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1# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
6"""Top-level presubmit script for Skia.
8See http://dev.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/depottools/presubmit-scripts
9for more details about the presubmit API built into gcl.
12import collections
13import csv
14import fnmatch
15import os
16import re
17import subprocess
18import sys
19import traceback
24SKIA_TREE_STATUS_URL = 'http://skia-tree-status.appspot.com'
26# Please add the complete email address here (and not just 'xyz@' or 'xyz').
28    'reed@chromium.org',
29    'reed@google.com',
30    'bsalomon@chromium.org',
31    'bsalomon@google.com',
32    'djsollen@chromium.org',
33    'djsollen@google.com',
34    'hcm@chromium.org',
35    'hcm@google.com',
39    'update-docs@skia.org',
40    'update-skps@skia.org'
45DOCS_PREVIEW_URL = 'https://skia.org/?cl='
46GOLD_TRYBOT_URL = 'https://gold.skia.org/search?issue='
48# Path to CQ bots feature is described in https://bug.skia.org/4364
50    'src/opts/': ('skia.primary:'
51      'Test-Debian9-Clang-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Release-All-SKNX_NO_SIMD'),
52    'include/private/SkAtomics.h': ('skia.primary:'
53      'Test-Debian9-Clang-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Release-All-TSAN,'
54      'Test-Ubuntu17-Clang-Golo-GPU-QuadroP400-x86_64-Release-All-TSAN'
55    ),
57    # Below are examples to show what is possible with this feature.
58    # 'src/svg/': 'master1:abc;master2:def',
59    # 'src/svg/parser/': 'master3:ghi,jkl;master4:mno',
60    # 'src/image/SkImage_Base.h': 'master5:pqr,stu;master1:abc1;master2:def',
63SERVICE_ACCOUNT_SUFFIX = '@skia-buildbots.google.com.iam.gserviceaccount.com'
66def _CheckChangeHasEol(input_api, output_api, source_file_filter=None):
67  """Checks that files end with atleast one \n (LF)."""
68  eof_files = []
69  for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter):
70    contents = input_api.ReadFile(f, 'rb')
71    # Check that the file ends in atleast one newline character.
72    if len(contents) > 1 and contents[-1:] != '\n':
73      eof_files.append(f.LocalPath())
75  if eof_files:
76    return [output_api.PresubmitPromptWarning(
77      'These files should end in a newline character:',
78      items=eof_files)]
79  return []
82def _PythonChecks(input_api, output_api):
83  """Run checks on any modified Python files."""
84  pylint_disabled_files = (
85      'infra/bots/recipes.py',
86  )
87  pylint_disabled_warnings = (
88      'F0401',  # Unable to import.
89      'E0611',  # No name in module.
90      'W0232',  # Class has no __init__ method.
91      'E1002',  # Use of super on an old style class.
92      'W0403',  # Relative import used.
93      'R0201',  # Method could be a function.
94      'E1003',  # Using class name in super.
95      'W0613',  # Unused argument.
96      'W0105',  # String statement has no effect.
97  )
98  # Run Pylint on only the modified python files. Unfortunately it still runs
99  # Pylint on the whole file instead of just the modified lines.
100  affected_python_files = []
101  for affected_file in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(None):
102    affected_file_path = affected_file.LocalPath()
103    if affected_file_path.endswith('.py'):
104      if affected_file_path not in pylint_disabled_files:
105        affected_python_files.append(affected_file_path)
106  return input_api.canned_checks.RunPylint(
107      input_api, output_api,
108      disabled_warnings=pylint_disabled_warnings,
109      white_list=affected_python_files)
112def _JsonChecks(input_api, output_api):
113  """Run checks on any modified json files."""
114  failing_files = []
115  for affected_file in input_api.AffectedFiles(None):
116    affected_file_path = affected_file.LocalPath()
117    is_json = affected_file_path.endswith('.json')
118    is_metadata = (affected_file_path.startswith('site/') and
119                   affected_file_path.endswith('/METADATA'))
120    if is_json or is_metadata:
121      try:
122        input_api.json.load(open(affected_file_path, 'r'))
123      except ValueError:
124        failing_files.append(affected_file_path)
126  results = []
127  if failing_files:
128    results.append(
129        output_api.PresubmitError(
130            'The following files contain invalid json:\n%s\n\n' %
131                '\n'.join(failing_files)))
132  return results
135def _IfDefChecks(input_api, output_api):
136  """Ensures if/ifdef are not before includes. See skbug/3362 for details."""
