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1 /*
2  * WiMedia Logical Link Control Protocol (WLP)
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Intel Corporation
5  * Reinette Chatre <reinette.chatre@intel.com>
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version
9  * 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
19  * 02110-1301, USA.
20  *
21  *
22  * FIXME: docs
23  *
24  * - Does not (yet) include support for WLP control frames
25  *   WLP Draft 0.99 [6.5].
26  *
27  *   A visual representation of the data structures.
28  *
29  *                              wssidB      wssidB
30  *                               ^           ^
31  *                               |           |
32  *                              wssidA      wssidA
33  *   wlp interface {             ^           ^
34  *       ...                     |           |
35  *       ...               ...  wssid      wssid ...
36  *       wlp --- ...             |           |
37  *   };          neighbors --> neighbA --> neighbB
38  *               ...
39  *               wss
40  *               ...
41  *               eda cache  --> neighborA --> neighborB --> neighborC ...
42  */
44 #ifndef __LINUX__WLP_H_
45 #define __LINUX__WLP_H_
47 #include <linux/netdevice.h>
48 #include <linux/skbuff.h>
49 #include <linux/list.h>
50 #include <linux/uwb.h>
52 /**
53  * WLP Protocol ID
54  * WLP Draft 0.99 [6.2]
55  *
56  * The MUX header for all WLP frames
57  */
58 #define WLP_PROTOCOL_ID 0x0100
60 /**
61  * WLP Version
62  * WLP version placed in the association frames (WLP 0.99 [6.6])
63  */
64 #define WLP_VERSION 0x10
66 /**
67  * Bytes needed to print UUID as string
68  */
69 #define WLP_WSS_UUID_STRSIZE 48
71 /**
72  * Bytes needed to print nonce as string
73  */
77 /**
78  * Size used for WLP name size
79  *
80  * The WSS name is set to 65 bytes, 1 byte larger than the maximum
81  * allowed by the WLP spec. This is to have a null terminated string
82  * for display to the user. A maximum of 64 bytes will still be used
83  * when placing the WSS name field in association frames.
84  */
85 #define WLP_WSS_NAME_SIZE 65
87 /**
88  * Number of bytes added by WLP to data frame
89  *
90  * A data frame transmitted from a host will be placed in a Standard or
91  * Abbreviated WLP frame. These have an extra 4 bytes of header (struct
92  * wlp_frame_std_abbrv_hdr).
93  * When the stack sends this data frame for transmission it needs to ensure
94  * there is enough headroom for this header.
95  */
96 #define WLP_DATA_HLEN 4
98 /**
99  * State of device regarding WLP Service Set
100  *
101  * WLP_WSS_STATE_NONE: the host does not participate in any WSS
102  * WLP_WSS_STATE_PART_ENROLLED: used as part of the enrollment sequence
103  *                            ("Partial Enroll"). This state is used to
104  *                            indicate the first part of enrollment that is
105  *                            unsecure. If the WSS is unsecure then the
106  *                            state will promptly go to WLP_WSS_STATE_ENROLLED,
107  *                            if the WSS is not secure then the enrollment
108  *                            procedure is a few more steps before we are
109  *                            enrolled.
