1 /* 2 * 3 * Copyright 2015, The Android Open Source Project 4 * 5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 6 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 7 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 8 * 9 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 10 * 11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 15 * limitations under the License. 16 */ 17 18 #ifndef SYSTEM_EXTRAS_PERFPROFD_CONFIG_H_ 19 #define SYSTEM_EXTRAS_PERFPROFD_CONFIG_H_ 20 21 #include <cstdint> 22 #include <string> 23 24 #include <unistd.h> 25 26 struct Config { ~ConfigConfig27 virtual ~Config() {} 28 29 // Average number of seconds between perf profile collections (if 30 // set to 100, then over time we want to see a perf profile 31 // collected every 100 seconds). The actual time within the interval 32 // for the collection is chosen randomly. 33 uint32_t collection_interval_in_s = 14400; 34 // Use the specified fixed seed for random number generation (unit 35 // testing) 36 uint32_t use_fixed_seed = 0; 37 // For testing purposes, number of times to iterate through main 38 // loop. Value of zero indicates that we should loop forever. 39 uint32_t main_loop_iterations = 0; 40 41 // The pid of the process to profile. May be negative, in which case 42 // the whole system will be profiled. 43 int32_t process = -1; 44 45 // Destination directory (where to write profiles). This location 46 // chosen since it is accessible to the uploader service. 47 std::string destination_directory = "/data/misc/perfprofd"; 48 // Config directory (where to read configs). 49 std::string config_directory = "/data/data/com.google.android.gms/files"; 50 // Full path to 'perf' executable. 51 std::string perf_path = "/system/xbin/simpleperf"; 52 53 // Desired sampling period (passed to perf -c option). Small 54 // sampling periods can perturb the collected profiles, so enforce 55 // min/max. A value of 0 means perf default. sampling_frequency 56 // takes priority. 57 uint32_t sampling_period = 0; 58 // Desired sampling frequency (passed to perf -f option). A value of 0 59 // means using sampling_period or default. 60 uint32_t sampling_frequency = 0; 61 // Length of time to collect samples (number of seconds for 'perf 62 // record -a' run). 63 uint32_t sample_duration_in_s = 2; 64 65 // If this parameter is non-zero it will cause perfprofd to 66 // exit immediately if the build type is not userdebug or eng. 67 // Currently defaults to 1 (true). 68 bool only_debug_build = true; 69 70 // If the "mpdecision" service is running at the point we are ready 71 // to kick off a profiling run, then temporarily disable the service 72 // and hard-wire all cores on prior to the collection run, provided 73 // that the duration of the recording is less than or equal to the value of 74 // 'hardwire_cpus_max_duration'. 75 bool hardwire_cpus = true; 76 uint32_t hardwire_cpus_max_duration_in_s = 5; 77 78 // Maximum number of unprocessed profiles we can accumulate in the 79 // destination directory. Once we reach this limit, we continue 80 // to collect, but we just overwrite the most recent profile. 81 uint32_t max_unprocessed_profiles = 10; 82 83 // If set to 1, pass the -g option when invoking 'perf' (requests 84 // stack traces as opposed to flat profile). 85 bool stack_profile = false; 86 87 // For unit testing only: if set to 1, emit info messages on config 88 // file parsing. 89 bool trace_config_read = false; 90 91 // Control collection of various additional profile tags 92 bool collect_cpu_utilization = true; 93 bool collect_charging_state = true; 94 bool collect_booting = true; 95 bool collect_camera_active = false; 96 97 // If true, use an ELF symbolizer to on-device symbolize. 98 bool use_elf_symbolizer = true; 99 100 // If true, use libz to compress the output proto. 101 bool compress = true; 102 103 // If true, send the proto to dropbox instead to a file. 104 bool send_to_dropbox = false; 105 106 // Sleep for the given number of seconds. 107 virtual void Sleep(size_t seconds) = 0; 108 109 // Should the profiling be stopped immediately? ShouldStopProfilingConfig110 virtual bool ShouldStopProfiling() { 111 return false; 112 } 113 114 // Is profiling enabled? 115 virtual bool IsProfilingEnabled() const = 0; 116 }; 117 118 #endif // SYSTEM_EXTRAS_PERFPROFD_CONFIG_H_ 119