137  comment_block_start_pattern = re.compile('^\s*\/\*.*$')
138  comment_block_middle_pattern = re.compile('^\s+\*.*')
139  comment_block_end_pattern = re.compile('^\s+\*\/.*$')
140  single_line_comment_pattern = re.compile('^\s*//.*$')
141  def is_comment(line):
142    return (comment_block_start_pattern.match(line) or
143            comment_block_middle_pattern.match(line) or
144            comment_block_end_pattern.match(line) or
145            single_line_comment_pattern.match(line))
147  empty_line_pattern = re.compile('^\s*$')
148  def is_empty_line(line):
149    return empty_line_pattern.match(line)
151  failing_files = []
152  for affected_file in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(None):
153    affected_file_path = affected_file.LocalPath()
154    if affected_file_path.endswith('.cpp') or affected_file_path.endswith('.h'):
155      f = open(affected_file_path)
156      for line in f.xreadlines():
157        if is_comment(line) or is_empty_line(line):
158          continue
159        # The below will be the first real line after comments and newlines.
160        if line.startswith('#if 0 '):
161          pass
162        elif line.startswith('#if ') or line.startswith('#ifdef '):
163          failing_files.append(affected_file_path)
164        break
166  results = []
167  if failing_files:
168    results.append(
169        output_api.PresubmitError(
170            'The following files have #if or #ifdef before includes:\n%s\n\n'
171            'See https://bug.skia.org/3362 for why this should be fixed.' %
172                '\n'.join(failing_files)))
173  return results
176def _CopyrightChecks(input_api, output_api, source_file_filter=None):
177  results = []
178  year_pattern = r'\d{4}'
179  year_range_pattern = r'%s(-%s)?' % (year_pattern, year_pattern)
180  years_pattern = r'%s(,%s)*,?' % (year_range_pattern, year_range_pattern)
181  copyright_pattern = (
182      r'Copyright (\([cC]\) )?%s \w+' % years_pattern)
184  for affected_file in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter):
185    if 'third_party' in affected_file.LocalPath():
186      continue
187    contents = input_api.ReadFile(affected_file, 'rb')
188    if not re.search(copyright_pattern, contents):
189      results.append(output_api.PresubmitError(
190          '%s is missing a correct copyright header.' % affected_file))
191  return results
194def _ToolFlags(input_api, output_api):
195  """Make sure `{dm,nanobench}_flags.py test` passes if modified."""
196  results = []
197  sources = lambda x: ('dm_flags.py'        in x.LocalPath() or
198                       'nanobench_flags.py' in x.LocalPath())
199  for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(sources):
200    if 0 != subprocess.call(['python', f.LocalPath(), 'test']):
201      results.append(output_api.PresubmitError('`python %s test` failed' % f))
202  return results
205def _InfraTests(input_api, output_api):
206  """Run the infra tests."""
207  results = []
208  if not any(f.LocalPath().startswith('infra')
209             for f in input_api.AffectedFiles()):
210    return results
212  cmd = ['python', os.path.join('infra', 'bots', 'infra_tests.py')]
213  try:
214    subprocess.check_output(cmd)
215  except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
216    results.append(output_api.PresubmitError(
217        '`%s` failed:\n%s' % (' '.join(cmd), e.output)))
218  return results
221def _CheckGNFormatted(input_api, output_api):
222  """Make sure any .gn files we're changing have been formatted."""
223  results = []
224  for f in input_api.AffectedFiles():
225    if (not f.LocalPath().endswith('.gn') and
226        not f.LocalPath().endswith('.gni')):
227      continue
229    gn = 'gn.bat' if 'win32' in sys.platform else 'gn'
230    cmd = [gn, 'format', '--dry-run', f.LocalPath()]
231    try:
232      subprocess.check_output(cmd)
233    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
234      fix = 'gn format ' + f.LocalPath()
235      results.append(output_api.PresubmitError(
236          '`%s` failed, try\n\t%s' % (' '.join(cmd), fix)))
237  return results
240def _CommonChecks(input_api, output_api):
241  """Presubmit checks common to upload and commit."""