110  * WLP_WSS_STATE_ENROLLED: the host is enrolled in a WSS
111  * WLP_WSS_STATE_ACTIVE: WSS is activated
112  * WLP_WSS_STATE_CONNECTED: host is connected to neighbor in WSS
113  *
114  */
115 enum wlp_wss_state {
121 };
123 /**
124  * WSS Secure status
125  * WLP 0.99 Table 6
126  *
127  * Set to one if the WSS is secure, zero if it is not secure
128  */
129 enum wlp_wss_sec_status {
132 };
134 /**
135  * WLP frame type
136  * WLP Draft 0.99 [6.2 Table 1]
137  */
138 enum wlp_frame_type {
143 };
145 /**
146  * WLP Association Message Type
147  * WLP Draft 0.99 [ Table 8]
148  */
149 enum wlp_assoc_type {
150 	WLP_ASSOC_D1 = 2,
151 	WLP_ASSOC_D2 = 3,
152 	WLP_ASSOC_M1 = 4,
153 	WLP_ASSOC_M2 = 5,
154 	WLP_ASSOC_M3 = 7,
155 	WLP_ASSOC_M4 = 8,
156 	WLP_ASSOC_M5 = 9,
157 	WLP_ASSOC_M6 = 10,
158 	WLP_ASSOC_M7 = 11,
159 	WLP_ASSOC_M8 = 12,
160 	WLP_ASSOC_F0 = 14,
161 	WLP_ASSOC_E1 = 32,
162 	WLP_ASSOC_E2 = 33,
163 	WLP_ASSOC_C1 = 34,
164 	WLP_ASSOC_C2 = 35,
165 	WLP_ASSOC_C3 = 36,
166 	WLP_ASSOC_C4 = 37,
167 };
169 /**
170  * WLP Attribute Type
171  * WLP Draft 0.99 [6.6.1 Table 6]
172  */
173 enum wlp_attr_type {
174 	WLP_ATTR_AUTH		= 0x1005, /* Authenticator */
175 	WLP_ATTR_DEV_NAME 	= 0x1011, /* Device Name */
176 	WLP_ATTR_DEV_PWD_ID 	= 0x1012, /* Device Password ID */
177 	WLP_ATTR_E_HASH1	= 0x1014, /* E-Hash1 */
178 	WLP_ATTR_E_HASH2	= 0x1015, /* E-Hash2 */
179 	WLP_ATTR_E_SNONCE1	= 0x1016, /* E-SNonce1 */
180 	WLP_ATTR_E_SNONCE2	= 0x1017, /* E-SNonce2 */
181 	WLP_ATTR_ENCR_SET	= 0x1018, /* Encrypted Settings */
182 	WLP_ATTR_ENRL_NONCE	= 0x101A, /* Enrollee Nonce */
183 	WLP_ATTR_KEYWRAP_AUTH	= 0x101E, /* Key Wrap Authenticator */
184 	WLP_ATTR_MANUF		= 0x1021, /* Manufacturer */
185 	WLP_ATTR_MSG_TYPE	= 0x1022, /* Message Type */
186 	WLP_ATTR_MODEL_NAME	= 0x1023, /* Model Name */
187 	WLP_ATTR_MODEL_NR	= 0x1024, /* Model Number */
188 	WLP_ATTR_PUB_KEY	= 0x1032, /* Public Key */
189 	WLP_ATTR_REG_NONCE	= 0x1039, /* Registrar Nonce */
190 	WLP_ATTR_R_HASH1	= 0x103D, /* R-Hash1 */
191 	WLP_ATTR_R_HASH2	= 0x103E, /* R-Hash2 */
192 	WLP_ATTR_R_SNONCE1	= 0x103F, /* R-SNonce1 */
193 	WLP_ATTR_R_SNONCE2	= 0x1040, /* R-SNonce2 */
194 	WLP_ATTR_SERIAL		= 0x1042, /* Serial number */
195 	WLP_ATTR_UUID_E		= 0x1047, /* UUID-E */
196 	WLP_ATTR_UUID_R		= 0x1048, /* UUID-R */
197 	WLP_ATTR_PRI_DEV_TYPE	= 0x1054, /* Primary Device Type */
198 	WLP_ATTR_SEC_DEV_TYPE	= 0x1055, /* Secondary Device Type */
199 	WLP_ATTR_PORT_DEV	= 0x1056, /* Portable Device */
200 	WLP_ATTR_APP_EXT	= 0x1058, /* Application Extension */
201 	WLP_ATTR_WLP_VER	= 0x2000, /* WLP Version */
202 	WLP_ATTR_WSSID		= 0x2001, /* WSSID */
203 	WLP_ATTR_WSS_NAME	= 0x2002, /* WSS Name */
204 	WLP_ATTR_WSS_SEC_STAT	= 0x2003, /* WSS Secure Status */
205 	WLP_ATTR_WSS_BCAST	= 0x2004, /* WSS Broadcast Address */
