Introducing the Intel® EPID SDK

Intel® EPID is a cryptographic protocol which enables the remote authentication of a trusted platform whilst preserving the user's privacy.

The Intel® EPID Software Development Kit provides an implementation of the Intel® EPID specification that developers can use when developing their own applications using Intel® EPID technology.

Getting Started

If you are learning to use the SDK, we recommend the following approach:

  1. Get the Big Picture The Introduction to the Intel® EPID Scheme provides a non-implementation-specific overview of the interactions between the issuer, member, and verifier.
  2. Build the SDK For instructions, refer to Building from Source. For help installing the prerequisite build tools, refer to Guide to Installing Build Tools.
  3. Run the SDK Samples with Test Data After you build the SDK, you can follow along with the commands in the implementation specific Signing and Verification Tutorial, using the provided samples and the test data from Test Data.
  4. Check out the Code Examples Refer to Generating an Intel® EPID Signature and Verifying an Intel® EPID Signature to see how SDK APIs are used by the code examples signmsg and verifysig.
  5. Check out the API Reference The API reference shows you how to use all APIs included in the SDK.