242  results = []
243  sources = lambda x: (x.LocalPath().endswith('.h') or
244                       x.LocalPath().endswith('.py') or
245                       x.LocalPath().endswith('.sh') or
246                       x.LocalPath().endswith('.m') or
247                       x.LocalPath().endswith('.mm') or
248                       x.LocalPath().endswith('.go') or
249                       x.LocalPath().endswith('.c') or
250                       x.LocalPath().endswith('.cc') or
251                       x.LocalPath().endswith('.cpp'))
252  results.extend(
253      _CheckChangeHasEol(
254          input_api, output_api, source_file_filter=sources))
255  results.extend(
256      input_api.canned_checks.CheckChangeHasNoCR(
257          input_api, output_api, source_file_filter=sources))
258  results.extend(
259      input_api.canned_checks.CheckChangeHasNoStrayWhitespace(
260          input_api, output_api, source_file_filter=sources))
261  results.extend(_PythonChecks(input_api, output_api))
262  results.extend(_JsonChecks(input_api, output_api))
263  results.extend(_IfDefChecks(input_api, output_api))
264  results.extend(_CopyrightChecks(input_api, output_api,
265                                  source_file_filter=sources))
266  results.extend(_ToolFlags(input_api, output_api))
267  return results
270def CheckChangeOnUpload(input_api, output_api):
271  """Presubmit checks for the change on upload.
273  The following are the presubmit checks:
274  * Check change has one and only one EOL.
275  """
276  results = []
277  results.extend(_CommonChecks(input_api, output_api))
278  # Run on upload, not commit, since the presubmit bot apparently doesn't have
279  # coverage or Go installed.
280  results.extend(_InfraTests(input_api, output_api))
282  results.extend(_CheckGNFormatted(input_api, output_api))
283  return results
286def _CheckTreeStatus(input_api, output_api, json_url):
287  """Check whether to allow commit.
289  Args:
290    input_api: input related apis.
291    output_api: output related apis.
292    json_url: url to download json style status.
293  """
294  tree_status_results = input_api.canned_checks.CheckTreeIsOpen(
295      input_api, output_api, json_url=json_url)
296  if not tree_status_results:
297    # Check for caution state only if tree is not closed.
298    connection = input_api.urllib2.urlopen(json_url)
299    status = input_api.json.loads(connection.read())
300    connection.close()
301    if ('caution' in status['message'].lower() and
302        os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno())):
303      # Display a prompt only if we are in an interactive shell. Without this
304      # check the commit queue behaves incorrectly because it considers
305      # prompts to be failures.
306      short_text = 'Tree state is: ' + status['general_state']
307      long_text = status['message'] + '\n' + json_url
308      tree_status_results.append(
309          output_api.PresubmitPromptWarning(
310              message=short_text, long_text=long_text))
311  else:
312    # Tree status is closed. Put in message about contacting sheriff.
313    connection = input_api.urllib2.urlopen(
314        SKIA_TREE_STATUS_URL + '/current-sheriff')
315    sheriff_details = input_api.json.loads(connection.read())
316    if sheriff_details:
317      tree_status_results[0]._message += (
318          '\n\nPlease contact the current Skia sheriff (%s) if you are trying '
319          'to submit a build fix\nand do not know how to submit because the '
320          'tree is closed') % sheriff_details['username']
321  return tree_status_results
324class CodeReview(object):
325  """Abstracts which codereview tool is used for the specified issue."""
327  def __init__(self, input_api):
328    self._issue = input_api.change.issue
329    self._gerrit = input_api.gerrit
331  def GetOwnerEmail(self):
332    return self._gerrit.GetChangeOwner(self._issue)
334  def GetSubject(self):
335    return self._gerrit.GetChangeInfo(self._issue)['subject']
337  def GetDescription(self):
338    return self._gerrit.GetChangeDescription(self._issue)
340  def IsDryRun(self):
341    return self._gerrit.GetChangeInfo(
342        self._issue)['labels']['Commit-Queue'].get('value', 0) == 1
344  def GetReviewers(self):
345    code_review_label = (
346        self._gerrit.GetChangeInfo(self._issue)['labels']['Code-Review'])
347    return [r['email'] for r in code_review_label.get('all', [])]
349  def GetApprovers(self):
350    approvers = []
351    code_review_label = (
352        self._gerrit.GetChangeInfo(self._issue)['labels']['Code-Review'])
353    for m in code_review_label.get('all', []):
354      if m.get("value") == 1:
355        approvers.append(m["email"])
356    return approvers
359def _CheckOwnerIsInAuthorsFile(input_api, output_api):
360  results = []
361  if input_api.change.issue:
362    cr = CodeReview(input_api)
364    owner_email = cr.GetOwnerEmail()
366    # Service accounts don't need to be in AUTHORS.
367    if owner_email.endswith(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_SUFFIX):
368      return results
370    try:
371      authors_content = ''
372      for line in open(AUTHORS_FILE_NAME):
373        if not line.startswith('#'):
374          authors_content += line
375      email_fnmatches = re.findall('<(.*)>', authors_content)
376      for email_fnmatch in email_fnmatches:
377        if fnmatch.fnmatch(owner_email, email_fnmatch):
378          # Found a match, the user is in the AUTHORS file break out of the loop
379          break
380      else:
381        results.append(
382          output_api.PresubmitError(
383            'The email %s is not in Skia\'s AUTHORS file.\n'
384            'Issue owner, this CL must include an addition to the Skia AUTHORS '
385            'file.'