206 	WLP_ATTR_WSS_M_KEY	= 0x2005, /* WSS Master Key */
207 	WLP_ATTR_ACC_ENRL	= 0x2006, /* Accepting Enrollment */
208 	WLP_ATTR_WSS_INFO	= 0x2007, /* WSS Information */
209 	WLP_ATTR_WSS_SEL_MTHD	= 0x2008, /* WSS Selection Method */
210 	WLP_ATTR_ASSC_MTHD_LIST	= 0x2009, /* Association Methods List */
211 	WLP_ATTR_SEL_ASSC_MTHD	= 0x200A, /* Selected Association Method */
212 	WLP_ATTR_ENRL_HASH_COMM	= 0x200B, /* Enrollee Hash Commitment */
213 	WLP_ATTR_WSS_TAG	= 0x200C, /* WSS Tag */
214 	WLP_ATTR_WSS_VIRT	= 0x200D, /* WSS Virtual EUI-48 */
215 	WLP_ATTR_WLP_ASSC_ERR	= 0x200E, /* WLP Association Error */
216 	WLP_ATTR_VNDR_EXT	= 0x200F, /* Vendor Extension */
217 };
219 /**
220  * WLP Category ID of primary/secondary device
221  * WLP Draft 0.99 [ Table 12]
222  */
223 enum wlp_dev_category_id {
234 	WLP_DEV_CAT_OTHER = 65535,
235 };
237 /**
238  * WLP WSS selection method
239  * WLP Draft 0.99 [ Table 10]
240  */
241 enum wlp_wss_sel_mthd {
242 	WLP_WSS_ENRL_SELECT = 1,	/* Enrollee selects */
243 	WLP_WSS_REG_SELECT,		/* Registrar selects */
244 };
246 /**
247  * WLP association error values
248  * WLP Draft 0.99 [ Table 9]
249  */
250 enum wlp_assc_error {
252 	WLP_ASSOC_ERROR_AUTH,		/* Authenticator Failure */
253 	WLP_ASSOC_ERROR_ROGUE,		/* Rogue activity suspected */
254 	WLP_ASSOC_ERROR_BUSY,		/* Device busy */
255 	WLP_ASSOC_ERROR_LOCK,		/* Setup Locked */
256 	WLP_ASSOC_ERROR_NOT_READY,	/* Registrar not ready */
257 	WLP_ASSOC_ERROR_INV,		/* Invalid WSS selection */
258 	WLP_ASSOC_ERROR_MSG_TIME,	/* Message timeout */
259 	WLP_ASSOC_ERROR_ENR_TIME,	/* Enrollment session timeout */
260 	WLP_ASSOC_ERROR_PW,		/* Device password invalid */
261 	WLP_ASSOC_ERROR_VER,		/* Unsupported version */
262 	WLP_ASSOC_ERROR_INT,		/* Internal error */
263 	WLP_ASSOC_ERROR_UNDEF,		/* Undefined error */
264 	WLP_ASSOC_ERROR_NUM,		/* Numeric comparison failure */
265 	WLP_ASSOC_ERROR_WAIT,		/* Waiting for user input */
266 };
268 /**
269  * WLP Parameters
270  * WLP 0.99 [7.7]
271  */
272 enum wlp_parameters {
273 	WLP_PER_MSG_TIMEOUT = 15,	/* Seconds to wait for response to
274 					   association message. */
275 };
277 /**
278  * WLP IE
279  *
280  * The WLP IE should be included in beacons by all devices.
281  *
282  * The driver can set only a few of the fields in this information element,
283  * most fields are managed by the device self. When the driver needs to set
284  * a field it will only provide values for the fields of interest, the rest
285  * will be filled with zeroes. The fields of interest are:
286  *
287  * Element ID
288  * Length
289  * Capabilities (only to include WSSID Hash list length)
290  * WSSID Hash List fields
291  *
292  * WLP 0.99 [6.7]
293  *
294  * Only the fields that will be used are detailed in this structure, rest
295  * are not detailed or marked as "notused".
