplot file has been generated by eNovance 2 3needed_args = 5 4if (exists("ARGC") && ARGC >= needed_args) \ 5 found_args = 1; \ 6else if (strlen("$$#") < 3 && "$#" >= needed_args) \ 7 found_args = 1; \ 8 ARG1 = "$0"; \ 9 ARG2 = "$1"; \ 10 ARG3 = "$2"; \ 11 ARG4 = "$3"; \ 12 ARG5 = "$4"; \ 13else \ 14 found_args = 0; \ 15 print "Aborting: could not find all arguments"; \ 16 exit 17 18set title ARG1 19 20set terminal png size 1280,1024 21set output ARG4 . '.png' 22#set terminal x11 23#3D Config 24set isosamples 30 25set hidden3d 26set pm3d at s solid hidden3d 100 scansbackward 27set pm3d depthorder 28 29#Preparing Axes 30#set logscale x 31set ytics axis out 0,1 32#set data style lines 33set grid back 34set key top left reverse 35set ylabel "Disk" 36set xlabel "Time (Seconds)" 37set zlabel ARG5 38set cbrange [0:] 39set zrange [0:] 40 41#Set Color style 42#set palette rgbformulae 22,9,23 43set palette rgbformulae 7,5,15 44set style line 100 lt 7 lw 0.5 45 46#Multiploting 47set multiplot 48 49#Top Left View 50set size 0.5,0.5 51set view 64,216 52set origin 0,0.5 53splot ARG2 using 2:1:3 with linespoints title ARG3 54 55#Top Right View 56set size 0.5,0.5 57set origin 0.5,0.5 58set view 90,0 59set pm3d at s solid hidden3d 100 scansbackward 60set pm3d depthorder 61splot ARG2 using 2:1:3 with linespoints title ARG3 62 63#Bottom Right View 64set size 0.5,0.5 65set origin 0.5,0 66set view 63,161 67set pm3d at s solid hidden3d 100 scansbackward 68set pm3d depthorder 69splot ARG2 using 2:1:3 with linespoints title ARG3 70 71#Bottom Left View 72set size 0.5,0.5 73set origin 0,0 74set pm3d map 75splot ARG2 using 2:1:3 with linespoints title ARG3 76 77#Unsetting multiplotting 78unset multiplot 79#pause -1 80 81#Preparing 3D Interactive view 82set mouse 83set terminal png size 1024,768 84set output ARG4 . '-3D.png' 85 86#set term x11 87set view 64,216 88set origin 0,0 89set size 1,1 90set pm3d at bs solid hidden3d 100 scansbackward 91set pm3d depthorder 92splot ARG2 using 2:1:3 with linespoints title ARG3 93 94#pause -1 95#The End 96