386            % owner_email))
387    except IOError:
388      # Do not fail if authors file cannot be found.
389      traceback.print_exc()
390      input_api.logging.error('AUTHORS file not found!')
392  return results
395def _CheckLGTMsForPublicAPI(input_api, output_api):
396  """Check LGTMs for public API changes.
398  For public API files make sure there is an LGTM from the list of owners in
400  """
401  results = []
402  requires_owner_check = False
403  for affected_file in input_api.AffectedFiles():
404    affected_file_path = affected_file.LocalPath()
405    file_path, file_ext = os.path.splitext(affected_file_path)
406    # We only care about files that end in .h and are under the top-level
407    # include dir, but not include/private.
408    if (file_ext == '.h' and
409        'include' == file_path.split(os.path.sep)[0] and
410        'private' not in file_path):
411      requires_owner_check = True
413  if not requires_owner_check:
414    return results
416  lgtm_from_owner = False
417  if input_api.change.issue:
418    cr = CodeReview(input_api)
420    if re.match(REVERT_CL_SUBJECT_PREFIX, cr.GetSubject(), re.I):
421      # It is a revert CL, ignore the public api owners check.
422      return results
424    if cr.IsDryRun():
425      # Ignore public api owners check for dry run CLs since they are not
426      # going to be committed.
427      return results
429    if input_api.gerrit:
430      for reviewer in cr.GetReviewers():
431        if reviewer in PUBLIC_API_OWNERS:
432          # If an owner is specified as an reviewer in Gerrit then ignore the
433          # public api owners check.
434          return results
435    else:
436      match = re.search(r'^TBR=(.*)$', cr.GetDescription(), re.M)
437      if match:
438        tbr_section = match.group(1).strip().split(' ')[0]
439        tbr_entries = tbr_section.split(',')
440        for owner in PUBLIC_API_OWNERS:
441          if owner in tbr_entries or owner.split('@')[0] in tbr_entries:
442            # If an owner is specified in the TBR= line then ignore the public
443            # api owners check.
444            return results
446    if cr.GetOwnerEmail() in PUBLIC_API_OWNERS:
447      # An owner created the CL that is an automatic LGTM.
448      lgtm_from_owner = True
450    for approver in cr.GetApprovers():
451      if approver in PUBLIC_API_OWNERS:
452        # Found an lgtm in a message from an owner.
453        lgtm_from_owner = True
454        break
456  if not lgtm_from_owner:
457    results.append(
458        output_api.PresubmitError(
459            "If this CL adds to or changes Skia's public API, you need an LGTM "
460            "from any of %s.  If this CL only removes from or doesn't change "
461            "Skia's public API, please add a short note to the CL saying so. "
462            "Add one of the owners as a reviewer to your CL as well as to the "
463            "TBR= line.  If you don't know if this CL affects Skia's public "
464            "API, treat it like it does." % str(PUBLIC_API_OWNERS)))
465  return results
468def _FooterExists(footers, key, value):
469  for k, v in footers:
470    if k == key and v == value:
471      return True
472  return False
475def PostUploadHook(cl, change, output_api):
476  """git cl upload will call this hook after the issue is created/modified.
478  This hook does the following:
479  * Adds a link to preview docs changes if there are any docs changes in the CL.
480  * Adds 'No-Try: true' if the CL contains only docs changes.
481  * Adds 'No-Tree-Checks: true' for non master branch changes since they do not
482    need to be gated on the master branch's tree.
483  * Adds 'No-Try: true' for non master branch changes since trybots do not yet
484    work on them.
485  * Adds 'No-Presubmit: true' for non master branch changes since those don't
486    run the presubmit checks.
487  * Adds extra trybots for the paths defined in PATH_TO_EXTRA_TRYBOTS.
488  """
490  results = []
491  atleast_one_docs_change = False
492  all_docs_changes = True
493  for affected_file in change.AffectedFiles():
494    affected_file_path = affected_file.LocalPath()
495    file_path, _ = os.path.splitext(affected_file_path)
496    if 'site' == file_path.split(os.path.sep)[0]:
497      atleast_one_docs_change = True
498    else:
499      all_docs_changes = False
500    if atleast_one_docs_change and not all_docs_changes:
501      break
503  issue = cl.issue
504  if issue:
505    # Skip PostUploadHooks for all auto-commit bots. New patchsets (caused
506    # due to PostUploadHooks) invalidates the CQ+2 vote from the
507    # "--use-commit-queue" flag to "git cl upload".