296  */
297 struct wlp_ie {
298 	struct uwb_ie_hdr hdr;
299 	__le16 capabilities;
300 	__le16 cycle_param;
301 	__le16 acw_anchor_addr;
302 	u8 wssid_hash_list[];
303 } __attribute__((packed));
wlp_ie_hash_length(struct wlp_ie * ie)305 static inline int wlp_ie_hash_length(struct wlp_ie *ie)
306 {
307 	return (le16_to_cpu(ie->capabilities) >> 12) & 0xf;
308 }
wlp_ie_set_hash_length(struct wlp_ie * ie,int hash_length)310 static inline void wlp_ie_set_hash_length(struct wlp_ie *ie, int hash_length)
311 {
312 	u16 caps = le16_to_cpu(ie->capabilities);
313 	caps = (caps & ~(0xf << 12)) | (hash_length << 12);
314 	ie->capabilities = cpu_to_le16(caps);
315 }
317 /**
318  * WLP nonce
319  * WLP Draft 0.99 [6.6.1 Table 6]
320  *
321  * A 128-bit random number often used (E-SNonce1, E-SNonce2, Enrollee
322  * Nonce, Registrar Nonce, R-SNonce1, R-SNonce2). It is passed to HW so
323  * it is packed.
324  */
325 struct wlp_nonce {
326 	u8 data[16];
327 } __attribute__((packed));
329 /**
330  * WLP UUID
331  * WLP Draft 0.99 [6.6.1 Table 6]
332  *
333  * Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) encoded as an octet string in the
334  * order the octets are shown in string representation in RFC4122. A UUID
335  * is often used (UUID-E, UUID-R, WSSID). It is passed to HW so it is packed.
336  */
337 struct wlp_uuid {
338 	u8 data[16];
339 } __attribute__((packed));
342 /**
343  * Primary and secondary device type attributes
344  * WLP Draft 0.99 []
345  */
346 struct wlp_dev_type {
347 	enum wlp_dev_category_id category:16;
348 	u8 OUI[3];
349 	u8 OUIsubdiv;
350 	__le16 subID;
351 } __attribute__((packed));
353 /**
354  * WLP frame header
355  * WLP Draft 0.99 [6.2]
356  */
357 struct wlp_frame_hdr {
358 	__le16 mux_hdr;			/* WLP_PROTOCOL_ID */
359 	enum wlp_frame_type type:8;
360 } __attribute__((packed));
362 /**
363  * WLP attribute field header
364  * WLP Draft 0.99 [6.6.1]
365  *
366  * Header of each attribute found in an association frame
367  */
368 struct wlp_attr_hdr {
369 	__le16 type;
370 	__le16 length;
371 } __attribute__((packed));
373 /**
374  * Device information commonly used together
375  *
376  * Each of these device information elements has a specified range in which it
377  * should fit (WLP 0.99 [Table 6]). This range provided in the spec does not
378  * include the termination null '\0' character (when used in the
379  * association protocol the attribute fields are accompanied
380  * with a "length" field so the full range from the spec can be used for
381  * the value). We thus allocate an extra byte to be able to store a string
382  * of max length with a terminating '\0'.
383  */
384 struct wlp_device_info {
385 	char name[33];
386 	char model_name[33];
387 	char manufacturer[65];
388 	char model_nr[33];
389 	char serial[33];
390 	struct wlp_dev_type prim_dev_type;
391 };
393 /**
394  * Macros for the WLP attributes
395  *
396  * There are quite a few attributes (total is 43). The attribute layout can be
397  * in one of three categories: one value, an array, an enum forced to 8 bits.
398  * These macros help with their definitions.
399  */
400 #define wlp_attr(type, name)						\
401 struct wlp_attr_##name {						\
402 	struct wlp_attr_hdr hdr;					\
403 	type name;							\
404 } __attribute__((packed));
406 #define wlp_attr_array(type, name)					\
407 struct wlp_attr_##name {						\
408 	struct wlp_attr_hdr hdr;					\
409 	type name[];							\
410 } __attribute__((packed));
412 /**
413  * WLP association attribute fields
414  * WLP Draft 0.99 [6.6.1 Table 6]
415  *
416  * Attributes appear in same order as the Table in the spec
417  * FIXME Does not define all attributes yet
418  */
420 /* Device name: Friendly name of sending device */
421 wlp_attr_array(u8, dev_name)
423 /* Enrollee Nonce: Random number generated by enrollee for an enrollment
424  * session */
425 wlp_attr(struct wlp_nonce, enonce)
427 /* Manufacturer name: Name of manufacturer of the sending device */
428 wlp_attr_array(u8, manufacturer)
430 /* WLP Message Type */
431 wlp_attr(u8, msg_type)
433 /* WLP Model name: Model name of sending device */
434 wlp_attr_array(u8, model_name)
436 /* WLP Model number: Model number of sending device */
437 wlp_attr_array(u8, model_nr)
439 /* Registrar Nonce: Random number generated by registrar for an enrollment
440  * session */
441 wlp_attr(struct wlp_nonce, rnonce)
443 /* Serial number of device */
444 wlp_attr_array(u8, serial)
446 /* UUID of enrollee */
447 wlp_attr(struct wlp_uuid, uuid_e)
449 /* UUID of registrar */
450 wlp_attr(struct wlp_uuid, uuid_r)
452 /* WLP Primary device type */
453 wlp_attr(struct wlp_dev_type, prim_dev_type)
455 /* WLP Secondary device type */
456 wlp_attr(struct wlp_dev_type, sec_dev_type)
458 /* WLP protocol version */
459 wlp_attr(u8, version)
461 /* WLP service set identifier */
462 wlp_attr(struct wlp_uuid, wssid)
464 /* WLP WSS name */
465 wlp_attr_array(u8, wss_name)
467 /* WLP WSS Secure Status */
468 wlp_attr(u8, wss_sec_status)
470 /* WSS Broadcast Address */
471 wlp_attr(struct uwb_mac_addr, wss_bcast)
473 /* WLP Accepting Enrollment */
474 wlp_attr(u8, accept_enrl)
476 /**
477  * WSS information attributes
478  * WLP Draft 0.99 [6.6.3 Table 15]
479  */
480 struct wlp_wss_info {
481 	struct wlp_attr_wssid wssid;
482 	struct wlp_attr_wss_name name;
483 	struct wlp_attr_accept_enrl accept;
484 	struct wlp_attr_wss_sec_status sec_stat;
485 	struct wlp_attr_wss_bcast bcast;
486 } __attribute__((packed));
488 /* WLP WSS Information */
489 wlp_attr_array(struct wlp_wss_info, wss_info)
491 /* WLP WSS Selection method */
492 wlp_attr(u8, wss_sel_mthd)
494 /* WLP WSS tag */
495 wlp_attr(u8, wss_tag)
497 /* WSS Virtual Address */
498 wlp_attr(struct uwb_mac_addr, wss_virt)
500 /* WLP association error */
501 wlp_attr(u8, wlp_assc_err)
503 /**
504  * WLP standard and abbreviated frames
505  *
506  * WLP Draft 0.99 [6.3] and [6.4]
507  *
508  * The difference between the WLP standard frame and the WLP
509  * abbreviated frame is that the standard frame includes the src
510  * and dest addresses from the Ethernet header, the abbreviated frame does
511  * not.
512  * The src/dest (as well as the type/length and client data) are already
513  * defined as part of the Ethernet header, we do not do this here.
514  * From this perspective the standard and abbreviated frames appear the
515  * same - they will be treated differently though.
516  *
517  * The size of this header is also captured in WLP_DATA_HLEN to enable
518  * interfaces to prepare their headroom.
519  */
520 struct wlp_frame_std_abbrv_hdr {
521 	struct wlp_frame_hdr hdr;
522 	u8 tag;
523 } __attribute__((packed));
525 /**
526  * WLP association frames
527  *
528  * WLP Draft 0.99 [6.6]
529  */
530 struct wlp_frame_assoc {
531 	struct wlp_frame_hdr hdr;
532 	enum wlp_assoc_type type:8;
533 	struct wlp_attr_version version;
534 	struct wlp_attr_msg_type msg_type;
535 	u8 attr[];
536 } __attribute__((packed));
538 /* Ethernet to dev address mapping */
539 struct wlp_eda {
540 	spinlock_t lock;
541 	struct list_head cache;	/* Eth<->Dev Addr cache */
542 };
544 /**
545  * WSS information temporary storage
546  *
547  * This information is only stored temporarily during discovery. It should
548  * not be stored unless the device is enrolled in the advertised WSS. This
549  * is done mainly because we follow the letter of the spec in this regard.
550  * See WLP 0.99 [7.2.3].