508    if cl.GetIssueOwner() in AUTO_COMMIT_BOTS:
509      return results
511    original_description_lines, footers = cl.GetDescriptionFooters()
512    new_description_lines = list(original_description_lines)
514    # If the change includes only doc changes then add No-Try: true in the
515    # CL's description if it does not exist yet.
516    if all_docs_changes and not _FooterExists(footers, 'No-Try', 'true'):
517      new_description_lines.append('No-Try: true')
518      results.append(
519          output_api.PresubmitNotifyResult(
520              'This change has only doc changes. Automatically added '
521              '\'No-Try: true\' to the CL\'s description'))
523    # If there is atleast one docs change then add preview link in the CL's
524    # description if it does not already exist there.
525    docs_preview_link = '%s%s' % (DOCS_PREVIEW_URL, issue)
526    docs_preview_line = 'Docs-Preview: %s' % docs_preview_link
527    if (atleast_one_docs_change and
528        not _FooterExists(footers, 'Docs-Preview', docs_preview_link)):
529      # Automatically add a link to where the docs can be previewed.
530      new_description_lines.append(docs_preview_line)
531      results.append(
532          output_api.PresubmitNotifyResult(
533              'Automatically added a link to preview the docs changes to the '
534              'CL\'s description'))
536    # If the target ref is not master then add 'No-Tree-Checks: true' and
537    # 'No-Try: true' to the CL's description if it does not already exist there.
538    target_ref = cl.GetRemoteBranch()[1]
539    if target_ref != 'refs/remotes/origin/master':
540      if not _FooterExists(footers, 'No-Tree-Checks', 'true'):
541        new_description_lines.append('No-Tree-Checks: true')
542        results.append(
543            output_api.PresubmitNotifyResult(
544                'Branch changes do not need to rely on the master branch\'s '
545                'tree status. Automatically added \'No-Tree-Checks: true\' to '
546                'the CL\'s description'))
547      if not _FooterExists(footers, 'No-Try', 'true'):
548        new_description_lines.append('No-Try: true')
549        results.append(
550            output_api.PresubmitNotifyResult(
551                'Trybots do not yet work for non-master branches. '
552                'Automatically added \'No-Try: true\' to the CL\'s '
553                'description'))
554      if not _FooterExists(footers, 'No-Presubmit', 'true'):
555        new_description_lines.append('No-Presubmit: true')
556        results.append(
557            output_api.PresubmitNotifyResult(
558                'Branch changes do not run the presubmit checks.'))
560    # Automatically set Cq-Include-Trybots if any of the changed files here
561    # begin with the paths of interest.
562    bots_to_include = []
563    for affected_file in change.AffectedFiles():
564      affected_file_path = affected_file.LocalPath()
565      for path_prefix, extra_bots in PATH_PREFIX_TO_EXTRA_TRYBOTS.iteritems():
566        if affected_file_path.startswith(path_prefix):
567          results.append(
568              output_api.PresubmitNotifyResult(
569                  'Your CL modifies the path %s.\nAutomatically adding %s to '
570                  'the CL description.' % (affected_file_path, extra_bots)))
571          bots_to_include.append(extra_bots)
572    if bots_to_include:
573      output_api.EnsureCQIncludeTrybotsAreAdded(
574          cl, bots_to_include, new_description_lines)
576    # If the description has changed update it.
577    if new_description_lines != original_description_lines:
578      # Add a new line separating the new contents from the old contents.
579      new_description_lines.insert(len(original_description_lines), '')
580      cl.UpdateDescriptionFooters(new_description_lines, footers)
582    return results
585def CheckChangeOnCommit(input_api, output_api):
586  """Presubmit checks for the change on commit.
588  The following are the presubmit checks:
589  * Check change has one and only one EOL.
590  * Ensures that the Skia tree is open in
591    http://skia-tree-status.appspot.com/. Shows a warning if it is in 'Caution'
592    state and an error if it is in 'Closed' state.
593  """
594  results = []
595  results.extend(_CommonChecks(input_api, output_api))
596  results.extend(
597      _CheckTreeStatus(input_api, output_api, json_url=(
598          SKIA_TREE_STATUS_URL + '/banner-status?format=json')))
599  results.extend(_CheckLGTMsForPublicAPI(input_api, output_api))
600  results.extend(_CheckOwnerIsInAuthorsFile(input_api, output_api))
601  # Checks for the presence of 'DO NOT''SUBMIT' in CL description and in
602  # content of files.
603  results.extend(
604      input_api.canned_checks.CheckDoNotSubmit(input_api, output_api))
605  return results