551  * When the device does become enrolled in a WSS the WSS information will
552  * be stored as part of the more comprehensive struct wlp_wss.
553  */
554 struct wlp_wss_tmp_info {
555 	char name[WLP_WSS_NAME_SIZE];
556 	u8 accept_enroll;
557 	u8 sec_status;
558 	struct uwb_mac_addr bcast;
559 };
561 struct wlp_wssid_e {
562 	struct list_head node;
563 	struct wlp_uuid wssid;
564 	struct wlp_wss_tmp_info *info;
565 };
567 /**
568  * A cache entry of WLP neighborhood
569  *
570  * @node: head of list is wlp->neighbors
571  * @wssid: list of wssids of this neighbor, element is wlp_wssid_e
572  * @info:  temporary storage for information learned during discovery. This
573  *         storage is used together with the wssid_e temporary storage
574  *         during discovery.
575  */
576 struct wlp_neighbor_e {
577 	struct list_head node;
578 	struct wlp_uuid uuid;
579 	struct uwb_dev *uwb_dev;
580 	struct list_head wssid; /* Elements are wlp_wssid_e */
581 	struct wlp_device_info *info;
582 };
584 struct wlp;
585 /**
586  * Information for an association session in progress.
587  *
588  * @exp_message: The type of the expected message. Both this message and a
589  *               F0 message (which can be sent in response to any
590  *               association frame) will be accepted as a valid message for
591  *               this session.
592  * @cb:          The function that will be called upon receipt of this
593  *               message.
594  * @cb_priv:     Private data of callback
595  * @data:        Data used in association process (always a sk_buff?)
596  * @neighbor:    Address of neighbor with which association session is in
597  *               progress.
598  */
599 struct wlp_session {
600 	enum wlp_assoc_type exp_message;
601 	void (*cb)(struct wlp *);
602 	void *cb_priv;
603 	void *data;
604 	struct uwb_dev_addr neighbor_addr;
605 };
607 /**
608  * WLP Service Set
609  *
610  * @mutex: used to protect entire WSS structure.
611  *
612  * @name: The WSS name is set to 65 bytes, 1 byte larger than the maximum
613  *        allowed by the WLP spec. This is to have a null terminated string
614  *        for display to the user. A maximum of 64 bytes will still be used
615  *        when placing the WSS name field in association frames.
616  *
617  * @accept_enroll: Accepting enrollment: Set to one if registrar is
618  *                 accepting enrollment in WSS, or zero otherwise.
619  *
620  * Global and local information for each WSS in which we are enrolled.
621  * WLP 0.99 Section 7.2.1 and Section 7.2.2
622  */
623 struct wlp_wss {
624 	struct mutex mutex;
625 	struct kobject kobj;
626 	/* Global properties. */
627 	struct wlp_uuid wssid;
628 	u8 hash;
629 	char name[WLP_WSS_NAME_SIZE];
630 	struct uwb_mac_addr bcast;
631 	u8 secure_status:1;
632 	u8 master_key[16];
633 	/* Local properties. */
634 	u8 tag;
635 	struct uwb_mac_addr virtual_addr;
636 	/* Extra */
637 	u8 accept_enroll:1;
638 	enum wlp_wss_state state;
639 };
641 /**
642  * WLP main structure
643  * @mutex: protect changes to WLP structure. We only allow changes to the
644  *         uuid, so currently this mutex only protects this field.
645  */
646 struct wlp {
647 	struct mutex mutex;
648 	struct uwb_rc *rc;		/* UWB radio controller */
649 	struct net_device *ndev;
650 	struct uwb_pal pal;
651 	struct wlp_eda eda;
652 	struct wlp_uuid uuid;
653 	struct wlp_session *session;
654 	struct wlp_wss wss;
655 	struct mutex nbmutex; /* Neighbor mutex protects neighbors list */
656 	struct list_head neighbors; /* Elements are wlp_neighbor_e */
657 	struct uwb_notifs_handler uwb_notifs_handler;
658 	struct wlp_device_info *dev_info;
659 	void (*fill_device_info)(struct wlp *wlp, struct wlp_device_info *info);
660 	int (*xmit_frame)(struct wlp *, struct sk_buff *,
661 			  struct uwb_dev_addr *);
662 	void (*stop_queue)(struct wlp *);
663 	void (*start_queue)(struct wlp *);
664 };
666 /* sysfs */
669 struct wlp_wss_attribute {
670 	struct attribute attr;
671 	ssize_t (*show)(struct wlp_wss *wss, char *buf);
672 	ssize_t (*store)(struct wlp_wss *wss, const char *buf, size_t count);
673 };
675 #define WSS_ATTR(_name, _mode, _show, _store) \
676 static struct wlp_wss_attribute wss_attr_##_name = __ATTR(_name, _mode,	\
677 							  _show, _store)
679 extern int wlp_setup(struct wlp *, struct uwb_rc *, struct net_device *ndev);
680 extern void wlp_remove(struct wlp *);
681 extern ssize_t wlp_neighborhood_show(struct wlp *, char *);
682 extern int wlp_wss_setup(struct net_device *, struct wlp_wss *);
683 extern void wlp_wss_remove(struct wlp_wss *);
684 extern ssize_t wlp_wss_activate_show(struct wlp_wss *, char *);
685 extern ssize_t wlp_wss_activate_store(struct wlp_wss *, const char *, size_t);
686 extern ssize_t wlp_eda_show(struct wlp *, char *);
687 extern ssize_t wlp_eda_store(struct wlp *, const char *, size_t);
688 extern ssize_t wlp_uuid_show(struct wlp *, char *);
689 extern ssize_t wlp_uuid_store(struct wlp *, const char *, size_t);
690 extern ssize_t wlp_dev_name_show(struct wlp *, char *);
691 extern ssize_t wlp_dev_name_store(struct wlp *, const char *, size_t);
692 extern ssize_t wlp_dev_manufacturer_show(struct wlp *, char *);
693 extern ssize_t wlp_dev_manufacturer_store(struct wlp *, const char *, size_t);
694 extern ssize_t wlp_dev_model_name_show(struct wlp *, char *);
695 extern ssize_t wlp_dev_model_name_store(struct wlp *, const char *, size_t);
696 extern ssize_t wlp_dev_model_nr_show(struct wlp *, char *);
697 extern ssize_t wlp_dev_model_nr_store(struct wlp *, const char *, size_t);
698 extern ssize_t wlp_dev_serial_show(struct wlp *, char *);
699 extern ssize_t wlp_dev_serial_store(struct wlp *, const char *, size_t);
700 extern ssize_t wlp_dev_prim_category_show(struct wlp *, char *);
701 extern ssize_t wlp_dev_prim_category_store(struct wlp *, const char *,
702 					   size_t);
703 extern ssize_t wlp_dev_prim_OUI_show(struct wlp *, char *);
704 extern ssize_t wlp_dev_prim_OUI_store(struct wlp *, const char *, size_t);
705 extern ssize_t wlp_dev_prim_OUI_sub_show(struct wlp *, char *);
706 extern ssize_t wlp_dev_prim_OUI_sub_store(struct wlp *, const char *,
707 					  size_t);
708 extern ssize_t wlp_dev_prim_subcat_show(struct wlp *, char *);
709 extern ssize_t wlp_dev_prim_subcat_store(struct wlp *, const char *,
710 					 size_t);
711 extern int wlp_receive_frame(struct device *, struct wlp *, struct sk_buff *,
712 			     struct uwb_dev_addr *);
713 extern int wlp_prepare_tx_frame(struct device *, struct wlp *,
714 			       struct sk_buff *, struct uwb_dev_addr *);
715 void wlp_reset_all(struct wlp *wlp);
717 /**
718  * Initialize WSS
719  */
720 static inline
wlp_wss_init(struct wlp_wss * wss)721 void wlp_wss_init(struct wlp_wss *wss)
722 {
723 	mutex_init(&wss->mutex);
724 }
726 static inline
wlp_init(struct wlp * wlp)727 void wlp_init(struct wlp *wlp)
728 {
729 	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&wlp->neighbors);
730 	mutex_init(&wlp->mutex);
731 	mutex_init(&wlp->nbmutex);
732 	wlp_wss_init(&wlp->wss);
733 }
736 #endif /* #ifndef __LINUX__WLP_H_ */